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eCloudvalley Wins Dual Sustainability Awards from TAISE

Sustainable development with digital resilience is the core competency HONG KONG, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- eCloudvalley Digital Technology (6689), the leading digital transformation service provider, proudly announces the prestigious honor of receiving dual awards from Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) for its outstanding sustainability reporting and practices. The "Global Corporate Sustainability Award (GCSA) - Sustainability Reporting Award Bronze Class" and "Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award (TCSA) - Sustainability Individual Performance-Information Security Leadership" were granted together to eCloudvalley for the first time this year. CEO of eCloudvalley, Linda Lin, personally attended the Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF) to receive the awards. Previously, eCloudvalley had also been awarded to "TCSA Gold Award for Sustainability Report" for three consecutive years, a testament to the company's commitment to corporate sustainability. Moving forward, the Company will remain its initial commitment to continuously meet up its promises on sustainability. eCloudvalley is recognized with dual sustainability awards Honored by benchmark awards, eCloudvalley fulfills its sustainability and social responsibility commitments The Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) has been dedicated to promoting sustainable development in Taiwan in line with global standards. The Global Corporate Sustainability Award (GCSA) and the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award (TCSA) are the two key benchmarks. The "Sustainability Reporting Award" under GCSA had reached to its seventh year, judged by a panel of international experts from various perspectives, recognizing enterprises for the disclosure of sustainability information in comprehensive, transparent and credible manners. The award of "Information Security Leadership" by TCSA has been held for 17 years accumulated over 900 participants to encourage cybersecurity awareness and technical security capabilities within the corporations. This year in 2024, the award welcomed more than 1,700 professionals and judges. eCloudvalley had the honor to receive two awards in the same year, highlighting its outstanding performance in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. eCloudvalley values its employees, leads its future with sustainable development, and promotes high transparency and data-driven green initiatives For all these years, eCloudvalley believes in data-driven philosophy, providing highly transparent information in sustainability. Since the early OTC (Over-The-Counter) period, the Company has regularly published annual sustainability reports, actively responding to the needs of stakeholders. We follow both domestic and international sustainability regulations and guidelines, integrating sustainability and climate change strategies into business operations. We lead the future development of the company by leveraging digital resilience and competitiveness in cloud services. Our core sustainability goals and focus are: Organizational Development: Encourage innovation, create a flexible shared environment, and foster a friendly workplace atmosphere. The gender ratio of employees is close to 1:1, reflecting our diversity and equality. Human Rights Commitment: Issued a Human Rights Declaration, committing to equal pay for equal work, a healthy and safe work environment, freedom of association, harmonious labor relations, and the protection of personal data. Human Rights Due Diligence: Conducted a human rights risk assessment based on United Nations and international human rights initiatives, completing the first human rights due diligence investigation. Social Responsibility: Through volunteer clubs and various departments, promote cloud technology adoption, support vulnerable communities, engage in environmental protection, and actively create a positive social impact. Net-Zero Carbon Emissions: On World Environment Day this year, eCloudvalley officially announced its goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Since 2022, the headquarters has utilized renewable energy in the offices, reaching a usage rate of 3.6% in 2023, with a commitment to increase by 10% in 2025. eCloudvalley builds defense-grade cybersecurity, implementing a dual approach combines policy and technology Cybersecurity resilience is a key for sustainable business operations, and also an important indicator for achieving ESG goals. Therefore, enterprises need to establish robust information security strategies to lay a solid foundation for the development of sustainability. eCloudvalley Digital Technology, as a leading cloud service provider in Taiwan, strongly emphasizes on information security. Since 2017, the Company has obtained dual certifications of ISO 27001 and ISO 27017, demonstrating its high commitment to cybersecurity. Focusing on three main pillars - Organizational Policy, Facility and Physical Management, and Internal Communication and Continuous Management - eCloudvalley has appointed a Chief Information Security Officer, established the Information and Communication Security Committee, and implemented a comprehensive information security management plan. This plan covers network security, cybersecurity education, third-party monitoring, and employee security drills to ensure effective management of information security risks. The Company also regularly reports on the effectiveness of its cybersecurity policies. In 2023, eCloudvalley achieved a significant cybersecurity performance, with no data breaches reported during the year and multiple third-party certifications received. To date, eCloudvalley has earned the AWS Managed Security Service Provider (AWS MSSP) certification (2023), the "Trusted Cloud Provider" certification from the Cloud Security Alliance (2023), and the "Cyber Essentials Mark" from the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) (2024). Additionally, the Company's rating by the third-party organization, SecurityScorecard, was upgraded to A grade, underscoring its strong commitment to cloud information security. Moving forwards, eCloudvalley continues to drive sustainable development eCloudvalley will continue to strengthen its core competencies, enhance overall corporate capabilities, and advance ESG goals toward sustainable operations. At the same time, we are actively assisting clients in tackling carbon emission challenges by promoting cloud adoptions as well as implementing our own vision of sustainable development. This effort shall support our clients in achieving their digital transformation and net-zero carbon reduction goals. Download eCloudvalley 2023 ESG report here: https://www.ecloudvalley.com/esg-en/p/download  About eCloudvalley  eCloudvalley Digital Technology (6689), a digital transformation service provider, was founded in 2013 and is dedicated to offering enterprise-level cloud services. In 2017, eCloudvalley achieved the distinction of becoming the first AWS Premier Tier Services Partner in the Greater China. In 2019, it became an SAP Gold Sales Partner. In 2021, it was recognized as a Microsoft Licensing Solution Partner. Additionally, eCloudvalley is an Oracle Value Added Reseller (VAR). In 2022, Google Cloud was officially integrated into its public cloud services, providing a "one-stop multi-cloud service" to meet the needs of enterprise clients. eCloudvalley has also formed alliances with global leaders like SAP, a leader in ERP systems; Salesforce, a leader in customer relationship management; and Oracle, a leading enterprise software provider, to offer comprehensive cloud application services. eCloudvalley has established a global presence, with offices in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, the United States, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia. Learn about eCloudvalley services: https://www.ecloudvalley.com/en/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 375 加入收藏 :
推動高等教育朝永續發展 TAISE設立台灣永續大學獎

為鼓勵各大學將永續發展納入校務經營核心價值,引領高等教育界正向發展,台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)今年首度設立「台灣永續大學獎」,期望透過競賽機制,增進大專校院之間標竿學習,領導高等教育界和整個社會邁向永續發展。  TAISE自2008年起舉辦「台灣企業永續報告獎」,2012年擴大為台灣企業永續獎(TCSA),成為企業界積極爭取的永續獎項,也推升台灣企業在國際永續領域屢獲肯定。為了更貼切大學組織特性,TAISE決定自今年起,將「大學」自企業永續獎中獨立,透過更切合大學特性的評選指標,更有效促進同儕互相學習。  首屆「台灣永續大學獎」分為四大項目:永續傑出人物獎、永續綜合績效獎、永續報告獎和永續單項績效獎。其中前三項主要表揚各大學推動永續發展有卓越貢獻的人物、在環境(E)、社會(S)及公司治理(G)等ESG綜合表現優異者、以及能完整揭露並有效溝通永續資訊的報告。至於永續單項績效獎,則要選拔出各大學在氣候、環境管理、社會共融、職場福祉、創新成長及永續發展教育方面的領袖標竿。  TAISE獎勵委員會表示,自從聯合國2015年提出「永續發展目標(SDGs)」、2018年教育部推動「大學社會責任實踐計畫」(USR)以來,永續觀念已經逐漸在各大學校園萌芽,許多大學都能依據自身環境、所處社區和學校領域專長,發展出許多別具特色的行動方案。  像是東海大學以博雅為本,科技為用,將生態、社會、經濟與文化永續列入學校中長期校務發展計畫四大主軸,打造碳中和校園並培養綠領人才,也積極運用勞作教育傳統與所在區域共好,更建立淨零創新技術和服務平台,積極協助產業永續轉型,連續四年獲得永續典範大學榮譽。  而國立清華大學同樣從永續治理出發,逐步完成校內湖泊美化、溫室氣體盤查、以及淨零排放路徑規劃等工程,教學與研究團隊也整合地方需求,推出「大新竹食農教育區域支援系統」等多項專案,過去三年也屢獲評審肯定,穩居永續典範大學寶座。  TAISE董事長簡又新大使說明,無論企業或大學獎項,核心精神都要以正面力量鼓勵各組織投入永續發展工作,並透過評比找出可觀摩學習的標竿組織、永續領導人物和行動方案。TAISE堅持所有評分標準與國際規範接軌,以引導組織持續學習精進,逐步提高對永續發展的認知。然而他也叮嚀,雖然競賽難免排名比較,但參賽單位絕不能將獲獎視為唯一目標,唯有持之以恆、不斷改進,才能真正朝向永續發展。  首屆「台灣永續大學獎」即日起至8月10日開放報名,相關評選辦法及活動詳情可上活動官網查詢:https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/about/selection/2024-TUSA。 

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2752 加入收藏 :
TAISE 3rd Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards Embarking on a Sustainable New Journey

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach Newswire - 6 May 2024 - Aligning the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the third Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards will soon be held to recognize organizations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of sustainable development. The award ceremony will be held concurrently with the Asia-Pacific Sustainability Development Action Expo and Summit, and is expected to attract participation from industries, universities, and government agencies across the Asia-Pacific region. There have already been 1051 registrations, covering 537 organizations, showcasing the vibrant development of the Asia-Pacific region in the field of sustainable development. The 2023 Asia-Pacific and Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards Ceremony: Group photo of the distinguished guests in attendance. TAISE Chairman Dr. Eugene Chien expressed, "This is an excellent opportunity to showcase global achievements in sustainable development. We will strengthen partnerships with various industries to accelerate the realization of sustainable development goals." Last year's two international award winners, Krung Thai Bank PCL. from Thailand and PT United Tractors Tbk from Indonesia, demonstrated the new value of ESG sustainability in businesses, and more indicators are expected to participate this year. This event aims to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, raise awareness of sustainable development issues in the Asia-Pacific region, and recognize outstanding performances in sustainable development across various fields, while also providing a platform for exchange and dialogue. TAISE especially hopes to draw attention to the Livable City Award, as cities play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development goals. Registration deadline is May 31st, TAISE sincerely invites sustainable development leaders from the Asia-Pacific region to accelerate their efforts and join hands towards a sustainable future, making positive contributions to the planet's future. Official website: https://reurl.cc/9vXLjV Hashtag: #TAISEThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1451 加入收藏 :
TAISE 3rd Asia-Pacific Sustainability action Awards Embarking on a Sustainable New Journey

Since the revelation of the United Nations' "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" in 2015, regions worldwide have actively embraced sustainable development. In this wave, the Taiwan Institute of Sustainable Energy (TAISE) has taken a proactive role, integrating sustainable concepts into various sectors. In 2024, TAISE will once again host the Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA), recognizing organizations and individuals striving to promote sustainable development. The award ceremony will coincide with the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Action Expo and Summit, expecting participation from industries, universities, and government agencies across the Asia-Pacific region. With the advocacy of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, regions worldwide have accelerated their pace towards embracing sustainable development. In this sustainability revolution, TAISE is actively leading this wave of change. Since the announcement of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" in 2015, TAISE has been actively exploring the path of sustainable development. Over the past eight years, integrating sustainable development goals into organizational culture and implementing sustainable development through innovative strategies have brought numerous inspiring breakthroughs and success stories. In 2024, TAISE is once again leading the industry by hosting the 3rd Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards (APSAA). This grand event aims to recognize organizations and individuals making outstanding contributions to implementing the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals. APSAA is divided into three categories: Sustainable Action Award, recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions to the implementation of the 17 United Nations SDGs; Livable and Sustainable City Award, honoring cities with inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable characteristics; and Changemaker Award, acknowledging pioneers who integrate environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues into business decision-making, risk control, management processes, and corporate culture. The award ceremony will coincide with the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Action Expo and Summit, expecting participation from industries, universities, and government agencies from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and other Asia-Pacific countries. A spokesperson for TAISE stated, "We look forward to this grand event, which is an excellent opportunity to showcase global achievements in sustainable development. Through this event, we will strengthen partnerships with various industries to jointly accelerate the achievement of sustainable development goals." The event aims to advocate the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, raise awareness of sustainable development issues in the Asia-Pacific region, and reward outstanding performance in sustainable development across various sectors. At the same time, it will provide a platform for stakeholders to engage in dialogue, consolidating public vision and consensus on sustainable development. The deadline for registration is May 31st, and the award ceremony will be held on August 8th. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Action Awards hosted by TAISE will be a grand event showcasing the power of sustainability. Let us join hands and work together to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, injecting more hope and vitality into the future world.

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 700 加入收藏 :
攜手三大科學園區 TAISE培育永續菁英

應對國內外各項永續發展準則與規範推陳出新,各行各業積極爭搶「綠領」人才。台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)今年再度與三大科學園區管理局聯手開辦「企業永續菁英培訓班」,鼓勵園區從業人員就近學習,增加未來就業力。  迎接畢業求職求才旺季,培訓班也開放即將踏入職場的大專校院學生、以及有意轉職的產業新鮮人報名。  TAISE董事長簡又新大使表示,迎接淨零時代全面轉型挑戰,需要跨領域人才共同投入,面對快速變化的時局,更需持續虛心學習,才能轉化「永續」概念思考到實戰行動,進而深植企業組織文化。  不同於長時數的專業證照課程,「企業永續菁英培訓班」定位為認識永續議題的入門課,從全球永續趨勢切入,再透過案例剖析、實際評析永續報告書和企業永續表現,幫助學員在一天內能快速理解企業永續的核心理念,進而掌握永續報告書、永續績效評比實務運作要點,成為所屬組織永續種子。  「企業永續菁英培訓班」採初階班、進階班兩階段開課,其中初階班著重「永續報告書」,進階班則集中探討企業「永續績效表現」,除了專家講授,課程中更著重分組實戰演練與討論,晉身具備評審視角能力的永續人才。  課程學習之外,鼓勵學員們實際應用所學貢獻社會,TAISE也授予結訓學員台灣企業永續獎(TCSA)「見習評審員」資格,後續通過試評考核即可成為「志工評審員」,進一步加入TCSA「永續報告書」和「永續綜合績效」評選行列,為台灣選拔出最永續的企業楷模標竿,帶動整體永續發展,也從評比觀摩中,深化所屬企業組織永續資訊揭露內涵。  TAISE自2015年開辦「企業永續菁英培訓班」以來,累積參訓人數已超過一萬人次,訓練成效廣受學員肯定。今年上半年與四大會計師事務所合辦班級全數額滿,回應各界期待再開放與三大科學園區合辦班級,歡迎所有對ESG有興趣的人士及早報名。詳細課程資訊可上課程官網(https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/about/summit/516)查詢,或電洽:(02)2769-8968分機209。  新聞聯絡人: 簡嘉宏 研究員 02-2769-8968#803;0955-955432;dennisc@taise.org.tw 

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6035 加入收藏 :
企業永續人才先行 TAISE菁英培訓專班開放中

應對國內外各項永續發展規範上路,各行各業都積極爭搶具備即戰力的人才。台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)「企業永續菁英培訓班」即日起開放2024年專班申請,鼓勵各企業、組織或大學搶先預約,建立永續思維與基礎實務能力。   TAISE表示,不同於長時數的永續管理師證照課程,「企業永續菁英培訓班」定位為認識永續議題的入門課,從全球永續趨勢切入,再透過案例剖析、並由講師帶領實際評析永續報告和企業永續表現,確保學員真正理解企業永續的核心理念,進而得以應用自身所屬組織實踐。   TAISE副執行長鄭頎一說明,金管會已經發布「上市櫃公司永續發展行動方案」,所有上市櫃公司最遲2025年都必須發布永續報告書,因應各企業實務需要,菁英培訓班特別設計「永續報告書」以及「ESG永續績效表現」兩大核心課程,各規劃一天完整課程,引領學員透過評比演練,掌握企業永續資訊揭露品質要求,進而深化永續工作內涵。   他提到,「企業永續菁英培訓班」2015年開辦至今,與四大會計師事務所、三大科學園區、臺北市產業發展局、以及多所大學分別合作開班,總培訓學員將近萬人。而在公開課程外,也有許多企業直接在所屬據點開設專班,將講師邀請到家,就近培養員工永續知能進而建立永續團隊;也有學校結合既有通識課程,幫助學生從在校期間就做好準備,及早與社會接軌。   而這些歷經實戰訓練的結訓學員,不僅能成為各企業或組織的永續種子,通過考核後也能實際參與台灣企業永續獎(TCSA)評比作業,進一步帶動台灣整體永續表現持續進步。統計2023年共有988位學員通過考核成為評審員,實地參與TCSA評分歷程,也從評審過程持續精進自身對企業永續作為的認識。   永續菁英培訓班即日起開放企業、組織或學校申請開設專班,詳情可洽台灣永續能源研究基金會鄭小姐:電話02-27698968#209 或上官網https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/about/summit查詢。  

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3150 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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