Driving the Quality Revolution: Better Aesthetics, Higher Quality

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3787 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, March 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report by China.org.cn on China's "quality revolution" in the apparel industry:

When picking out an outfit, what's your primary consideration? Design, quality, or cost performance ratio?

In China nowadays, quality outfits with customized designs are ever more popular among consumers. More and more consumers have begun to pay attention to the "origin" of clothes, as well as whether the production process is low-carbon and environmentally friendly. The clothes' "carbon footprints" have also appeared on the labels of homegrown outfit brands.

These are just segments that reflect a bigger picture: China, a country that has been producing clothes of good quality and relatively low prices for several decades, is now experiencing an ongoing consumption upgrade and a "quality revolution" in the manufacturing industry.

China is the world's second largest economy and consumer market. In 2022, McKinsey released a whitepaper on China's fashion industry, in which it mentioned that China boasts the world's largest market, a whopping 427 billion USD, for apparel and shoes, edging out the US in second. Chinese people's annual average spending on apparel and shoes exceeded 300 USD in 2021, which crowns the country as the largest single market in the category, occupying about one fourth of global volume.

Meanwhile, powered by China's e-commerce and the hyper growth of omnichannel retailing, the penetration rate of China's fashion market makes it a global forerunner. Via the internet, clothing from all around the world is made accessible, which in turn creates greater demand for the quality, brand and diversity of clothing.

The growing scale of and upgrades in consumption constantly drive businesses to reinvent themselves more quickly.

Nowadays, more and more clothing companies prefer more environmentally friendly and sustainable materials, like wool, mulberry silk and bamboo fibers. "Chinese designs" and "Chinese brands" with oriental tints are also stealing some of the thunder on the international fashion stage. Chinese companies are also improving their production with innovative techniques, for example, making 100% wool textiles machine-washable, and making 3D wrinkle-free shirts. Some mature brands, like Goldlion, Anta and Bosideng are marching full speed ahead toward high-quality development.

Mr.Tsang Chi Ming, Chairman of Goldlion:

"High-quality development has become the keyword for China's economic development, and it will definitely drive the 'quality revolution' of products made in China.

For 55 years, Goldlion has stuck to its original aspiration of developing high-quality outfits. We have led the industry with our techniques in manufacturing 3D wrinkle-free shirts, machine-washable 100% wool and mulberry silk materials and so on. Keeping innovation in mind, we have acquired 60 patents, including 3 for technology creation, as well as the GTTC (Guangzhou Inspection Testing and Certification Group) certification for high quality. We have taken the lead or participated in drafting seven national and industrial criteria, such as the 'high-quality business attire for men' and 'high-quality ties.' These efforts are in line with China's national strategy of improving the overall quality of its economic growth."

In recent years, China has highlighted manufacturing as a key driver in its efforts to develop the real economy. Multiple measures have been adopted to drive the industry toward mid to high-end development, so as to improve the quality and competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry. Transformational upgrades in the apparel industry are a mirror of such process. With the original aspiration in mind, the 'quality revolution' echoes people's increasingly diverse needs, and its high-quality fruits are bound to grow on more and more international consumers."

China Mosaic
Driving the Quality Revolution: Better Aesthetics, Higher Quality


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