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SingNow's "Kara Soul Meetup" at Vivo City Concludes Successfully

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 231 加入收藏 :

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On August 3rd, SingNow held the "Kara Soul Meetup" at Vivo City Shopping Mall (1058 Nguyen Van Linh Street, Tan Phong, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City). This meetup also marked the conclusion of the "Kara Soul Takes Over Ho Chi Minh City" event.

The SingNow event booth created quite a crowd effect at Vivo City. Vivo City management confirmed that this was the first time a brand hosted an event from morning to evening. The "Kara Soul Meetup" left a strong impression and received enthusiastic participation from attendees.

At the "Kara Soul Meetup," attendees could unleash their imagination by coloring and creating a unique Kara Soul. They could also participate in games like "Guess the song" or "Rush mode" to win souvenirs from SingNow. Most notably, anyone who showcased their singing talents on stage was rewarded with cash prizes, making this the most positively received activity!

Following the "Kara Soul Takes Over Ho Chi Minh City" event and the "Kara Soul Meetup" at Vivo City, SingNow discovered many new talented voices. These participants, who have a natural singing ability and a passion for music but had not yet found an engaging platform, were captivated after experiencing the SingNow karaoke app and immediately joined the SingNow community.

SingNow is not just an ordinary karaoke app; it actively expands its partnerships within the music industry, collaborating with record companies, artists, and producers to promote musical development. In the future, SingNow plans to create more musical playgrounds for music lovers, to discover and nurture new music stars. This commitment to music events, both online and offline, is one of the reasons SingNow is willing to invest significantly in these initiatives.

SingNow will continue to uphold the concept of "Creating an entertaining online karaoke platform for everyone with a musical dream," bringing more surprises and enjoyment to its users. Let's join SingNow in inspiring a passion for music in everyone's future journey.

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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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