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Kempus Introduces The Kempus Podcast, Your Go-to Resource for Navigating College Life and Early Career Development

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2277 加入收藏 :

NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kempus, an online community where students can connect and discuss the university and early career experience anonymously, is excited to announce the launch of The Kempus Podcast on Spotify, to further build on its mission to create an enriched community for college students.

The Kempus Podcast, which is hosted by Kempus' Lead Program Manager, Alvin Ye, aims to be a hub of authentic college experiences. It will cover a wide range of topics including but not limited to career development, dating advice, mental health, and even adulting.

The podcast is designed to foster a more enriched community by sharing a diverse range of voices and experiences from various walks of life, including students, alumni, and colleagues. The inaugural episode covers a recent record-breaking win of the Oregon Ducks, Kempus' sponsorship of the "Autzen Singalong" at the University of Oregon, and features Brennan Furber, a Program Coordinator for Kempus and the podcast's future co-host.

Beyond the immediate scope of enriching the student experience, the podcast seeks to serve as a platform for Kempus' partnerships and various programs beneficial to students, including spotlights on the Kempus community, and Kempus' vibrant marketing internship program.

Future episodes will feature topics such as:

  • Navigating the intricacies of Impostor Syndrome
  • Industry-specific episodes
  • Product development discussions by the Kempus team
  • Entrepreneurship insights by Kempus CEO and Co-founder, Jae Lee
  • Recruitment tips by Kempus' team
  • Insights on working in the the tech space in Asia
  • Building healthy social lives and relationships in college
  • Balancing social life and academics

"I'm thrilled to bring the Kempus Podcast to life. This platform will not just offer insights but also help students make sense of their journey. We're looking to make The Kempus Podcast a place where students, alumni, and professionals can openly share the good, the bad, and the complex aspects of college and early career life." says Alvin Ye.

When asked about what's in store for the podcast, Jae Lee, the CEO of Kempus, says, "This is the start of a larger conversation that resonates with the diverse needs and aspirations of students everywhere. We believe in creating value through genuine connections and real-world insights. With the introduction of The Kempus Podcast, we're not just talking about college life, we're diving deep into the experiences that shape us."

Discover the Kempus Podcast now at: http://kempus.ai/podcast

About Kempus

Kempus (Kempus, Inc.) is an online community for verified students to anonymously connect and share reviews on their course and university experience—without fear of reprisal. With Kempus, students can access up-to-date reports on components of the university experience at a glance, and are further encouraged to dive into deeper discussions within Kempus' platform. Additionally, the Kempus platform assists the student body with early career preparation, for further empowerment. The Kempus community is one that strengthens its members at the individual level, to facilitate the most optimal and delightful university experience that is as unique as the students themselves. For more information about Kempus, visit www.kempus.com

Download Kempus on iOS: https://kempus.ai/ios-app
Download Kempus on Android: https://kempus.ai/android-app



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