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wire China 2023: Gathering Momentum to Drive the Future Development of the Wire & Cable Industry

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 671 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI, Sept. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 10th All China - International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair (wire China 2023), jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute Co., Ltd., was grandly opened at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on September 4th.

"Digital Intelligence + Low Carbon" activates the engines of growth

Focusing on the latest trends such as "Intelligent Manufacturing", "Green and Low Carbon", "Digital Innovation" and "Sustainable Development", wire China 2023 gathers more than 900 domestic and foreign exhibitors, spread over 57,500m2, to showcase innovation, quality products and solutions for the wire and cable industry. The scope of exhibits covers wire and cable manufacturing, finishing machinery, auxiliary cable processing, raw and auxiliary materials for cables (optical cables), finished wires and cables, measurement and control technologies, testing engineering and other related fields.

Concurrent activities take turns to ignite a new wave of intelligence

During the exhibition, the organizers cooperated with government agencies, industry associations and financial institutions to launch multiple professional forums and conferences.

The theme of wire China 2023 is "strengthening the industry chain, congregating for intelligent development". It is committed to improving the development of the industry chain, by discussions on new economic trends and new development patterns, analyzing the development status of the local and international wire and cable industry, publishing reports on enterprise competitiveness, sorting out technical challenges and difficult problems related to cables.

The 2023 Wire Winding Industry Technology Forum, with the theme of "High Efficiency, Intelligence, Environmental Protection and Innovation", will conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on trending topics such as "technical development of flat winding wires for electric vehicles, construction of intelligent factories, and increasingly rigid environmental protection protocols", to promote the high-quality development of the industry.

The organizers have meticulously organized several themed technical exchange conferences and activities during wire China 2023. Various forums with different themes including Industrial Economy sub-forum, Green and Low-Carbon sub-forum, Intelligent Manufacturing sub-forum and Digital Innovation sub-forum are scheduled. The focus will be on wire & cable digitalization, and intelligence and development in an environmentally friendly manner. Well-known enterprises and senior experts from the industry will deliver speeches to share insightful topics and ignite a wave of intelligence!

For more details about the exhibition, please visit the official website of wire China: www.wirechina.net.

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