ADI發表嵌入式軟體發展環境CodeFusion Studio™和Developer Portal簡化和加速智慧邊緣開發

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 855 加入收藏 :
  • ADI以開發者為中心打造全新套件,整合跨裝置、跨市場的硬體、軟體和服務,CodeFusion Studio™和ADI全新Developer Portal為該套件中首批亮相的方案
  • 其中包含ADI Assure™ Trusted Edge Security Architecture (可信邊緣安全架構),此通用安全架構旨在整個框架內提供更可靠、更值得信賴的安全能力
  • 上述方案有效結合,提供以開發者為中心的體驗,透過整合開源配置和分析工具加速產品上市並提升安全性和可靠性 

台北2024年10月8日 /美通社/ -- 全球領先的半導體公司Analog Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADI)日前發表以開發者為中心的套件,整合跨裝置、跨市場的硬體、軟體和服務,協助客戶以更快的速度和更高的安全性實現智慧邊緣創新。此次發表之核心為CodeFusion Studio™,為一基於Microsoft Visual Studio Code的全新多功能嵌入式軟體發展環境,並且是ADI首款全整合式軟體和安全解決方案套件。CodeFusion Studio™採用先進整合式開發環境(IDE)和命令列介面,透過整合開源配置和分析工具來簡化異質處理器的開發工作並提升效率。 

ADI發表嵌入式軟體發展環境CodeFusion Studio™和Developer Portal簡化和加速智慧邊緣開發
ADI發表嵌入式軟體發展環境CodeFusion Studio™和Developer Portal簡化和加速智慧邊緣開發

CodeFusion Studio™現已可在ADI全新的Developer Portal (developer.analog.com網頁)下載。作為綜合資源中心,ADI Developer Portal提供廣泛的文檔、支援、合作夥伴及技術社群互動計畫。CodeFusion Studio™並支援ADI Assure™可信邊緣安全架構。ADI Assure™為ADI通用的硬體與軟體安全基礎,能以簡單彈性的方式在智慧邊緣裝置中實現本地安全性。CodeFusion Studio™、ADI Assure™和ADI Developer Portal 共同為客戶提供所需的工具和資源,協助客戶以更高的安全性和可靠性讓產品更快上市。透過縮短部署時間,客戶將能迅速發揮智慧邊緣的全部價值,進而作出更佳的商業決策,提升客戶滿意度,增強洞察力並推動整體業務成長。 

ADI全球事業部總裁Gregory Bryant表示:「隨著邊緣端的嵌入式開發越趨複雜,硬體、軟體和安全層面的專業知識必須同時兼具。我們堅信,ADI的獨特定位與優勢能夠在不同的市場提供整合和垂直技術領域的深厚專業知識,進而推動更快速、更簡便、更具性價比的創新。因此,我們致力投入開發和推出相關解決方案,並計劃持續推動,協助客戶從容進行智慧邊緣的創新。」

關於CodeFusion Studio™ CodeFusion Studio™基於開源解決方案而建構,支援包括精選ADI微控制器在內的多種硬體,並將在產品的後續版本中推出更多數位解決方案。CodeFusion Studio™包含IDE、軟體開發套件(SDK)以及各類配置和生產力工具,其專以開發者為中心而打造,透過提供所需的抽象層級簡化異質處理器的開發工作並提升效率。在與客戶的深度合作中,ADI發現產品開發週期中近一半時間都用於除錯和部署的準備工作上,而預期CodeFusion Studio™的推出將明顯縮短此類任務所需時間,最終協助客戶加速產品上市,並大幅節省成本。

關於ADI Assure™智慧邊緣的特性和功能不斷發展,但也伴隨著更高網路安全風險,並催生對新法規的要求。ADI Assure™品牌代表了ADI在智慧邊緣本地整合安全的承諾。ADI Assure™ Trusted Edge Security Architecture (可信邊緣安全架構)則為該品牌的首個重要組成,其中包含精選ADI硬體產品中的硬體安全功能,以及Code Fusion Studio™中所提供具有應用程式設計發展介面(API)的軟體層。最初支援MAX32690微控制器的安全防護API將在不斷壯大的ADI處理平台中保持一致,既可簡化軟體遷移,又能以可擴展的方式滿足應用程式的資源和互通性需求。

透過簡化典型安全用例的建置,並在設計週期內儘早實現安全性,ADI Assure™ Trusted Edge Security Architecture將協助客戶縮短新產品設計和上市時間,並實現「安全設計」目標。

關於ADI Developer Portal和開源承諾:上述方案與ADI Developer Portal相互結合,為開發者提供所需資源,包含大量文檔、支援、合作夥伴計畫與強大的技術社群。此外,ADI在支援開源專案方面擁有悠久的歷史,目前也正擴大其在開源社群的參與度,以創建更卓越、更便捷的解決方案,實現與協力廠商解決方案的輕鬆整合,最終支援現有客戶和潛在客戶使用其首選的抽象層級,並充分利用智慧邊緣的先進成果。



Analog Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq:ADI)為全球領先的半導體公司,致力於現實世界與數位世界間搭建橋樑,以實現智慧邊緣領域之突破性創新。ADI提供結合類比、數位和軟體技術之解決方案以推動數位化工廠、汽車和數位醫療等領域之持續發展,因應氣候變遷挑戰,同時建立人與世界萬物的可靠互聯。ADI 2023會計年度營收超過120億美元,透過全球約2.6萬名員工,以及與全球12.5萬家客戶之攜手合作,致力協助創新者不斷超越一切可能。更多資訊請瀏覽 

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Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, which address a variety of subjects including, for example, our statements regarding expected product solutions, offerings, technologies, capabilities, and applications, including those that may incorporate, or be based upon, software; the value and importance of, and other benefits related to, our product solutions, offerings, and technologies to our customers, including those that may incorporate, or be based upon, software; expected market and technology trends; and other future events. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs, plans and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The following important factors and uncertainties, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements: economic, political, legal and regulatory uncertainty or conflicts; changes in demand for semiconductor products; manufacturing delays, product and raw materials availability and supply chain disruptions; products that may be diverted from our authorized distribution channels; changes in export classifications, import and export regulations or duties and tariffs; our development of technologies and research and development investments; our future liquidity, capital needs and capital expenditures; our ability to compete successfully in the markets in which we operate; our ability to recruit and retain key personnel; risks related to acquisitions or other strategic transactions; security breaches or other cyber incidents; adverse results in litigation matters; reputational damage; changes in our estimates of our expected tax rates based on current tax law; risks related to our indebtedness; and unanticipated difficulties or expenditures related to integrating Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. For additional information about factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, please refer to our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the risk factors contained in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Forward-looking statements represent management's current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

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