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Lenovo 於 MWC 2025 揭曉混合式 AI 的突破性進展,推出一系列整合式裝置與解決方案,賦予創作者、專業人士與企業強大助力。全新產品延續 Lenovo「Smarter AI for all 」的願景,無縫落實端到端AI,強化創作、連線與協作體驗,實現高效能的智慧化作業。從不同規格的革新裝置到經濟實惠的邊緣推理伺服器,於 MWC 亮相的多種技術不僅彰顯 Lenovo AI 產品線的成熟與多功能性,更將大膽創新設計與實際應用場景相互結合。 Lenovo 的 MWC 發表會亮點如下: l 前瞻概念科技:探索未來筆電的無限可能,包括配備向外摺疊螢幕的 ThinkBook Flip AI 概念筆電、極具設計感的 Lenovo Magic Bay 配件,以及由太陽能供電的 Yoga Solar 概念筆電。 l 創新 AI 筆電:全新 ThinkPad T14s 2-in-1、搭載獨立 NPU 的 ThinkBook 16p Gen 6,以及極致工藝與效能兼具的 Yoga Pro 9i Aura Edition (16", 10),帶來更強大的 AI 運算能力與行動生產力。 l Lenovo AI Now:全新裝置端個人化智慧助理,提供更直覺、高效的 AI 體驗。 l Smart Connect 2.0:統一數位生態圈的軟體解決方案,實現跨裝置 AI 整合,無縫連接 Lenovo AI Now 與 moto ai,打造智慧協作新體驗。 l ThinkEdge SE100:以親民價格提供企業級邊緣 AI 推理與智慧服務,讓 AI 應用更加普及,助力企業發展。 Lenovo 董事長暨執行長楊元慶於 MWC 主題演講中表示:「我們堅信整合的強大力量。透過統合裝置、邊緣與雲端的 AI 模型、數據及運算能力,我們能為客戶打造全面的 AI 解決方案,推動更加緊密串聯的生態圈,釋放 AI 潛能,提升人類創造力,最終將理想化為現實。」 Lenovo 持續推動 AI 普及化與個人化,將智慧科技深度融入裝置,並推出具備實際應用價值的 AI 助理解決方案。憑藉在混合式基礎架構領域的領先地位,Lenovo近期發布 Lenovo 混合式 AI 優勢,並積極拓展企業級 AI 技術應用。隨著資訊長與企業領導者愈發關注 AI 投資的實際回報,Lenovo 以最佳合作夥伴的角色,協助企業在各種規模下釋放 AI 潛力,提供高度客製化的 AI 服務。 無論企業正處於 AI 初期探索、擴展規模,或優化效能階段,Lenovo 的 AI 解決方案與服務均能助其取得實質業務成果。從 AI PC Fast Start 部署服務到進階 AI 應用,Lenovo 憑藉深厚的 AI 專業,讓企業能夠快速、高效地發揮 AI 投資效益。 Lenovo 資安暨 AI 長 Doug Fisher 表示:「隨著新世代 AI 在整合與個人化領域的快速發展,Lenovo 始終堅守品牌承諾,確保資安與隱私絕不妥協。在 MWC 上,我們見證 AI 帶來的深遠變革,而 Lenovo 將持續專注於負責任、創新且強健的管理機制,在客戶、合作夥伴與社群之間建立深厚信任關係。」 此次 MWC 展出的先進 AI 技術,延續了 Lenovo 在混合 AI 領域的發展勢頭,包含Lenovo Tech World 的前瞻產品陣容和CES 發表的獨創 AI 裝置,更體現整體業務的卓越成長,為全球企業與個人用戶開啟 AI 驅動的新時代。 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 強悍的個人化 AI 體驗跨裝置實現 Lenovo 推出全新 AI 筆電、軟體及概念設計,功能融合先進創新與以人為本的多元概念,帶來卓越的使用體驗,為使用者提供強大效能,滿足各種複雜任務的需求。 l Yoga 與 IdeaPad:AI 驅動即時創意與生產力 Lenovo 發表全新 Yoga 和 IdeaPad AI 筆電,並同步推出融入創新概念設計的應用軟體與配件,全面運用 AI 的強大效能,提升客戶的創造力與生產力。隨著更多 Copilot+ AI 筆電選項的推出、NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU 帶來的強大圖形運算效能,以及 Lenovo 與 Intel 共同打造的Aura Edition 筆電,全新的 Yoga 和 IdeaPad 系列全面升級為創作、工作與娛樂帶來更流暢、簡單且富有樂趣的體驗。 本次大會的亮點之一是 Yoga Solar 概念筆電,其顛覆傳統筆電形態,突破地將太陽能技術與極致輕薄設計完美結合。這款概念筆電的核心理念是隨時隨地維持生產力,透過先進的太陽能技術大幅提升能源吸收效率,即使在低光源環境下仍能確保穩定效能。Yoga Solar 的誕生,不僅展現了 Lenovo 在科技創新上的突破,也驗證了品牌對可持續發展的承諾,為未來的再生能源應用開創更多可能性。 如欲進一步瞭解相關詳情,請參考新聞資料。 l ThinkPad 與 ThinkBook:AI 商務筆電新世代 Lenovo 亦發表全新 AI 商務裝置產品系列,包括新一代 ThinkPad 和 ThinkBook 筆電,以及擴充版軟體和最新 ThinkShield 安全性解決方案,全力展示以未來趨勢為導向的沉浸式 AI 概念技術。這些新款裝置針對專業人士與混合辦公者設計,結合 AI 運算、靈活機身設計與企業級資安解決方案,全面提升效率、個人化體驗與業務安全性。 其中,ThinkBook AI Flip 概念筆電 承襲先前 ThinkBook 概念機的創新精神,採用自動升降、摺疊的 OLED螢幕設計,以 AI 增強成就多工處理與協作需求,可在多種工作模式間自由切換,軟硬體結合重新定義 AI 商務筆電的可能性。此裝置具備動態辦公空間調整與智慧控制功能,讓專業人士無論身處何地都能高效工作。作為 Lenovo MWC 2025 的重點展示之一,ThinkBook AI Flip概念筆電充分展現了 AI 驅動的混合辦公新紀元,為未來工作方式帶來更多靈活性與智慧化選項。 如欲進一步瞭解相關詳情,請參考新聞資料。 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 基礎架構解決方案 助力企業 AI 技術突破地理限制 為了讓中小企業與大型企業都能以經濟實惠的方式運用邊緣 AI,Lenovo 發布業界首創的入門級 AI 推理伺服器 ThinkEdge SE100,重新定義 AI 的靈活性與運算效率。這款產品在用戶端伺服器與邊緣伺服器之間取得平衡,其設計精簡、安全,且具備高成本效益,能夠靈活應對多元業務需求,幫助企業更高效地導入 AI 技術,成為在各種環境中完成 AI 部署的關鍵。 Lenovo擁有業界涵蓋最廣的邊緣運算基礎架構產品組合,全球邊緣系統銷量已突破百萬,並連續 13 個季度實現業務增長。憑藉這一強勁動能,Lenovo 持續擴展 AI 運算的應用範圍,助力企業跨越地理限制,全面推動智慧轉型。 如欲進一步瞭解 Lenovo MWC 2025相關詳情,請造訪MWC大會頁面或StoryHub。
BEIJING, March 4, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from chinadaily.com.cn: The Xiaoqikong scenic spot in Libo county is a captivating destination. CHINA DAILY From waterfalls to misty mountains, from diverse ethnic groups to local cuisines, this majestic province will leave you breathless in 240 hours, Yang Jun reports in Guiyang. Tucked away in southwestern China, Guizhou province is a land of unspoiled beauty and rich cultural diversity. This land of misty mountains, tranquil rivers and timeless karst formations seems to exist beyond the reaches of modernity. Home to a tapestry of ethnic groups, Guizhou breathes life into ancient customs - from the slash-and-burn rhythms of its traditional agriculture to the echoes of totem worship and the mesmerizing grace of ritual dances. Creation myths, hymns, sacrificial rites and folklore weave into daily life, preserved in a culture that reveres storytelling as an art form. With its mild climate and warm hospitality, the province beckons travelers to immerse themselves in its serene landscapes and heritage, offering a glimpse of a China far removed from the clamor of urban life. Whether your heart longs for adventure, reflection, or thrills, Guizhou promises an unforgettable journey into the soul of a land like no other. Day 1: Guiyang Old Town The first day in Guizhou is dedicated to Guiyang, a city saturated with history. As the province's capital, Guiyang is a city embraced for its cool climate, rich cultural heritage and diverse cuisine. Upon arrival, head straight to Nanming district to start your day like a local. Enjoy a traditional Guizhou breakfast in the bustling markets and indulge in street food favorites like changwang noodles, a dish made with pork offal, blood curd and fried pork bits. If that's too rich, opt for sticky rice dishes instead. In the afternoon, visit Jiaxiu Pavilion, a 400-year-old landmark perched on the Nanming River. This historic structure offers stunning views and glimpses into the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) cultural legacies. The name Jiaxiu symbolizes academic excellence and the flourishing of talent. Stroll around the pavilion to admire its elegant style while soaking in the river views. For dinner, give Guiyang's famous roadside barbecue a try. It's not just about flavors - the lively atmosphere makes it unforgettable. Dip your skewers in Guizhou's houttuynia cordata (fish mint), or "fishy-smelly herb" sauce, for a true taste of the region. Grab a refreshing cup of bingjiang, a mix of fruit, sticky rice and crushed ice and spend your evening wandering through Renmin Square and the old streets to see street performances and illuminated fountains. Stay at one of the many hotels near Dashizi in the bustling city center and get a good night's sleep - the rest of Guizhou awaits. Day 2: Chishui Danxia A four-hour drive from Zunyi Railway Station, the Chishui Danxia Tourist Area has three must-see attractions - The Great Waterfall, Foguangyan (Buddha Light Rock) and Yanziyan (Swallow Rock). The Danxia landscape, known for its dramatic red sandstone cliffs, was shaped by powerful rivers carving through the terrain during a tectonic uplift, resulting in a breathtaking contrast of towering peaks and plunging waterfalls. Chishui Great Waterfall is 76 meters high and 81 meters wide and is the largest waterfall on a Danxia landform. Surrounded by a lush subtropical rainforest with 99 percent forest coverage, it's a spot you don't want to miss. Foguangyan features the world's largest exposed red sandstone wall in the Danxia formations. Its centerpiece is a striking arc-shaped cliff stretching 1,127 meters, with a waterfall cascading 269 meters - a truly awe-inspiring sight. Exploring the area requires at least four hours on foot, so prepare for a workout. The steep mountain paths, dense forests and countless waterfalls make it a rewarding but physically demanding adventure. Don't forget your raincoat and slip-resistant shoes, as safety is key on these trails. Bing'an Ancient Town offers a quiet, convenient overnight retreat with easy access to scenic spots. If you prefer a city vibe, staying in Zunyi is a good option, with shuttle buses to take you directly to the attractions. Day 3: Fanjing Mountain If you dream of traversing a pristine subtropical forest, Fanjing Mountain is the ideal destination. Hidden within its dense woods, you might catch a glimpse of the elusive Guizhou golden monkey, a species only found here. Fanjing Mountain is part of the Wuling Mountain range in Tongren city, with an elevation of 2,572 meters and offering some of the most breathtaking vistas in the province. Known as an "ecological island", it has the best-preserved primeval forest at its latitude and is home to more than 7,000 plant and animal species, including rare species dating back 70 million to 2 million years. The mountain's unique geological formations, shaped over millennia, create a stunningly diverse, majestic landscape. Due to its elevation, the mountain shows distinctive vertical climate zones, with weather often differing between its base and summit. The Hongyun Golden Peak is a distinctive landmark, offering incredible sunrise views. A radiant light cascades over the mountaintop as the sun ascends from behind the clouds, where you can get a bird's-eye view of Fanjing Mountain's vast beauty. Fanjing Mountain also holds deep spiritual significance. Revered as a sacred Buddhist site, its name is derived from the Buddhist concept, symbolizing transcendence and serenity. In July 2018, Fanjing Mountain was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List, cementing its status as a global treasure. Consider staying in the Yunshe village, which has winding streams, ancient bridges and the aroma of smoked meats, offering a glimpse into the timeless charm of rural mountain life. Day 4: Zhenyuan Ancient Town A three-hour drive from Fanjing Mountain brings you to Zhenyuan Ancient Town, a hidden gem in the mountains and valleys of southeastern Guizhou. With over 2,000 years of history, Zhenyuan preserves the rustic charm of the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. The Wuyang River meanders through the town in an S-shape, dividing it into two parts - the former administrative city on the north bank and the ancient military garrison on the south. From above, the layout resembles a tai chi symbol. As one of Guizhou's four major ancient towns, Zhenyuan is the perfect place to experience the leisurely pace of life in ancient time. By day, it resembles an ink-wash painting; at night, it transforms into a spectacle of lights. After sunset, red lanterns light up along the river, with water reflections creating an enchanting scene. The cobblestone paths, lined with flickering lights, exude a tranquil, romantic atmosphere. Stroll along Heba Street to Minzhu Street, where well-preserved buildings adorned with lanterns set a picturesque mood. The riverside is also dotted with cozy cafes and small bars where you can sip local rice wine while listening to the river's gentle flow. Must-try delicacies include green bean tofu pudding, tofu balls, bayberry soup, sticky rice and grilled fish. Consider staying in a riverside guesthouse and waking up to views of the winding Wuyang River or enjoy the rainy nights and illuminated skylines from your window. Day 5: Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is one of the largest settlements of the Miao ethnic group in the world, where culture and nature intertwine. "Qianhu" means thousands of household. The crystal-clear Baishui River divides the village into picturesque hamlets that cling to the hillsides. A panoramic view of the sprawling village shrouded in morning mist can be viewed from the observation deck - a sight so poetic that Chinese writer Yu Qiuyu said: "It answers everything with beauty." Immerse yourself in the rhythms of Miao life by strolling through cobbled paths lined with traditional stilted houses and witness the heritage of this ancient community. Indulge in local delicacies like sour fish soup and Miao-style cured bacon at charming eateries, where every bite is a taste of the region's unique culture. Hillside guesthouses offer cozy stays and stunning views of the village below, while nearby star-rated hotels cater to those seeking modern comforts. Its classic spots include Lusheng Field, Diaojiao Building Group, Gage Ancient Lane, Youfang Street, Xijiang Miao Museum, Fengyu Bridge, Youfang Field, the viewing platform, and the pastoral tourist area. Day 6: Xiaoqikong Nestled in the emerald mountains of Guizhou's Qiannan Bouyei and Miao autonomous prefecture, Libo is a stunning natural retreat. The Xiaoqikong (seven small arches) Bridge, built in 1835, is a highlight in the area. Follow the river upstream to encounter the cascading Laya and spectacular 68-step waterfalls, surrounded by lush greenery. Libo's unique terrain, mainly mountainous plateaus, is a wonderland of karst landscapes, featuring peak forests, limestone caves, stone forests on water and underground rivers. Setting this area apart are its waters and dense forests - particularly the one-of-a-kind water forest, recognized as one of China's top 10 most beautiful forests by Chinese National Geography. A walk through the water forest reveals a magical scene of trees embedded in stones rising from the water, their roots extending deep into the riverbed below. There are many accommodation options near Libo Ancient Town, and the area is a hub for local delicacies where you can try the beef rice noodles for breakfast before setting out. Day 7: Huangguoshu Waterfall Located 128 kilometers, a 30-minute high-speed train ride from Guiyang, Anshun is home to the magnificent Huangguoshu Waterfall, Guizhou's most iconic tourist destination. Stand beneath the waterfall to feel the refreshing mist envelop you. On the way to the waterfall, you might pass the Baling River Bridge, one of the tallest of its kind worldwide, and the soon-to-be taller Huajiang Grand Canyon Bridge. Driving on the highways through Guizhou's mountains and valleys, you'll feel the allure of this "museum of bridges". Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest in China at 77.8 meters tall and 101 meters wide. The best time to visit is from June through October. At the base lies Rhinoceros Pool, where rainbows appear, most frequently in summer, amid the waterfall's spray, shifting and transforming as you move. Behind the waterfall is the famous Water Curtain Cave, made famous by the 1986 TV adaptation of Journey to the West. The 134-meter-long cave has six windows through which visitors can marvel at the cascading water. Inside, you'll find five chambers, three cave springs and two cave waterfalls. At sunset, stand by the windows for a breathtaking view of Rhinoceros Pool, where rainbows mingle with clouds and mist, an experience known as the "Water Curtain Cave inner view sunset". The Huangguoshu National Park is vast, with the main waterfall taking about two hours to explore. Bring a raincoat to enjoy the grandeur or traverse the Water Curtain Cave for adventure. While in the area, be sure to try Anshun's culinary specialty duoduo rice tofu hotpot, featuring rice tofu simmered in a rich tomato-based broth. Staying in downtown Anshun is recommended for better lodging options and convenient access to the scenic area. Day 8: Wanfenglin Wanfenglin Scenic Area, the largest and an iconic karst peak forest in China, stretches over 200 km in length and 30-50 km in width. The forest rises abruptly from the ground, blending with picturesque farmlands. In August 1639, famous travel writer Xu Xiake marveled at Wanfenglin, exclaiming: "Mountains abound across the land, but only here do they form a forest." The scenic area comprises the eastern and western peak forests. The eastern section is bold and majestic, while the western side exudes elegance and charm enhanced by vast farmlands that evoke a poetic vision of pastoral life. In the western peak forest, tranquil villages dot the landscape. The graceful Nahui River winds like a ribbon through verdant fields and cottages, painting a vivid scene. Visitors can stroll through the fields, cycle along serene paths, and revel in the earthy fragrance of the soil, basking in the warmth of the sunset. Villages at the foot of the peaks offer sweeping views of the magnificent scenery. Beyond its breathtaking natural beauty, Wanfenglin boasts a rich cultural heritage. It is home to the Bouyei, Miao and other ethnic groups which have cultivated unique traditions over generations. Visitors can immerse themselves in the region's culture through hands-on activities like batik dyeing and embroidery or by exploring distinctive architecture, festivals and ethnic songs and dances. The homestays near Nahui village are recommended. At night, the lively marketplaces provide a vibrant contrast to the day's tranquillity. Don't miss local culinary delights such as sour bamboo shoots with beef or specialty fried rice, authentic flavors that will linger long after you leave. Day 9-10: Guiyang city life If a destination that seamlessly combines the energy of a modern city with the tranquillity of nature is more your style, Guanshanhu district in Guiyang is an unbeatable choice. Known as an "urban oasis", this new district is the perfect conclusion to your Guizhou journey. At the heart of the district lies Guanshanhu Park, a sprawling urban wetland covering approximately 327.72 hectares. As one of Southwest China's largest parks, it serves as the city's "green lung", providing a serene escape from bustling urban life. Stroll along the wooden boardwalks that trace the shimmering lake, rent a bike, or set up a picnic to savor the healing powers of nature. In the afternoon, delve into the wonders of geology and paleontology at the Geological Museum of Guizhou. This is the ideal place to discover why Guizhou is hailed the "Kingdom of Karst". The museum showcases an extraordinary array of geological treasures, from massive crinoid and ichthyosaur fossils that offer a glimpse into life millions of years ago, to minerals and rocks that highlight the region's rich natural resources. Plan to spend about one to two hours exploring the exhibits. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm, but closed on Mondays, so it's best to confirm the schedule in advance. If you're into archaeology, plan to spend about three hours at the Guizhou Provincial Museum, where you can dive into the province's rich history. Highlights include the mysterious bronze yue axes with intricate patterns and the stunning ethnic costumes. As night falls, head to Aydc creative community, a dynamic space where Guizhou's ethnic culture meets modern design. This new hub, beloved by local youth, is the perfect spot to experience the region's innovative cultural pulse. Stroll from the outdoor market to the third floor to encounter lively attractions like an energetic skatepark, Moto Garage for motorcycle enthusiasts and ASPIR, where you can buy unique handcrafted goods and local specialties. When hunger strikes, grab a bowl of beef noodles enhanced with spicy roasted chili sauce, followed by a sweet, refreshing serving of fruit tofu pudding. If you're lucky, you might stumble upon a roadside concert in Guiyang. Don't worry, these performances are open to all, with no tickets, no boundaries and no walls. It's all about spontaneity - passionate singing on stage to a lively crowd below. During the holidays, especially the New Year, Guiyang transforms into a sea of music at night. Each district boasts unique music venues, which may lead to a sleepless night. To top it off, enjoy a pint of craft beer while listening to live music, letting the rhythm of the evening draw your day to a close.
Milestone deal for DAZN's position as the global home of sport. This acquisition establishes DAZN's sports platform in Australia, one of the world's most attractive sports markets. Foxtel Group will leverage DAZN's global reach, industry-leading technology and extensive content portfolio to further enhance the viewing experience for Australian sports fans. LONDON, NEW YORK, and SYDNEY, Dec. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DAZN, a world-leading sports entertainment platform, has today announced an agreement to acquire Foxtel Group ('Foxtel') from its majority shareholder News Corp and minority shareholder Telstra at an enterprise value of US$2.2 billion, subject to regulatory approval. The acquisition establishes DAZN as a leader in sports entertainment in Australia – a highly attractive sports market – while also expanding DAZN's global footprint and enhancing the group's standing as the global home of sport. The addition of Foxtel to DAZN brings the Group's pro-forma revenues towards US$6 billion and provides the additional content, expertise, and expansion opportunities to accelerate DAZN's growth trajectory. Foxtel is one of Australia's leading media companies, with 4.7 million subscribers, who will benefit from DAZN's extensive portfolio of sports content, platform technology, and global reach. From its beginnings as Australia's original pay-TV innovator, Foxtel has evolved to become a digital and streaming leader in sports and entertainment and the proposed transaction positions Foxtel for continued expansion as a digital-first, streaming-focused business. Foxtel will maintain its local character, led by the CEO, Patrick Delany, and his world-class management team. DAZN, a sports streaming platform with a truly global reach, is committed to growing the global audience for domestic Australian sports across the 200 territories in which it is available. Under the terms of the transaction, News Corp and Telstra will become minority shareholders in DAZN, enabling them to retain an interest in Foxtel. Shay Segev, Chief Executive Officer of DAZN, said: "Australians watch more sport than any other country in the world, which makes this deal an incredibly exciting opportunity for DAZN to enter a key market, marking another step in our long-term strategy to become the global home of sport. Foxtel is a successful business that has undergone a remarkable digital transformation in recent years, and we are confident that our global reach and relentless pursuit of innovation will continue to drive the business forward and ensure long-term success. "We are committed to supporting and investing in Foxtel's television and streaming services, across both sports and entertainment, using our world-leading technology to further enhance the viewing experience for customers. We are also committed to using our global reach to export Australia's most popular sports to new markets around the world, and we will continue to promote women's and under-represented sports. "We're looking forward to working closely with Patrick Delany and his team, as well as News Corp and Telstra as shareholders in DAZN, to realise our ambitious vision for the future of sport entertainment." Siobhan McKenna, the Chairman of Foxtel, said the agreement with DAZN was international recognition of the transformation of Foxtel from an incumbent pay TV operator to a sports and entertainment digital and streaming leader. "Over the last seven years the Foxtel team, with the strong support of News, have achieved an extraordinary turnaround in an intensely competitive environment." Foxtel Group CEO, Patrick Delany, said: "Today's announcement is a natural evolution for the Foxtel Group, having reinvented the company over the past five years as Australia's most dynamic technology-led streaming company. "Kayo and Foxtel provide Australian sports fans with access to the best Australian and international sport and shows, including AFL, NRL and Cricket with 4.7 million subscribers. "We are excited by DAZN's commitment to the Australian market. They are experts in the sports media business and can play a significant role in supporting Foxtel as the business grows its streaming capabilities, bringing a bigger and better service to customers across entertainment, news and sport. They are a perfect match for us as we look toward this next era of growth. "We have been grateful for the support of News Corp while we reimagined the future of Foxtel. In 2019, when we merged Foxtel and Fox Sports we had many people questioning our future. "After launching Kayo later in 2019 and BINGE in 2020, today we are the largest Australian-based streamer of sport and entertainment, we have stabilised our Foxtel base and launched Hubbl to help consumers find all the streamed content they love all in one place. This wouldn't have been possible without the support and encouragement of News Corp." NOTES TO EDITORS About DAZN As a world-leading sports entertainment platform, DAZN streams over 90,000 live events annually and is available in more than 200 markets worldwide. DAZN is the home of European football, women's football, boxing and MMA, and the NFL internationally. The platform features the biggest sports and leagues from around the world – Bundesliga, Serie A, LALIGA, Ligue 1, Formula 1, NBA, Moto GP, and many more including the 2025 FIFA Club World Cup. DAZN is transforming the way people enjoy sport. With a single, frictionless platform, sports fans can watch, play, buy, and connect. Live and on-demand sports content, anywhere, in any language, on any device – only on DAZN. DAZN partners with leading pay-TV operators, ISPs and Telcos worldwide to maximise sports exposure to a broad audience. Its partners include Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Sky, Movistar, Telenet, Vodafone, and many more. DAZN is a global, privately-owned company, founded in 2016, with more than 3,000 employees. The Group generated $3.2bn in revenue in 2023, having grown its annual revenues by over 50% on average from 2020 to 2023, through diverse revenue streams comprising subscriptions, advertising, sponsorship, and transactional. For more information on DAZN, our products, people, and performance, visit www.dazngroup.com. About Foxtel The Foxtel Group is one of Australia's leading media companies with 4.7 million subscribers. Its businesses include subscription television, streaming, sports production and advertising. The Foxtel Group is owned 65% by News Corp and 35% by Telstra. The Foxtel Group's diversified business includes Fox Sports, Australia's leading sports production company, famous for live sports and shows with the best commentators and personalities. It is also the home of local and global entertainment content and continues to be the partner of choice for the widest range of sports and international content providers based on established, long-term relationships, growing streaming audiences, and position as the largest Australian-based subscription television company.
Vietnam-based Markkystreams[dot]com and 137 Associated Domains Comprise Largest Live Sports Piracy Operation Takedown to Date LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), the world's leading anti-piracy coalition, announced the shutdown of a notorious live sports piracy ring based in Vietnam and viewed extensively throughout the world. Combined, the operation's illicit sites logged 812M visits over the past 12 months, making it one of the largest sports piracy rings in the world, and the largest sports piracy ring taken down by ACE to date. The shuttered sites include notorious sports piracy targets such as bestsolaris[dot]com, streameast[dot]to; markkystreams[dot]com; crackstreams[dot]dev; and weakspell[dot]to. Through an intensive, global investigation, ACE identified and approached the sites' Hanoi-based operators, who agreed to immediately transfer 138 domains to ACE. "The shutdown of this globally notorious live sports piracy ring is a huge victory in our campaign against the piracy of live sports programs and follows other recent successful actions by ACE and law enforcement in Vietnam," said Larissa Knapp, Executive Vice President and Chief Content Protection Officer for the Motion Picture Association (MPA). "ACE's live sports members face a unique threat when it comes to digital piracy, as live sports broadcasts lose substantial commercial value once the game ends. The takedown serves as a warning to piracy operators everywhere – including operators in live sports piracy – that ACE will identify and shut down their illegal operations." Primarily targeting audiences in the U.S. and Canada, the sites streamed sports events daily, including content from all the U.S. sports leagues and global leagues of every category. The illicit operation affected all ACE members, including ACE's sports tier members beIN Sports, Canal+ and DAZN. "DAZN stands with ACE in the fight to eradicate piracy, which undermines the sports ecosystem at all levels," said Ed McCarthy, Chief Operating Officer of DAZN. "It is very pleasing that a criminal operation of this scale was taken down. Piracy often compromises the security of fans' data, which is then used for illegal purposes, so the closure of this piracy ring has the added benefit that potential subscribers will be guided toward legitimate content providers like DAZN." All sites will be redirecting to the ACE "Watch Legally" page. About The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) is the world's leading coalition dedicated to protecting the legal creative market and reducing digital piracy. Driven by a comprehensive approach to addressing piracy through criminal referrals, civil litigation, and cease-and-desist operations, ACE has achieved many successful global enforcement actions against illegal streaming services and unauthorized content sources and their operators. Drawing upon the collective expertise and resources of more than 50 media and entertainment companies around the world—including sports channels and associations—and reinforced by the Motion Picture Association's content protection operations, ACE protects the creativity and innovation that drives the global growth of core copyright and entertainment industries. The current governing board members for ACE are Amazon, Apple TV+, Netflix, Paramount Global, Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, The Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Bros. Discovery. Charles Rivkin is Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association and Chairman of ACE. For more information, visit www.alliance4creativity.com. About DAZN DAZN is the world's leading sports entertainment platform. It broadcasts over 90,000 live events annually and is available in more than 200 markets worldwide. DAZN is the home of European football, women's football, boxing and MMA, and the NFL internationally. The platform features the biggest sports and leagues from around the world – Bundesliga, Serie A, LALIGA, Ligue 1, Formula 1, NBA, Moto GP, and many more, including the FIFA Club World Cup 2025™. DAZN is transforming the way people enjoy sport. With a single, frictionless platform, sports fans can watch, play, buy, and connect. Live and on-demand sports content, anywhere, in any language, on any device – only on DAZN. For more information on DAZN, our products, people, and performance, visit www.dazngroup.com.
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