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本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫 從2005年創立開始,「金外灘」獎迄今已有19年歷史,它不僅是華人室內設計領域的經典獎項,也是華人室內設計行業發展的風向標。「金外灘」獎希望通過評選,不斷挖掘華人室內設計行業的新生力量,從而促進設計行業整體水準不斷發展,19年來,眾多華人優秀室內設計師憑借自身實力從比賽中脫穎而出,並帶著「金外灘」獎的榮譽走向更廣闊的舞臺,見證了行業的創新與繁榮。2024年,第十九屆「金外灘」獎累計報名3500餘件,體現了「金外灘」獎在廣大設計師心目中的份量。 考量品牌形象的呈現,簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 於入口處設計一道結合天然石材及碧竹的主視覺牆,展顯質樸踏實的日式精神,並懸掛印有虎、兔圖樣的傳統燈籠,既象徵此處於虎年籌備、兔年營運的背景故事,更藉日本文化中具喜氣意涵的藍白色調,寄寓商家未來能順利發展的期許。和風美作《和光潤月》由眾多作品中脫穎而出,獲取2024金外灘獎「最佳餐飲空間獎」入圍獎榮耀! 簡兆芝 主持設計師(建築師) 簡兆芝 /Kathy學歷國立交通大學建築研究所 設計組碩士 經歷皓宇工程顧問股份有限公司 建築暨都市設計組-副理固特室內設計工程有限公司-專案設計師欣漢設計工程有限公司-主設計師實力文教機構 建築師班-講師台北科技大學 非學分班-兼任講師蘭陽技術學院-兼任講師西安賈孝遠建築師事務所-室內設計部經理大器設計-部門經理 公司宗旨簡兆芝室內裝修設計股份有限公司,嘗試探尋「人」與「空間」的融合及對話。「空間」是一個裝置的機構,這個機構含括了種種靜態與動態的行為,「設計」為了各種靜態及動態的行為,進行量身訂製規劃、配置,進而使其達到合理的安排及使用化,在這個過程中包含了區隔、動線、配置預算,以上這歸屬於機能性的部份,在設計上我們必需呈現生命力,更精準的是說讓它可以帶出其本質的靈魂,充滿其中。 設計理念順應空間場域的自然特性、使用者的活動狀況、構造方式而決定其空間設計定位;希望從其空間視覺上表現出內外張力的互動,及空間質量與色彩的平衡,將空間呈現出互相交錯及延伸之特性;可融合出使用者與其空間之個人化獨特空間氛圍, 希望揚棄僵化的空間區分之邊際線,運用簡潔創新的手法,來定義空間本身的生命力,脫繭出傳統空間界線定義的束縛;不遵守傳統對稱設計的手法,端視使用者需求及平衡設計之手法來呈現空間效果。 獲獎經歷2024法國 DNA Paris Design Awards《和光潤月》Winner中國 地建師設計大獎《和光潤月》- 優秀獎美國 Titan Property Awards《柔漫蘊生》- Gold美國 Titan Property Awards《和光潤月》- Gold美國 Muse Design Awards《柔漫蘊生》- Gold美國 Muse Design Awards《和光潤月》- Gold 2023美國《Interior Design》中文版 - 2022-2023年度封面人物美國 International Design Awards《和光潤月》-Honorable Mention英國 Outstanding Property Award London《和光潤月》Winner英國 Outstanding Property Award London《柔漫蘊生》Winner中國 APDC 亞太室內設計精英邀請賽《璞石琢輝》Winner中國 APDC 亞太室內設計精英邀請賽《和光潤月》Winner 2022德國 iF設計大獎《煦光蘊玉》- iF Award新加坡 SIDA《璞石琢輝》- 銀獎美國 Muse Design Awards《璞石琢輝》- Gold美國 Muse Design Awards《漫饗和食》- Silver英國 Outstanding Property Award London《琢白》Winner美國 International Design Awards《漫饗和食》-Honorable Mention法國 Novum《煦光蘊玉》- Silver Winner 2021台灣 華人金創獎《煦光蘊玉》- 醫療院所類 銀獎美國 Muse Design Awards《舞花綻藝》- Gold美國 Muse Design Awards《煦光蘊玉》- Gold英國 Outstanding Property Award London《舞花綻藝》《煦光蘊玉》- Winner美國 International Design Awards《煦光蘊玉》-Honorable Mention法國 Novum Design Award《舞花綻藝》- Silver Winner杜拜 DUBAI Competition 國際專業室內設計大賽《煦光蘊玉》- 商業空間 銅獎中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《煦光蘊玉》- 商業空間類 大獎中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《酌藝》- 佳作獎中國 金堂獎《煦光蘊玉》- 年度傑出公共空間中國 地產設計大獎《墨藝藏金》- 優秀獎中國 第八屆中國國際城市設計週 - 2020年度設計行業 菁英人物 2020德國 German Design Award《Deloitte Taiwan》- Winner美國 MUSE Design Awards《墨藝藏金》- Gold美國 MUSE Design Awards《磐石雅居》- Gold法國 Novum Design Award《磐石雅居》- Silver Winner杜拜 DUBAI Competition 國際專業室內設計大賽《墨藝藏金》- 住宅空間類 銅獎英國 Outstanding Property Award London《墨藝藏金》- Winner美國《Interior Design》中文版 - 2020-2021年度封面人物中國 地產設計大獎《Deloitte Taiwan》- 優秀獎中國 金外灘《Deloitte Taiwan》- 優秀獎中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《墨藝藏金》- 佳作獎中國 Design Focus 國際空間設計大獎 - 年度設計行業菁英人物 2019義大利 A' Design Award and Competition《Deloitte Taiwan》- Silver美國 MUSE Design Awards《幽岸岩光》- Gold英國 Outstanding Property Award London《Deloitte Taiwan》- Winner英國 Outstanding Property Award London《幽岸岩光》Winner美國 International Design Awards《幽岸岩光》-Honorable Mention杜拜 DUBAI Competition 國際專業室內設計大賽《Deloitte Taiwan》- 辦公空間類 銀獎杜拜 DUBAI Competition 國際專業室內設計大賽《幽岸岩光》- 住宅空間類 銀獎美國《interior Design》中文版 - 1989-2019 全國百名優秀室內建築師中國 M+高端室內設計大賽《幽岸岩光》- 年度影響力TOP100中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《Deloitte Taiwan》- 大獎中國 APDC 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《幽岸岩光》- 榮譽提名獎台灣 華人金創獎《Deloitte Taiwan》- 優良作品 獲獎作品《和光潤月》 ▲店面外觀以水泥台階、落地玻璃和深色石皮,打造簡約純粹的樸實感受,消弭建物與人們的距離感,另於招牌旁加入傳統日式建築常見的落水鏈,凸顯餐廳風格與料理樣式。 ▲入門後隨即可見日式設計語彙濃厚的主視覺牆,奠定出鮮明的品牌形象,而足下地燈溢散的柔和光暈,也為顧客帶來賓至如歸的親切感。 ▲延續整體風格,客席區與飲品吧台間採用原石和碧竹,營造日式庭園的氛圍與禪意,而鋪貼於牆面的鏡材,則為用餐者帶來無限延伸的視感,達至放大場域之效。 ▲包廂以木質為基調,呈遞溫潤靜謐的用餐氛圍,搭載機能完善的影音設備,提供顧客更多歡度餐敘時光的選擇。 OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/
告別化學刺激,擁抱自然舒適—全棉時代Purcotton引領純淨環保新生活 母嬰日用品牌『Purcotton 全棉時代』 正式宣布進入台灣市場,為台灣消費者帶來高品質、天然環保的全棉產品。作為一個致力於提供舒適、健康、環保產品的品牌,全棉時代期待與台灣消費者分享純淨、安心的生活理念。 全棉.改變世界 自成立以來,全棉時代秉持讓人們遠離化學品刺激、回歸自然健康生活的理念,以"全棉改變世界"為願景。棉花天然且安全,具備可再生和可自然降解的特性,減少了對環境的負擔與污染,降低地球資源的消耗,回歸自然健康的生活,實現循環利用朝向永續發展的目標邁進。 醫療背景 品質至上 全棉時代傳承穩健醫療(Winner Medical)三十餘年的專業背景和品質基因,將專業知識和技術應用於產品中,確保每件產品都符合最高的醫療級標準。公司的生產廠房均通過GMP(優良製造規範)標準,並為醫療級無塵工廠,為消費者提供可靠的健康保障。這種嚴格的品質管控和生產標準,體現了全棉時代對產品安全性和效能的不懈追求,為消費者提供值得信賴的日常護理選擇。 優質純棉 嬰兒級標準 全棉時代選用天然優質高等級棉花為核心原材料,拒絕任何有害添加。生產標準遵循嬰兒級用品的要求,確保每件產品都安全無害。這種嚴格的標準不僅適用於嬰兒產品,還擴展至全產品線,為敏感肌膚的消費者提供全方位的呵護。 多元產品線,滿足多場景需求 全棉時代選用天然優質,高等級棉花為核心原材料,棉花透氣性佳且吸濕性強,能保持肌膚乾爽舒適;質地柔軟,不刺激皮膚。產品線涵蓋多種日常生活用品,包括自上市以來持續熱銷,創下全球銷售第一名註的棉柔巾、衛生棉、嬰兒用品、家居用品等,滿足從寶寶到成人,從居家到戶外的多種生活需求, 讓人們遠離化學刺激引領人們走向安心、幸福、永續的全棉生活方式。 台灣市場,全棉時代將優先推出多款明星產品,包括乾濕兩用巾、柔濕巾、衛生棉和紗布浴巾等,為台灣消費者提供全方位的純棉生活體驗。相信透過日常生活中的每一個細節,都能為顧客營造更健康、更舒適的生活環境。全棉時代邀請大家一同探索純棉生活的美好,共同編織一個更加純淨、健康和環保的未來。 通路資訊 Water3F|蝦皮購物|momo購物網|媽咪愛 註:來源為歐睿信息諮詢(上海)有限公司,按 2023 年全球零售渠道銷售量計算(張),棉柔巾/洗臉巾定義為:以紡織纖維(如棉花)為原料,經非織造工藝加工而成的清潔人體皮膚用(如洗臉)乾態擦拭巾,於 2024 年2月完成調研。
Introducing New Digital Art and Generated Art Categories BREA, Calif., Aug. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ViewSonic Corp.[i], a leading global provider of visual solutions, is thrilled to kick off the much-anticipated ColorPro Awards, marking the fifth consecutive year of the company's commitment to inspiring and empowering creators worldwide. This year's theme, "Momentum," invites creators to channel the boundless energy of momentum, riding its unstoppable wave toward the horizons of their dreams and aspirations. Submissions are open from now until September 24th, 2024. To learn more and participate, visit the ColorPro Awards website:https://www.viewsonic.com/colorpro/event/colorproawards2024/  The 5th ColorPro Awards : MOMENTUM Teaser Over the past five years, the ColorPro Awards have transformed from a photography contest into a global celebration of diverse visual arts. This year, the competition expands beyond photography and videography, introducing a special award for the Digital Art category and the People's Choice Award for the Generated Art category. The newly introduced Generated Art category, designed to ignite and explore the creative potential of new artistic tools, will have its entries shortlisted by experts before opening to public voting, empowering the ColorPro Community to decide the winner. Meanwhile, industry professionals will evaluate entries and determine the winners in the Photography, Videography, and Digital Art categories. Category winners will receive prizes from a pool valued at approximately $24,000 USD. These prizes include cash awards, top-of-the-line ColorPro monitors, and a suite of products and memberships designed to optimize creative workflows, including PANTONE and Calibrite products, a 1-year Shoot The Frame Premium membership, and a 1-year Tinyspace membership. Furthermore, winners will gain global exposure through ColorPro's digital channels, award ceremonies, exhibitions, and long-term collaborations as ColorPro Partners. "We are excited to launch the fifth ColorPro Awards and continue our mission to inspire and empower creators around the world. Each year, we see astounding creativity and innovation, and this year's theme, 'Momentum,' perfectly encapsulates the forward-driving energy we hope to ignite in our participants," stated Oscar Lin, General Manager of the Monitor Business Unit at ViewSonic. "By introducing new categories for Digital Art and Generated Art, we aim to broaden the scope of creative expression and provide even more opportunities for artists to showcase their talents." Notably, industry leaders SHOOTERS, PANTONE®, Tinyspace, Calibrite, Shoot The Frame and The Design Kids will not only host workshops and promotional activities during the awards but also serve as esteemed members of the judging panel. This panel of internationally acclaimed photographers, videographers, and digital artists will review the submissions, ensuring impartiality and recognizing excellence in artistic expression. Entries will be evaluated based on their storytelling, aesthetics, creativity, relevance to the awards theme, and execution. ViewSonic also invites five advocates to share their narratives of "Momentum." Andrea Astarita, a renowned photographer, describes "Momentum" as "freezing a moment where movement is captured in time, communicating the energy and dynamism of the subject in motion." His photographs highlight how momentum is ever-present in our surroundings. Tim Burgess, an acclaimed nature photographer and videographer, connects "Momentum" with the immense energy of ocean waters. In his video, "The Great Migration," he captures the migration of humpback whales, showcasing their incredible momentum as they traverse the Pacific in large pods, demonstrating immense power when they breach the ocean's surface. Discover more artwork and visual arts tips from The 5th ColorPro Awards advocates at https://www.viewsonic.com/colorpro/event/colorproawards2024/pro-tips For more details about The 5th ColorPro Awards, please visit: https://www.viewsonic.com/colorpro/event/colorproawards2024/ [i] ViewSonic International Corp., located in New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the host and sponsor of the contest. ViewSonic International Corp. is a subsidiary of ViewSonic Corp., located in California, USA. About ViewSonic Founded in 1987 in California, ViewSonic is a leading global visual solutions provider with a presence in over 100 countries. The company leverages over 35 years of expertise in visual technology to deliver a comprehensive portfolio of hardware, software, content, and services. ViewSonic offers a wide range of products, with screen sizes spanning from 5 inches to a massive 760 inches. This includes interactive displays, large format displays, LED displays, pen displays, monitors, projectors, SaaS, AI services, interactive content, and more. This innovative ecosystem empowers education, workplaces, and individuals to foster creativity, collaboration, and seamless learning. ViewSonic focuses on designing products that deliver optimal performance and customer satisfaction while integrating sustainable production practices and upholding comprehensive environmental, social, and governance standards. The company's goal is to enable customers to "See the Difference". Learn more at www.viewsonic.com. About SHOOTERSSHOOTERS is a global creative community that hosts unique energy-filled events for creators to shoot, network, and meet like minded people from around the world. Since its inception in 2016, the community has harnessed the power of social media to grow into the millions, continuing to expand rapidly worldwide. With 12 hubs around the globe and more on the horizon, SHOOTERS welcomes new members to join its ever-growing community. For more information, please visit www.worldshooters.com or explore @world.shooters and @uk.shooters on Instagram. About PantonePantone provides the universal language of color that enables color-critical decisions through every stage of the workflow for brands and manufacturers. More than 10 million designers and producers around the world rely on Pantone products and services to help define, communicate and control color from inspiration to realization – leveraging advanced X-Rite technology to achieve color consistency across various materials and finishes for graphics, fashion and product design. Pantone Standards feature digital and physical color specification and workflow tools. The Pantone Color Institute™ provides customized color standards, brand identity and product color consulting as well as trend forecasting inclusive of Pantone Color of the Year, Fashion Runway Color Trend Reports, color psychology and more. Pantone B2B Licensing incorporates the Pantone Color System into different products and services, enabling licensees to communicate and reproduce Pantone values and improve efficiencies for their users. Pantone Lifestyle brings color and design together across apparel, home, and accessories. Learn more at www.pantone.com and connect with Pantone on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. About TinyspaceTinyspace is a premier portfolio, resume, and job application platform designed to help UX, UI, CX, product, service, and graphic design professionals land their next gig. Discover more at https://hey.tinyspace.io. About CalibriteCalibrite is dedicated to providing the very best solutions for photographers, filmmakers, designers and content creators who love color and demand the very best tools for their color-critical workflow. Learn more at https://calibrite.com/ About Shoot The FrameShoot The Frame, launched in 2012, hosts monthly photography competitions. Join professional and amateur photographers from around the globe and enter your best portrait, landscape, and wildlife photos for a chance to win fantastic prizes and international exposure. Learn more at https://shoottheframe.com/ About The Design KidsTDK (The Design Kids) is a global online resource and local offline communities around the world, for thousands of student and graduate graphic designers.We aim to educate, inspire and connect you to the design industry.https://thedesignkids.org/ ViewSonic Opens Entries for The 5th ColorPro Awards: Momentum
Industry-Leading Company Adds New Robotic Pool Skimmer to its Highly-Acclaimed Advanced Robot Pool Cleaning Solutions RICHMOND, Texas, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Beatbot, the brand behind the industry's most innovative robotic pool cleaners, announced today the launch of the Beatbot iSkim Ultra, the world's first intelligent robotic pool skimmer with ultra cleaning and control performance, designed to revolutionize pool maintenance. The brand's new robotic pool cleaning solution, recognized as a Muse Design Award Gold Winner, not only features a premium aesthetic design but also boasts cutting-edge capabilities. Particularly noteworthy are the industry-exclusive water clarification system and the highly responsive app remote control, which together deliver unmatched cleaning performance. Beatbot iSkim Ultra Extensive consumer research determined that challenges with current robotic skimmers on the market include poor debris pick-up, inefficiency and poor coverage, poor obstacle handling, lack of advanced intelligence and convenience features, low durability and reliability and short battery life. Beatbot engineers designed a top of the line and highly intelligent robot to provide significant improvements in each of these areas. Ultra Cleaning Performance The Beatbot iSkim Ultra sets a new standard in pool skimming with its superior water clarification, extensive coverage, efficient debris removal, and impressive combined solar and battery charging capabilities. Powered by the powerful Beatbot OS, the iSkim Ultra is a decisive, thorough cleaning companion. The Beatbot iSkim Ultra begins by scanning the pool with tri-ultrasonic sensors which are among its 20 sensors, sensing the pool's unique layout, leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize path planning. The system follows an S-shaped pattern* to efficiently skim the water surface, capturing debris effectively. Beatbot's innovative approach to efficient cleaning and comprehensive coverage display the brand's commitment to unprecedented skimming power. The effortless and easy-to-use robot boasts industry first features including: Beatbot's proprietary ClearWater™ Clarification System, an industry-exclusive feature, automatically dispenses an eco-friendly clarifier from recycled materials to clarify the pool and keep water visibility crystal-clear. The powerful water purification system removes dirt, oils, and metal residues, preventing scum buildup. The 300ml clarifying agent kit ensures the robot cleans up to 99,000 gallons of water. Comprehensive Brush Technology including the ultra large 265mm front roller brush, complimented by industry-first dual side brushes to significantly reduce the chance of the robot pushing debris sideways as it moves, unlike ordinary pool robots. The iSkim Ultra uses the rotating side brushes to create a water flow that gathers debris towards the center, then the front brush sweeps the debris into its massive 9L filter. The filter's innovative anti-spill hatch design ensures that debris is securely contained, achieving the most effective cleaning. AI-enabled Advanced and Intuitive Path Navigation, leveraging seven motors and sophisticated obstacle-handling mechanisms maximizes skimming power and efficiency. The innovative 7-motor system provides reliable propulsion, precise edge and surface debris cleaning, and automatic clarification, which delivers unmatched power, durability, and precision. Utilizing tri-ultrasonic sensors as the eyes and ears of the device, it scans pool layout. The robot understands the water's surface, using two above-water sensors and advanced AI for obstacle avoidance and navigation and one underwater sensor for precise edge and corner detection and debris removal. Around the Clock Cleaning With Innovative Power Innovations, including the industry's largest 24W high-power solar panel and large-capacity battery to optimize performance and efficiency under sunlight conditions. Thanks to its SolarTrack™ light energy tracking technology, in cases of insufficient sunlight, when the battery level drops, the iSkim Ultra initiates light-chasing to locate adequate sunlight for charging, resuming cleaning once it has enough battery power. During cloudy weather or nighttime, the system's 10,000mAh battery takes over– powering ultra long uninterrupted cleaning. This means less frequent recharging and more continuous cleaning. Ultra Control Performance Another feature distinguishing the Beatbot iSkim Ultra is its responsive app-enabled remote control. Pool owners can swiftly navigate the robot, adjust its speed, monitor water temperature, summon it back to the poolside, schedule cleaning and clarifier dispensing, check cleaning status, and view cleaning history records. These are accessible through their smartphone, with dual connection options—WiFi and Bluetooth, ensuring extended range, offline and uninterrupted control. Additionally, the iSkim Ultra gives real-time updates on cleaning progress, operational status, and critical alerts like low battery and high temperatures through Voice Broadcast. From power-on to task completion, the robot's voice keeps pool owners engaged and informed, making pool maintenance more interactive and seamless. Best-In-Class Convenience and Reliability Equipped with innovative magnetic wireless charging, The iSkim Ultra features safe and accessible charging options. Beatbot ensures the protection of exposed ports, reducing the risk of water damage or fire hazards. Automatic alignment ensures precise and secure charging contact, preventing overheating or short circuits. The system's charging methods offer a quick 5-hour charge time, ensuring your pool cleaner is always ready for use. In addition to the industry's most advanced and modern pool cleaning features, the Beatbot iSkim Ultra is equipped with: Smart Parking on Pool Edge: the Beatbot iSkim Ultra docks by the wall after finishing the job, powering down into a sleep after 5 minutes to save battery. Users can easily retrieve, restart or schedule new tasks via the app at any time. 1-Click Full Opening Filter Design: With a one-touch release mechanism, the iSkim Ultra's filter design offers an easy maintenance experience. Users can fully open the basket with a simple click, allowing for effortless and mess-free debris disposal. 2-Year Warranty + 14 Certifications: Extreme safety and reliability backed by a two-year warranty and 14 industry certifications. Availability and Pricing Experience the unmatched cleaning intelligence and efficiency of the Beatbot iSkim Ultra by learning more on Beatbot's official website. The iSkim Ultra is available for consumer presale on August 1, 2024, MSRP $1,499.00 in the US. For European regions, including VAT, the price is €1,799. As a special early-bird offer, Beatbot is excited to extend a substantial discount to the first wave of presale orders for a limited time only. ### About Beatbot Beatbot is a technology brand redefining smart pool care and is dedicated to the global robotization of swimming pool environments. Pioneering core technologies like brushless water pumps, AUV spatial locomotion, sonar laser SLAM, and space mapping navigation algorithms, Beatbot has secured numerous patents and pioneered industry-first innovations, and holds over 164 patents (granted and under application), including 65 patents for inventions. Media Contactmedia@beatbot.com *All data are sourced from Beatbot Lab. Due to experimental conditions, the test results may differ from actual usage. Please refer to actual usage for precise information. *Water level should be at least 10 cm below the pool edge for complete edge recognition and path planning. If not, cleaning can proceed, but the S-shaped path and coverage may be affected. Infinity pools do not allow pool scanning and edge cleaning due to their design and the high water level, which prevent the robot from visualizing the edges. Beatbot iSkim Ultra's been Recognized as Gold Winner 2024 of Muse Design Awards.
BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire – 31 July 2024 - ONYX Hospitality Group, a renowned leader in hotel management, is embarking on a significant roadshow event in India. Taking place from 22nd – 26th July 22 2024, the roadshow will visit four key cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai. This initiative aims to engage with the rapidly growing and vibrant tourism sector in India, a market that ranks among ONYX's top five globally. India is an important market for ONYX Hospitality Group, currently holding the position of the fourth largest market year-to-date (YTD). Indian travellers are choosing ONYX's properties for both business and leisure, drawn by the diverse and exceptional offerings across the portfolio. Amari hotels are the most popular among Indian guests, followed by OZO, Oriental Residence, and Shama, respectively. The roadshow will focus on showcasing ONYX Hospitality Group's Thai properties, with Thailand being one of the most popular countries for outbound travel in the Indian market (accounting to approximately 5% of outbound travel). Preferred destinations in Thailand include Bangkok, Pattaya, and beach destinations, particularly Phuket. According to reports from Booking.com and McKinsey, Indian travellers are predicted to become the world's fourth-largest spenders on tourism by 2030, with an estimated $410 billion USD in expenditure. It is estimated that by 2030, Indian travellers will undertake over 5 billion trips (including domestic and international travel), leading to an increase in tourism expenditure to $410 billion USD, representing a leap of more than 170 percent from $150 billion USD in 2019.This huge growth underscores the importance of catering to the Indian market with tailored offerings and exceptional service. Mr. Bharath Satyavolu, Vice President, Revenue Management, ONYX Hospitality Group, commented: "The Indian market is of paramount importance to ONYX Hospitality Group, ranking among our top five globally. Our roadshow in India is a strategic initiative to strengthen our relationships with our valued Indian travellers, who are increasingly seeking unique and memorable experiences, which we strive to provide through our diverse brand portfolio. By engaging directly with this dynamic market, we aim to showcase our varied offerings, as well as gaining market knowledge to ensure we are continually adapting to meet the needs and preferences of both corporate and leisure travellers. We are committed to creating unforgettable experiences that resonate with Indian travellers, ensuring they feel at home wherever they choose to stay with us, and engage with our brands to make them more likely to return in the future." At the roadshow, ONYX Hospitality Group will showcase elements of its properties, facilities, and locations that appeal to Indian travellers. Recognising their penchant for shopping, ONYX Hospitality Group highlights properties located near bustling shopping hubs. For instance, Amari Bangkok, Amari Pattaya, and OZO Pattaya are conveniently situated near major shopping destinations, including top malls and vibrant markets. These locations offer guests a blend of convenience, excitement, and luxury, making them ideal choices for Indian travellers seeking both leisure and shopping experiences, or business travellers seeking to unwind. Furthermore, Indian travellers see Thailand as an ideal destination for romantic getaways, destination weddings, and honeymoons - a segment ONYX Hospitality Group serves exceptionally well with romantic hotspots featuring iconic sandy beaches, like Amari Phuket and Amari Vogue Krabi. Dedicated to enhancing guest experiences, ONYX Hospitality Group expands its range of customisable products and services to meet the diverse needs of Indian travellers. This includes a variety of food and beverage options featuring vegetarian and Indian cuisine. A prime example is NILA, ONYX's restaurant at Amari Bangkok, launched in March this year. NILA offers an exquisite culinary journey along the coasts of India, providing Indian travellers with authentic flavours curated by Chef Bharath S. Bhat, winner of Thailand's Iron Chef competition. NILA sets a new standard for Indian cuisine, blending traditional recipes with contemporary flair for an immersive dining experience. Expanding its presence to additional urban centres, ONYX Hospitality Group is strategically focusing on the corporate and MICE segments. Consequently, this year's roadshow will be held in Chennai and Bangalore, allowing ONYX Hospitality Group to connect with key partners and address the direct demands of these markets. ONYX Hospitality Group is dedicated to solidifying its position as the best medium-sized hospitality management company in Southeast Asia, aiming to manage over 50 properties by 2025 in countries such as Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, and reach 70 locations by 2028. Upcoming openings include Amari Colombo in Sri Lanka and Amari Vientiane in Laos, both set for Q4 2024. Additionally, the Amari The Tide Bang Saen in Thailand will open in 2025, offering a tranquil seaside retreat. The Shama brand is also expanding with new projects such as Shama Suasana Malaysia, Shama Hub Metro South Hong Kong, and Shama Hub Qiantang Hangzhou, China. Recently, a contract was signed for for Shama Rayong, set to open in 2026, strategically located near Rayong's business and industrial districts. The OZO brand will unveil its fresh new look in June 2024, with OZO Medini in Malaysia scheduled to open in the same year. In addition, ONYX Hospitality Group continues to diversify into other hospitality domains. Alongside the including the launch of Nila, ONYX has also this year opened Chom Sindh at Amari Bangkok, which highlights Thai freshwater delicacies. Meanwhile Prego, the Group's renowned Italian restaurant which originated at Amari Koh Samui, has recently opened a new branch at Kata Beach, Phuket. ONYX Hospitality Group's roadshow in India is a testament to its commitment to engaging with one of its most important markets. By highlighting tailored offerings and expanding its presence, ONYX aims to meet the evolving needs of Indian travellers and reinforce its position as a leader in the hospitality industry. A range of properties across the brand portfolio will join the roadshow: · Amari Koh Samui · Amari Pattaya · Amari Phuket · Amari Vogue Krabi · Amari Bangkok · OZO Chaweng Samui · OZO North Pattaya · OZO Phuket · Shama Lakeview Asoke Bangkok For more information on ONYX Hospitality Group, visit www.onyx-hospitality.com. Hashtag: #ONYXThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
JAKARTA, Indonesia, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A business gathering was conducted by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) with 130 brands to explore potential collaborations to boost tourism and the creative economy. Launched in 2017, this program serves as a platform for cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the industry. Currently, 184 brands are participating as Wonderful Indonesia Co-branding partners, with 25 brands having signed the MoU and Business Agreement during this event. Indonesia Co-Branding Forum (WICF) II 2024: Collaboration by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy with 184 Multi-Industry Brands The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, attended the event at the Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan on July 26, 2024. During the event, Sandiaga Uno conveyed his gratitude to all partners who have played a significant role in advancing tourism and the creative economy. "Co-branding is truly a flagship program of Wonderful Indonesia that has been active since 2017. This program is well-recognized, fosters collaboration, and sees a growing number of partners," mentioned Sandiaga Uno. Blue Bird has been a co-branding partner since 2018, with Adrianto Djokosoetono referring to the brand presence of "Wonderful Indonesia" in his transportation services. Dama Kara and Bandung Resto also engaged with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on stage and stated that joining co-branding Wonderful Indonesia has given them confidence as a micro business. On this occasion, Sandiaga also launched an e-Magazine featuring profiles of partners and their sustainability initiatives. As a staunch advocate for green creative tourism, Sandiaga appreciates these initiatives. The Deputy for Marketing at the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, highlighted the mutual benefits of co-branding collaboration for both the Ministry and its partners. She mentioned the extensive collaboration platform encompassing offline and online media. Additionally, she shared testimonials from co-branding partners such as Finna Crackers, Sambal Uleg, and Hydro Coco, who appreciated the program for enhancing the value, credibility, and reliability of their products featuring the Wonderful Indonesia logo. Collaboration between partners in the Wonderful Indonesia Co-branding partnership program is not only about logo placement but also realized in various joint activities. According to Titus Haridjati, Director of Communications Marketing, several successful programs with partners include Berkah (Extra Cheap Sales Fair during the last Eid), School Holiday activations with the theme Travel Responsibly, and upcoming activations for Indonesia Independence Day, MotoGP, and 11.11 Flash Sale. As Wonderful Indonesia Co-branding Award's winner, Grab and Tiket.com, who also co-branding partners since 2018, acknowledge the numerous benefits they have gained from their collaboration. These two digital brands have participated in various marketing development initiatives, including those initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and other partners. "Both Grab and Wonderful Indonesia share a commitment to sustainable tourism. "We are honored to contribute to the programs of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," stated Arryo Harman, Head of Strategic Projects at Grab Indonesia. Media Contact:Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy(021) 3838522 | kemitraan@indonesia.travelhttps://www.indonesia.travel/id/id/wonderful-indonesia-co-branding.html
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