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WIPO Honours Vivo Surgical with Global Accolade for Innovation and IP Excellence

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 598 加入收藏 :

Pioneering Singaporean surgical robotics company selected from over 660 applicants worldwide to emerge as a winner of the coveted WIPO Global Awards for 2024

GENEVA, July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vivo Surgical, a privately-held medical technology company pioneering a flexible endoscopic robot for advanced endoscopic surgeries, has been chosen as one of the top nine companies globally to receive the esteemed WIPO Global Award from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This prestigious prize acknowledges Vivo Surgical's dedication to innovation and serves to recognise the company's robust intellectual property (IP) foundations.

Founder & CEO of Vivo Surgical, Dr Kevin Koh (left) and WIPO Director General, Mr Daren Tang (right).  Copyright: WIPO. Photo: Emmanuel Berrod.
Founder & CEO of Vivo Surgical, Dr Kevin Koh (left) and WIPO Director General, Mr Daren Tang (right). Copyright: WIPO. Photo: Emmanuel Berrod.

The WIPO Global Awards spotlight the achievements of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have achieved commercial success and innovation by strategically utilizing IP rights. Vivo Surgical's inventive approach to medical device development and IP protection has enabled the creation of technologies that address pressing healthcare challenges, earning the company this distinguished honour.

"We are thrilled to receive this prestigious accolade from the WIPO," said Dr Kevin Koh, Founder & CEO of Vivo Surgical. "Our team's unwavering commitment to advancing human health through cutting-edge technologies and our robust IP strategy have played pivotal roles in driving our company's growth and achievements. This award validates our efforts and underscores our pride in belonging to a community that values the critical role of IP rights in the pursuit of innovation."

"The WIPO Global Awards acknowledge the pivotal role that SMEs like Vivo Surgical play in catalysing innovation and fuelling economic growth," said Mr Marcelo Di Pietro, Director WIPO Awards. "Vivo Surgical's success stands as a powerful testament to how leveraging IP rights can lead to both commercial success and transformative societal impact. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Vivo Surgical on this well-deserved award and eagerly anticipate their continued contributions to the healthcare industry."

The WIPO Global Awards ceremony took place on 12th July 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, during the 65th WIPO General Assembly of Member States, where Vivo Surgical was honoured alongside other winners from around the world.

For more information about Vivo Surgical and the WIPO Global Awards, please email us at media@vivo-surgical.com.

About Vivo Surgical

Vivo Surgical is a leading medical technology company pioneering a flexible endoscopic robot for advanced endoscopic surgeries. Through strategic collaborations with world-renowned health systems and expert key opinion leaders, the company develops medical technologies that address unmet clinical needs, positively impacting society and improving lives.

About the WIPO Global Awards

The WIPO Global Awards recognize small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have successfully leveraged IP rights to drive innovation and commercial success. The awards are presented by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations.

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