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Shinsegae Duty Free's Paul+Bani Collaborates with Korean Art Master Park Seo-Bo at Incheon International Airport

SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Shinsegae Duty Free, in collaboration with the Seobo Art Foundation, is proud to announce the launch of a groundbreaking art project, "Park Seo-Bo X Paul+Bani Art Space," at Incheon International Airport. This project features a unique convergence of contemporary and traditional art, showcasing the works of the late master of Dansaekhwa, Park Seo-Bo, alongside Shinsegae's beloved characters, Paul and Bani. Shinsegae Duty Free's Paul+Bani Collaborates with Korean Art Master Park Seo-Bo at Incheon International Airport The art space will be open to the public from August 24 to September 24, 2024, on the first floor of the Transportation Center at Terminal 1 of Incheon International Airport. This initiative is part of the Korea International Art Fair, offering travelers and art enthusiasts a chance to immerse themselves in Park Seo-Bo's profound artistic journey while enjoying the creative charm of Paul+Bani. Paul+Bani: Art and Travel Enthusiasts Meet a Master's Work Paul+Bani, artist characters renowned for their love of travel and art, continue their artistic journey by partnering with Park Seo-Bo in their fifth major collaboration. Known for previous collaborations with global fashion brand Off-White and singer-songwriter Naul, Paul+Bani now explore the meditative and abstract world of Park Seo-Bo, offering a playful yet reverent interpretation of his iconic works. In this special exhibition, Paul+Bani will reinterpret Park Seo-Bo's "Ecriture 130119," which captures the essence of Park's artistic philosophy and personal memories. The yellow-hued "Ecriture 130119" reflects the smile of Park Seo-Bo's wife, set against a backdrop of oilseed flowers, blending personal emotion with abstract expression. Celebrating 70 Years of Artistic Innovation The exhibition, "Park Seo-Bo: 70 Years of Art, A Journey of Self-Discipline and Challenge," offers visitors a deep dive into the evolving techniques and thematic explorations that have defined Park Seo-Bo's illustrious career. Featured works include Park's renowned "Ecriture" series, alongside never-before-seen pieces from his early career. The exhibition highlights include the "Protoplasm" series from the 1950s, which captures the complex emotions of youth during wartime through vibrant, abstract forms, and the "Genetic" series from the 1960s, which integrates traditional Korean colors and geometric abstractions. These works are celebrated as pivotal contributions to Korean contemporary art. A Unique Experience for Visitors Adding to the immersive experience, actor Park Bo-Gum will serve as the audio docent for the exhibition. Visitors can enjoy his calming voice guiding them through the 70-year journey of Park Seo-Bo's art, enriching their understanding and appreciation of the artist's legacy. Shinsegae Duty Free: Bridging Art and Commerce A representative from Shinsegae Duty Free commented on the significance of this collaboration: "Following our successful collaborations with Eastern Edition, Naul, and Portrait Report, we are honored to partner with the Seobo Art Foundation to showcase the works of Park Seo-Bo, a luminary in Korean art. As the largest duty-free operator at Incheon International Airport, Shinsegae Duty Free is committed to offering unique experiences that connect our customers with the world of art through innovative projects and collaborations." This art project reaffirms Shinsegae Duty Free's dedication to fostering cultural appreciation and enhancing the travel experience for visitors to Incheon International Airport. *Shinsegae Duty Free is a leading duty-free retailer in South Korea, offering a wide range of luxury goods and services to international travelers. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Shinsegae Duty Free continues to set the standard for the duty-free shopping experience. *The Seobo Art Foundation is dedicated to preserving and promoting the legacy of Park Seo-Bo, one of Korea's most celebrated contemporary artists. The foundation supports various cultural and artistic initiatives, ensuring that Park Seo-Bo's contributions to art are recognized and appreciated by future generations.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 151 加入收藏 :

越來越多的消費者依賴網路搜尋來尋找商品與服務,特別是在地化搜尋更是成為小型企業獲取顧客的重要途徑。針對這一趨勢,如何透過SEO(搜尋引擎優化)與Google商家頁面的結合,來提升在地小店的曝光率,成為搜尋中的人氣王,已成為小型企業經營者迫切需要掌握的技能。   在今日的市場環境中,無論是餐廳、美容院,還是零售店,要在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,都需要精心策劃的線上策略。而SEO與Google商家頁面的結合,正是提升在地業務競爭力的強大武器。以下將深入探討如何透過這兩者的有效運用,讓小型企業更具吸引力和競爭力。   SEO的重要性:小型企業的新機遇   SEO不再只是大企業的專利,它對於小型在地企業來說,無疑是一個增加曝光率的強大工具。在競爭激烈的市場中,良好的SEO策略能幫助小型企業的網站或Google商家頁面在搜尋結果中脫穎而出,吸引更多在地顧客。   當消費者在Google搜尋相關服務或產品時,出現在搜尋結果前幾名的商家往往更容易吸引顧客光顧。對於小型企業來說,SEO的核心就在於提升企業在搜尋引擎中的能見度,進而促進業務增長。   實際操作:優化Google商家頁面提升曝光率   SEO的應用不僅限於網站的優化,對於Google商家頁面來說,這同樣適用。具體來說,小型企業應該確保Google商家頁面的資料完整且準確,包括商家名稱、地址、營業時間、服務項目等。例如,若您經營一家台北的咖啡廳,應在商家頁面中列出所有服務類別,並上傳高品質的店內照片,這些細節將大大增加潛在顧客找到您的機會。   此外,持續更新Google商家頁面的動態也是提升商家活躍度的重要方式。這些動態可以是新產品上架、促銷活動或其他與業務相關的更新信息。對於美容院等服務業者,分享最新的美容趨勢或推薦的髮型設計,都能吸引更多顧客關注。   ezPretty:結合SEO策略提升服務影響力   作為專業的美容服務平台,ezPretty將SEO策略應用於其在地化服務中,以提升平台的競爭力和吸引力。透過將地區相關的關鍵字融入商家介紹中,ezPretty幫助每一個美容院更容易被搜尋到。例如,對於位於台北的美容院,可以在介紹中自然地加入「台北美容院」或「台北髮型設計」等關鍵字。   另外,ezPretty還與Google商家的線上預訂功能結合,讓顧客能夠直接在搜尋結果中預約服務。這不僅提高了預訂的便利性,還增強了商家的活躍度,進一步優化SEO排名。持續發佈有關SEO與本地化商家優化的教育性內容,也是ezPretty吸引流量和建立專業形象的關鍵策略。   結語   透過結合SEO與Google商家頁面的優化,小型在地企業能夠在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,吸引更多的潛在顧客。特別是像ezPretty這樣的平台,透過這些策略來強化品牌影響力並提升顧客體驗,將成為現代商業成功的重要關鍵。 更多訊息請查看ezPretty官方網站

文章來源 : 預約科技行銷股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2649 加入收藏 :
AI應用創新思維:如何用ChatGPT SEO精準找出關鍵字搜尋量

在數位化的浪潮中,人工智慧(AI)技術的應用日新月異,而搜尋引擎優化(SEO)更是每個數位行銷人員的必修課。如今,ChatGPT SEO這項技術,不僅改變了我們對SEO的認知,更在關鍵字分析和優化方面帶來了前所未有的突破。這篇文章將深入探討如何利用ChatGPT SEO技術精準找出關鍵字搜尋量,並加速關鍵字優化流程。 ChatGPT SEO的革命性突破 ChatGPT SEO的誕生,為數位行銷領域注入了一股新鮮的力量。傳統的SEO策略依賴於大量的數據分析和手動操作,這不僅費時費力,且容易出現錯誤。相比之下,ChatGPT SEO利用人工智慧技術,通過自然語言處理(NLP)和機器學習算法,能夠迅速且精準地分析大量數據,找出最具潛力的關鍵字。 什麼是ChatGPT SEO? ChatGPT SEO是基於OpenAI的GPT-3模型所發展出的新型SEO技術。GPT-3(Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3)是一種強大的語言生成模型,能夠理解和生成類似人類語言的文本。通過這項技術,我們可以自動化地生成高質量的SEO內容,並對關鍵字進行深度分析。 精準找出關鍵字搜尋量的秘密 在SEO策略中,關鍵字搜尋量是決定一個關鍵字價值的核心指標之一。利用ChatGPT SEO,我們可以更為精準地找出這些搜尋量,從而制定更有效的SEO計劃。 自然語言處理的優勢 ChatGPT SEO運用NLP技術,可以理解用戶的搜索意圖,並據此生成相關性極高的關鍵字建議。這與傳統的SEO工具不同,後者通常僅依賴於簡單的數據匹配,而缺乏對語義的深入理解。 大數據分析的威力 通過整合大量的搜索數據,ChatGPT SEO能夠迅速識別出熱門關鍵字及其搜尋量。這些數據來自各大搜索引擎和社交媒體平台,覆蓋範圍廣泛,能夠提供最為準確的市場洞察。 機器學習算法的應用 ChatGPT SEO利用機器學習算法,對關鍵字進行動態優化。這些算法能夠根據最新的搜索趨勢,自動調整關鍵字策略,確保您的內容始終位於搜索結果的前列。 如何使用ChatGPT SEO進行關鍵字優化 步驟一:確定目標受眾 在開始任何SEO策略之前,首先需要明確您的目標受眾。了解他們的需求和興趣,才能針對性地選擇關鍵字。ChatGPT SEO可以通過分析用戶行為數據,幫助您更好地了解受眾。 步驟二:進行關鍵字研究 利用ChatGPT SEO的關鍵字研究功能,您可以快速找到具有高關鍵字搜尋量的詞彙。這些關鍵字不僅能夠提高您的網站流量,還能提升您的品牌知名度。 步驟三:生成優質內容 內容是SEO的核心。使用ChatGPT SEO,您可以自動生成高質量的SEO內容,並確保這些內容與您的關鍵字高度相關。這樣不僅能夠提高搜索引擎排名,還能吸引更多的用戶。 步驟四:持續優化關鍵字策略 SEO是一個持續的過程。ChatGPT SEO可以幫助您實時監控關鍵字的表現,並根據數據進行動態調整,確保您的SEO策略始終處於最優狀態。 案例分析:成功應用ChatGPT SEO的實例 為了更好地理解ChatGPT SEO的實際應用,我們來看一個具體的案例。一家電子商務公司在採用ChatGPT SEO後,成功地將其網站流量提升了50%。 背景介紹 這家公司主要銷售時尚配件,面臨著激烈的市場競爭。他們需要一個高效的SEO策略來提升其在搜索引擎中的可見性。 問題分析 傳統的SEO方法無法快速識別出高關鍵字搜尋量的詞彙,導致其網站流量增長緩慢。公司決定引入ChatGPT SEO技術,希望能夠找到一個更為有效的解決方案。 解決方案 利用ChatGPT SEO,公司首先進行了全面的關鍵字研究,找到了多個高潛力的關鍵字。接著,他們使用這些關鍵字生成了高質量的SEO內容,並不斷根據數據進行調整和優化。 成果 在採用ChatGPT SEO的三個月內,公司網站的訪問量增加了50%,銷售額也隨之上升。此外,網站的搜索引擎排名大幅提升,品牌知名度顯著提高。 結語 在數位行銷的世界裡,SEO的地位無可替代。而ChatGPT SEO技術的出現,為我們提供了一種全新的方式來精準找出關鍵字搜尋量,並加速關鍵字優化流程。通過結合NLP、大數據分析和機器學習算法,ChatGPT SEO不僅能夠提高SEO效率,還能幫助企業在激烈的市場競爭中脫穎而出。未來,隨著AI技術的不斷進步,我們有理由相信,SEO將迎來更多的創新和變革。

文章來源 : 搜果科技有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3113 加入收藏 :
本港數碼營銷公司First Page發佈2024年 Google 搜索權重下降調查指南 揭三大原因呼籲企業定期自察 解答AI時代SEO迷思

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年7月24日 – 本地數碼營銷公司First Page早前正式發佈一份由其自主完成的調查報告,分析自2024年來,各類企業之關鍵詞搜索權重在Google結果顯示頁排名下降的主要原因,並提供相應的專業建議及解決方案。 政府鼓勵中小企數碼轉型 促進企業積極探索搜索引擎優化(「SEO」)技巧 香港政府近年積極出台各類政策以推動中小企業數碼化轉型,發佈「數碼轉型支援先導計劃」,鼓勵企業利用數碼科技提升營運效率和競爭力。與此同時,政府也邀請多家國際或內地知名的數碼營銷公司在香港開設地區辦事處。充分反映出香港政府高度重視數碼營商環境的地域性價值及長遠利益。有鑑於此,企業通過SEO提高其網站在搜索引擎上的排名和曝光度,顯得尤為重要。良好的SEO策略不僅能提升品牌知名度,吸引潛在客戶,還能助力企業在瞬息萬變的數碼營商環境中保持競爭優勢,實現可持續發展。 First Page調查發現引致企業搜索權重下降的三大原因 First Page的調查報告顯示,Google排名下降的三大主要原因為:網站內容和結構優化不足、缺乏有效的反向鏈接策略、未能及時適應搜索引擎演算法的升級等。一般而言,內容優化不足導致的結果排名下降極為隱蔽,因其屬於搜索引擎本身的運行機制,用戶座位被動接受資訊的一方往往難以察覺錯失了哪些內容,網站的曝光度和訪問量因此便會受到影響。當然,內容結構不佳亦會影響用戶體驗,自然降低網站的轉化率。而缺乏反向鏈接和未能適應算法更新則會導致搜索引擎無法充分認知某網站的重要性和權威性,直接導致其有機搜索流量大幅減少,使網站的潛在客戶和商業機會大幅下降,轉化率降低,品牌效應大打折扣。反之,期間積極採取SEO舉措的競爭對手則會借機搶佔優質排位,贏得更多流量和商機。 AI時代施行SEO有訣竅 企業應定期進行專業自察 First Page搜索引擎優化和產品開發主管Hector Law先生表示:「不少企業管理層有意倚賴AI工具解決SEO難題,但效果欠佳。AI運作的底層邏輯是基於過去的『舊』數據做出分析總結,其預測基於大量運算。而SEO是人類開發者不斷調整策略和動機適時變化的結果,要對用戶及消費者搜索行為具有極其敏銳的深層次洞察,把握趨勢,才能靈活調整SEO策略。因此,AI無法解答某個SEO表現為何失準,也難以為你量身制定數碼營銷策略。除非提問者預先設計出一套智能完善的問卷和自察清單,再依靠AI去覆核、計算、填充,如此才能最大化發揮其效力。因此在 SEO 實踐中,AI 工具目前只能發揮輔助性作用,人類專業 SEO 從業者的判斷和建設依然佔據主導。值得一提的是,我們近期便依託人工智能的交叉引用開發了一項內容重寫清單,專門為效能下降的目標頁面和部落格提供重寫優化服務。」 企業對網站的內容、結構、反向鏈接全面優化,同時及時了解搜索引擎算法更新實屬必要,不僅關係到網站的流量和轉化率,更是保證整體市場競爭力的前提。對此,First Page建議企業應定期尋求專業的SEO服務,並由四大維度出發提供專業解決方案:第一,幫助企業全面進行網站審核診斷,找准原因;第二,制定並更新切合企業需求和市場環境的關鍵字設定策略,相應修改內容營銷計劃;第三,建設多元化反向鏈接,提升網站權威性;第四,持續監測搜索引擎演算法的升級變化,及時調整SEO策略。 https://www.firstpage.hk/resources/google/google-ranking-drop-investigation-2024/ Hashtag: #SEO #DigitalMarketing https://www.firstpage.hk/zh/https://www.linkedin.com/company/firstpage-digital/發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任First Page DigitalFirst Page是香港頂級的數字營銷代理公司,提供全方位搜索引擎優化(SEO)服務。其專家團隊經驗豐富,善於為企業制定有效的本地和國際SEO策略,提高網站在各類搜索引擎上的排名及曝光度。除SEO之外,公司亦提供電子商務SEO、亞馬遜營銷、社交媒體廣告、Google廣告、內容創作等多項服務,幫助客戶充分利用數字化平台拓展業務。First Page致力於為客戶提供量身定製的解決方案,並以全面的績效保證來確保服務質量。透過其先進的SEO技術和數據分析能力,First Page旨在為客戶帶來持久優質的數碼營銷成效。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 977 加入收藏 :
First Page Releases Guide to Reveal Three Main Reasons Behind 2024 Google Ranking Drops and Highlight AI's Impact on SEO

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 24 July 2024 - Local digital marketing company First Page has officially released a self-conducted investigation report today/recently, The report analyses the main reasons for the drop in keyword weight for various enterprises on Google search results pages since 2024 and provides professional solutions and suggestions. Government Encourages SME Digital Transformation to Promote SEO Techniques In recent years, the Hong Kong government has actively introduced various policies to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), launching the "Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme" to encourage businesses to use digital technology to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness. Simultaneously, the government has invited many renowned digital marketing companies from mainland China and the globe to establish regional offices in Hong Kong. This fully reflects that the Hong Kong government places a strong emphasis on the regional value and the long-term benefits of the digital business environment. In light of this, businesses need to use SEO to improve their website ranking and visibility on search engines. Good SEO strategies can not only enhance brand awareness and attract potential customers but also help businesses maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly changing digital business environment, achieving sustainable development. First Page Report Reveals Three Main Reasons for Drop in Search Rankings for Businesses First Page's investigation report reveals three main reasons for the drop in Google search rankings: insufficient optimisation of the website content and structure, lack of effective backlink strategies, and failure to adapt to search engine algorithm updates promptly. Generally, ranking drops caused by insufficient optimisation of the content are very obscure due to the intrinsic operating mechanism of search engines. Given the passive nature of the users when receiving information, it is difficult for them to notice what content has been missed. Thus, it affects the website's visibility and traffic. Poor content structure can also impact user experience, naturally reducing the website's conversion rate. Lack of backlinks and failure to adapt to algorithm updates can lead to search engines not fully recognising the importance and authority of a website, directly resulting in a significant decrease in organic search traffic, reducing potential customers and business opportunities, lowering conversion rates, and diminishing brand effect. Conversely, competitors who actively take SEO measures, perform competitor and SERP analysis, and implement changes based on the findings during this period will secure better rankings, gaining more traffic and business opportunities. SEO Tips in the AI Era: Businesses Should Conduct Internal SEO Audits Regularly Hector Law, SEO and Product Development Lead at First Page, said: "Many business managers aim to rely on AI tools to solve SEO problems, but the results are unsatisfactory. The underlying logic of AI operation is based on the 'past' data for analysis and summary, and its predictions are based on large-scale calculations. However, SEO is the result of developers continuously adjusting strategies and motives based on timely changes. It requires extremely keen and deep insights into user and consumer search behaviour to grasp trends in order to adjust SEO strategies flexibly. Therefore, AI cannot answer why your SEO performance is off, nor can it tailor a digital marketing strategy for you. Unless the user designs a set of intelligent and comprehensive questionnaires and checklists in advance for AI to review, calculate, and fill in, only then can it maximise its effectiveness for SEO. Therefore, in SEO practice, AI tools currently can only exercise supplementary functions, and the judgment and development from human SEO professionals remain crucial in dictating SEO strategies." Comprehensive optimisation of the website content, structure, and backlinks, along with timely understanding of search engine algorithm updates, is necessary. It not only relates to website traffic and conversion rates but also ensures overall market competitiveness. To this end, First Page recommends that businesses should regularly seek professional SEO services and formulate expert solutions from four dimensions: first, helping companies to conduct comprehensive website audits and diagnosis to identify reasons behind ranking drop; second, developing and updating keyword strategies that meet business needs and market environment, and accordingly modifying content marketing plans; third, building diversified backlinks to enhance website authority; fourth, continuously monitoring search engine algorithm upgrades and adjusting SEO strategies with timely changes. For more information, please visit: https://www.firstpage.hk/resources/google/google-ranking-drop-investigation-2024/ Hashtag: #SEO #DigitalMarketing https://www.firstpage.hk/zh/https://www.linkedin.com/company/firstpage-digital/The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About First PageFirst Page is one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Hong Kong, providing comprehensive SEO services. Its expert team has extensive experience in formulating effective local and international SEO strategies for businesses to improve website rankings and visibility on various search engines. In addition to SEO, the company also offers e-commerce SEO, Amazon marketing, social media advertising, Google Ads, content creation, and many other services to help clients fully utilise digital platforms to expand their business. First Page is committed to providing bespoke solutions for clients, ensuring service quality with excellent comprehensive performance. Through its advanced SEO technology and data analysis capabilities, First Page aims to bring lasting and high-quality digital marketing results to clients.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 445 加入收藏 :
Big Jump SEO Solutions 運用人工智能技術提升內容創作與數據分析效率

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年6月28日 - 香港的頂尖網絡營銷公司 Big Jump SEO Solutions 最近成功轉型,引入了人工智能技術,大幅提升了內容產出和數據分析能力,為客戶包括 Capture HK、VHIS101、Weirdo Beauty、WATI.io 及Modulnova HK等帶來更高效和更具價值的營銷服務。 Big Jump SEO Solutions 創辦人兼首席顧問 Marco Lau 表示,過去製作營銷內容和分析銷售數據一直是他們的主要工作,但往往耗時耗力。現在透過採用人工智能技術,他們能夠大幅提高內容產出速度,同時降低相關成本支出。 「我們現在可以利用人工智能系統快速生成高質素的營銷文案、社交媒體貼文等內容,而且成本只是以往的一半。這不但大大減輕了員工的工作壓力,更讓我們能夠將更多資源投放在策略制定和創意方面。」 除了內容產出,該公司還引入了人工智能數據分析工具,能夠更有效地整合和分析客戶的銷售數據,發掘潛在的營銷機會。 「以往我們需要耗費大量時間和人力來分析龐大的數據,現在人工智能系統能夠自動進行數據挖掘和模式識別,讓我們更快更準確地了解客戶的需求和市場趨勢,為他們制定更切合實際的營銷策略。」 隨著人工智能日漸成熟,越來越多企業開始採用人工智能技術來提升營運效率。Big Jump SEO Solutions 的成功案例正好展示了人工智能在營銷領域的廣闊應用前景。 Hashtag: #BigJumpSEOSolutions發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任Big Jump SEO SolutionsBig Jump SEO Solutions 是一家綜合性的網絡營銷公司,專注於為客戶提供定制的搜尋引擎最佳化 (Search Engine Optimisation, SEO)、內容營銷和網絡廣告解決方案。憑著深入的行業經驗和創新策略,Big Jump 致力於幫助品牌提升網絡能見度,並在線上市場中脫穎而出。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1528 加入收藏 :
2024 年 10 月 5 日 (星期六) 農曆九月初三日
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