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台灣也思舉辦「YES!SDGs公民行動嘉年華會」 6/29、6/30邀請大小朋友深耕永續發展

社團法人台灣也思服務學習協會(下稱:台灣也思)11年來在台灣各地推動「社區公民行動方案」,以服務學習教學法為主軸,將永續發展概念融入服務學習課程中。近年來也思深入各地團體學校,針對需求設計議題和公民行動方案,讓學生在操作中肯定自我。為了持續深化推廣聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs),6/29、6/30在台北捷運東區地下街第二廣場舉辦「YES!SDGs公民行動嘉年華會」,透過寓教於樂的闖關遊戲,讓大、小朋友深入了解並實踐SDGs。 12組隊伍展演公民行動方案成果 「YES!SDGs公民行動嘉年華會」有趣好玩又富有教育意義!台灣也思今年邀請到12組來自全台各地的團隊,包含財團法人台灣癌症全人關懷基金會、彰化縣竹塘鄉田頭國小、崇光中學翡翠扶少團、台東縣鹿野鄉瑞興部落小學堂、台東縣鹿野鄉瑞源國小等,這些隊伍會到現場分享公民行動方案與成果。活動期間更邀請新光承德合唱團、綠龍與他的大提琴現場演出,並且設置闖關活動,可以兌換精美好禮,也能讓民眾拍照捷運車廂內活動海報和活動現場,上傳至社群參加抽獎活動。活動分別於6/29星期六下午1點至晚上6點、6/30星期日上午10點至下午3點舉行,活動地點設於台北捷運東區地下街第二廣場,靠近捷運忠孝復興站、東區地下街14號和15號出口處。 拍照上傳社群抽大獎 台灣也思邀請民眾一同參與分享抽好禮活動。活動一,在捷運板南線車廂內,跟台灣也思車廂海報自拍,本人跟海報需要同時入鏡,並且在個人臉書或IG公開分享照片,如果發限時動態,需要保留截圖畫面,民眾可憑上傳社群的畫面,在6/29至6/30日活動現場到服務台參加抽獎一次。 活動二,6/29至6/30活動期間,於活動現場打卡區拍照,並且在個人臉書、IG公開照片,並且打卡、tag「台灣也思服務學習協會,YES!」,如果發限時動態,需要保留截圖畫面,民眾可憑上傳社群的畫面,在嘉年華活動現場參加抽獎一次。 歡慶台灣也思十一周年,並且在捷運地下街廣場舉行聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)相關活動,讓更多大小朋友認識永續發展的深意。台灣也思攜手來自各地的好夥伴一起推廣,期望這次SDGs嘉年華活動能夠讓更多民眾認同永續發展,並且也一起加入永續優質教育的行列。

文章來源 : 廣角文創有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2681 加入收藏 :
Global Applications for 2024 Young Scientist SDGs Award are Officially Open!

WENZHOU, China, May 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The global applications for 2024 Young Scientist Sustainable Development Goals Award (Young Scientist SDGs Award for short) are open from April 30, 2024 until July 31, 2024 (Beijing time). There is a greater need than ever for international collaboration and open sharing amid the pressing shared challenges of sustainable development. Recognizing that the future of science and technology is dependent on today' s youth, the Wenzhou Growth Foundation for World Young Scientists and the World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS (preparatory)) are cooperating with the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) to initiate the "Young Scientist Sustainable Development Goals Award" (Young Scientist SDGs Award). This award aims to inspire adherence to principles while fostering innovation and free exploration. The award also encourages young scientists to take on important roles that prepare them to lead the way toward our sustainable future. The award acknowledges the remarkable achievements made by young scientists who have made significant original innovations and breakthroughs in core technologies, contributing to sustainable development and advancing human civilization. Selected Directions of the Award SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG13 (Climate Action), SDG14 (Life Below Water), SDG15 (Life on Land), SDG Interactions (Multiple SDGs), a total of 8 areas from the 17 SDGs of United Nations are selected as the directions of the award. Qualifications Young scientists under the age of 45 worldwide (born on or after January 1st, 1979), regardless of gender and nationality, who have achieved the following results in the above award directions are eligible to participate in the selection: 1.Conduct groundbreaking fundamental research in the field of natural sciences to contribute to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 2.Provide essential technological or engineering support in the field of science and technology industries to advance the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and achieve significant practical outcomes. Previous award winners cannot reapply, and those with conflicts of interest are ineligible to participate. Application Method Applications for the Award can be submitted either by self-nomination or nomination by others. Self-nomination requires the applicant to fill in the online application (https://yssdgsaward.wyss.org.cn/) before the deadline. Applicants nominated by others need to be recommended by renowned experts or organizations in the same research field with a letter of recommendation, and the applicant should complete the online application form before the application deadline. For any questions or concerns regarding nominations, please contact sdg.prize@wyss.org.cn.  Prize The number of applicants entering the final evaluation (finalists) shall not exceed 16, with no more than 5 ultimately awarded the Young Scientist SDGs Award. Each recipient will receive a prize of 1 million Chinese Yuan (pre-tax) for personal use. They will also be recommended to become members of the World Association of Young Scientists, and be recommended to participate in high-level international conferences such as the World Young Scientist Summit and relevant activities of the United Nations. Supportive services will be actively provided, giving priority to supporting and promoting the landing of research output projects. They will be provided with local talent benefits. Individuals entering the finalists will be provided with all the benefits besides the monetary prize. Award Ceremony The 2024 Young Scientist SDGs Award ceremony will be held during the main session of the 2024 World Young Scientist Summit in early November 2024. Recipients will have the opportunity to showcase themselves to the world and may be invited to deliver keynote speeches during the summit. Information on the Inaugural Laureates Global Applications for 2024 Young Scientist SDGs Award are Officially Open At the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Young Scientist Summit, three young professors were given the inaugural Young Scientist SDGs Award. They are Professor Henry Snaith from the University of Oxford, Professor Xiong Wen (David) Lou from City University of Hong Kong, and Professor Zhang Qiang from Tsinghua University.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1028 加入收藏 :
善盡大學社會責任 聖約翰科大推廣教育永續實踐SDGs

「2024教育永續國際論壇暨嘉年華會展」日前在台北花博公園盛大舉行,活動包含:教育永續論壇、多元教育嘉年華及社團博覽會,著重在全球永續發展目標(SDGs)中「優質教育」(Quality Education)主題。聖約翰科技大學以「淨零減碳聖約翰碳盤查碳足跡」及「愛地球聖約翰都蚓廚餘養耕培育」兩主題參與展出,並有原住民學生自彈自唱表演,聖約翰科大打造優質教育,與大家攜手永續前行! 唐彥博校長以籌備諮詢主委的身分,應邀於開幕式致詞,並以能參與盛會為榮。他表示,聖約翰科大以「綠能科技」、「智慧控制」及「健康樂活」做為三大發展特色,日前參與新北市政府教育局「新北綠領人才培育計畫」啟動記者會,是綠能永續的推動者,希望以具體行動落實永續發展。因此學校配合政府2050淨零碳排政策及產業轉型與減碳目標,在推動ESG永續發展事務項目上,已陸續與ESG永續發展協會、新北市綠色能源產業聯盟、桓鼎公司、倍力資訊、義電智慧能源、美商鄧白氏及達沃斯等知名企業攜手合作,大家一起把餅做大,為台灣的永續發展投注心力。 唐彥博校長說,透過產學強強聯手,學校不但引進最新永續技術資源,縮短產學落差,讓學校有機會轉型發展,同時也培養教師第二專長。目前已有17位教職員通過ISO14067碳盤查主導查證員培訓,並培育出6位碳盤查主導查證員,自去年度起,獲得經濟部產業發展署【製造業轉型推動計畫-碳盤查加值應用】7案,並為多家產業進行企業碳盤查。歡迎有興趣為自己的企業進行碳盤查的機關團體、學校與聖約翰科大產學營運暨育成組聯絡(聯絡人:鄭超元組長,02-28013131轉6866),期盼透過更廣泛的社會參與,共同實現淨零減碳的目標。 此外,在傑出校友、台達電資深經理游承諭的捐款支持下,聖約翰科大也與都市蚓農企業社產學合作,共同推廣智慧循環農業教育計畫。透過各項研習課程,招募學員學習「廚餘循環養耕農法」,推展學校的USR與永續經營策略。此次,教育永續嘉年華會展,也設置「愛地球聖約翰都蚓廚餘養耕培育」攤位,展出都市蚓農「都蚓箱」,並傳授師法自然的廚餘養耕循環重點知識。除了落實永續生態校園的理念外,也具體實踐「生活共好、生命共榮」的大學社會責任。

文章來源 : 聖約翰科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 15568 加入收藏 :
聖約翰科大攜手創價學會舉辦SDGs x 希望與行動種子展 推廣永續未來

「當每一個人的心與行動都從現在開始改變,未來就開始翻轉。」為呼應聯合國「永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, 簡稱SDGs),聖約翰科技大學與台灣創價學會於校內圖書館2樓舉辦「SDGs x 希望與行動的種子展」,介紹SDGs的意義及世界永續的行動,以增進師生對SDGs的理解,喚醒大眾對永續發展的重視。 開幕儀式貴賓雲集,包括:台灣創價學會林釗理事長、林廷鋒常務副理事長、日本創價大學神立孝一副校長、日本創價學會國際涉外局內山勝局次長、國際涉外局第二部水嶋肇部長及台灣創價學會會員…等台日貴賓均出席觀禮,場面盛大,熱鬧非凡。 聖約翰科大唐彥博校長指出,現在世界面臨氣候變遷、貧富不均及貿易衝突等全球性挑戰,如何攜手解決問題是當前最重要的課題。為此,聯合國於2015年發布「永續發展目標」(SDGs),希望以17項具體目標及行動,改善人類生活。「不遺漏任何一個人」則是「永續發展目標」的核心原則。 「將SDGs理念推廣到年輕世代至為重要。」唐彥博校長說,為培養學生的全球公民意識及社會責任感,聖約翰科大特別與「創造生命最高價值」的台灣創價學會合作,舉辦「SDGs x 希望與行動的種子展」。期盼將「希望與行動的種子」向下扎根,逐步將SDGs的精神落實到日常生活中,共同為SDGs盡一份心力,營造友善環境與美好家園。 台灣創價學會林釗理事長說,創價積極致力於文化、教育及和平活動,尤其是深入台灣各大專校院推動大學生SDGs永續發展運動,呼籲年輕學子一起響應從自身「心的變革」做起,進而變革環境及社會,並為下一代開啟永續美好的未來。目前已經在50所多大學展現對 SDGs目標的行動,期盼眾志成城,大家一起為世界和平與永續發展攜手努力。「SDGs x希望與行動的種子展」由創價學會會員郭語蕎同學擔任導覽員,向與會貴賓介紹展區的各項特色。展出內容包括各種社會、環境和經濟方面的倡議和實踐,也以來自不同領域的個人及組織的實際案例展示,說明他們在實現持續發展的努力和成就。 例如:提到第16項公平正義與和平及第17項全球夥伴與關係,即以國際創價學會創辦人暨第3任會長池田大作為例,說明池田大作藉由對話建立信賴關係網絡,促成文化及和平交流的貢獻。與會者參觀完展覽後,對SDGs議題有更多的了解與認識,都覺得印象深刻、收穫豐碩。

文章來源 : 聖約翰科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 17608 加入收藏 :
展現SDGs行動豐碩成果 2024亞太暨台灣永續行動獎徵件開始

2015年,聯合國發布17項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),為全球2016年至2030年的永續發展路徑訂立明確藍圖,自發布已來,SDGs的理念日漸深植國際社會,在目前抵達2030目標的中繼點上,有必要審視SDGs的發展成果並展望未來。  為表揚臺灣及亞太區在實踐永續發展目標之傑出成就及貢獻,台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)辦理「2024亞太暨台灣永續行動獎」,歡迎踴躍報名。  TAISE董事長簡又新大使肯定我國各企業、學校、醫院、NGO和政府單位實踐SDGs的努力,透過獎項看見各界將永續發展目標融入組織經營方針與組織文化中,展現具體行動成果;期盼本屆有更多國內外單位共襄盛舉,一同促進亞太地區永續發展之策略創新,同時擴大國際交流。  「2024亞太暨台灣永續行動獎」結合「第三屆亞太永續行動獎」與「第四屆台灣永續行動獎」兩獎項,其中「亞太永續行動獎」將分別頒發三大獎項類別:鼓勵各界實踐SDGs之「亞太永續行動獎」;鼓勵政府落實永續施政方案、成就永續城市之「宜居永續城市獎」;表揚致力推動企業邁向永續發展,貢獻卓著、足堪典範之個人的「頂尖永續長獎」。  「台灣永續行動獎」將分別頒發二大獎項類別:鼓勵實踐 SDGs之「台灣永續行動獎」;表揚長期發揮專業能力、結合社會資源,積極為社會永續發展做出貢獻的「台灣傑出永續青年獎」。  TAISE將於3月29日辦理「Asia-Pacific 2024 SDG Summit」,邀請國際講者分享綠色供應鏈、永續報告與確信的國際趨勢,以及歷年亞太永續行動獎獲獎單位分享獲獎之行動方案,期能率先凝聚亞太區的永續意識,展現本獎項之實踐精神,歡迎報名參與(報名表:https://reurl.cc/M4WQzK)。  亞太暨台灣永續行動獎即日起至5月31日止受理報名繳件,並於8月8日「亞太永續博覽會暨高峰會」盛大舉行頒獎典禮,活動詳情可查詢獎勵委員會官網(https://tcsaward.org.tw)或洽詢(02)2769-8968 分機201、202、204。

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2491 加入收藏 :
Driven by responsibility and innovation, China’s Zhejiang University leverages academic prowess to promote SDGs

HANGZHOU, CHINA - Media OutReach Newswire - 23 January 2024 - Every winter, Davos, a small Swiss town clad in snow and ice, awaits elite representatives from all walks of life worldwide. They gather in the well-known resort for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, where the latest economic trends and solutions to global challenges would be discussed. Zhejiang University released its first-ever SDG report during the annual meeting of the WEF As the center of knowledge production, the cradle of talent training and the source of innovation, the academia is an important force in the WEF. From Jan. 15 to 17, leaders from top universities and research institutions around the world met for the Global University Leaders Forum (GULF), a community to address educational, scientific and research agendas to support WEF's mission of improving the state of the world. How universities and the private sector can work together to address major global challenges in sustainable development is the theme at the GULF 2024, and for Prof. Jiangfeng DU, President of Zhejiang University and Chair of the Association of University Presidents of China (AUPC), this is an effort that the university he is leading has relentlessly committed to. According to The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023 released last July by the United Nations, half of the SDGs were moderately or severely off target, and more than 30 percent of the goals have made no progress or even retreated. There is much to be done to further upgrade research and action to drive sustainable development policies and practices, and Zhejiang University in east China is one of the pioneers. During the annual meeting of the WEF, Zhejiang University released the Zhejiang University Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023, which is the first time for this renowned Chinese university with more than 120 years of history to introduce its sustainable development policies and practices in an open report. The report shows the efforts and contributions made by faculty members and students of Zhejiang University in 17 SDGs in 2023. In 2023, the University held an advanced seminar on anti-poverty issues in developing countries, sharing innovative and effective practices in absolute poverty eradication, rural revitalization and new-type urbanization with officials from 13 countries including Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan. Last year, Prof. Baojing GU from Zhejiang University won the inaugural Frontiers Planet Prize for his research contribution to mitigating PM2.5 air pollution. Gu is one of the prize's four recipients and the only Chinese scientist. Meanwhile, Xuehong ZHAO, deputy director of the Nursing Department at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University's School of Medicine, won the Florence Nightingale Medal for the year. This is the honor that nursing staff in Zhejiang Province have received again after a gap of 14 years, and she is also the first nursing staff at Zhejiang University to claim this honor. Zhejiang University, together with Cambridge University, National University of Singapore, Kyoto University and other universities at home and abroad, has established a number of international alliances focusing on sustainable development, such as the International Digital Equality Alliance and the Sustainable Smart Livable Cities Alliance. On November 14, 2023, Zhejiang University played host to the third Sino-German Sustainable Development Forum in Berlin, Germany. Featuring in-depth discussions encompassing critical themes such as climate change and governance, technology and sustainability, global health and well-being, the forum sought to explore effective pathways for Sino-German cooperation in promoting sustainable development. Besides 2023, Zhejiang University have been making contributions to global sustainable development for a long time, with remarkable achievements made in fields like scientific research, talent training and open development. Sustainable development is a key field of scientific research in Zhejiang University. Over the past five years, Zhejiang University faculty published over 82,500 academic papers covering 17 SDG project areas, with specifically abundant output in SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). In order to cultivate more talents in the field of sustainable development for China and the world, Zhejiang University has strengthened its education in related disciplines, and also held the SDG Global Summer School for two consecutive years. Focusing on key modules such as carbon neutrality, inclusive development, smart city, data visualization and networked autonomous systems, the summer school attracted the participation of more than 2,000 outstanding young students from over 420 universities in 80-plus countries and regions. Zhejiang University has also become an active advocate for the sustainable development of university services. In 2021, Zhejiang University rolled out its sustainability action plan--A Global ZJU for Social Good, and launched the Joint Statement of Global University Leaders on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. So far, the initiative has received positive responses from over 60 universities from 31 countries and regions, including Harvard University, Yale University, University College London, University of Sydney, University of Toronto, Peking University and other universities from six continents, and many of them have also participated in the GULF. Among the plethora of sustainable development issues facing the world, global warming is one of the prominent challenges, which directly relates to whether Davos will still be such a snowy fairy-tale place in winter in the near future. In the past decade, Zhejiang University has generated more than 10,000 research papers related with net-zero emissions, ranking among the best in terms of global academic output. It has established the Institute for Carbon Neutrality, which seeks to build a high-level carbon neutrality sci-tech talent center and a high-tech innovation highland via interdisciplinary integration and collaborative innovation. "Higher education institutions, as the bank of talent and hub of scientific research, play an essential role in addressing the pressing challenges brought by climate change. Zhejiang University has actively answered the call of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Development Initiative, and will continue working with its global partners to address the urgent challenges facing the world," Du said. Hashtag: #ZhejiangUniversityThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1445 加入收藏 :
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