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WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES - Media OutReach Newswire - 29 April 2024 - #NTT DATA, a global Top 10 IT services provider, has been recently recognized as one of the best places to work for in the USA. Best Places to Work is an international HR certification program providing employers in different countries the opportunity to learn more about the engagement and satisfaction of their employees and honor those who deliver an outstanding work experience with the highest standards in regards to working conditions. NTT DATA excelled in several key areas such as employee benefits, teamwork, leadership and positive work environment for women. In addition, NTT DATA achieved the designation of "Best Places to Work for Women" which confirms its commitment to gender equity, diversity and creating an inclusive work environment that celebrate the uniqueness of each employee. From flexible work arrangements and comprehensive benefits packages, NTT DATA prioritizes the well-being and professional growth of its employees. Joseph Gregory, NTT DATA Head of People USA stated, “Truly wanting to work at a company and knowing you are valued is an emotion you feel. It goes beyond marketing or words. Being recognized as a Best Place to Work validates that the culture and leadership principles of Collaboration, Engagement, and Curiosity are being practiced and felt on a daily basis. Knowing our employees feel our positive culture makes me extremely happy and proud to work with these amazing team members from the most junior to executives.” Looking ahead, NTT DATA remains committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace culture and providing an environment where all employees feel empowered to reach their full potential. The company recognizes the importance of empowering women in the workplace and is dedicated to creating opportunities for their success. NTT DATA aims to not only attract top talent but also retain and nurture its existing workforce for continued success and innovation in the constantly evolving IT services industry.Hashtag: #BestPlacesToWorkThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About NTT DATANTT DATA - a part of NTT Group - is a trusted global innovator of IT and business services headquartered in Tokyo. We help clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services. NTT DATA enables clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. We are committed to our clients’ long-term success and combine global reach with local client attention to serve them in over 50 countries. Visit us at nttdata.com. ABOUT BEST PLACES TO WORK PROGRAM Best Places to Work is a global HR certification program recognizing leading workplaces around the world. Our proprietary assessment analyzes the organization’s attractiveness through a two-step process focusing on eight Workplace factors including culture, leadership, opportunities for growth and people practices. Besides the employee survey, an HR assessment is conducted focusing on evaluating the organization HR practices against the best standards. LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/best-places-to-work-program/ Twitter : http://www.twitter/bptw4 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bptw4all/ For more information, please visit www.bestplacestoworkfor.org
Delivering an on-demand Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS) model, the new solution fast-tracks the deployment of high-density data centers to empower the adoption of leading high-performance technologies. Further strengthen Hong Kong’s role as an AI Innovation and FinTech Hub in the region. HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 19 April 2024 - NTT Com Asia Limited ("NTT") today announced the launch of a new High Performance Computing (HPC) as-a-Service Solution in Hong Kong to help enterprises streamline and fast-track the deployment of high-density data centers to fuel the massive growth in compute-intensive workloads, further reinforcing Hong Kong's role as an AI Innovation and FinTech Hub in the region. Developed in collaboration with Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL), the solution brings together the capabilities of two key market players - combining NTT's direct liquid cooling (DLC) enabled data center infrastructure and managed services with Dell advanced computing technology. From left to right: Steven So, Senior Vice President, Data Center Hong Kong, NTT Com Asia; Alex Chan, Vice President, Enterprise and Digital Solutions, NTT Com Asia; Jackie Kwong, General Manager of Dell Technologies Hong Kong & Macau; Leo Tsou, Director of Systems Engineering of Dell Technologies. The new solution delivers HPC resources to support customers with end-to-end deployment – from co-location, infrastructure hosting, and computing servers to managed services. Available on a flexible as-a-service commercial model, customers can enjoy fast deployment of high-performance computing of more than 50 kW within NTT Financial Data Center and Taipo Data Center in Hong Kong[1]. "We are seeing a rapid take-up of AI and emerging technologies at scale across businesses in Hong Kong and Asia, which poses new challenges to traditional IT infrastructure." Alex Chan, Vice President, Enterprise and Digital Solutions, NTT Com Asia said. "Alongside Dell Technologies, we're offering enterprise customers a turnkey solution that allows them to scale up their IT infrastructure quickly and cost-efficiently with end-to-end deployment to ease operational hassle." Findings from an industry report indicate a surge in demand for data centers, substantially fuelled by the wave of generative AI and the need for more data processing capacity. Cushman & Wakefield predicts that the demand in Southeast Asia and North Asia (including Hong Kong) will grow by over 25% per year through 2028[2]. Despite the growth, increasing power consumption and cooling capabilities of data centers remain key challenges for enterprise deployment. "At Dell Technologies, we are dedicated to empowering organizations to generate faster, smarter outcomes with our cutting-edge, smart cooling technology." Jackie Kwong, General Manager of Hong Kong and Macau, Dell Technologies said. "We deliver energy-efficient infrastructure to help customers enhance server performance and cooling capabilities in data centers." "We are proud to be working with Dell Technologies to offer this new solution for all our customers. At NTT, we pride ourselves for the state-of-the-art data center infrastructure and the reliability we bring to our customers. The collaboration makes NTT data center in Hong Kong an ideal location to support the demanding processor-intensive deployments that are fast-becoming vital to the transformation of modern enterprises in the AI era." Steven So, Senior Vice President, Data Center Hong Kong, NTT Com Asia said. More information available at: Power Innovations with Direct Liquid Cooling | NTT Hong Kong [1] Based on NTT's testing result of NTT Financial Data Centre (January 2024) [2] Cushman & Wakefield: KKR, Bain Capital Plow Into Asia Data Centers on AI, Cloud Boom - Bloomberg (January 2024) Hashtag: #NTTThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About NTT Com Asia LimitedAs part of NTT Group, a world-class leader in telecommunications and ICT services, NTT Com Asia Limited ("NTT") is dedicated to delivering the best ICT infrastructure and disruptive technologies with the vision to enable a smarter world. Riding on the leading enterprise mobile technology from docomo business in Japan, we are bringing cutting-edge and ready-to-market IoT, AI and other digital solutions to support enterprises to develop a mobile-first strategy in their digitalization journey. For more information, please visit: www.ntt.com.hk.
IBM 總營收和現金流成長;諮詢部門四成營收來自策略合作夥伴業務 2023年IBM 總營收和現金流成長;總營收619 億美元,按固定匯率計算成長 3%,自由現金流112 億美元。 AI 和混合雲科技持續驅動價值創造, IBM 已經建立兩個強大的技術平台 — 為AI而生的watsonx平台與為混合雲而生的 Red Hat OpenShift平台,並從企業對這兩項科技的強勁需求中獲益。 IBM 發展並利用IBM 車庫方法論(IBM Garage Method)與客戶共創,將創意轉化為實際成果,並從不斷拓展的合作夥伴生態系,帶進客戶所需要的各種技術與專長。 IBM研究部門推動關鍵科技如AI、量子運算、與半導體的基礎科學發展。 IBM 員工運用 watsonx 以提高生產力,將工作流程化繁為簡,將人工作業自動化。例如代碼生成速度提升60%,與更快地回覆客戶詢問。 為縮小數位技能落差,IBM承諾在 2026 年底前為全球200 萬人提供AI技能教育訓練。 台北2024年3月29日 /美通社/ -- IBM 日前發布2023年企業年報。以下是IBM 董事長暨執行長克許納(Arvind Krishna)的「致 IBM 投資人函」全文中文版;重點介紹IBM 如何持守與實現2020年四月許下的承諾:成為一家基於混合雲和 AI科技發展、更為聚焦的公司。 IBM 董事長暨執行長克許納在 2023年 IBM 年報的「致 IBM 投資人函」中表示:2023 年,IBM 聚焦於混合雲和 AI 這兩項當今最具變革力的科技,在成為更加創新、更為專注的企業轉型之旅中,取得了重要進展。IBM 執行有效的策略,優化產品組合,拓展事業夥伴生態,並提高了全公司的生產力。 ##### 敬愛的 IBM 投資人: 2023 年,IBM聚焦於混合雲和人工智慧(AI)這兩項當今最具變革力的科技,在成為更加創新、更為專注的企業轉型之旅中,取得了重大進展。IBM 執行有效的策略,優化產品組合,拓展事業夥伴生態,並提高了全公司的生產力。 IBM 一如既往地滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。隨著應用AI科技成為企業的優先事項,IBM 的客戶採用 IBM旗艦級 AI與資料平台產品watsonx,協助重新打造客戶服務,現代化海量的代碼,以自動化的企業流程提升員工生產力。 我從未像此刻一樣對 IBM 的發展方向充滿信心。今天的 IBM 的實力更雄厚、生產力更高,擁有堅強的產品組合與穩固的基礎,支持公司永續成長。IBM 正在兌現「成為『讓世界更美好』的觸媒」的承諾。 2023 年業績表現 2023年,IBM 的總營收為 619 億美元,按固定匯率計算成長 3%,自由現金流112 億美元,與2022年相比成長 19 億美元。企業對 watsonx 平台的需求不斷增加,進行了數千場客戶交流。2023年第四季watsonx 與生成式 AI 的業務量,比第三季增加近一倍。 藉由側重諮詢服務與軟體等高價值業務、與在IBM內部進行流程數位轉型及擴大AI應用,提升企業生產力,IBM 的獲利增加。 由於客戶在混合雲、資料、AI、自動化、交易處理與安全領域,採用 IBM 先進的軟體解決方案,IBM的軟體業務營收成長超過5%(按固定匯率計算)。受Red Hat的業務驅動,IBM 的經常型營收穩健成長。 按固定匯率計算,諮詢業務營收成長 6%。客戶在企業數位轉型與AI應用領域,對諮詢服務專長的需求不斷增加,包括IBM 對於資料與科技諮詢、雲架構現代化、應用營運和業務轉型提供的諮詢服務。 按固定匯率計算,基礎架構業務營收減少4%,反映了這項業務之中、典型產品週期起伏的狀況。IBM z16 的營收表現明顯優於前一版本,證明該平台為客戶提供了歷久彌新的商業價值。 由於2023年營收和現金流成長,IBM投資於公司業務發展的金額十分可觀,為投資人創造價值。2023 年,IBM 斥資近 70 億美元於研發領域;支出超過 50 億美元收購 9 家公司;派發股息超過 60 億美元。 創新技術和行業專長 AI 和混合雲科技持續驅動價值創造,使企業得以擴大規模、提高生產力、抓住新的商機。IBM 已經建立兩個強大的技術平台,即為AI而生的watsonx平台與為混合雲而生的 Red Hat OpenShift平台,並從企業對這兩項科技的強勁需求之中獲益。 watsonx 是一個完整的 AI 與資料平台,目的是提供 AI 模型,協助客戶管理企業級AI應用的全生命週期,包括訓練、調校、建置與持續管理這些模型。隨著客戶從體驗生成式 AI 、轉到在全企業裡打造與建置AI,IBM 聚焦於實際且重要的應用場景,包括代碼現代化、客戶服務和數位員工。 花旗銀行、巴西Bradesco銀行和英國NatWest銀行等金融機構正在使用 watsonx 提升生產力、改善應用程式代碼品質、提升客戶體驗。IBM 的企業級 AI 科技已經嵌入SAP的解決方案。安永會計師事務所推出的全新EY.ai 人資解決方案,使用 watsonx Orchestrate讓HR 工作與流程自動化。NTT Data Business Solutions、Wipro 和 TCS 等合作夥伴成立watsonx 卓越中心,協助企業擴大AI創新領域。watsonx 的生成式 AI功能與 IBM諮詢的行業專長相結合,持續強化美國網球公開賽、美國名人賽、溫布頓網球公開賽、葛萊美獎和 ESPN旗下遊戲Fantasy Football的數位體驗。 IBM 員工也在運用 watsonx 以提高生產力,工作流程化繁為簡,將人工作業自動化,例如更輕鬆地處理 HR 和 IT 工作,代碼生成速度提升60%、以及更快地回覆客戶詢問。 混合雲架構已經被廣泛採用,近 80% 的 IT 決策者表示其運維的是混合雲環境;然而有近三分之二的企業表示IT環境複雜,管理不易。隨著他們在多雲環境中採用生成式 AI,這項挑戰將會更為嚴峻。業界領先、基於Red Hat OpenShift的IBM混合雲平台,可以協助客戶從被動地接受既成的混合架構(hybrid by default),轉換到主動打造的混合架構(hybrid by design);使企業在混合多雲環境(包括公有雲和私有雲)無縫地運行工作負載,簡化營運,統一資料和應用,加速創新。它為watsonx 平台提供了關鍵支持,使客戶能夠靈活地管理在複雜的多雲環境裡運行的眾多 AI模型。 Virgin Money 正在採用IBM 的混合雲解決方案,為客戶打造全新的數位體驗,並優化其信用卡服務。Red Hat OpenShift 已成為諾基亞核心網路應用業務的首選平台。美國大聯盟波士頓紅襪隊正在利用 IBM 的混合雲技術提升其營運效益。 在 IBM 成為企業級AI領導品牌的道路上,IBM諮詢的顧問專家們提供了獨特價值,正如他們為IBM的混合雲業務所提供的差異化價值一樣。IBM全球的資料與 AI 諮詢團隊已經主持了數千場客戶實作交流會。IBM 結合科技與諮詢服務,提供必要的資料架構、資訊安全和治理機制,供客戶建置值得信任的 AI 解決方案。 IBM諮詢團隊正在為利雅得航空的關鍵任務打造技術和業務能力,支持他們成功完成首航。北大西洋公約組織NATO採用 IBM解決方案,更好更快地偵測與回應網路攻擊。酒業集團帝亞吉歐(Diageo)與 IBM諮詢和 SAP 共同進行為期五年的業務轉型和雲架構遷移計劃。 2023 年,IBM 的客戶採用 z16 主機平台,配合其混合雲與 AI策略,實現了基礎架構現代化。IBM 針對 IBM Z 推出了新的 AI套件,也在z/OS上提供全新的機器學習和智慧功能與優化運行。 此外,IBM 在 2023 年完成9場收購,強化 IBM 的產品組合;包括收購 Apptio,這套軟體旨在協助客戶更加準確地管理其科技投資,與每項科技投資所創造的商業價值。 客戶交流和夥伴生態 客戶成功與IBM成功息息相關;客戶的問題就是 IBM 的問題,客戶的機會就是 IBM 的機會。因此 IBM 發展了一套協作更緊密、基於經驗的方法論,以便更高效地回應客戶的需求。 IBM 車庫方法論(IBM Garage Method)已經融入 IBM 的業務模式,結合敏捷開發和設計思維,協助IBM團隊與客戶共創。眾多客戶已採用這個與 IBM 高度協同合作的形式,透過數千場車庫創新工作坊的交流,將創意轉化為實際成果。 利用這樣的共創模式,IBM 與客戶站在同一陣線,從不斷拓展的合作夥伴生態系,帶進客戶所需要的各種技術與專長。IBM 強化了與 Adobe、AWS、微軟、SAP、Salesforce、三星等重要廠商的策略聯盟。2023年,策略夥伴關係所創造的營收佔IBM諮詢總營收 40% 以上,營收與長約金額都有雙位數成長。 重要科技研發成果 2023年,IBM研究部門推動重要科技如AI、量子運算、與半導體的基礎科學發展。 在AI領域,IBM 展現了將研發成果快速轉化為商業應用的能力:推出watsonx平台與Granite AI基礎模型,開發了AI優化的硬體產品。 在量子運算領域,IBM Quantum System One量子電腦使用於美國克里夫蘭醫學中心、魁北克數位與量子創新平台、RPI倫斯勒理工學院、及東京大學等機構。此外,IBM 推出133 量子位的量子處理器「蒼鷺」(Heron),它增強了新的模組化量子電腦IBM Quantum System Two的性能、效率與可延展性。IBM 在糾錯與消弭錯誤 (error mitigation)技術上的進展,為量子運算普及應用的來臨奠定基礎。 IBM 的研發團隊基於最新創新成果如2奈米晶片、混合鍵合和垂直晶體管等,不斷突破半導體設計和封裝技術的極限。IBM 與 Rapidus共同推進日本在半導體研發與製造的領導地位。同時,IBM與美國紐約州政府、美光科技(Micron)及眾廠商共計投資100億美元,進行半導體研發。 IBM 的承諾 IBM 正與客戶們攜手創造未來;未來,必須奠基於信任。 IBM 站在 AI 與量子運算等科技的前端,這些科技將為人類的工作和生活帶來重大的改變。IBM 體會到這份重責大任,始終以合乎倫理道德的方式開發這些技術,並以透明可信的方式使用它們。IBM 在 watsonx 平台內建了強大的 AI 治理能力,並開發了量子級安全加密技術,保護機敏資料。這是 IBM 倡議AI智慧監管的原因,包括對造成欺詐、歧視、危險行為的AI開發者與使用者問責。這也是 IBM 與Meta 宣佈成立AI 聯盟(AI Alliance)的初衷;該聯盟已經有 70 多個組織參與,致力於推動開放、安全、負責任的 AI開發和應用。 透過誠信經營、堅守企業價值觀、以及回應各方利益關係人的需求,IBM 贏得了寶貴的信任。IBM 繼續推展在環境、倫理和教育領域的工作。與基準年 2010 年相比,IBM 的溫室氣體排放量在2023年減少了 63%。IBM已宣布在 2025 年將完成對 1千家供應商的科技倫理教育訓練。IBM 並承諾在 2026 年底前為全球200 萬人提供AI技能培訓,為縮小數位技能落差貢獻力量。 然而,IBM 對誠信的承諾,不只展現在它的企業公民責任、產品與政策。IBM 之所以贏得信任,更在於它「說到做到」。 在 2020 年四月,IBM 闡述了它清晰明確的企業願景 — 承諾成為一家基於混合雲和 AI科技發展、更為聚焦的公司。IBM 允諾重塑市場策略,一切以客戶為中心,將競爭對手轉為合作夥伴。IBM 承諾革新營運模式,簡化內部流程,提高生產力。正如這份企業年報所詳述的內容,IBM 正在踐行一切承諾。 展望未來,IBM 依然堅定於2020 年初許下的承諾。我們將持續創新,快速執行,目標明確,不斷提升營運效率,運用協助客戶成長的相同科技,提高 IBM自身的生產力。IBM 再次向全體同事、客戶與合作夥伴發出一個簡單明瞭的邀請:讓我們攜手共創(Let's Create),成為讓世界更美好的催化劑。 這就是IBM的承諾。 艾爾文克許納IBM 董事長暨執行長 ##### 關於 IBM IBM 是全球領先的混合雲、人工智慧及企業諮詢服務的提供者,為全球超過 175 個國家的客戶服務,協助其從擁有的資料裡獲取商業洞察、簡化業務流程、降低成本,並取得產業競爭優勢。 來自金融服務、電信和健康醫療等關鍵基礎設施領域、超過4千家政府和企業機構,採用 IBM 混合雲平台和 Red Hat OpenShift 解決方案,快速、高效、安全地實現企業數位轉型。IBM 在人工智慧、量子運算、產業專屬的雲端運算解決方案和企業諮詢服務領域的突破性創新,為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。IBM 對企業誠信、透明治理、企業社會責任、多元與包容文化和服務精神的承諾,歷久彌新,是 IBM 業務發展的基礎。 台灣 IBM 公司新聞室:https://taiwan.newsroom.ibm.com/ IBM 2023 企業年報:https://www.ibm.com/annualreport/ 新聞聯絡IBM 公司公關部 Kate Liu kateliu@cn.ibm.com
以信任為基石,成為讓世界更美好的催化劑 香港2024年3月21日 /美通社/ -- 近日,IBM發佈 2023年度報告 以及IBM董事長兼首席執行官 Arvind Krishna 致投資人的一封公開信。他認為,今天的 IBM 擁有更全面的能力、更高效的生產力,以及強大的產品組合和堅實的經濟基礎來支持可持續增長。基於watsonx和Red Hat OpenShift這兩大技術平台,IBM正在兌現「成為讓世界更美好的催化劑」這一承諾。 以下為公開信全文: 尊敬的 IBM 投資者: 2023 年,我們聚焦混合雲和人工智能(AI)這兩項當今最具變革性的技術,在成為一家更創新、更專注的公司的旅程中不斷實現突破。我們執行了經過驗證的戰略,優化了產品組合,擴展了合作夥伴生態,也提高了公司的生產力。 我們一如既往地滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。隨著應用AI成為必選項,我們的客戶正在利用 IBM 的旗艦產品watsonx 這一AI 和數據平台來重塑客戶服務,實現大規模的代碼現代化,並自動執行企業任務以提高員工生產力。 我從未像現在這樣對 IBM 的發展方向充滿信心。今天的 IBM 擁有更全面的能力和更高效的生產力,以及強大的產品組合和堅實的基礎來支持可持續增長。我們正在兌現「成為讓世界更美好的催化劑」這一承諾。 2023 年業績報告 在過去的一年里,IBM 的總營收為 619 億美元,按固定匯率計算增長 3%,自由現金流為 112 億美元,同比增長 19 億美元。企業對 watsonx 平台的需求不斷增長,並帶來了數以千計的客戶交流;在去年第四季度,watsonx 和其他IBM生成式 AI 的業務量比前一個季度到增加了近一倍。 我們還通過專注於諮詢和軟件業務的高價值解決方案,來加速流程數碼轉型和擴展AI應用,以此提高 IBM 內部的生產力,擴大了利潤率。 隨著客戶在混合雲、數據和 AI、自動化、交易處理和安全等領域採用IBM業界領先的軟件,按固定匯率計算,軟件業務營收增長超過 5%。得益於紅帽業務的持續引領,我們的經常性收入基礎實現穩健增長。 按固定匯率計算,諮詢業務營收增長了 6%。這得益於客戶在數碼轉型和 AI 部署中對行業專長的需求不斷增加,包括我們在數據和技術諮詢、雲現代化、應用運營和業務轉型方面的諮詢服務。 按固定匯率計算,基礎架構業務營收減少4%,符合該細分市場中的典型產品週期變化情況。IBM z16 的營收表現顯著優於此前週期,這顯示了該平台為客戶創造的長期價值。 憑借過去一年的營收和現金流增長,我們得以對業務進行大量投資,並為股東帶來價值。2023 年,IBM 在研發上花費了近 70 億美元,用超過 50 億美元收購了 9 家公司,並以派發股息的形式向股東返還了超過 60 億美元。 創新技術和行業專長 AI 和混合雲技術繼續推動價值創造,讓企業能夠不斷擴大規模,提高生產力,並抓住新的市場機遇。IBM 構建的兩大技術平台,即面向AI的watsonx和面向混合雲的 Red Hat OpenShift,正在將企業對這兩種技術的強勁需求轉化為生產力。 watsonx 是一個全面的 AI 和數據平台,旨在交付 AI 模型,並幫助客戶管理企業級AI應用的全生命週期,包括訓練、調優、部署和持續監管這些模型。隨著客戶從嘗試使用生成式 AI 轉變為在整個組織中構建和部署 AI,我們專注於實際而緊迫的業務用例,包括代碼現代化、客戶服務和數字勞動力。 花旗銀行、Bradesco 和 NatWest 等金融機構正在使用 watsonx 來提高生產力,改善代碼質量並改善客戶體驗。我們的企業就緒的 AI 能力正在嵌入SAP的解決方案中。EY 推出的全新EY.ai Workforce解決方案,將使用 watsonx Orchestrate 來自動執行 HR 任務和流程。NTT Data Business Solutions、Wipro 和 TCS 等服務合作夥伴正在打造 watsonx 卓越中心,以幫助客戶使用AI並擴展創新。watsonx 的生成式 AI能力與 IBM諮詢的行業專長相結合,正不斷加強美國網球公開賽、大師賽、溫布爾登網球公開賽、格萊美獎和 ESPN旗下遊戲Fantasy Football的數碼體驗。 IBM 員工也在採用 watsonx 來提高生產力,減少複雜因素,簡化工作流程,並自動執行手動任務。這些示例包括更輕鬆地處理 HR 和 IT 工作,將代碼生成速度提高 60%,以及更快地回應客戶詢問。 混合雲架構已被廣泛採用,近 80% 的 IT 決策者表示其組織在混合雲環境中運營。但近三分之二的企業表示難以管理複雜的IT環境,隨著他們在多雲環境中部署生成式 AI,這一挑戰會越來越嚴峻。IBM 的行業領先的混合雲平台Red Hat OpenShift提供瞭解法。它可以幫助客戶從被動接受既成的混合環境(hybrid by default),轉變為主動打造基於Red Hat OpenShift的混合雲架構(hybrid by design)。它使企業能夠在混合多雲環境(包括公有雲和私有雲)中無縫運行工作負載,從而簡化運營,統一數據和應用,並加速創新。它為watsonx 平台提供了重要支持,使客戶能夠靈活地管理在複雜多雲環境中運行在多個模型上的 AI應用程式。 Virgin Money 正在利用 IBM 的混合雲解決方案打造全新的數碼客戶體驗,並改善信用卡服務。Red Hat OpenShift 已成為諾基亞核心網絡應用業務的首選平台。波士頓紅襪棒球隊正在利用我們的混合雲技術改善其運營。 在我們成為企業級AI領導者的道路上,IBM諮詢的專家們提供了獨特價值,正如他們為IBM的混合雲業務所提供的差異化價值一樣。我們遍布全球的數據和 AI 諮詢顧問已經參與了數千次客戶交流。IBM 將技術與諮詢服務相結合,為客戶採用值得信賴的 AI 解決方案提供必要的數據架構、安全和管制。 IBM的諮詢顧問們正在與利雅得航空開展合作,為其打造任務關鍵型技術和業務能力,支持他們順利實現首次飛行。全球知名的跨國酒業集團帝亞吉歐(Diageo)與 IBM諮詢和 SAP 合作,正在實施為期五年的業務轉型和雲遷移計劃。 回望2023 年,我們的客戶通過 z16 主機平台實現了基礎架構現代化,且與其混合雲和 AI 戰略保持一致。IBM 針對 IBM Z 推出了新的 AI 產品套件,同時也為z/OS 帶來全新的機器學習和智能功能,以及運行優化。 此外,我們在 2023 年進行了 9 次收購,增強了 IBM 的產品組合。這包括對 Apptio的收購,該軟件平台可幫助客戶更準確地瞭解其技術投資及其業務價值。 112 億美元 2023年自由現金流同比增長 19 億美元 客戶交流和夥伴生態 客戶的成功與IBM 的成功息息相關。他們的問題就是我們的問題。他們的機遇也是我們的機遇。因此,我們制定了一套協作更緊密、基於經驗的方法論,以更高效地滿足客戶需求。 IBM 車庫方法論(IBM Garage)現已整合到我們的業務中,它結合了敏捷開發和設計思維,幫助IBM團隊與客戶攜手共創。許多客戶已採用這種方式與 IBM 密切合作,通過全年數千次的互動交流,將想法轉化為成果。 借助這種共創方法,我們能夠與客戶同頻共振,在不斷擴展的合作夥伴生態中匯集所需的各種技術和專長。正因如此,我們加強了與 Adobe、亞馬遜雲科技、微軟、SAP、Salesforce、三星等行業領軍企業的戰略合作夥伴關係。2023年,戰略合作夥伴關係創造的營收佔IBM諮詢業務總營收的 40% 以上,簽約數和營收都實現了雙位數增長。 研發成果加速走向市場 在 AI 方面,IBM展示了將研發成果快速轉變為商業應用的能力。在2023年,我們推出了 AI 和數據平台watsonx,引入了開創性的 Granite AI 基礎模型,並開發了 全新的 AI 優化的硬件。 在量子運算領域,我們還推出了 133 量子位的 Quantum Heron 處理器,這增強了新部署的IBM Quantum System Two量子計算機的性能、效率和可擴展性。而我們在糾錯和錯誤緩解(error mitigation)技術上的進展,正在為量子運算應用的新時代打下基礎。 我們的研發團隊還基於最新的創新成果,不斷突破半導體設計和封裝技術的極限,如 2納米芯片技術、混合鍵合和垂直晶體管。 兩大技術平台 watsonx和Red Hat OpenShift IBM 的承諾 IBM 正與我們的客戶攜手塑造未來,這一未來必須建立在信任的基礎上。 IBM 處於 AI 和量子計算等技術的前沿,這些技術將為我們的工作和生活方式帶來根本的改變。我們深感重任在肩,始終以合乎道德的方式開發這些技術,並以透明可信的方式進行部署。因此,我們在 watsonx 平台中嵌入了強大的 AI 治理功能,並開發了量子安全加密技術來保護敏感數據。也正因為如此,我們倡導踐行監管智慧,讓AI應用的開發者和部署者對其造成的欺詐、岐視和有害活動負責。IBM 和 Meta 還牽頭成立了 AI 聯盟(AI Alliance),該聯盟現在已經有 70 多個組織參與構成,致力於推進開放、安全且負責任的 AI開發和應用。 我們也通過誠信經營、堅守公司價值觀以及滿足各利益相關方的需求,贏得了廣泛信任。我們繼續推進在環境、道德和教育方面的工作。與基準年 2010 年相比,IBM 的溫室氣體排放量在2023年減少了 63%。IBM宣佈了一項新計劃,即到 2025 年完成對 1000 家供應商的技術倫理培訓。我們還承諾到 2026 年底為全球200 萬人提供AI技能培訓,為縮小技術技能的鴻溝作出貢獻。 IBM 對信任的承諾超越其企業公民的身份、產品和政策。我們之所以贏得信任,更在於我們兌現承諾的方式。 在 2020 年初,我們清晰闡述了IBM的未來願景。我們承諾成為一家混合雲和 AI公司。我們承諾重塑市場進入戰略,一切以客戶為中心,並將競爭對手轉變為合作夥伴。我們承諾革新運營模式,簡化內部流程,提高生產力。正如本報告所詳述的那樣,我們正在踐行這些承諾。 展望未來,我們依然堅守在2020 年初許下的承諾。我們將持續創新,快速執行且目標明確,不斷提升運營效率,將助力客戶增長的IBM技術用於提高我們自身的生產力。我們再次向我們的同事、客戶和合作夥伴發出「攜手共創」(Let's Create)這一簡單明瞭的邀請:讓我們攜手共創,成為讓世界更美好的催化劑。 這,就是來自IBM的承諾。 關於 IBM IBM 是全球領先的混合雲與人工智能、以及企業服務提供商,為全球175個國家和地區的客戶服務,幫助企業把握其數據洞察、簡化業務流程、降本增效,獲得行業競爭優勢。 IBM 混合雲平台和紅帽OpenShift 為全球超過4,000家政府和企業機構的關鍵性基礎設施提供有力支撐,例如來自金融服務、電訊和醫療健康等行業的客戶,幫助他們快速、高效、安全地實現數碼轉型。 IBM 在人工智能、量子運算、特定行業的雲解決方案以及企業服務等方面的突破性創新,使其可以為客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。 IBM 對信任、透明、責任、包容和服務的歷久彌新的承諾,是我們業務發展的基石。查詢更多資料,請瀏覽:www.ibm.com/ 關於 IBM 香港,請登入Facebook 頁面 www.facebook.com/IBMHongKong 。 傳媒查詢:郭韜 gguotao@cn.ibm.com
News Summary: Cisco showcases how it is helping global service provider partners monetize their infrastructure to support the needs of enterprise customers with unified wireless experiences across people, machines, places, and things. Cisco and TELUS launch new 5G capabilities in North America to serve IoT use cases for industry verticals, with a focus on connected cars. Cisco Senior Director of Provider Mobility, Bob Everson, will deliver a keynote on "Redefining Enterprise Services" at the 5G Futures Summit followed by the panel session "Revolutionizing Operator Services with Edge Compute and Private Networks": Wednesday, February 28, 12:00 – 1:00 pm CET, MWC Stage C, Hall 6. Cisco's stand features innovative product and solution demos that offer operational simplicity while driving monetization, network optimization and sustainability. BARCELONA, Feb. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS -- Visitors to the Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) booth at MWC Barcelona 2024 will see and hear how Cisco is advancing the vision of Cisco Networking Cloud, working alongside customers and partners to build networks that can support emerging technology applications and the launch of new services. Through a platform-first approach to networking and simplified, secure, and sustainable solutions, Cisco is driving innovation with open partner ecosystems, AI-enabled operations, and cross-architectural integrations that empower businesses to create new revenue streams, boost agility, and improve operational efficiency. "In the age of AI, when network and service demands have never been greater, there is a unique opportunity for service providers to help enterprises think differently about the role of the network in delivering value for their business," said Jonathan Davidson, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Cisco Networking. "With our latest investments across mobility, service assurance, AI, and enterprise services, we are helping service providers champion enterprise innovation and digital transformation, and bridge the gap between digital and physical, between data and action, and between enterprises and a future of connected possibilities." Paving the Road for Connected Car with TELUSCisco and TELUS have joined forces to launch new 5G capabilities to serve IoT use cases for industry verticals, with a focus on connected cars. Together, TELUS and Cisco Mobility Services Platform (IoT Control Center Service) introduces paths to enhance and simplify the driver experience and ways for car manufacturers to realize new revenue streams. TELUS expects to onboard over 1.5 million 5G standalone cars onto Cisco's platform over the next several years. More details here. Helping to Connect More People, Places and Things Through Valued PartnershipsCisco is working closely with global service provider partners including Airtel, AT&T, BT, XL Axiata, TELUS and others to help monetize their infrastructure to support the needs of enterprise customers with unified and seamless experiences. Here are new examples of how Cisco is enabling network and business frameworks where programmability, openness, security, and flexibility go together with aligned incentives and operating models: Cisco Partners with du Telecom in a Landmark Cybersecurity Transformation Initiative in the Middle East: In a landmark collaboration, Cisco and du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), begin a major cybersecurity transformation initiative focused on revolutionizing du's Security Operations Center (SOC) into an advanced Cyber Defense and Intelligence Center, leveraging artificial intelligence and automation to enhance security and operational efficiency. More details here. Cisco and BT: Building a More Sustainable Network for the Future, Together: Cisco and BT have jointly developed networking innovations including tools and technologies to help customers reduce their carbon footprints, reduce costs and enhance talent recruitment. More details here. MKI, Cisco, and KDDI Engineering have Introduced Private 5G to Shinwa Komaki SFiC Lab: Cisco was chosen by Shinwa Komaki, Japan's top manufacturing facility, to implement Private 5G and support its networking operations. The project will support smart factories in production, process innovation, and productivity improvement. More details here. Cisco and DISH Test Trailblazing 5G Hybrid Cloud Network Slicing Solution to Speed the Launch of New Services for Enterprise Customers: In a new proof-of-concept trial, Cisco and DISH Wireless aim to further enhance the performance of DISH's cloud-powered 5G network by enabling automated distribution of network traffic to accelerate the delivery of new enterprise services, increase network flexibility and scale, and improve operational efficiencies. More details here. T-Mobile and Cisco Meraki Unite Best-In-Class 5G and Network Technology to Launch Connected Workplace: T-Mobile recently introduced Connected Workplace, a network-as-a-service solution that brings together 5G Business Internet, Cisco Meraki devices, and managed services so businesses can seamlessly and securely connect their branches and retail stores. More details here. Experience the Power of a Unified EcosystemFor the next generation of network services to successfully solve industry challenges, a cohesive and collaborative ecosystem is crucial. Alongside its partners and peers, Cisco is bringing the ecosystem together to build standards and develop new services to benefit the industry. The power of this ecosystem will be on display at the Cisco booth, with demonstrations including: NTT DATA: Cisco Private 5G and AI driven vision Deloitte: Cisco Private 5G using an Airspan radio, focusing on an automated guided vehicle (AGV) use case Orange: Sport All IP HCLTech: Cisco Private 5G with collaboration and expert on demand Nokia: Cisco Private 5G using a validated Nokia radio Intel: Cisco Private 5G using a neutral wireless radio, focusing on manufacturing and AI use cases. More details here. Product and Solution DemosThis year, Cisco is showcasing a re-think of the network with solution integrations that offer operational simplicity while driving monetization, network optimization, and sustainability through programmable, open, secure, and flexible solutions. Demos include Routed Optical Networking infrastructure, as-a-service offerings delivered through the Cisco Mobility Services Platform, Unified Management and Insight options across Cisco Catalyst and Meraki platforms, and more. Speaker Sessions Bob Everson, Senior Director, Cisco Provider Mobility, will discuss how operators can tailor solutions to meet the specific needs of enterprises and industries by embracing edge computing and private networks in this session "5G Futures Summit: Revolutionizing Operator Services with Edge Compute and Private Networks": Wednesday, February 28, 12:00 – 1:00 pm CET, MWC Stage C, Hall 6 Waris Sagheer, CTO, Cisco Routing Architecture, will be speaking on the panel session, "To Go Private or to Slice?": Thursday, February 29, 10:00-10:45 am CET, MWC Stage B, Hall 4 Cisco Wi-Fi at MWC Barcelona 2024 For the 13th year, Cisco is partnering with the Fira de Barcelona to offer all attendees simple, seamless, and secure wireless experiences at its Gran Via venue — with OpenRoaming, featuring the latest in Cisco Catalyst Wi-Fi 6/6E technology. Additional Resources Cisco at MWC Barcelona 2024 About CiscoCisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Discover more on The Newsroom and follow us on X at @Cisco. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. This press release may contain forward-looking statements relating to future events or future financial performance that involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements can be identified by terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue," or the negative of such terms or comparable terms. These statements are only predictions, and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these statements based on factors including those identified in the company's filings with the SEC.
Pentera's program empowers ecosystem partners to accelerate their growth across more than 50 countries globally BOSTON, Feb. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pentera, the leader in Automated Security Validation, today announced the launch of its new Partner Program. The global program reinforces Pentera's channel-first go-to-market strategy and offers its channel partners a more lucrative and systematic approach to creating, managing, and growing sales opportunities. From the moment they join the program, Pentera partners have access to the company's complete portfolio of award winning Automated Security Validation solutions, including Pentera Core, Pentera Surface, RansomwareReady™, and Credential Exposure. Pentera's one-day Proof of Value (PoV), empowers partners to rapidly prove product value, and shorten traditional sales cycles to drive revenue. "Partnering with Pentera was an excellent decision. Their swift response times and efficient onboarding have made collaboration smooth sailing," said Alexander Stemper, VP of Security Sales at NTT DATA Deutschland. "Pentera's automated security validation solution integrates seamlessly into our offering and has strengthened our ability to shield our clients from evolving threats. We are excited for the new partner program and looking forward to the next chapter of our successful partnership to protect businesses worldwide." The Pentera Partner Program meets a range of partner needs while rewarding them for the value they deliver throughout the customer lifecycle. The program is based on three tiers of participation – Associate, Premier, and Elite. Each tier offers progressively more lucrative financial incentives and discount structures, as well as more advanced training opportunities, sales tools, and marketing support. The program features: Onboarding sessions, including in-person and online sales and technical workshops Deal registration incentives and price protection Personal training and certification program options A digital resource portal, including sales toolkits, email templates, materials for co-branding, demos, and on-demand trainings Access to demo and lab environments Access to PoV licenses Pentera has been doubling its business year-over-year since going to market in 2018. The company is a global market leader with customers in over 50 countries and regional offices across 18 countries in North America, EMEA, APAC, and LATAM. "Since going to market, Pentera has established itself as the unquestioned leader in Automated Security Validation across every metric," said Kirt Jorgenson, VP Global Channel at Pentera. "The introduction of the Pentera Global Partner Program represents a significant investment from Pentera in the success of its partners and will enable our partner ecosystem to play an even larger role in our channel-first go-to-market strategy. As Pentera continues to grow, we will continue to increase our investment in the channel to power the mutual growth of both Pentera and our global partner ecosystem." About Pentera Pentera is the category leader for Automated Security Validation, allowing every organization to test with ease the integrity of all cybersecurity layers, unfolding true, current security exposures at any moment, at any scale. Thousands of security professionals and service providers around the world use Pentera to guide remediation and close security gaps before they are exploited. For more info, visit: pentera.io Media contact for PenteraNoam HirschSenior PR ManagerNoam.Hirsch@pentera.io
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