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符合「Mirage」新聞搜尋結果, 共 19 篇 ,以下為 1 - 19 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
義大利經典工藝鉅獻,12/7-12/10 羅特麗攜手 Mirage 國際建築建材展盛大展出

​​義大利精湛工藝將於台北重現!一年一度國際建築建材展 12/7-12/10 在台北南港展覽館舉辦,許多設計師及建築師指定使用的進口精品磁磚品牌「羅特麗」,攜手義大利磁磚大廠「Mirage 米拉珏」共譜居家美學,這次展出不僅是展示產品,更是對於義大利工藝的一次深度探索。 逾 20 款 Mirage 薄板磁磚 義大利工藝盡收眼底 近年薄板磁磚在室內運用大放異彩,由羅特麗獨家代理的義大利薄板磁磚 Mirage,其製程及施工法已提升到更高的層次,發展成為一門獨特藝術。本次會展出超過 20 款 6mm 薄板磁磚。 除了呈現各種經典磁磚花色,同時展現 3 種面感:霧面、鏡面、立體直紋面,皆適用於室內各場域。不同面感除了體現義大利工藝的細膩,更展現出符合現代設計的靈活性,為專業設計師提供富有文化底蘊的創意靈感。 ▲ 本次將展現 Mirage  米瑞石薄板磁磚的 3 種經典面感與融入各種現代空間設計的靈活性。(圖片來源:羅特麗)   室外厚磚的環保乾掛工法  本次展覽另一亮點是 2cm 室外厚磚的「乾式懸掛工法」。使用鐵件懸掛工法,每片厚磚都有獨立固定的支點,不會發生重量相互疊積的狀況;遇地震時也能有效分散地震能量,保持外牆外觀的美觀持久,且因排水性佳而方便修繕。 此外,這項施工工藝以環保的石英磚取代傳統石材,更加適合建築物長年受到風吹日曬的外牆使用。符合兼顧保護地球自然生態、響應全球環保的世界設計趨勢。羅特麗展出的工法不僅在美學上引人注目,更在功能和環保性上展現出更領先的思考。   美學×環保×工藝  建築界的可持續發展方向 無論是薄板磁磚或乾掛技術,都是更友善環境的創新工藝,將環保理念融入建築材料的生產與使用中,為設計及建築界提供了新的可持續發展方向。也展現羅特麗對於實踐環保承諾的決心。 ▲ 羅特麗攜手義大利磁磚 Mirage,於 12/7-12/10 在台北南港展覽館 1 館 K 區 K128 展區展出。(圖片來源:羅特麗)   2023 台北國際建築建材曁產品展,羅特麗於台北南港展覽館 1 館 K 區 K128 展區,期待與各位專業人士相遇,共同探討義大利工藝與現代設計的無限可能,共創屬於當代的居家美學風潮。  

文章來源 : TW News Hub 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4321 加入收藏 :
重新定義磁磚美學:羅特麗 x Mirage 米拉珏的藝術融合

在家居裝潢或建築設計中,磁磚是不可或缺的元素。但在繁多的品牌與款式中,如何選擇真正能融合藝術、耐用性且能凸顯空間氛圍的磁磚,卻是許多消費者和設計師的一大挑戰。 專注於提升台灣家居和商業空間視覺的精品磁磚品牌「羅特麗」,從 1995 年創立之初,就深切感受到市場痛點。透過積極與義大利頂尖磁磚品牌 Mirage 米拉珏合作,以新穎創新的設計,滿足室內外的裝潢需求。2018 年更成為 Mirage 米拉珏的台灣獨家代理,讓消費者能更直接地感受義大利磁磚的原始魅力及設計理念。 ▲ 台灣精品磁磚品牌羅特麗與 Mirage 米拉珏合作多年,並於 2018 年成為台灣獨家代理。(圖片來源:羅特麗) 磁磚技術與設計合一:向正統義大利工藝致敬 Mirage 米拉珏成立於 1973 年,作為義大利 Gruppo Concorde 康科特集團的關鍵品牌,以其現代的風格和獨特的設計理念,成為時尚生活的標誌。它與藍寶堅尼、法拉利等頂級品牌的深度合作,凸顯其在磁磚界領導地位。Mirage 米拉珏的每一片磁磚,不僅是對義大利傳統匠人工藝的致敬,更以其自然、簡約、奢華和雅致的設計風格,在業界中獨樹一幟。 在技術上,Mirage 米拉珏全程採用先進的蕯克米 SACMI 生產設備,以確保磁磚生產的效率、品質與可靠性。為了滿足當代建築及裝潢市場對於大板磁磚的需求,Mirage 米拉珏開發出一套鋪設大板磁磚的工法,簡化了運輸和施工過程,同時提供施工的便捷和安全性。 2023 年度新品花色:「Reflet」系列的雙重美學 Mirage 米拉珏在品牌成立的第 50 個年頭,與 The One Atelier 藝術總監 Andrea Boschetti 攜手,推出了新品「Reflet」系列,將磁磚的視覺效果提升到嶄新的藝術高度。 「Reflet」系列透過精湛技術和藝術設計的完美融合,展現了兩種截然不同的風格。其中「Antique」帶有獨特的仿古鏡面效果,就如同時間的軌跡,輕輕映照著每一段歷史;而「Sketch」則是帶有啞光和夜光效果,彷彿夜空中閃爍的星辰,洋溢神秘和奇幻。 ▲ Mirage 米拉珏「Reflet」系列的「Sketch」,帶有啞光和夜光效果。(圖片來源:Mirage 米拉珏) 作為 Mirage 米拉珏的獨家代理,羅特麗期盼「Reflet」系列能為台灣的各種場域帶來更多視覺震撼,「這系列不僅在藝術上有所突破,實用性也同樣出色,從輕奢的住宅空間,到餐廳SPA或精品展場商業場所,都能呈現其獨特的魅力。」 對羅特麗而言,與Mirage 米拉珏的合作不只是商業交流,更是一場跨國的藝術和文化交織。在繁忙的生活中,有時僅是一片磁磚便能讓一個空間散發出獨特的藝術氛圍。若想感受義大利磁磚的魅力,可前往北大欣羅特麗精品磁磚展場一探究竟,為居家及工作空間注入更多的藝術元素。

文章來源 : TW News Hub 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3220 加入收藏 :
遊戲傳奇再鑄輝煌 AMD發表新一代AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器

AMD 3D V-Cache創新技術擴大領先業界的桌上型處理器產品陣容   台北—2024年11月1日—AMD(NASDAQ: AMD)發表全新桌上型運算產品,為遊戲玩家帶來更卓越的效能。全新AMD Ryzen™ 7 9800X3D桌上型處理器採用“Zen 5”架構,並運用第2代AMD 3D V-Cache™技術所打造。   AMD在Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器中運用了第2代AMD 3D V-Cache技術,對此頂尖的晶片記憶體解決方案作出全新設計。64MB快取記憶體改為置於處理器下方,藉此讓核心複合晶片(CCD)更靠近散熱解決方案,有效降低“Zen 5”核心的工作溫度,從而提供高時脈頻率,使遊戲效能比前一代產品平均提升高達8%註1,相比競爭產品更帶來平均高達20%的提升註2。這項革命性的配置技術使處理器能夠進行極限超頻註3,使Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器成為首款完全解鎖超頻能力的X3D處理器,讓狂熱級玩家與遊戲迷能將效能推升至更高極限。   AMD資深副總裁暨運算與繪圖事業群總經理Jack Huynh表示,我們持續開拓桌上型運算的效能與創新疆界,推出效能超越玩家與創作者需求的解決方案。藉由推出搭載先進的“Zen 5”架構的Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器,我們將遊戲效能推升至前所未有的境界。結合創新的第2代AMD 3D V-Cache技術,全新處理器體現了AMD對卓越的堅持,以及顛覆產業局勢的創新能力。   為玩家挹注效能 先進的“Zen 5”處理器架構與AMD 3D V-Cache技術合力打造現今市場上最高的處理器遊戲效能。除了FPS效能比前一代產品平均提升約8%,在《星際大戰:亡命之徒》等許多遊戲中效能甚至達到雙位數的增幅註4。此外,雖然前後兩代產品的平均畫面更新率相近,Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器在最低畫面更新率方面有顯著的增幅,為使用者提供更流暢、更無卡頓的遊戲畫面及體驗。在《最後生還者一部曲》中,Ryzen 7 9800X3D的平均畫面更新率和競爭產品相近,但其1%最低畫面更新率比對手高出31%註5。   全新Ryzen 7 9800X3D桌上型處理器 Ryzen 7 9800X3D是PC遊戲市場的終極解決方案,結合8個高效能“Zen 5”處理器核心與16執行緒,能快速處理遊戲運算以及生產力任務。4.7 GHz基礎時脈速度與5.2 GHz最高提升時脈註6,代表著X3D小晶片史上最高的時脈速度。120瓦的TDP功耗加上龐大的104MB總快取,為處理器挹注雄厚的運算實力。   型號 核心/執行緒 提升註6/ 基礎頻率 總快取 TDP 建議市場售價 AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D 8/16 高達5.2 / 4.7 GHz 104MB 120瓦 479美元   與遊戲開發商緊密合作 Activision全球夥伴部門資深總監William Gahagan表示,我們很高興與AMD結盟,使AMD成為《決勝時刻》的CPU、GPU和APU獨家合作夥伴。Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器的卓越效能與效率將把遊戲體驗推升至新境界,確保我們的玩家享受無與倫比的遊戲效果。這項結盟象徵著《決勝時刻》與AMD的重大里程碑,我們非常期待攜手共創新成就。   Saber Interactive創意長Tim Willits表示,我們很高興與AMD合作開發《戰鎚40K:星際戰士2》。AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器的效能與創新讓我們突破可能的疆界,帶來前所未有的遊戲體驗。能有更快的高效能硬體總是能讓我們振奮不已,因為這意謂著能有更多效能來提供更創新、更好的沉浸感、以及更多樂趣。   11 bit Studios技術總監Szymon Jabłoński表示,我們與AMD的長期合作,將我們最富雄心的遊戲設計理念轉化為成品。若是沒有AMD的支持,《冰封龐克2》以及即將推出的科幻史詩《多重人生》等突破性遊戲就可能無法實現。Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器的效能與效率讓我們突破遊戲的重重疆界。在AMD作為我們CPU、GPU和APU的獨家合作夥伴,我們能創造出玩家所喜愛的沉浸式世界與引人入勝的玩法。我們期盼繼續與AMD合作,一起探索未來的創新前景。   相關資源 ·         更多關於:Ryzen桌上型處理器 ·         更多關於:AMD 3D V-Cache技術 ·         更多關於:使用Ryzen處理器暢玩遊戲 ·         更多關於:Ryzen 7 9800X3D影片 ·         Facebook:AMD粉絲專頁 ·         X:於@AMD追蹤AMD新訊   關於AMD 50多年來,AMD(NASDAQ:AMD)推動創新高效能運算、繪圖及視覺技術。全球數十億的消費者、世界500強企業以及尖端科學研究機構皆仰賴AMD的技術來改善生活、工作及娛樂。AMD員工致力於研發領先的高效能與自行調適產品,不斷突破技術的極限。欲瞭解AMD如何成就今天,啟發未來,請瀏覽AMD網站、部落格、LinkedIn及X。   ©2024年,AMD公司版權所有。AMD、AMD箭頭、FreeSync、Radeon、Ryzen及上述名稱的組合是AMD公司的商標。其他產品名稱只為提供資訊為目的,也可能是各自所有者的商標。   本文所包含的資訊僅供參考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。本新聞稿中顯示的時間表、產品藍圖和/或產品發布日期僅為計劃,可能會發生變化。   免責聲明 本新聞稿包含有關Advanced Micro Devices, Inc(AMD)的前瞻性陳述,AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D處理器等未來產品的特色、功能、效能、上市時間、時程以及預期收益。這些陳述皆基於1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》(U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act)的「安全港」(Safe Harbor)條款所訂定出。這些前瞻性聲明含有像「將會」、「可能」、「預期」、「相信」、「計劃」、「打算」、「估計」,或這些字詞和短語的其它類似詞彙。投資者應注意本資料中的前瞻性陳述僅根據本文公佈當時的見解、假設以及預期,僅反映本文發布時的情況,且涉及到許多風險與不確定因素,可能會導致實際結果與預期存在重大差異。這類陳述受到特定已知與未知風險與不確定因素所影響,其中許多因素難以預測且大多非AMD所能掌控,並可能響應實際結果與其他未來事件和文中陳述有所出入,或是和前瞻性陳述資訊與陳述的暗示或預期狀況有所不同。可能導致實際結果和當前預期有所出入的實質因素包括但不限於:包括Intel公司在微處理器市場的主導地位,及其積極的商業行為;NVIDIA在繪圖處理單元市場的主導地位及其積極的商業行為;半導體產業的週期性;AMD產品銷售行業的市場狀況;失去重要客戶;AMD產品鎖定的市場競爭極為競爭;經濟與市場局勢不確定性;季度和季節性銷售模式;AMD充分保護其技術或其他知識產權的能力;不利的貨幣匯率波動;第三方廠商能及時製造足夠數量AMD的產品、或使用競爭對手的技術;基本設備、材料、載板或製造過程的可用性;達到AMD產品預期製造良率的能力;AMD能及時推出具有預期功能與效能水準的產品;AMD的半客製化SoC產品產生營收的能力;潛在的安全漏洞;潛在的安全事件,包括IT中斷、數據丟失、數據洩露和網路攻擊;有關AMD產品訂購和發貨的不確定性;AMD依賴第三方廠商知識產權來設計和推出新產品;AMD依賴第三方廠商來設計、製造和供應主機板、軟體、記憶體和其他電腦平台零組件;AMD依賴Microsoft和其他軟體供應商的支持來設計和開發可在AMD產品上運行的軟體;AMD依賴第三方分銷商和外接合作夥伴;修改或中斷AMD內部業務流程和資訊系統的影響;AMD產品與部分或全部行業標準軟體和硬體的兼容性;缺陷產品所產生的有關費用;AMD供應鏈的效率;AMD依靠第三方供應鏈物流功能的能力;AMD有效控制其產品在灰色市場上銷售的能力;氣候變遷對AMD業務的長期影響;政府行動和法規的影響,例如出口法規,關稅和貿易保護措施;AMD實現遞延所得稅資產的能力;潛在的稅收負債;當前和將來的索賠和訴訟;環境法律,與衝突礦物有關的規定以及其他法律或法規的影響;政府、投資者、客戶和其他利益關係人對企業責任事務不斷變化的期望;與負責任地使用AI相關的問題;管理AMD票據的協議、賽靈思票據的保證和循環信用協議施加的限制;及時獲得對收購ZT Systems相關監管批准的能力或其他條件,以及滿足交易的其他成交條件;併購、合資與/或投資可能對業務產生的影響,以及整合收購事業的能力;合併公司資產之任何損耗可能產生的影響;政治,法律,經濟風險和自然災害;技術許可購買的未來減損;AMD吸引和留住人才的能力;AMD的股價波動。呼籲投資者詳閱公司呈交美國證管會各項財報中提及的風險與不確定因素,其中包括但不限於AMD最近的Form 10-K和10-Q報告。   註1:截至2024年10月由AMD效能實驗室使用以下系統進行的測試:AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D與9800X3D系統:GIGABYTE X670E AORUS MASTER,平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,Radeon RX 7900 XTX,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRACKENX63(2024年9月27日);Intel Core i9-14900K系統:MSI MEG Z790 ACE MAX(MS-7D86),平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,Radeon RX 7900 XTX,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRAKENX63(2024年9月11日){BIOS配置=MSI效能},測試遊戲包括:Ashes Of The Singularity: Escalation、Assassins Creed Mirage、Assassins Creed Valhalla、Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora、Baldurs Gate 3、Black Myth: Wukong、Borderlands 3、Counter-Strike 2、CyberPunk 2077、Deus Ex: Mankind Divided、Dirt 5、DOTA 2、F1 2023、F1 2024、Far Cry 6、Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail、Forza Horizon 5、Ghost Recon Breakpoint、Guardians Of The Galaxy、Hitman 3、Hogwarts Legacy、Horizon Zero Dawn、League of Legends、Metro Exodus、Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition、Middle Earth Shadow of War、Rainbow 6 Siege、Riftbreaker、Shadow Of The Tomb Raider、Spider Man Remastered、Starfield、Strange Brigade、The Callisto Protocol、Tiny Tinas Wonderlands、Total War Warhammer 3、Warhammer Dawn Of War 3、Watch Dogs Legion、World of Tanks encore、Wolfenstein Youngblood。系統製造商可能會改變配置,從而產生不同的結果。GNR-21   註2:截至2024年10月由AMD效能實驗室使用以下系統進行的測試:AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D系統:GIGABYTE X870E AORUS MASTER,平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,GeForce RTX 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRACKENX63(2024年9月27日);Intel Core Ultra 9 285K系統:ASUS ROG STRIX Z890-E GAMING WIFI,平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6400,GeForce RTX 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRAKENX63(2024年10月24日)。測試的遊戲包括:Black Myth: Wukong、Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora、Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation、Hogwarts Legacy、Counter-Strike 2、Starfield、HITMAN 3、Final Fantasy 14、Dawntrail、Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2、Call of Duty: Black Ops 6、Far Cry 6、Watch Dogs: Legion、Cyberpunk 2077。系統製造商可能會改變配置,從而產生不同的結果。GNR-25   註3:超頻和/或降壓AMD處理器及記憶體,包括但不限於改變時脈頻率/倍頻或記憶體時序/電壓,超出AMD所公布的規格運作,將會使任何適用的AMD產品保固失效,即使這些設定是透過AMD硬體和/或軟體啟用的。這也可能使系統製造商或零售商提供的保固失效。用戶自行承擔因超頻/降壓AMD處理器而可能產生的所有風險和責任,包括但不限於硬體故障或損壞、系統效能下降和/或資料遺失、損壞或安全漏洞。GD-106。   註4:AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D與9800X3D系統:GIGABYTE X870E AORUS MASTER,平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,GeForce 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRACKENX63(2024年9月27日);Intel Core i9-14900K系統:MSI MEG Z790 ACE MAX(MS-7D86),平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,GeForce 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,KRAKENX63(2024年9月11日){BIOS配置=MSI效能},測試遊戲包括:Ashes Of The Singularity: Escalation、Assassins Creed Mirage、Assassins Creed Valhalla、Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora、Baldurs Gate 3、Black Myth: Wukong、Borderlands 3、Counter-Strike 2、CyberPunk 2077、Deus Ex: Mankind Divided、Dirt 5、DOTA 2、F1 2023、F1 2024、Far Cry 6、Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail、Forza Horizon 5、Ghost Recon Breakpoint、Guardians Of The Galaxy、Hitman 3、Horizon Zero Dawn、Metro Exodus、Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition、Middle Earth Shadow Of War、Rainbow 6 Siege、Red Dead Redemption 2、Riftbreaker、Shadow Of The Tomb Raider、Spider Man Remastered、Star Wars Outlaws、Starfield、Strange Brigade、The Callisto Protocol、Tiny Tinas Wonderlands、Total War Warhammer 3、Warhammer Dawn Of War 3、Watch Dogs Legion、World of Tanks encore、Wolfenstein Youngblood。系統製造商可能會改變配置,從而產生不同的結果。GNR-23   註5:截至2024年10月由AMD效能實驗室使用以下系統進行的測試:AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D與9800X3D系統:GIGABYTE X870E AORUS MASTER,平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,GeForce RTX 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,Windows 11 PRO。Intel Core i9-14900K系統:MSI MEG Z790 ACE MAX(MS-7D86),平衡模式,2x16GB DDR5-6000,GeForce RTX 4090,啟用VBS,啟用SAM,Windows 11 PRO {BIOS配置=MSI效能}。測試的遊戲包括:Assassins Creed Mirage、Red Dead Redemption 2、F1 2024、Forza Horizon 5、The Last Of Us Part 1。系統製造商可能會改變配置,從而產生不同的結果。GNR-22   註6:提升時脈頻率是CPU在處理突發性工作負載時可達到的最高頻率。提升時脈的可實現性、頻率和持續性會因多種因素而異,包括但不限於:熱環境和應用程序及工作負載的變化。GD-150。

文章來源 : 世紀奧美 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5250 加入收藏 :
Journeys in Land Art, Towards Wadi AlFann, AlUla – Showcase during La Biennale di Venezia

      VENICE, Italy, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wadi AlFann presents Journeys in Land Art, Towards Wadi AlFann, AlUla, a showcase during the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia which spotlights the first five artists commissioned for Wadi AlFann, a new destination for contemporary art. On display are a series of renders, drawings, maquettes and interviews including drawings gathered by Manal AlDowayan – the artist representing Saudi Arabia at La Biennale di Venezia 2024 – through her participatory workshops with communities across AlUla, as well a series of studies by Ahmed Mater and James Turrell. Guided tours are available on April 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th and 27th. Wadi AlFann, meaning ‘Valley of the Arts’, will be an awe-inspiring new global cultural destination for contemporary art, where era-defining works by some of the most compelling artists from around the world will be permanently placed in the monumental landscape of AlUla, the extraordinary desert region of north-west Saudi Arabia steeped in thousands of years of natural, historical and cultural heritage. Located on a site spanning 65 square kilometres, this unique cultural destination will mark a new chapter in art history. The first five artists creating new, large-scale, site-specific commissions for Wadi AlFann are Manal AlDowayan, Agnes Denes, Michael Heizer, Ahmed Mater and James Turrell. These mark the start of an ongoing programme of commissions, with more artists to be announced soon. Learning from the desert, Wadi AlFann’s commissioned artists are responding to the landscape and heritage of AlUla, taking inspiration from its dramatic topography, undulating vistas, remarkable geological structures and complex natural ecosystem. The works will be created with respect for the landscape, set against the stunning sandstone cliffs and canyons of the vast terrain. Displayed for audiences in Venice in the Wadi AlFann showcase, a maquette, a render and a series of studies by Ahmed Mater reveal the artist's plans for his Wadi AlFann commission, titled Ashab Al-Lal, an installation inspired by scientific and philosophical thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age that will explore the mythic space between subjective imagination and objective reality by generating a mirage within the sand dunes. James Turrell, a leading figure of the Light and Space movement of the 1960s, reveals the first render for his Wadi AlFann commission. For over half a century, Turrell has dedicated his practice to perceptual art, investigating the materiality of light and the limits of human perception. At Wadi AlFann, the artist’s new work will build upon the sensorial experience of space, colour and perception, creating a series of spaces within the canyon floor to be explored via a series of tunnels and stairs. Also exhibited as part of the Wadi AlFann showcase are drawings gathered by Manal AlDowayan – the artist representing Saudi Arabia at La Biennale di Venezia 2024 – through her participatory workshops with communities across AlUla, where over 700 participants were asked to draw their personal stories onto paper. The depictions in the exhibited works range from participant’s homes, neighbourhoods, memories and family histories to flora, fauna, culinary customs and abstract creative expressions, with each piece reflecting the lives, cultures and identities of the people of AlUla. These drawings and stories will eventually be inscribed into the walls of her Wadi AlFann commission, titled Oasis of Stories, a labyrinthine installation inspired by the walls of AlUla’s Old Town that will invite viewers to walk through its passages. These pieces feature alongside interviews with all first five Wadi AlFann artists, providing a fascinating glimpse of their creative practice and vision. Together, the displayed works take visitors on the journey towards the opening of Wadi AlFann. Nora Aldabal, Executive Director of Arts and Creative Industries, Royal Commission for AlUla, says: “We are delighted to introduce Wadi AlFann to Venice, during the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, through the Wadi AlFann showcase. It provides a glimpse at the journey towards AlUla's new global destination for land art. Visionary arts initiatives like Wadi AlFann play a crucial role in AlUla’s development strategy, and we cannot wait for you to see it in person.” Journeys in Land Art, Towards Wadi AlFann, AlUla; Abbazia di San Gregorio, Venice; 16 – 30 April 2024 Showcase Dates:16 - 30 April 2024 Opening hours:16 April - 8:30 - 10am (Private preview)16 April - 10 - 6pm17 - 30 April - 9am – 6pm Programme:Friday 19 April - The Book as Public Art – 12:30 - 1:30pmWadi AlFann Publications Launches Artists’ Books: Oasis of Stories and The Desert Field Guide. Saudi artist Manal AlDowayan joins US artist Mark Dion to discuss the book as work of art, how participation is core to their practice and what their artists’ books tell us about the desert. Thursday 18 to Saturday 20, and Thursday 25 to Saturday 27 April – Daily Guided Tours – 4 – 5:30pm Find out more: www.livingmuseum.com PRESS CONTACT: Assia Sabi assia@pelhamcommunications.com   A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c6ea811d-25ed-4a7d-b03d-48cbf000a6ee

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 359 加入收藏 :
XREAL Jump-Starts the Future of Affordable, Full-Featured Spatial Computing, Announces XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR Glasses

Developers and consumers invited to explore the future of next generation 6DoF spatial computing applications with XREAL Air 2 Ultra glasses, pre-orders available now LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- XREAL's mission is to bring augmented reality (AR) to everyone. XREAL (formerly 'Nreal') today unveiled XREAL Air 2 Ultra, the latest addition to its popular XREAL Air series AR glasses. Featuring six degrees of freedom (6DoF) via dual 3D environment sensors with computer vision capabilities, XREAL Air 2 Ultra is poised to invigorate the spatial computing developer community by providing an affordable alternative to competing devices, including Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3. Not just high in tech, XREAL Air 2 Ultra is high in fashion and features a sleek new titanium ring frame as part of its iconic wayfarer-esque design, commanding attention from tech and fashion enthusiasts alike. XREAL Air 2 Ultra is available for pre-order now for USD$699 with shipments expected to start in March. XREAL Air 2 Ultra is available to developers for pre-order now for USD$699 with shipments expected to start in March 2024. "With XREAL Air 2 Ultra we're empowering developers around the world by providing an affordable and lightweight solution that allows them to jump into the exciting world of spatial computing and create the next generation of mixed reality experiences," said Chi Xu, founder and CEO of XREAL. "We put 6DoF AR glasses on the map with our Nreal Light model in 2020 and are thrilled to unveil its highly-requested successor. XREAL Air 2 Ultra packs in tons of spatial computing tech in a smaller, more comfortable, and much more stylish form factor than what others are producing today. Unlike competing brands in this emerging space, we believe in making advanced wearable 6DoF glasses something you can wear all day long and that are accessible to all players in the XR development ecosystem." Defining the Future of Spatial Computing Development XREAL Air 2 Ultra is a total package for developers and includes XREAL's AR environment launcher called Nebula (Android, Mac, Windows), XREAL's latest SDK with a significant focus on spatial computing technology enablers that take advantage of XREAL's new in-frame sensors. XREAL Air 2 Ultra glasses feature a pair of 3D environment sensors with computer vision capabilities to provide simultaneous location and mapping to determine a user's location within a 3D space, an elegant approach to spatial computing that offers impressive real-time performance without requiring intensive processing. XREAL Air 2 Ultra's 3D environment sensors, the smallest on the market when the product launches this spring, are purpose-made to create AR apps and explore new spatial computing experiences. They unlock handtracking, 3D mesh creation, semantic scene understanding, and more, including future AI capabilities, all built into the style and comfort of the award-winning, best-selling XREAL Air series AR glasses. Using XREAL's advanced proprietary optical engine, XREAL Air 2 Ultra gives the wearer a high-definition viewing experience of Full HD for each eye, with a field-of-view (FOV) of 52° and 42 pixels per degree (PPD), which is expected to be higher than Apple Vision Pro. A fast refresh rate of up to 120Hz and peak brightness of 500 nits means images look crisp and vibrant in many lighting conditions. Wearers can employ virtual 2D screen casting at an equivalent of 154 inches from a distance of 13 feet. XREAL Air 2 Ultra features cinematic-grade audio and directional audio technology, reducing sound dispersion for better privacy and minimal disturbance to others. XREAL Air 2 Ultra, as well as XREAL Air 2 and XREAL Air 2 Pro, supports Apple's latest spatial video feature. People can convert spatial videos captured on iPhone 15 Pro to a regular side-by-side format using third-party iPhone apps, which can be viewed on XREAL Air 2 series glasses. This lets people experience spatial video from their iPhone 15 Pro by using XREAL Air 2 series AR glasses, without the need for an expensive Apple Vision Pro. The Sleekest AR Device Ever Made Based around a distinguished titanium eyeglass frame – a new look for XREAL glasses, XREAL Air 2 Ultra are premium and robust yet lightweight at only 80 grams and designed for optimal weight distribution with adjustable temples that offer three positions plus three nose pad options to ensure the best image alignment with absolute comfort. The titanium ring frame is a first for the AR glasses industry and adds remarkable flair to XREAL's already fashionable lineup of AR glasses. Designed for eye wellness in long usage scenarios, every pair of XREAL Air 2 Ultra glasses are TÜV Rheinland certified for Color Accuracy, Eye Comfort, Low Blue Light, and Flicker Free usage, while exceeding ISO standards in terms of image quality and viewing comfort. A Glimpse of Future Living at CES 2024 At the XREAL booth at CES 2024 (Central Hall #15060), XREAL is unveiling "The Spatial Life" experience to showcase an intuitive new way to interact with digital content. The Spatial Life demo allows familiar 2D applications and widgets to become fully immersive in 3D, blending seamlessly into the AR glasses wearer's physical surroundings. This creates an infinite canvas for apps that scales beyond traditional screens, allowing users to multitask through augmented overlays without losing spatial presence, and controlled by the most natural and intuitive inputs possible — a user's eyes, hands, and voice. Furthermore, a groundbreaking proprietary and patented Mirage Shard Tracking Kit will be introduced to developers. This user friendly kit empowers users to interact with virtual interfaces through physical buttons, offering an engaging and tactile interaction approach that welcomes developers to unleash their imaginations when creating innovative interactions. Pricing, Availability and NRSDK Support XREAL Air 2 Ultra is available for pre-order now for USD$699. Shipping is expected to begin in March 2024 together with XREAL's latest NRSDK 2.2 for developers. The latest NRSDK is built on Unity and features improved hand tracking and hand gesture recognition. Depth mesh with semantic labeling is available so that digital objects can identify and interact with the surface of surrounding items. These new features and much more enable developers to build AR experiences that will fundamentally change the way we interact with data and make AR commonplace. Expanding on XREAL's commitment to making AR accessible to everyone, XREAL Air 2 Ultra will be compatible with a number of devices, including but not limited to Mac and Windows Laptops, Samsung Android phones, and iPhone 15. As a thank you for people who purchased Nreal Light in the past, the company's inaugural 6DoF AR glasses, XREAL is running a special promotion offering them US$100 off when they pre-order XREAL Air 2 Ultra. For more details on pricing, availability, SDK and the special offer, can visit xreal.com. Celebrating all of XREAL's news during CES 2024, XREAL's full catalog of products is on sale now at xreal.com. CONTACT: Ralph.Jodice@XREAL.com Introducing XREAL Air 2 Ultra, the ultimate 6DoF AR glasses for developers.    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 641 加入收藏 :
NEOM announces Epicon - its luxury coastal tourism destination on the Gulf of Aqaba

NEOM, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of NEOM, the sustainable regional development taking shape in northwest Saudi Arabia, today announced Epicon, its latest luxury coastal tourism destination, including a residential offering.   Epicon, NEOM's luxury coastal tourism destination on the Gulf of Aqaba   Located on the Gulf of Aqaba, Epicon aims to set a new standard of hospitality and architecture. Rising from NEOM's desert landscape like a glistening mirage, the property will feature two striking towers, one 225 meters tall and one reaching 275 meters. The towers will be home to an ultra-premium 41 key hotel and luxury residences that comprise of 14 suites and apartments. A short distance from the hotel is the Epicon resort, which blends tranquility with indulgence and features 120 rooms and 45 stunning residential beach villas. Designed as a gateway to the future, Epicon provides an opportunity to escape the stresses of the everyday. Whether relaxing at the beach club, visiting the spa for bespoke wellness treatments, exploring the surrounding nature, participating in one of the many watersports on offer, or dining at destination restaurants for an unforgettable culinary experience, Epicon has been conceived to meet the full array of guest and resident needs.  A highly attractive visitor destination and an optimum place to live and thrive, Epicon's guests and residents can expect a truly immersive and life-affirming experience. The luxurious residences and beach villas aim to deliver new levels of livability through cutting-edge innovations, world-class services and first-class experiences, positioning the resort as a benchmark for iconic living. Guests and residents of Epicon will enjoy unrestricted access to world-class facilities, complemented by views of one of the most desirable shorelines in NEOM. Amenities include a state-of-the-art gym, library, workspaces, pools and lounges. News of Epicon follows the recent announcement of Leyja, NEOM's sustainable tourism destination set within a magnificent natural valley. The extensive range of experiences and activities offered in Epicon and Leyja will strengthen and enrich the NEOM ecotourism offering, aligned with the broader objectives of the Kingdom. About NEOM NEOM is an accelerator of human progress and a vision of what a New Future might look like. It is a region in northwest Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea being built from the ground up as a living laboratory – a place where entrepreneurship will chart the course for this New Future. It will be a destination and a home for people who dream big and want to be part of building a new model for exceptional livability, creating thriving businesses and reinventing environmental conservation. NEOM will include hyperconnected, cognitive cities, ports and enterprise zones, research centers, sports and entertainment venues and tourist destinations. As a hub for innovation, entrepreneurs, business leaders and companies will come to research, incubate and commercialize new technologies and enterprises in groundbreaking ways. Residents of NEOM will embody an international ethos and embrace a culture of exploration, risk-taking and diversity. For further information email media@neom.com or visit www.neom.com and www.neom.com/en-us/newsroom. This material is distributed by Teneo Strategy LLC on behalf of NEOM Company. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC.   Epicon, NEOM's luxury coastal tourism destination on the Gulf of Aqaba  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 788 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 23 日 (星期四) 農曆十二月廿四日
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