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New strategic partnership to integrate BBTruck's globally pioneering supply chain and logistics technology platform with Haulio's container haulage platform TAIPEI, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BBTruck, a global leader in supply chain and logistics technology, has announced a strategic partnership with Haulio, Singapore's largest and fastest-growing logistics tech startup in Southeast Asia. This collaboration aims to strengthen the region's logistics ecosystem by integrating BBTruck's supply chain platform with Haulio's container haulage services, enhancing logistics efficiency across both long- and short-haul routes. BBTruck and Haulio Partner to Deliver Seamless, End-to-End Supply Chain Logistics from Sea to Shore BBTruck provides a one-stop B2B supply chain logistics technology platform, enabling precise capacity calculations and resource allocation, optimizing logistics management. Haulio, Singapore's largest B2B truck transportation digital platform, focuses on matching port container transport for port operators, trucking companies, and customers. Haulio currently collaborates with about 90% of Singapore's container logistics companies. By integrating with Haulio's platform, BBTruck will automate fleet assignments upon container arrival, minimizing empty trips and delivering enhanced supply chain logistics management. This partnership also marks BBTruck's expansion into Southeast Asia, opening new market opportunities for its customers. BBTruck and Haulio Deliver Seamless Transport From Sea to Shore, Enhancing Global Logistics and Supply Chain Efficiency International maritime shipping plays a critical role in global trade, accounting for about 85% of global commerce, with an annual compound growth rate of over 5%. As Southeast Asia emerges as a key logistics hub, the demand for streamlined supply chains is increasing. A Forbes Insights report highlights that two-thirds of logistics companies see "technological innovation" as key to productivity and performance. "As international maritime shipping continues to thrive, container throughput at ports will inevitably increase. We are very optimistic about the global growth potential of major commercial ports in Southeast Asia," said Steven Chou, CEO and co-founder of BBTruck. "The majority of traditional logistics companies worldwide still rely too heavily on communicating with ports with paper and phones, manually arranging transport and routes, and keeping manual records after containers successfully reach port. We are happy to partner with Haulio to help traditional logistics providers address the long-standing pain points of fragmented and hard-to-integrate information, thereby enhancing global companies' international trade competitiveness and supply chain management flexibility." BBTruck Integrates Haulio's Container Haulage Platform To Optimize Both Long and Short Supply Chain Logistics Journeys BBTruck creates a transparent supply chain logistics management platform for businesses and logistics providers, integrating key data on various truck sizes, equipment, real-time orders, carrying capacity, and addresses to significantly reduce logistics costs and delivery times. Through the integration of Haulio's "Haulio Connectivity System," which matches port container transport, BBTruck will deepen its presence in existing markets including Taiwan and North America while officially expanding into the Southeast Asia market for maritime container logistics services, building a comprehensive world-class logistics ecosystem. With Haulio's technology enhancing international shipping container data integration, fleet management, and matching, BBTruck's global customers will be able to match available trucks for container transport as soon as containers arrive at the delivery port, using BBTruck's supply chain and logistics technology platform. From port to final destination, BBTruck will offer a convenient API integration interface and comprehensive data exchange framework, enabling full monitoring of capacity data and tracking of shipment status and routes, providing businesses with a seamless, more efficient logistics journey that covers both sea and land transportation. "The logistics industry is at the heart of global trade and key supply chains, and the role of the Southeast Asian market is becoming increasingly important, said Alvin Ea, Co-Founder and CEO of Haulio. "Haulio has long focused on the Singapore and Southeast Asian markets, and through our automated container haulage platform, traditional container transport companies can improve their transport efficiency. BBTruck's vision of revolutionizing supply chain logistics through technology aligns perfectly with our core values. This strategic partnership marks a new milestone in realizing seamless connectivity between ocean and land transport. We believe this will lead more global supply chain and logistics companies toward successful digital transformation." Through this strategic partnership, BBTruck will accelerate its expansion into Southeast Asian markets, including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Building on Haulio's years of market presence and operational capacity in Southeast Asia, BBTruck will establish local transport fleets and partner ecosystems, providing global customers with more efficient and transparent logistics services. BBTruck aims to revolutionize supply chain logistics in Southeast Asia, balancing flexibility and efficiency in every delivery. About BBTruck Founded in 2019, BBTruck is a pioneering one-stop platform for supply chain and logistics technology. Our mission is to build a transparent, shared global logistics ecosystem that simplifies supply chain management. As a leader in logistics technology, BBTruck uses cutting-edge solutions for precise capacity calculation and allocation, ensuring efficient, flexible, and sustainable logistics. Since launch, BBTruck has served over 50 top-tier enterprises in technology, healthcare, international logistics, and retail. BBTruck is also the first to achieve carbon-neutral transportation, driving the green logistics revolution and advancing toward a zero-carbon future. For more information, visit BBTruck's official website: https://bbtruck.cc/index_en.html About Haulio Haulio is Singapore's fastest-growing container haulage platform, with the greater vision of connecting global trade to local first-mile transportation across ASEAN. The company believes in uplifting the industry by empowering its ecosystem of users with its technology. Through the optimisation of resources, Haulio aims to revolutionize international freight logistics towards a collaborative and sustainable future. For more information, visit www.haulio.io.
從貨車到船、從陸到海、正式插旗東南亞市場!全球供應鏈與物流科技領導品牌 BBTruck 今(2)日宣布攜手新加坡最大、東南亞市場成長最快的物流科技新創 Haulio 展開跨國策略合作,深化亞洲供應鏈物流科技生態系。BBTruck 全球首創的一站式供應鏈與物流科技平台將整合 Haulio 的碼頭貨櫃運送媒合服務,共同實現長短鏈物流運力網絡的無縫銜接,全方位提升企業物流管理效率。 BBTruck 致力於提供一站式的 B2B 供應鏈物流科技平台,透過創新科技進行精準運力計算與調撥,提升物流管理效率;Haulio 則為新加坡最大的 B2B 貨車運輸數位平台,專注為港口、卡車貨運業者和客戶提供碼頭貨櫃運輸媒合服務,現階段已與新加坡高達 90% 的貨櫃物流公司合作。透過與 Haulio 平台功能的全面串接,BBTruck 平台在貨櫃運抵交貨港後,即可開始自動調撥條件最符合的運輸車隊前往,減少空趟問題也為全球客戶提供更加完整且高效的供應鏈物流科技管理,助攻傳統業者轉型。透過此合作,BBTruck 也正式將版圖擴張至東南亞,加速拓展海外市場,將能協助台灣既有客戶搶攻新南向商機。 供應鏈物流科技助攻!BBTruck 攜手 Haulio 實現海陸運輸無縫接軌 助全球企業提升物流與供應鏈管理效率在當今全球化的貿易環境與經濟格局中,國際海運扮演著跨國運輸及供應鏈不可或缺的一部分。海運貿易目前佔比全球商業貿易約 85%,且年複合成長率超過 5%,其中供應鏈移轉的全球趨勢更是帶動東南亞航線的物流運送需求日益增長。此外,據 Forbes Insights 近期一份針對物流、供應鏈和運輸產業的分析報告顯示,約三分之二的物流業者預期「技術創新」將為生產力及未來績效帶來顯著效益,顯見物流業者對於科技與轉型的高度期盼與需求。 BBTruck 共同創辦人暨執行長周品寰表示:「國際海運持續蓬勃發展,各港口的貨櫃吞吐量勢必將隨之提升,我們也相當看好東南亞市場大型商港的全球發展動能。根據 BBTruck 的觀察,全球絕大多數的傳統物流運送業者在貨櫃順利靠港落地後,仍過度仰賴與港口的紙本或電話聯繫、人工安排貨運及路線、手動紀錄等,造成接應的貨車空趟狀況頻繁,運輸過程僅有半數時間是裝載貨櫃的狀態。而企業更往往需要透過不同的物流供應商來滿足漫長供應鏈的運送需求,以致物流效率嚴重低落。我們很榮幸能與 Haulio 攜手合作,協助傳統物流業者解決資訊破碎化且難以整合的長期痛點,同時讓企業得以運用創新科技落實精準的運力計算與調撥,使得貨櫃在抵達交貨港後,能以更高效且輕鬆的方式運抵最終目的地,強化全球企業的國際貿易競爭力及供應鏈管理彈性。」 BBTruck 供應鏈與物流科技平台整合 Haulio 碼頭貨櫃運送媒合服務 完善長短鏈供應鏈物流旅程BBTruck 為企業與物流業者間打造資訊透明的供應鏈物流管理平台,將各種卡車大小、裝置、即時訂單、承載量、地址等運輸能力關鍵資料進行全面整合,大幅減少物流運送成本與貨物交付時間。此次與新加坡物流科技新創 Haulio 合作,將讓 BBTruck 全球首創的一站式供應鏈物流科技平台首度將服務範圍擴展至港口貨櫃運輸,透過導入 Haulio 旗下平台「Haulio Connectivity System」的碼頭貨櫃運送媒合技術,深化台灣、北美等既有市場之餘,正式拓展至東南亞市場的海運貨櫃物流服務,建構全方位的世界級物流生態系。 在 Haulio 技術整合國際船班貨櫃資料、車隊管理與媒合的助攻下,BBTruck 的全球客戶在貨櫃運抵交貨港後,即能透過 BBTruck 的供應鏈與物流科技平台媒合當前可提供貨櫃運送服務的空車,並從港口端到最後目的地以便捷的 API 集成介面及完善的資料交換架構,進行全方位的運力數據監控,充分追蹤及掌握貨物的運送狀態與路線,為企業打造完整涵蓋海陸運輸、更加輕鬆高效的物流旅程。 Haulio 共同創辦人暨執行長姚文杰(Alvin Ea)表示:「物流產業作為全球商業貿易與關鍵供應鏈的核心,東南亞市場的角色不僅日漸強化,運輸過程的數位化轉型升級更是迫在眉睫。Haulio 長期深耕新加坡與東南亞市場,透過自動化的碼頭貨櫃運送媒合服務,協助傳統貨櫃運輸業提高運送效率。BBTruck 以科技革新供應鏈物流的願景,與我們的核心理念不謀而合,此次雙方攜手策略合作,於 BBTruck 全球首創的供應鏈物流科技平台整合 Haulio 服務,不僅開啟台星新創生態系合作的全新里程碑,也實現海陸運輸的無縫接軌,相信將帶領更多全球的供應鏈與物流運送業者順利邁向數位轉型。」 透過雙方策略合作,BBTruck 也將加速拓展新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、泰國、越南等東南亞市場,以 Haulio 深耕東南亞市場多年的既有優勢及營運量能為基礎,建構當地的運輸車隊及夥伴生態系,為全球客戶提供更高效且透明化的物流運送服務,以創新科技革新東南亞供應鏈物流,讓所有運送都能兼顧彈性與效率。
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