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TOKYO, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- September 26-29, the global leading real-time cloud rendering technology provider Well-Link Tech showcased its innovative technological achievements at the 2024 Tokyo Game Show (TGS). This marks another invitation for Well-Link Tech to attend the conference, bringing real-time cloud rendering solutions to the global gaming industry. Well-Link Tech Showcases at 2024 TGS, Demonstrating the Benchmark Case of Real-Time Cloud Rendering Technology The 2024 TGS is the largest in history, with the world's leading game developers bringing their latest titles. Well-Link Tech's real-time cloud rendering technology is highly mature and has established partnerships with several well-known Japanese game companies. At TGS, Well-Link Tech and its partners jointly exhibited the latest cloud gaming content. Well-Link Tech also showcased virtual idol companion created with AI real-time interactive digital human technology, which was sought after by exhibition visitors and players. At the same time, the XR interactive game Grass of Genesis specially created by Well-Link Tech for the Apple Vision Pro also became a sensation, attracting a large crowd to experience. At TGS, Heidi Sun, Head of Well-Link Tech Global business, and Aki Tashiro, CEO of Well-Link Tech Japan, and other important partners had a friendly exchange. Heidi said, "As a global company, Well-Link Tech attaches great importance to the Japanese market. Japanese games are the highland of the global market. Well-Link Tech has the industry-leading real-time cloud rendering technology, which will bring more low-latency, high-quality cloud gaming experiences to the industry." Aki Tashiro said: "As someone who has served in the Japanese market for over 2 decades, we have witnessed the Japanese gaming market leading the development of the global gaming industry, which is inseparable from the advancement of cutting-edge technology. At this year's TGS, we hope that real-time cloud rendering technology will bring more surprises to the gaming industry." Well-Link Tech is headquartered in Singapore, with businesses in Japan, China, Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. For more information about Well-Link Tech and its innovative offerings, please visit www.well-linktech.com
【2024 TAIWAN EXCELLENCE in TOKYO ft. GOOD DESIGN AWARD】展覽將於9月27日至9月29日在日本東京KITTE Marunouchi盛大舉行,主題為「THE BEST MADE IN TAIWAN」,展出多樣來自台灣的優質產品。參展產品須同時榮獲台灣精品獎及日本Good Design設計獎,方能具備參展資格。D-Link友訊科技獲邀參加此次展覽,並攜旗下AQUILA PRO AI天鷹座系列明星產品隆重亮相。 此次展覽由台灣經濟部與外貿協會主辦,首度聯合享譽國際的Good Design設計獎,旨在攜手推廣台灣的創新形象,讓日本消費者親身感受台灣產品的卓越設計與工藝,進一步提升對台灣品牌的認識與信賴。D-Link將展示榮獲兩大獎項的AQUILA PRO AI天鷹座系列,重點產品包括MS30 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6智慧家庭閘道器及M30 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6雙頻無線路由器,同時也會展示AQUILA PRO AI專屬手機APP,讓日本消費者近距離體驗其領先業界的設計與創新科技。 AQUILA PRO AI天鷹座系列以「睿智白」與「無限藍」為主色調,M30雙頻無線路由器以老鷹為設計靈感,象徵高速連網的性能;MS30 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6智慧家庭閘道器則以太空船造型呈現,並採用中空圓環的獨特設計,象徵智慧家居的核心。兩款產品皆具流線型優雅外觀,並搭配熊鷹羽翼圖騰的高效散熱孔,展現細膩的設計美感與實用功能,能輕鬆融入多種家居風格。值得一提的是,AQUILA PRO AI系列採用PCR(消費後回收)環保材質,不僅打破傳統網路設備冷冽的科技形象,還以更加親和、永續的設計理念贏得了設計界的高度肯定。知名工業設計媒體在2024年世界行動通訊大會(MWC 2024)上,對AQUILA PRO AI系列的評價更是不俗,稱其外觀優雅且蘊含強大技術,宛如一件藝術品,像雄鷹般展翅翱翔,兼具力量與美感。 AQUILA PRO AI天鷹座系列不僅在外型上引人注目,其技術實力同樣令人驚豔,提供穩定高效的無線網路體驗,成為智慧家居時代不可或缺的核心連接裝置。此系列產品支持Wi-Fi 6技術,並可與通過物聯網標準協議(Matter Standard)的智慧家電無縫整合,打造出兼容性高且穩定的智慧家居生態系統。透過AQUILA PRO AI專屬手機App,使用者能輕鬆管理家中所有經Matter認證的智慧設備,享受便捷且智慧的居家生活體驗。
亞信電子即將於IAS 2024展示最新的亞信IO-Link主站/設備軟體協議棧、整合亞信IO-Link主站軟體協議棧的AX58400 EtherCAT轉IO-Link閘道器,以及AXM57104A TSN PCIe超高速乙太網路卡解決方案。 [台灣新竹訊, 2024年9月18日] 亞信電子(ASIX Electronics Corporation)致力於研發最新的工業乙太網路晶片技術解決方案,包括亞信自主研發的IO-Link主站/設備軟體協議棧、EtherCAT從站微控制器,以及時間敏感網路(TSN)網路卡等,為企業提供實現智慧工廠自動化的最佳解決方案。為展示其在最新工業乙太網路技術的研發成果,亞信電子將於上海「第24屆中國國際工業博覽會-工業自動化展(IAS 2024)」展示其新的亞信IO-Link主站/設備軟體協議棧、整合亞信IO-Link主站軟體協議棧的AX58400 EtherCAT轉IO-Link閘道器,以及AXM57104A TSN PCIe超高速乙太網路卡解決方案。 工業乙太網路晶片技術在智慧製造領域的工業通訊中扮演著關鍵角色。透過最新的TSN、EtherCAT和IO-Link工業通訊技術,工業乙太網路能夠實現精確的時間同步和高效可靠的數據交換,以提升工廠生產效率和產品品質。同時,可支援即時遠程監控與診斷,以減少停機時間和設備維護成本。 亞信電子將於此展覽中展出「亞信IO-Link主站&設備軟體協議棧解決方案」,該方案展示整合亞信IO-Link主站軟體協議棧的AX58400 EtherCAT轉IO-Link閘道器,以及亞信IO-Link設備軟體協議棧解決方案。AX58400 EtherCAT轉IO-Link閘道器最多可串接16個IO-Link閘道器,每個閘道器可連接8個IO-Link設備。亞信IO-Link設備軟體協議棧基於亞信電子AXM-IOLS IO-Link設備評估板開發,可支援透過IO-Link介面進行線上韌體更新的功能。該評估板搭載意法半導體STM32F469AI微控制器和L6362A IO-Link設備收發器,內建各種IO-Link設備感測器,如ToF飛行時間測距感測器等。客戶可透過此評估板快速測試亞信IO-Link設備軟體協議棧的基本功能,適用於各種IO-Link智慧型裝置產品,包括IO-Link感測器、IO-Link致動器、IO-Link集線器和IO-Link閥島等。 亞信電子將同時展出「亞信電子最新TSN & EtherCAT與IO-Link技術整體解決方案」,展示如何將實時性的營運技術(OT)及非實時性的資訊技術(IT)融合於同一網路,從而創造一個高效率且靈活的智慧工廠生產環境。該方案利用AXM57104A TSN IEEE 802.1Qbv時間感知整形器功能,在TSN網路中為AX58400 EtherCAT轉IO-Link閘道器分配了三個專用的頻寬時間片,以確保EtherCAT工業通訊的實時性與確定性不受其它網路流量干擾。AXM57104A TSN網路卡支援符合IEEE標準的各種時間敏感網路(TSN)進階功能,包括IEEE 802.1AS-Rev/AS-2020、1588V2(PTP)、802.1Qav、802.3br & 802.1Qbu、802.1Qbv、802.1Qci與802.1CB等。 亞信電子誠摯邀請您於2024年9月24日至9月27日蒞臨上海國家會展中心,參加「第24屆中國國際工業博覽會 ─ 工業自動化展(IAS 2024)」。亞信技術人員將在現場為您介紹「亞信最新工業乙太網路技術解決方案」,包括亞信IO-Link主站/設備軟體協議棧、EtherCAT與TSN等工業自動化通訊關鍵技術。誠摯邀請您蒞臨亞信電子攤位(攤位號碼: 6.1H-A018),一起探索工業自動化和工業乙太網路的嶄新未來! ### 關於亞信電子亞信電子成立於1995年,公司設立於台灣新竹科學工業園區,為一專業的工業/嵌入式網路與橋接器相關IC晶片設計廠商,2009年股票正式於櫃買中心掛牌交易(股票代號:3169)。主要產品為工業乙太網路晶片,超高速USB乙太網路晶片,嵌入式乙太網路晶片,串並口I/O橋接器,RS-232/RS-485收發器,網路微控制器/USB KVM單晶片等。本公司已榮獲ISO 9001及14001的國際品質認證,這些殊榮彰顯了亞信對全球品質標準的堅持和承諾。如需更多亞信產品資訊,請訪問亞信電子官方網站https://www.asix.com.tw/,或通過電子郵件聯繫亞信業務人員sales@asix.com.tw。
ASIX Electronics is set to showcase its latest ASIX IO-Link Master & Device Software Stacks, AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link Gateway integrated with ASIX IO-Link Master Software Stack, and AXM57104A TSN PCIe NIC solutions at IAS 2024 in Shanghai. HSINCHU, Taiwan – Sep. 18th, 2024 – ASIX Electronics Corporation (TWSE:3169) is actively committed to the development of the latest industrial Ethernet technology solutions, including ASIX’s proprietary IO-Link master and device software stacks, EtherCAT slave microcontrollers, and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) NIC. ASIX will showcase its latest ASIX IO-Link Master & Device Software Stacks, AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link Gateway integrated with ASIX IO-Link Master Software Stack, and AXM57104A TSN PCIe Gigabit Ethernet NIC solutions at the 24th China International Industry Fair (CIIF) - Industrial Automation Show (IAS 2024) in Shanghai. Utilizing TSN, EtherCAT, and IO-Link technologies, industrial Ethernet can ensure precise time synchronization and deterministic real-time communication, improving factory production efficiency and product quality. Furthermore, it enables real-time remote monitoring and diagnostics, minimizing downtime and maintenance expenses. At this exhibition, ASIX will showcase the “ASIX IO-Link Master & Device Software Stacks Solutions” featuring the AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link Gateway integrated with ASIX’s IO-Link master software protocol stack, and ASIX’s IO-Link device software protocol stack solutions. The AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link Gateway solution incorporates ASIX's proprietary IO-Link master software stack, designed to support up to 16 IO-Link gateways, each with the capability to manage up to 8 IO-Link devices. The ASIX IO-Link device software protocol stack is developed based on the ASIX AXM-IOLS IO-Link device evaluation board, and supports on-line firmware upgrade via IO-Link interface. This evaluation board features the STMicroelectronics STM32F469AI microcontroller and L6362A IO-Link device transceiver, with built-in various IO-Link device sensors, such as ToF (Time of Flight) distance sensors. Customers can quickly test the basic functions of the ASIX IO-Link device software protocol stack using this evaluation board, suitable for various IO-Link smart device products, including IO-Link sensors, IO-Link actuators, IO-Link hubs, and IO-Link valve islands. ASIX will also showcase its latest “AXM57104A TSN NIC & AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link Gateway over TSN Total Solution”, demonstrating how to integrate real-time Operational Technology (OT) and non-real-time Information Technology (IT) on the same network, creating a highly efficient and flexible smart factory production environment. This solution utilizes the AXM57104A TSN 802.1Qbv Time-Aware Shaper function to allocate three dedicated bandwidth time slices for the AX58400 EtherCAT to IO-Link gateway within the TSN network, ensuring the real-time and deterministic nature of EtherCAT industrial communication without interference from other network traffic. The AXM57104A supports enhanced TSN functions, compliant to IEEE 802.1AS-Rev/AS-2020, 1588V2, 802.1Qav, 802.3br & 802.1Qbu, 802.1Qbv, 802.1Qci and 802.1CB. You are cordially invited to visit the ASIX exhibition booth (Booth No. 6.1H-A018) at the "24th China International Industry Fair (CIIF) - Industrial Automation Show (IAS 2024)" from September 24th to September 27th, 2024, at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai. ASIX expert team will introduce “ASIX Latest Industrial Ethernet Technologies Solutions”, including ASIX IO-Link Master/Device Stacks, EtherCAT and TSN industrial communication technologies. Look forward to meeting you at the ASIX booth to explore the new future of industrial automation and industrial Ethernet together!
New updates address growing data demands for industries with stringent compliance requirements Private Link Network will be showcased during EVOLVE24 in Dubai on September 12 SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cloudera, the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics and AI, today launched Cloudera Private Link Network to address critical data security and privacy concerns for highly regulated organizations with strict internal data security policies. Cloudera Private Link Network provides secure, private connectivity from customer workloads to the Cloudera Control Plane, ensuring that data does not traverse the public Internet. Organizations in industries such as finance, healthcare and pharmaceuticals often face privacy challenges because providers often cannot guarantee that traffic between tenants, even within the same cloud, will not traverse the Internet and risk data exposure. Cloudera Private Link Network helps to solve these challenges by providing a unified, cross-cloud private connectivity service, enabling enterprises to securely manage data-intensive workloads across multiple cloud environments through a single, specialized network. Cloudera Private Link Network integrates across major cloud providers by utilizing existing cloud provider services like AWS PrivateLink and Azure Private Link and other network infrastructure such as multi-cloud connectivity. This setup extends secure data transfer across multiple cloud environments, to enable consistent security and streamlined management. Customers can efficiently self-serve and provision services using the Cloudera Command Line Interface. "Cloudera Private Link Network is purpose-built and managed by Cloudera to address enterprise privacy and connectivity concerns. By offloading the management of Private Link Network to Cloudera, it will both lower TCO for your organization and free up valuable resources, allowing you to focus on strategic business initiatives," said Dipto Chakravarty, Chief Product Officer at Cloudera. "By managing data integrity and trustworthiness throughout the architecture, we help enterprises safeguard sensitive customer data." "As organizations move to cross-cloud deployments, they expect to drastically reduce the complexity of multi-platform configurations to a point that they should only have to specify private link network endpoints between their control plane and the data planes," said industry analyst, Sanjeev Mohan. "Private Link Network helps enterprises protect their data more effectively and easily leverage disparate clouds to reduce total cost of ownership. This advancement further establishes Cloudera as a leader in providing secure, cross-cloud connectivity for metadata management." Cloudera Private Link Network will be on display at Cloudera EVOLVE Dubai, taking place September 12, 2024, at the Museum of the Future. Attendees will see the power of Cloudera Private Link Network firsthand and gain insights into the real-world experiences of leading-edge companies from around the globe. For more information on how Cloudera Private Link Network addresses the growing need for secure, private data connectivity across increasingly complex multi-cloud environments, visit our recent blog. About ClouderaCloudera is the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI. With 100x more data under management than other cloud-only vendors, Cloudera empowers global enterprises to transform data of all types, on any public or private cloud, into valuable, trusted insights. Our open data lakehouse delivers scalable and secure data management with portable cloud-native analytics, enabling customers to bring GenAI models to their data while maintaining privacy and ensuring responsible, reliable AI deployments. The world's largest brands in financial services, insurance, media, manufacturing, and government rely on Cloudera to use their data to solve what once seemed impossible—today and in the future. To learn more, visit Cloudera.com and follow us on LinkedIn and X. Cloudera and associated marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cloudera, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Opus Link Actions enable seamless integration with NetSuite and other leading ERP and enterprise systems, accelerating operational efficiency BOSTON, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TraceLink, the largest end-to-end digital network platform for intelligent orchestration of the supply chain, has announced Opus Link Actions, pre-built API (Application Programming Interface) integrations that link the Opus Platform and its growing suite of multi-enterprise solutions with an expanding list of ERP and enterprise systems — the first release of which is for NetSuite. Opus Link Actions, as ready-to-deploy integrations, streamline the traditionally complex process of linking to internal systems to exchange business transactions, such as invoices or shipment notifications, with supply chain trading partners. By seamlessly integrating with customers' and trading partners' existing enterprise systems, Opus Platform users can accelerate business integration and transaction exchange, significantly reducing long lead times for integration projects, thereby driving down costs while enabling more agile operations and transforming how companies manage their supply chains. Opus Link Actions deliver the following key capabilities and benefits: Seamless, Low-/No-Code Integration: Link Actions offer a form-based, low-/no-code setup that drastically reduces integration timelines from months to mere hours. As an out-of-the-box integration, Link Actions provide pre-configured, ready-to-use solutions that seamlessly work with your existing systems, ensuring a smooth implementation and support for custom-built workflows. Real-Time Data Exchange: Link Actions enable direct, real-time communication between systems, eliminating slow, manual processes, and enhancing compatibility and reliability. Optimized Data Transmission: Businesses can control the frequency of data transmissions on each transaction type, optimizing bandwidth for both inbound and outbound exchanges, further simplifying integration with existing infrastructure. Support for Complex Queries: Link Actions efficiently manage intricate data structures, supporting complex queries across multiple data sources, all without the need for extensive custom development. Integration Catalog: Businesses can configure their integrations with pre-built transforms for Contivo, JavaScript, and JSLT, allowing for fast deployment, lower costs, and minimal troubleshooting, ensuring a seamless and efficient integration process. Expansion of B2N Integrate-Once™: By leveraging Link Actions, companies equipped to send/receive transactions via API can do so with customers or partners on TraceLink that prefer using EDI, B2B messages, or even the user interface (UI) offered on the Opus platform — all with no changes required by either party. "With Link Actions at the heart of Opus, we are further expanding our unique B2N Integrate-Once™ value proposition and fundamentally transforming how businesses orchestrate their supply chains with partners," said Shabbir Dahod, President and CEO of TraceLink. "Link Actions enable even greater multi-modal integration flexibility for all network participants on Opus, which is a foundational requirement for end-to-end supply chain digitalization. By allowing any participant to choose their method of integration and transaction exchange — APIs, EDI, B2B, or UI/UX — we can eliminate significant cost and complexity while providing unmatched flexibility and ease of use. With less time spent on integration challenges, our customers can instead focus on how to best leverage the real-time, end-to-end supply chain data they gain access to on Opus to optimize shared business processes with partners and serve customers." Opus Link Actions offer significant benefits by eliminating long-term costs through the Integrate Once, Interoperate With Everyone™ model. This approach not only reduces the financial burden but also simplifies the process of switching or upgrading enterprise systems — just update the Link Action and input the new credentials. Furthermore, the system-to-system data transmission enhances data accuracy by minimizing the risk of human error. Additionally, this capability increases scalability, enabling users to connect with a larger percentage of their entire supply chain, thereby optimizing overall operations and achieving end-to-end supply chain visibility. Learn more about TraceLink's latest release of the Opus platform, the only no-code network digitalization platform designed to democratize access to end-to-end supply chain integration and orchestration. See Opus and Link Actions live at FutureLink Barcelona 2024, the only thought-leadership, education, and networking event for life sciences and healthcare leaders needing critical intelligence and better collaboration across supply chain relationships, taking place October 2-4, 2024. With keynotes headlined by the industry's top thought leaders, a full day of TraceLink University educational sessions, three orchestration tracks led by customers and solution partners, and an immersive product and solution exhibition, this year's FutureLink will focus on the end-to-end digitalization of your supply chain to link your enterprise systems and processes to the network. Register now. About TraceLink: TraceLink Inc. is the largest end-to-end intelligent supply chain platform for life sciences and healthcare, enabling end-to-end orchestration by connecting more than 291,000 healthcare and life sciences entities through its B2N Integrate-Once™ network. Leading businesses trust TraceLink to deliver complete global connectivity, visibility, and traceability of healthcare products, ensuring that every patient gets the medicines they need when needed, safely and securely.
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