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▲圖/CoCo提供。 (觀傳媒編輯中心)【記者郭嘉 / 綜合報導】暨台中加盟第一店<台中東海店>高人氣擄獲當地手搖迷的心,CoCo都可一鼓作氣再加開<台中大雅店>,快速接力人氣、服務更多大台中居民!迎接小龍年開幕第一場有請人氣小龍女詩雅線上應援,線上開箱告訴網友們CoCo最經典熱銷「百香雙響炮」究竟有多好喝!因為工作活動量大、常常汗如雨下,球場上常見的飲料除了一瓶瓶的礦泉水,就是一杯杯的手搖飲,特別是酸酸甜甜的更是解渴暢快心頭好!身為手搖常客的詩雅一喝到百香雙響炮更是直呼:「百香雙響炮一直是我的愛!台灣神級凍齡手搖飲代表!百香的酸甜加入Q彈的珍珠以及椰果,搭配清爽綠茶邊咬邊喝的豐富口感」 碗不用敲了,誠意滿滿這就推出「滿月優惠」一開張就推出三波優惠活動接力,一整個月要讓大雅區的手搖迷們喝過癮!人氣滿上,繼續再喝下家新開店! 【台中大雅店開幕活動】台中市大雅區學府路313號/TEL: (04)2566-0891 ▲1/17~1/19 珍珠奶茶(L) 買1送1 ▲1/20~1/26 奶茶三兄弟(L)特價45元+四季珍椰青(L)35元+21歲輕烏龍(L)25元 ▲2/3~2/9 奶茶三兄弟(L)特價45元+四季珍椰青(L)35元+21歲輕烏龍(L)25元 ▲2/10~2/28 百香雙響炮(L)特價50元+四季春青茶(L)特價30元+QQ奶茶(L)特價40元 ▲圖/CoCo提供。 全球坐擁最多分店的台灣手搖品牌CoCo都可 +4500店品牌實力,200萬起邀你當頭家!台灣台中以南啟動加盟! 從1997年的淡水小鎮開始,CoCo都可董事長堅信「每一杯好喝的CoCo都是堅持累積出來的,沒有僥倖,也沒有運氣」扎實的基本功,讓CoCo都可持續創新,在全球市場上坐擁逾4,500門市,分佈亞洲、歐洲、美洲、大洋洲、非洲、加拿大、菲律賓等,成為橫跨各大洲的知名茶飲連鎖品牌,將台灣品牌發揚國際,持續以每杯好喝的飲料感動每一個人! ▲圖/CoCo提供。 【CoCo都可加盟須知】 年齡建議:25-40歲,具備自主經營能力。 品牌認同:認同CoCo經營理念、品牌文化,十足熱情共同成長。 加盟主需全程參與門店經營,不得委由他人。 依申請條件評估完成雙方合作模式始可開業。 配合公司完成培訓課程與開業輔導計畫。 【CoCo都可加盟預算】 200萬起,實際費用將視空間大小與裝潢條件而定,詳情洽市展專業人員。(02)2882-1826 #1590
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 12, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- RoboSense (2498.HK), a global leader in AI-driven robotics technology, and Coco Robotics, an innovator in delivery robots, have announced a strategic partnership to transform last-mile logistics. By combining RoboSense's advanced sensor technology with Coco Robotics's delivery solutions, the collaboration aims to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability in urban networks. RoboSense CEO Mark Qiu (left) and Coco Robotics Co-founder & CEO Zach Rash (right) at CES 2025 Coco Robotics bridges the gap between local businesses and customers through advanced navigation and real-time tracking, prioritizing sustainability by reducing carbon emissions and delivery costs. Since its launch in 2020, the company has expanded operations to major U.S. and European cities, forming partnerships with food delivery leaders like Uber Eats and DoorDash to meet the growing demands of modern logistics and support a greener future. This partnership addresses key challenges in autonomous last-mile delivery by integrating RoboSense's perception solutions into Coco Robotics's fleet to enhance navigation and obstacle detection. Together, the companies are accelerating the deployment of delivery robots to optimize efficiency and scale operations. Coco’s Next-Gen Autonomous Delivery Robot with RoboSense E1R Lidar Debuts at CES 2025 "We're thrilled to collaborate with RoboSense to push the boundaries of what's possible in last-mile delivery," said Zach Rash, Co-founder and CEO of Coco Robotics. "This partnership strengthens our ability to provide safe, reliable, and sustainable delivery solutions at scale, helping us better serve businesses and communities." Mark Qiu, CEO of RoboSense, said, "The successful collaboration with Coco Robotics is one of the key milestones in RoboSense's global strategy. By combining our visual sensor technology with Coco Robotics' innovative robotics solutions, we aim to redefine what's possible in autonomous last-mile delivery. RoboSense will continue to innovate, providing superior incremental components and solutions to our global robotics customers. Partnering with Coco Robotics, we will create safer, smarter robotic delivery services and expand into global markets." About RoboSense RoboSense (2498.HK), founded in 2014, is an AI-driven robotics technology company that supplies industry-leading incremental components and solutions for the robotics market. The company is committed to "Become the global leader in robotics technology platforms", and its mission is "Safer world, Smarter life". For more information about RoboSense, visit https://www.robosense.ai About Coco Robotics Coco Robotics is the world's largest urban robot delivery platform. Founded in 2020, Coco has completed over 500,000 zero-emission deliveries, serving customers in the US and Europe. Coco's mission is to create a more sustainable, reliable, and affordable last-mile logistics solution in cities around the world. For more information about Coco, visit cocodelivery.com
To be highlighted at the upcoming International Franchise Expo, the world-leading bubble tea brand is expanding support and infrastructure for boba-loving entrepreneurs, offering: New training programs for successfully opening and operating a bubble tea store Expanded US logistics and supply channels Single-store franchise opportunities continue to be available — for anything from pop-ups to brick-and-mortar storefronts A trust-based partnership with no hidden fees and focused on long-term success NEW YORK, May 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading boba tea brand CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice today announced a major expansion of regional infrastructure and support for US entrepreneurs, to be highlighted when it attends the upcoming International Franchise Expo in NYC (Hall 1B, Booth #1021, May 30-June 1). Part of the franchise-based brand's push to empower young, diverse entrepreneurs, this latest move helps enthusiasts to pursue their dream of opening a bubble tea shop by taking advantage of the brand's single-store franchise opportunities. To explore opening up your very own bubble tea shop with CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice, please contact: coco@coco-tea.com For more info: https://bit.ly/3OFKWWC "Our franchise partners are the real heroes of CoCo's growth journey," remarks Kody Wong, Director of Business Development at CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice. "As we continue to expand, it's crucial that we also scale up the support system we offer—and show them the way." What can CoCo offer me as a franchise partner? New initiatives include: Training infrastructure in the US for success in the bubble tea industry Scaled up US supply and distribution channels to augment flows of boba materials What the brand already offers: No hidden fees and a trust-based partnership designed for long-term success A major global footprint and high brand recognition, carrying over directly to the success of each shop Extensive supply chain helps to stabilize costs for partners Pre-opening preparation Daily operational and troubleshooting assistance Comprehensive training and support programs for seamless coordination with CoCo's head office Bubble tea zeal spreading throughout the Americas As reported by Bloomberg, the current US bubble tea market is valued at an impressive $640 million, with projections for growth to $2.2 billion within the next decade — a staggering 300% increase. With bubble tea gaining substantial popularity, particularly among the younger demographic through social media platforms such as TikTok, CoCo continues to see enormous potential across the Americas for tea-loving entrepreneurs and for the brand itself. Besides new upcoming openings in Texas in the US, bubble tea has already become popular in Latin America, with multiple new CoCo stores opened across the region, including in Mexico City; Guadalajara, Mexico; and Lima, Peru. Showcasing single-store partnerships at IFE Amid this growth, significant numbers of young, diverse entrepreneurs have shown an interest in establishing a bubble tea franchise business with CoCo. Aimed at empowering these entrepreneurs, this latest expansion for single-store franchise infrastructure is the brand's key focus at the upcoming International Franchise Expo. For master franchisees and corporations, the brand will also share information on its multi-store franchise opportunities during the event. About CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice aims to create a diverse and sustainable community for its consumers by providing visually refreshing products. We continue to be one of the fastest-growing companies and are looking for enterprising partners to join the CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice franchise networks. Check CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice's official website and start your application now. For more information, please visit https://www.coco-tea.com/.
嗜茶愛好者看過來! CoCo都可 全新推出「21歲輕烏龍」系列,喜歡茶味清爽或怕茶太苦澀的朋友可以選擇,讓你一喝順口,無法戒掉的好滋味;如果說重焙烏龍是資深經典茗品,輕焙烏龍就是生活的輕流行!喝茶無關年齡,簡單一杯反璞歸真更能讓人體驗日子的小清新! ▲清烏龍清爽有茶香,廣受消費者喜愛。(圖/CoCo都可提供) CoCo都可精心研製21歲輕烏龍系列,自在輕揚的茶湯,少一分清香多一分焙香、減一分青澀增一分熟韻,如春光乍現、如風華初露的21歲,都可輕烏龍系,邀你一品;「21歲輕烏龍」在青澀的年紀開始邁向對未來的迷茫,這時來上一杯輕焙茶香風味的烏龍茶,溫潤的茶體滑順的口感,讓身心靈同步淨化,對未知的大人世界多了一份安定;「21輕檸烏龍」喜歡酸酸甜甜系列的茶類飲品,輕檸烏龍則不能錯過,使用新鮮檸檬原汁,酸中帶點果皮香氣,與輕焙烏龍茶融合的恰到好處,再畫龍點晴的加入一片新鮮檸檬果片,酸甜滋味像極21歲的甜蜜初戀;「21歲輕乳烏龍」細膩鮮乳香氣融合輕焙烏龍,滑順口感同時在嘴裡融合,口齒回甘同步感受烏龍茶香氣,清爽的風味更是讓人一喝再喝絕不膩口,原來這就是21歲青春的滋味! 商品資訊 全台門市販售 「21歲輕烏龍」 售價 $ 30元(中杯) /$ 35元(大杯) 「21歲輕檸烏龍」售價 $ 45(中杯)/ $ 55(大杯) 「21歲輕乳烏龍」 售價 $ 50(中杯)/ $ 60(大杯) (街邊門市) 售價 $ 55中杯)/ $ 65(大杯) (商場門市)
胖胖楊枝甘露以「椰奶」加入CoCo人氣配料「西谷米」及「蜜香凍」呈現出濃郁豐富口感。 夏天前的暖身,芒果控看過來,今年的第一杯楊枝甘露CoCo正式回歸開賣。 CoCo季節限定「楊枝甘露」每到初夏都是粉絲敲碗期盼的明星商品,靈魂主角就是擁有濃郁果香的當季芒果及搭配酸甜多汁的紅柚果肉外,Q彈的西谷米及特有「蜜香凍」配料,更是咀嚼控的最愛,酸酸甜甜的口感更是極度療癒! 其中,去年最熱賣的「胖胖楊枝甘露」更以濃郁椰奶為基底的奢華口感擄獲龐大粉絲的心!今年慶祝楊枝甘露好評回歸,4月3日獨家回饋給CoCo好友,只要打開 CoCo Line 官方帳號即可領取券,並使用都可訂線上點單憑券即享「胖胖楊枝甘露(M)第 2 杯 0 元」優惠。 慶祝楊枝甘露好評回歸,好友日第二杯0元! 網友敲碗CoCo夏季人氣飲品「楊枝甘露」系列飲品主打2種:胖胖楊枝甘露、纖細楊枝甘露。 胖胖楊枝甘露中杯售價70元,採大家熟知最正宗的楊枝甘露做法,以「椰奶」加入CoCo人氣配料「西谷米」及「蜜香凍」完整呈現出濃郁豐富口感,再堆疊上芒果丁與芒果泥超芒配方,每一口都襲捲芒果控的胃! 纖細楊枝甘露中杯售價70元:獨創優酪乳版本系列,使用低熱量優酪乳為基底,創新搭配不僅保持了楊枝甘露原有的香醇口感,酸甜的口感更是讓不少嘗試過的民眾印象深刻,讓妳輕盈享受夏天滋味! 享受夏天的滋味,CoCo好友日限定優惠。 好友日限定優惠-活動日期:2024/04/03 00:00即可透過官方LINE領券並於當日各店營業時間享用。全門市(商場門市/部分門市無售該品項,請以各門市公告供應為準),使用方式:加入官方LINE領券 → https://maac.io/1HR0Q ,購買指定品項,即可使用「第二杯0元」優惠 更多都可訂優惠 一、每周三都可好友日:一人可獲得2張,每筆訂單最多使用二張,不可另外加料,限定選取完美比例飲用,當天使用,並於有效期限內使用折價券,逾期視同自動作廢,不得申請補發,數量有限 售完為止。 二、滿額最高享9折:1000元以上即享9折。 三、指定品項優惠,每杯折價5元。 此活動僅於「CoCo都可訂」線上點單/商場門市及部分門市不適用,此活動依現場供應為準/實際販售品項、金額以「都可訂」平台公告為準。
「CoCo都可X純在」首次聯手推出芭樂飲品「純在青芭樂檸檬綠」,二大品牌最「鮮」原料,立馬補充維他命C!飲品中珍珠芭樂的清甜完美融合茉莉綠茶及中和檸檬酸度,自帶清甜水果香,清涼又解渴,清爽的香氣,微酸中帶有檸檬清香,清爽不膩口,非常適合春、夏飲用。尤其是愛美的女生更需要來一杯,含有豐富的維他命C水果組合,讓你喝下的不只是手搖飲,而是人人稱羨的美容飲品啊! 「純在青芭樂檸檬綠」用喝的 讓你立馬補充芭樂維他命C 「純在青芭樂檸檬綠」使用台灣在地珍珠芭樂採用HPP超高壓保鮮技術原汁原味鮮榨,呈現台灣珍珠芭樂帶有清爽香氣,大家都知道芭樂中的維他命C含量高於印象中的奇異果、柑橘系水果,「純在」使用HPP超高壓保鮮技術,保留芭樂原味及營養價值,絕對是珍珠芭樂鮮榨原汁、100% made in Taiwan,完美融合搭配茉莉綠茶,杯頂放上現切檸檬片增加酸度及香氣,再加入CoCo都可人氣加料「蜜香凍」增加咀嚼感,在春天喝上一杯給你滿杯維他命用力C起來,同步享受酸甜清新又有飽足感的風味! 商品資訊:全台CoCo都可門市販售 (部分門市不販售) 純在青芭樂檸檬綠 $75(L) *實際販售品項/金額以門市公告為主
A12 藝術空間
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