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Neusoft Passes the Highest Level of ISO 26262 Functional Safety Management Certification

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3521 加入收藏 :

SHENYANG, China, April 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, Neusoft Corporation (Neusoft, SSE: 600718), an industry-leading information technology, products and solutions company for the global market, has been certified to ISO 26262 ASIL D management/process by TÜV Rheinland, an international independent third-party testing, inspection and certification company. That means Neusoft has won the highest international authoritative recognition in the functional safety management process, hardware, software and system development process, supporting process, and ASIL functional safety analysis in the field of intelligent vehicle connectivity.

ISO 26262 Road Vehicles - Functional Safety, a globally recognized automotive functional safety standard, runs throughout the automotive safety life cycle. It not only sets some access criteria for automotive electronics component suppliers, but also verifies their technical strength and control capabilities. Among the four levels, A, B, C, and D, ASIL D is the highest, with the most stringent requirements for system security, development process, and technology.

As the key partner of auto manufacturers in the era of Software Defined Vehicles (SDV), Neusoft has always taken comprehensive automotive functional safety as the key to management system development and product technology innovation. Achieving ISO 26262 ASIL D management certification fully reflects Neusoft's pursuit of excellence in automotive software technology and product security management, which marks a milestone in Neusoft's development in the field of intelligent vehicle connectivity.

In addition to this certification, Neusoft and Neusoft Reach, an innovative company invested by Neusoft Corporation, have obtained ISO 26262 functional safety product certification and system design certificates in succession earlier, which demonstrates that Neusoft can manage and control the risks throughout the product life cycle from R&D to mass production launch, provide better support for global auto manufacturers and Tier-1 suppliers and empower the transformation of the auto industry.

For more information about Neusoft, please visit www.neusoft.com.

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