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Huawei Showcases Smart Railway Perimeter Detection Solution at the 11th UIC World Congress on High-Speed Rail

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 818 加入收藏 :

MARRAKECH, Morocco, March 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei debuted its Smart Railway Perimeter Detection Solution at the 11th UIC World Congress on High-Speed Rail that is taking place in Morocco on March 7–10, 2023. The tech giant also exhibited its innovative solutions and flagship products for the railway industry. These include the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), data communication network, and optical communication network. Huawei aims to build fully-connected railways, enabling fast, safe, and intelligent industry development, and facilitating digital transformation.

Mr. Li Junfeng, Vice President of Huawei and CEO of the Aviation & Rail BU delivered an opening speech. He noted that the development of future high-speed railways relies on a wireless communications system with a higher bandwidth to ensure safe train operations. A centralized platform and reliable connectivity will make a digital and green industry a reality. Huawei's LTE-based FRMCS Solution can carry more new services by just upgrading the software. It not only slashes railway project costs, but also meets the requirements of digital railway development. In terms of safety, Huawei is always integrating new technologies into service scenarios. Its Smart Railway Perimeter Detection Solution protects trackside safety around the clock, in any weather.

Mr. Li Junfeng, CEO of Huawei's Aviation & Rail BU, is delivering an opening speech
Mr. Li Junfeng, CEO of Huawei's Aviation & Rail BU, is delivering an opening speech

At the Huawei forum, Mr. Gu Yunbo, President of Huawei's Enterprise Optical Business Domain, showcased the Smart Railway Perimeter Detection Solution. He explained that the solution is built on an optical-vision convergence architecture, which enables fiber vibration detection alongside analysis to safeguard railway perimeters with multi-dimensional awareness and high precision. The solution resolves low accuracy issues faced by conventional railway perimeter detection solutions, prevents missed alarms, and delivers few false alarms, ensuring safer and more efficient railway operations.

The world is building more high-speed railways and undergoing a digital and intelligent transformation. As such, the railway industry requires network communications with higher bandwidth and lower latency to carry new services.

"Huawei's LTE-based FRMCS Solution has a mature ecosystem based on the 3GPP standard and broadband technologies that can enable more intelligent services. Thanks to its wireless experience, Huawei can build high-performance FRMCS networks for customers, thus satisfying railway digital development requirements of railways," said Mr. Liang Jiawei, Wireless Solution Director of Huawei's Aviation & Rail BU.

According to Mr. Lv Liang, Transportation Solution Director of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line, Huawei's FRMCS Solution uses innovative IPv6+ technologies to build converged bearer capabilities featuring high reliability, easy deployment, intelligent O&M, and smooth evolution. The solution securely and reliably carries multiple services, such as voice and signaling, while ensuring safe and stable railway operations.

As a leading global ICT infrastructure provider, Huawei has been involved in the railway industry for 27 years and is serving more than 150,000 km of railways worldwide. Looking ahead, Huawei will continue working with more customers and ecosystem partners to explore industry standards along with building an ecosystem that complements each other's advantages, driving smart railway development together.

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