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Former CSL CEO Paul Perreault appointed strategic adviser to Microbio

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 472 加入收藏 :

Establishing sepsis diagnostic InfectID as the new standard of care

BRISBANE, Australia, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Microbio Ltd, the Australian pathogen diagnostics company specialising in innovative molecular diagnostic solutions, has today announced the appointment of Paul Perreault as a strategic advisor.

Mr Perreault is the former CEO of CSL and considered a pre-eminent global biotech leader. He was Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of CSL Limited from 2013 to 2023, leading the organisation to become the fifth largest biotechnology company in the world bringing lifesaving medicines to people in more than 100 countries.

Microbio is commercialising InfectID™ BSI (Bloodstream Infection) as the new gold standard in the diagnosis of sepsis.   InfectID™-BSI is currently CE-marked cleared for sale in Europe, United Kingdom, and India, with an advanced regulatory program underway for FDA and TGA approval pathing the way for a global market expansion in the coming years.

The InfectID™-BSI diagnostic test delivers actionable intelligence to clinicians, enabling them to deliver targeted antimicrobial treatment – improving patient outcomes and reducing the emergence of antimicrobial resistant organisms.

The assay detects 26 pathogens associated with more than 94% of sepsis cases in less than 3 hours.

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by the body's reaction to a bloodstream infection. The only effective treatment is the prompt administration  of antimicrobials to eliminate the pathogen causing the infection. For every hour of delay in administering appropriate antimicrobial treatment, mortality rates increase by 7.6%1, underscoring the urgent need for rapid diagnosis.  The current 'gold standard' method involves  a slow, multi-step blood culturing and identification process. This approach takes 11 hours-21 hours for bacterial species and 48 hours for Candida species and has limited sensitivity.

Microbio's InfectID™ is therefore considered a game changer in improving patient outcomes of sepsis through earlier detection.

This latest appointment bolsters Microbio's executive team and advisors in supporting the rapid commercialisation and expanded market access for InfectID™.

With over 40 years' experience in the global healthcare industry, Mr Perreault has held senior leadership roles with CSL, Wyeth, Centeon, Aventis Bioservices and Aventis Behring. He previously served on the board of directors for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), Wall Street Journal's CEO Council, Penn State Provost's Global Advisory Council, and the Global Board for the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association.

Commenting on his appointment Mr Perreault said: "Microbio is an exciting biotechnology company on the cusp of positively disrupting the devastating impact of sepsis on patients with a diagnostic test that can more rapidly detect the majority of pathogens responsible for sepsis, which supports much earlier clinical intervention and treatment to ultimately safe lives and improve patient outcomes. I'm pleased to be working with a company at the forefront of innovation in this critical area of healthcare."

Microbio's Chief Executive Offer Mr Colin Keating said: "We have a growing number of clinical, and key opinion leaders working with us to bring InfectID to market as our clinical data continues to support the profound benefits of our diagnostic of sepsis. We welcome Paul to our advisory board and the opportunity to draw upon his exceptional leadership and capabilities in supporting our ongoing global expansion."  


Further information https://microbio.com.au/ 

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