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Asian Tigers Group Launches "The Global Move" Podcast Alongside AI-Enhanced Online Support

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 380 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Asian Tigers Group, a leader in international relocation services, is excited to announce the launch of "The Global Move," a podcast that offers invaluable insights into the complexities of moving abroad. This initiative is part of their commitment to improving the global moving experience through enhanced digital resources, including a powerful AI-enabled search assistant "Chat Bar" freely available on the Asian Tigers Group website.

Asian Tigers Group Launches "The Global Move" Podcast Alongside AI-Enhanced Online Support
Asian Tigers Group Launches "The Global Move" Podcast Alongside AI-Enhanced Online Support

Podcast: "The Global Move" podcast serves not just as a source of practical advice but also highlights the advanced use of digital tools designed to simplify the moving process for customers, corporate clients and agents. Each episode focuses on different aspects of international moving, promoting a comprehensive FAQ section and a conversational AI tool that helps customers easily research any aspect of international moving.

Artificial Intelligence: Asian Tigers Group's "Chat Bar" is not just another chatbot. It's trained to provide precise, thorough answers to a wide range of questions, aiding both novices and industry experts in their international moving endeavors. Even industry veterans are finding it valuable.

Gordon Bell, Chairman of Asian Tigers Group, stated, "Each international move is unique and experience is crucial. We understand the challenges associated with relocating internationally. 'The Global Move', alongside our AI assistant, leverages our team's experience in a way that's both timely and relevant. We are confident these digital tools will help our customers and our team better prepare for the big day."

Listeners can access "The Global Move" podcast through the Asian Tigers Group website, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. A highlight reel of recent podcast episodes can been viewed here.

Sustainability: In line with their ongoing efforts to embrace sustainability, Asian Tigers Group is proud to continue their long-standing partnership with the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). For 23 years, Asian Tigers Group has actively supported wild tiger conservation across Asia, contributing over $600,000 to preserve these magnificent animals and their habitats. This partnership supports the protection, restoration, and promotion of sustainable ecosystems and biodiversity, ensuring that endangered species like tigers continue to thrive in their native habitats. Asian Tigers Group continues to demonstrate its commitment to all of their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives.

About the Asian Tigers Group: Asian Tigers Group is a leader in international moving services, providing exceptional support to individuals, families, and corporate clients globally. With a dedicated network of professionals and a focus on service excellence, we ensure every move is handled with precision and care. As both international movers and local movers, Asian Tigers Group provides relocation, storage and other commercial services all over the world.

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