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Automation Anywhere Announces Winners of its 2023 Global Partner of the Year Awards

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 721 加入收藏 :

Global partners recognized for enabling organizations to accelerate intelligent automation transformations

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Automation Anywhere, the leader in intelligent automation solutions that put AI to work across every aspect of an organization, today announced the winners of its Global Partner of the Year Awards that were presented this week at the company's annual Partner Summit.

The annual awards recognize Automation Anywhere partners that have demonstrated excellence and commitment to customer success, innovative solution development, and deep investments in building technical expertise to support customers. Awards were presented to partners in the North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA), India and Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) regions.

"On behalf of Automation Anywhere, I congratulate each of our 2023 partner winners for their dedication to setting a new standard for customer success," said Ben Yerushalmi, senior vice president, Global Alliances & Channels, Automation Anywhere. "We are at the precipice of a tectonic shift in the way our customers work and leverage technology with the combination of generative AI and automation. I look forward to continuing these partnerships to deliver innovation and digital transformation to our joint customers."

Partner award categories and winners include:

  • Pinnacle Partner of the Year – Awarded to a partner with the highest new and upsell bookings, commitment to achieving status in the Pinnacle Partner Program and dedication to being an Automation Anywhere partner.
    • Winner: HCLTech
  • Growth Partner of the Year – Awarded to partners with the greatest revenue growth year over year.
    • Global Winner: HCLTech
    • North America Winner: Novatio
    • Europe, Middle East Africa Winner: TNP Consultants
  • Innovation Solutions Partner of the Year – Awarded to a partner that has implemented an exceptional use case or built creative solutions using any of the new products announced at Imagine 2022 or generative AI.
    • North America Winner: Cognizant
    • Latin America Winner: Emergys
    • Europe, Middle East Africa Winner: Niico
    • India Winner: CTD Techs
    • Asia Pacific and Japan Winner: SoftBank
  • Automation Evangelist Partner of the Year – Awarded to a partner that demonstrates exceptional efforts to evangelize intelligent automation within organizations and beyond.
    • North America Winner: Presidio
    • Latin America Winner: Bayteq
    • Europe, Middle East Africa Winner: Wipro
    • India Winner: KPMG
    • Asia Pacific and Japan Winner: DXC
  • One Team One Goal Partner of the Year – Partner that has demonstrated exceptional teamwork and dedication to its partnership with Automation Anywhere.
    • North America Winner: Novatio
    • Latin America Winner: EY
    • Europe, Middle East Africa Winner: Shiny Blue Box
    • India Winner: Protiviti
    • Asia Pacific and Japan Winner: EY
  • Social Impact Partner of the Year – Celebrates a partner who is using intelligent automation products or services for the greater good, whether it be through the betterment of society, ethics, or social impact.
    • Winner: Sapphire Systems
    • Winner: PeopleShores
    • Winner: Viaflow
  • Rising Star Partner of the Year – Awarded to a new partner that shows exceptional promise or that has made an immediate impact in their short time as a partner.
    • North America Winner: Lydonia Technologies
    • Latin America Winner: Trycore
    • Europe, Middle East Africa Winner: Niico
    • India Winner: MySoft Labs
    • Asia Pacific and Japan Winner: Chartertech
  • Community Partner of the Year – Awards individuals with the highest engagement within the Automation Anywhere Community.
    • The Pathfinder Community Partnership Award Winner: Jim Frost, R-Path Automation
    • Top Forum Contributor Award Winner: Padmakumar Chendrani, GBM Miami Direct, Inc.
  • Technology Partner of the Year – Awarded to the partner with the greatest depth & breadth of integration to Automation Anywhere and the highest revenue in FY22.
    • Winner: Google Cloud
  • Top BPO Partner of the Year – Awarded to the top performing BPO partner that has shown significant growth and investment in creating a wide depth and breadth of use cases to scale automation within enterprises.
    • Winner: Accenture

To learn more about program resources and benefits, or to become a partner, visit https://www.automationanywhere.com/resources/partners.

About Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere is the leader in intelligent automation solutions that put AI to work across every aspect of an organization. The company's Automation Success Platform is infused with generative AI and offers process discovery, RPA, end-to-end process orchestration, document processing, and analytics, with a security and governance-first approach. Automation Anywhere empowers organizations worldwide to unleash productivity gains, drive innovation, improve customer service and accelerate business growth. The company is guided by its vision to fuel the future of work by unleashing human potential through intelligent automation. Learn more at www.automationanywhere.com.

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