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TAIPEI, Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On the evening of January 6, 2024, at 8 p.m., the 17sing APP's 2023 Annual Gala, centered around the "Battle for the Song" Grand Finals, came to a triumphant close. Witnessed by celebrity mentors Rachel Ting, VChuan, and the judging panel comprising Jamie Hsueh, Henry Hsu, and S. D. Lee, the competition crowned its champions — ṭяȏʏyinzai (UID: 847757), huiyiDdiao (UID: 4668363), and ✨qiaoyuan xinbaobao (UID: 185654). Each winner earned cash prizes of NT$30,000, NT$20,000, and NT$10,000, respectively. The "Battle for the Song" singing competition was not merely a showcase of the contestants' talents but also a platform for diverse musical styles. Participants excelled in various genres, including pop, rock, folk, jazz, and more. From the passionate rap song "qishijingshen" to the pop hit "geiwoyigeliyouwangji," the convergence of different musical styles created an unparalleled audio-visual spectacle, attracting nearly ten thousand concurrent users to watch the live broadcast. In the end, the crown of the champion rightfully belonged to the enchanting and outstanding ṭяȏʏyinzai, with the runner-up huiyiDdiao and third-place ✨qiaoyuan xinbaobao equally standing out with exceptional performances. Like musical blossoms, they flourished on stage, immersing the audience in a magical world of music. Reflecting on the evening, the five outstanding judges — Rachel Ting, VChuan, Jamie Hsueh, Henry Hsu, and S. D. Lee — provided on-the-spot comments and insightful guidance, adding rich layers to the entire competition. Jamie Hsueh's meticulous critiques showcased his keen insight into music, Henry Hsu's professional insights and profound musical understanding provided robust support for the contestants, S. D. Lee became a patient mentor with valuable advice, Rachel Ting injected fresh perspectives, and VChuan won applause with his emotional interpretations. The 2023 Annual Gala "Battle for the Song" singing competition concluded perfectly, transcending beyond a mere musical contest to become a pursuit of dreams. From the preliminary rounds to the finals, each participant used their voices to narrate the stories within their hearts. Whether the champion or every outstanding contestant, they are integral parts of the musical journey. This will also become a new milestone for the 17sing APP. It was a feast for the pursuit of musical dreams, a night of revelry for music enthusiasts. 17sing APP actively expands its collaborations with partners in the music industry, working with record companies, artists, producers, and various forces to promote the development of the music industry. It aims to provide users with more high-quality musical content and open up more career development channels for music enthusiasts. In the future, there are plans to introduce more powerful music composition tools, making it easier for users to engage in music production and sharing. The platform will provide a challenging and creative space for music lovers, further discovering and nurturing more musical talents. Constantly innovating and surpassing, 17sing APP is committed to creating a comprehensive music social platform, allowing more music enthusiasts to find a sense of belonging in music here, witnessing the splendid moments of music together. Let us look forward together as 17sing APP continues to inspire the passion for music in the future, creating more possibilities for the blossoming of musical dreams!
本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫、圖片由「簡兆芝室內設計」提供 以昔日螢橋火車站為設計靈感,承襲彼時繁華與歷史軌跡,一幢嶄新建物矗立於今日熙來人往的公館商圈,在澄澈藍天與明媚日陽中展開全新旅程。 由創建台北市信義區國際級商務酒店「瀚寓酒店Hanns House」的白石集團,於2023年尾聲再推出的文創旅宿新品牌「瀚寓夏天Hanns Summer」,攜手 簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 領軍的年輕設計團隊,匯聚青春氣息與創新能量,以國際學生公寓的概念發想,鎖定18至30歲的年輕族群,將復古鐵道、車廂為設計基底融合新潮元素,打造一處結合設計、娛樂、共享、住宿的遊樂場,為發展悠久的溫羅汀一帶創造全新的旅遊體驗! 簡約的灰白色系、方正的矩形外觀與大片玻璃落地窗共組現代時尚風範,在周遭低矮樸實的公寓住宅中,以卓然之姿成為一座耀眼新地標,吸引各地旅人駐足於此,盡情探索這座富含人文氣息的城市。 宛若走進懷舊的莒光號、自強號與普快車,客房廊道以鮮豔飽和的藍、橘等色綴之白色流線,重現舊式火車外觀,上方工業風濃厚的鐵網吊燈散發輕柔暖光,為幽靜長廊蒙上一層復古濾鏡,搭配月台站名燈作成的房號牌與質樸的磨石子地,引領旅人重溫往昔時光。 延續車廂常見的灰調與深綠皮質座椅,客房床背牆以霧灰色為襯底,搭配墨綠皮革軟包,令房客彷彿身處列車,帶著對旅行的期待和悸動欣賞窗外景緻,另選配黑色層架、軌道燈與亮紅色軟裝,為懷舊之域注入時尚新潮,展現新舊交融的文創魅力;乾溼分離的衛浴呈現經典黑白,佐搭圓弧造型鏡與古銅色五金,打造質感滿盈的沐浴環境,予以每位旅人趣味不失舒適的住宿體驗。 全館兩間露營主題房,於自用小陽台融合露營元素,讓旅人在城市裡便能輕鬆享有深山野嶺的自然氛圍,預計於1月底開放預訂。 房內與運動品牌Hyphy共同合作,配備輕健身設備,健身圈、彈力帶、舒緩滾筒等,使運動不受限,全樓層更規畫多品牌櫥窗,打造年輕人的遊樂場,鼓勵住客於旅館中盡情探索,如印花設計品牌印花樂、追求環境永續實踐的台電文創、由公館戶外用品店Rockland引進的Fjällräven、可調式健身器材Byzoom Fitness、寵物品牌Hannahspring,讓「瀚寓夏天」成為旅途中最有趣的遊樂場,把美好的生活體驗通通打包回家。 大廳由 十幸制作 台北負責人 陳奕翰 規劃設計,以明亮的黃色,打造「輕便、快速、潮流」的新世代品味風格。瀚寓夏天堅持打造好吃、好喝還要好玩的入住體驗,從大廳開始,販有台啤18天生啤、潮流飲品WAT、金色三麥與啤酒頭釀造,更跨館與瀚寓酒店合作,提供瀚寓五星主廚特製滷味拼盤及期間限定的神祕消夜驚喜;此外,全天候免費提供咖啡、多款風味的抹醬吐司,以及桌遊租借,讓旅人們有吃有喝又有玩,徹夜不無聊。 未來將陸續加入互動遊戲區、共享書房及會議區等多元設施,而頂樓則以「露營」為概念主軸,規劃舞台區、吧台與帳篷包廂等區域,搭配燈串、霓虹燈與探照燈,如此迷人的夜晚歡聚時分將於2024第二季登場。 (圖片來源:簡兆芝室內設計) 瀚寓夏天Hanns Summer 地址:台北市中正區汀州路3段62號折扣碼:summer777(即日起~2024/01/31)官網:https://www.hannssummer.com/電話:02-77557747信箱:info-tpe@hannssummer.com 簡兆芝 主持設計師(建築師) 簡兆芝/Kathy學歷國立交通大學建築研究所 設計組碩士 經歷皓宇工程顧問股份有限公司 建築暨都市設計組-副理固特室內設計工程有限公司-專案設計師欣漢設計工程有限公司-主設計師實力文教機構 建築師班-講師台北科技大學 非學分班-兼任講師蘭陽技術學院-兼任講師西安賈孝遠建築師事務所-室內設計部經理大器設計-部門經理 公司宗旨簡兆芝室內裝俢設計有限公司,嘗試探尋「人」與「空間」的融合及對話。「空間」是一個裝置的機構,這個機構含括了種種靜態與動態的行為,「設計」為了各種靜態及動態的行為,進行量身訂製規劃、配置,進而使其達到合理的安排及使用化,在這個過程中包含了區隔、動線、配置預算,以上這歸屬於機能性的部份,在設計上我們必需呈現生命力,更精準的是說讓它可以帶出其本質的靈魂,充滿其中。 設計理念順應空間場域的自然特性、使用者的活動狀況、構造方式而決定其空間設計定位;希望從其空間視覺上表現出內外張力的互動,及空間質量與色彩的平衡,將空間呈現出互相交錯及延伸之特性;可融合出使用者與其空間之個人化獨特空間氛圍,希望揚棄僵化的空間區分之邊際線,運用簡潔創新的手法,來定義空間本身的生命力,脫繭出傳統空間界線定義的束縛;不遵守傳統對稱設計的手法,端視使用者需求及平衡設計之手法來呈現空間效果。 獲獎紀錄2023 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《柔漫蘊生》- Winner2023 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《和光潤月》- Winner2023 中國 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《和光潤月》- 餐飲空間類 大獎2023 中國 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《璞石琢輝》- 住宅空間類 大獎2022 美國 International Design Awards《漫饗和食》- Honorable Mention2022 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《璞石琢輝》- Winner2022 美國 Muse Design Award《璞石琢輝》- Gold2022 美國 Muse Design Award《漫饗和食》- Silver2022 法國 Novum《煦光蘊玉》- Silver Winner2022 新加坡 SIDA《璞石琢輝》- 銀獎2022 德國 iF設計大獎《煦光蘊玉》- iF Award2021 中國 金堂獎《煦光蘊玉》年度傑出公共空間2021 杜拜 設計大賽《煦光蘊玉》- 商業空間 銅獎2021 台灣 華人金創獎《煦光蘊玉》- 醫療院所類 銀獎2021 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《舞花綻藝》《煦光蘊玉》Double Winner2021 中國 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《煦光蘊玉》- 商業空間類 大獎2021 中國 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《酌藝》- 佳作獎2021 美國 Muse Design Award《舞花綻藝》《煦光蘊玉》- 雙金獎2021 中國 地產設計大獎《墨藝藏金》- 優秀獎2021 法國 Novum Design Award《舞花綻藝》- Silver Winner2021 韓國 K-Design Award《酌藝》Finalist2020 中國 Design Focus 國際空間設計大獎 榮獲 年度設計行業菁英人物2020 中國 金堂獎《墨藝藏金》入圍2020-2021 中國 室內設計年度封面人物2020 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《墨藝藏金》- Honorable Mention2020 中國 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽《墨藝藏金》- 住宅空間類 佳作獎2020 杜拜 國際專業室內設計大賽《墨藝藏金》- 住宅空間類 銅獎2020 法國 MAISON&OBJET Design Award《墨藝藏金》- 入圍2020 美國 MUSE Design Awards《墨藝藏金》《磐石雅居》- 金獎2020 中國 金外灘獎《Deloitte Taiwan》- 最佳辦公空間 優秀獎2019-2020 地產設計大獎.中國《Deloitte Taiwan》- 優秀獎2020 台灣 華人金創獎《墨藝藏金》- 佳作獎2020 法國 NOVUM DESIGN AWARD《磐石雅居》- 銀獎2020 德國 German Design Award《Deloitte Taiwan》- Winner2019 中國 金堂獎《Deloitte Taiwan》入圍作品2019 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《Deloitte Taiwan》- Winner2019 英國 Outstanding Property Award London《幽岸岩光》- Winner2019 美國 International Design Awards《幽岸岩光》- Honorable Mention2019 美國 Muse Design Award《幽岸岩光》- 金獎2019 義大利 A' Design Award and Competition《Deloitte Taiwan》- 銀獎2019 杜拜 DUBAI Competition《Deloitte Taiwan》《幽岸岩光》雙銀獎2019 中國 M+高端室內設計大賽《幽岸岩光》年度影響力TOP1002019 中國 亞太室內設計精英邀請賽《Deloitte Taiwan》大獎《幽岸岩光》榮譽提名獎2019 美國《interior Design》中文版 1989-2019 全國百名優秀室內建築師2019 台灣 華人金創獎《Deloitte Taiwan》優良作品《幽岸岩光》入圍2019 美國 SPARK Spaces Design Awards《Deloitte Taiwan》Finalist OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/
NEW YORK, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Prestige Memorabilia, the global leader in tennis memorabilia, is thrilled to announce an auction featuring a remarkable piece of tennis history: Rafael Nadal's championship point winning racket from his 2007 French Open Final victory over Roger Federer. The iconic racket was the exact racket with which Nadal won the championship point, sealing his 3rd Grand Slam title. It is expected to achieve $150,000, with bidding open online at PrestigeMemorabilia.com from January 9th to January 28th. Rafael Nadal's championship point winning racket from his 2007 French Open Final victory over Roger Federer, in custom framing. The racket comes with a Resolution Photomatch document, forensically confirming it was the very racket which won the final point. The historic racket was previously housed in the Australian Tennis Museum, as part of eight-time Grand Slam winner Ken Rosewall's personal collection. The recent closure of the museum has allowed collectors and fans alike this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A coveted Resolution Photomatch certificate accompanies the racket, forensically confirming that it was the very racket which won the championship point. The racket was also used by Nadal in previous matches of the tournament, including during victories against Novak Djokovic and Carlos Moya. In addition to Nadal's 2007 French Open racket, the auction features memorabilia from Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Ken Rosewall and more. En route to the 2007 French Open final, 21-year-old Rafael Nadal defeated a lineup of champions including Juan Martin Del Potro, Lleyton Hewitt, Carlos Moya, and Novak Djokovic. The final staged an electrifying showdown against the world's top-ranked player, Roger Federer, adding another thrilling chapter to what is widely regarded as the most storied rivalry in tennis. In a gripping four-set final that extended over three hours, Nadal ultimately collapsed onto his back in triumphant celebration, laying on the iconic clay courts of Roland Garros. It was in this moment of victory that he released the very racket, now up for auction, onto the hallowed red clay. Rafael Nadal's level of dominance at the Roland Garros championships in Paris is arguably unmatched by any other athlete in history. For more information or questions please contact info@prestigememorabilia.com.
TAIPEI , Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On the 9th, Taiwan Fighting Sports Co., Ltd officially announced the launch of the "Carry Fighting Championship" in 2024, marking the first professional fighting competition in Taiwan and creating more opportunities for domestic boxing athletes. The event has invited the legendary world boxing icon Manny Pacquiao to serve as the honorary president of the "Carry Fighting Championship" league. The collaboration includes Taiwan Fighting Sports Co., Ltd CEO Jerry Yen, renowned Taiwanese designer Daniel Wong, producer of "The Cage 2023," Hauer, and Sports Emmy Award-winner Billy Drummed, injecting a fresh energy and style into this grand event. Carry Fighting Championship kicks off in Taipei with Manny Pacquiao. As an emerging force in fighting promotion, Taiwan Fighting Sports Co., Ltd is dedicated to organizing various professional fighting events to bring new sports experiences to Taiwan. Through well-produced programs and diverse activities, the aim is to inspire more people to engage in fighting sports. To elevate the event to a new level, outstanding talents from various fields have been invited to contribute their expertise, igniting a brighter spotlight on fighting sports. Manny Pacquiao, the only boxer in history to win world titles in eight different weight classes and known as the "Philippine Boxing Legend," and is revered as a national hero. His involvement not only brings great honor to the "Carry Fighting Championship" but also focuses global attention on Taiwan. Fashion maestro Daniel Wong has crafted a unique logo for the Carry Fighting Championship, blending fashion and artistic elements to showcase the clever fusion of fighting's power and stylish aesthetics. The league has also enlisted Hauer, a veteran producer of "The Cage 2023," as the league's event producer, and Sports Emmy Award-winner Billy Drummed as the Chief Operating Officer, aiming to inject more creativity and vitality into Taiwan's fighting sports scene. CEO Jerry Yen (Yen Youqian) of Taiwan Fighting Co., Ltd expressed, "Carry Fighting Championship is about to become the pinnacle of Taiwanese fighting sports, and we eagerly anticipate this league that will lead Taiwan's fighting sports into a new era. Manny Pacquiao's participation adds a legendary touch to the league, and we believe it will be a crucial moment for Taiwan to shine on the global fighting stage." The league is scheduled to officially start in March, and Taiwan Fighting Sports Co., Ltd will collaborate with outstanding talents from all walks of life to create a dynamic and creative fighting world for enthusiasts. Through the "Carry Fighting Championship", hoping to elevate Taiwan's fighting sports standards onto the global stage, allowing more people to witness this incredibly captivating sports event! The matches will also be broadcasted on various platforms, allowing more people to experience this outstanding sports spectacle and presenting an unparalleled visual feast for the audience. For more information on the Carry Fighting Championship, please refer to the official website: https://www.carryfc.com and Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/carryfc.taiwan Manny Pacquiao serve as the honorary president of the "Carry Fighting Championship" league.
Tech show opens with changes to autonomous driving in daily life through cutting-edge technology On-site demonstration of Best Innovation Award-winner "Parkie"; presentations including Innovation Honorees "Beetle" and "Tire Sync" LAS VEGAS and SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HL Group will participate in CES 2024, the largest tech event in the world, to be held from January 9 to 12 with HL Mando, specializing in EV solutions, and HL Klemove, specializing in autonomous driving. The two companies embodied the theme of CES "Imagine Every Move" with their CES Innovation Award-winning products that bring autonomous driving to our daily lives. The booth is an open stage, with an LED screen installed at the front of the booths that spreads both horizontally and vertically. It spans a width of 10 m and a height of 4.5 m. The CES story video incorporating the present and future of the two companies will be screened on the main stage. HL Mando∙HL Klemove CES 2024 Main Theme HL Mando presents "Parkie," winner of the Best Innovation Award. This fully autonomous driving system-equipped parking robot can not only recognize obstacles, roads, and license plate numbers, but also independently determine the size, weight, and type of parked cars. Parkie makes it possible to reduce parking space by up to 30% compared to mechanical parking systems. An additional economic benefit of about 20 percent can also be anticipated. In support of "autonomous driving in our daily lives," HL Mando prepared space in their booth to demonstrate Parkie along with its self-produced module car. MiCOSA, making its debut from HL Mando, is also noteworthy. MiCOSA, boldly entering the mobility market alongside robots, is a data-driven automotive software solution available at the HL Mando booth. HL Klemove put forward the Beetle, coming far closer a cutting-edge mobile radar device that is set to revolutionize personal mobility and safety. This compact sensor, no larger than a single AirPods, boasts an impressive detection radius of 20 meters and can be easily synchronized with various devices. It's specifically designed to enhance the safety of smaller mobility aids like bicycles and wheelchairs. The Beetle's ability to provide real-time detection allows users to quickly adapt to unforeseen circumstances, making it an indispensable tool in daily life. The Beetle's remarkable features were highlighted at this year's CES exhibition, where it garnered accolades in two significant categories: Mobile Devices, Accessories & Apps, and Smart Cities. Additionally, HL Klemove's innovative "Tire Sync" technology was recognized for its groundbreaking capabilities. Beyond merely monitoring tire wear and temperature, Tire Sync can assess vehicle load and road conditions, playing a crucial role in preventing traffic accidents by identifying hazards such as black ice and potholes. HL Klemove is currently collaborating with a leading global tire company to bring Tire Sync to the market. Moreover, the company is set to unveil a comprehensive autonomous driving solution, centered around its high-performance computer (HPC). This system integrates advanced radar, high-resolution cameras, and sophisticated software, further cementing HL Klemove's position as a frontrunner in automotive safety and innovation. HL Mando and HL Klemove booths will be #5466 located in the West Hall. Various events are planned throughout CES, including collaboration events with HL Mando's MiCOSA. About HL Mando and HL Klemove HL Mando is an electric vehicle (EV) and autonomous driving solutions company specializing in core components that are key to vehicle safety. The company is a global leader in key enabling technologies for future mobility, including redundancy concept and by-wire technology, and is strengthening eco-friendly vehicle solutions such as e-Drive and hydrogen fuel cell converters. Its subsidiary HL Klemove, established in December 2021, emerged from a merger between HL Mando's AD/ADAS unit and Mando-Hella Electronics, setting a new standard in autonomous driving technology. Possessing over 2,200 patents, HL Klemove specializes in L2+/L3 autonomous solutions, including advanced sensors and domain control units, and is set to launch integrated domain control units by 2025. Serving a global market, the company is committed to enhancing autonomous driving with cutting-edge sensors and software algorithms." In addition, HL Mando is promoting business expansion through new business opportunities in mobility, including vehicle predictive maintenance/diagnosis, and cloud-based data service. With over 20 R&D centers and 20 manufacturing sites, the company serves over 60 customers globally. For more information, visit [https://www.hlmando.com/en/main.do] and [https://hlklemove.com/eng/main.do]
LG SIGNATURE OLED T 4K Marks the Beginning of an Exciting New Chapter in LG's Ongoing Legacy of TV Innovation LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Electronics (LG) is unveiling the world's first wireless transparent OLED TV at CES 2024. The LG SIGNATURE OLED T is a true technological marvel, combining a transparent 4K OLED screen and LG's wireless video and audio transmission technology to transform the screen experience in ways that have never been possible before. The OLED T unlocks a world of near-limitless potential, giving users the unprecedented freedom to meticulously curate their living spaces. This is complemented by the class-leading picture quality and performance of LG OLED, powered by the new α (Alpha) 11 AI processor. A genuine game changer, LG's transparent OLED is the winner of five CES 2024 Innovation Awards, including a Best of Innovation honor. LG SIGNATURE OLED T liberates users from a dominant black screen that competes with the décor in their home. Maintaining its 77-inch screen size, OLED T and its innovative transparent display seamlessly harmonizes with its environment. Practically invisible when turned off, it blends into the environment and frees users from the long-standing problem of what to do with the 'big black screen.' The TV's beautiful see-through screen also helps to make one's space feel larger, providing a sense of openness. The unique LG OLED T brings with it many new possibilities, from where it can be placed in the room, to the kinds of user experiences that LG can now deliver. Its transparent OLED screen removes the usual constraints that come with conventional TVs. No longer does the TV have to be placed against the wall. Instead, users can place the OLED T in the middle of the room to become a divider or prop it against the window without blocking the view outside. The included Zero Connect Box, which leverages LG's cutting-edge wireless transmission technology to send 4K images and sound to the OLED T, also enables users to place their TV anywhere, regardless of where the electrical outlets are located in the room. With no cables between the Zero Connect Box and the OLED T, users can enjoy a clean, cable-free viewing environment. What's more, the modular design of the LG OLED T facilitates diverse installation methods. The OLED T comes in stand-alone, against-the-wall or wall-mount options. Customers can further customize by adding standing or floating shelves on either or both sides of the screen to best suit their unique tastes and preferences. LG's transparent OLED lets owners discover new forms of entertainment and use via its dual viewing experiences: transparent and opaque. The OLED T becomes a transparent digital canvas for showcasing artwork, videos or photos with the Always-On-Display (AOD) feature. Content displayed on the transparent screen appears to float in air, yet simultaneously fuses with the surrounding space to create a compelling and atmospheric visual effect. Another option is the T-Bar feature that offers a helpful info-ticker running along the lower part of the screen. The T-Bar displays news alerts, weather updates or the title of songs being played while the rest of the screen presents a clear, unobstructed view of the space behind it. For viewing in picture perfect OLED, simply click a button to raise the contrast screen. In this way, users can instantly switch to take full advantage of LG OLED's enhanced picture quality through the new α (Alpha) 11 AI processor with 4-times greater AI performance. This provides a 70 percent improvement in graphic performance and a 30 percent faster processing speed compared to its predecessor. OLED T offers the best of both transparent and vibrant-color screen experiences with just a click of a button. "An incredible feat of consumer-driven innovation, LG SIGNATURE OLED T offers brand-new screen experiences plus the picture quality and performance of our award-winning OLED technology," said Park Hyoung-sei, president of the LG Home Entertainment Company. "LG's transparent OLED gives customers greater freedom to curate their living spaces, completely redefining what's possible and pointing the way to an exciting future for the television industry." The stunning LG SIGNATURE OLED T will be on show during CES 2024 from January 9-12 at the company's booth (#16008, Las Vegas Convention Center). For more information on LG products unveiled at CES 2024, please visit CES 2024 Press Kit. About LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company The LG Home Entertainment Company is a recognized innovator in televisions and audio-video systems. LG offers an elevated home entertainment experience through its award-winning OLED TVs, which, in 2023 mark the 10th anniversary, and QNED LED TVs powered by the innovative webOS smart TV platform. Aiming to help provide consumers with top-class user experience, all of LG's home entertainment products are designed with environmental sustainability in mind, from production all the way through to disposal. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com.
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