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Jockey Club closes fourth Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum, launches Commission on Asian Philanthropy

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 11 September 2024 - The Hong Kong Jockey Club wrapped up its fourth and largest Philanthropy for Better Cities (PBC) Forum at West Kowloon Cultural District today (10 September). Nearly 100 eminent speakers and more than 2,000 delegates from 40 countries and regions joined the two-day event, including representatives of over 200 local, regional and global foundations. The PBC was convened by The Hong Kong Jockey Club's Charities Trust in association with the Institute of Philanthropy (IoP), a charitable organisation established by the Club and its Trust at the opening of the third PBC in September last year. The second day of the forum opened with a plenary session entitled “Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future.” The launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy was announced during this session. This group photo features Lester Huang, Club Steward and Chairman of the Institute of Philanthropy (centre); Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Club CEO and Director of the Institute of Philanthropy (5th right); Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation, also representing APHIC (5th left); Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (4th left); Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director, IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika (3rd left); Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation (4th right); Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation (3rd right); James Li, CEO of Tencent Charity Foundation (2nd right); Benny Lee, CEO of Tanoto Foundation (2nd left); Naina Subberwal Batra, CEO of AVPN (1st right); and Warren Ang, Founder and CEO of Voyage (1st left). At the forum today, the launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy was announced in the first plenary session. The commission brings together influential philanthropic organisations as founding commissioners, including the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika, King Khalid Foundation, The Nippon Foundation, Piramal Foundation, Rainmatter Foundation, Tanoto Foundation, Tata Consultancy Services and Tencent Charity Foundation. As a three-year initiative co-convened by IoP and the Asia Philanthropy Congress ("APHIC"), the commission will define the scope and opportunity of Asian philanthropy and establish an 'in Asia, for Asia' ecosystem to advance the professionalisation of the philanthropic sector in the region and unleash Asian philanthropy's full potential for social good. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, the Club's CEO and IoP Director, delivered the forum's closing address, echoing insights from forum speakers and underlining the importance of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy. "To fully leverage the collaborative power of philanthropy in Asia, this morning we launched the Commission on Asian Philanthropy. Convened by IoP and the Asia Philanthropy Congress and bringing 10 leading Asian foundations together, it aims to build an 'in Asia, for Asia' ecosystem and to expand the capacity of Asian practitioners. Crucially, it is committed to staying plural. There will be no one-size-fits-all. Rather, the intention is to learn from, and share, the rich diversity of Asian philanthropy." The overarching theme of PBC 2024 was "Delivering impactful philanthropy in the real world". As an aid to discussions, the IoP shared two specially commissioned reports: "Examining Trust and Measurement in Asian Philanthropy," a joint publication by IoP and McKinsey & Company; and "High-Impact Philanthropy: Giving Better across Asia and the World," produced by the Bridgespan Group. IoP also shared a special supplement on impact measurement produced in collaboration with the Stanford Social Innovation Review. The forum's first plenary session today was entitled "Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future." It featured a panel discussion between Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation; Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation; Dr Gabriel Leung, the Club's Executive Director of Charities and Community and IoP Director; Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director of IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika; Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation; and Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. They explored emerging trends, opportunities, and pathways to further the professionalisation of Asian philanthropy and pave the way for enduring action and transformative change. The forum's closing plenary featured a panel discussion on how investing in arts and sports yields a high social return on investment. It featured Dustin Lance Black, 2009 Oscar winner (Best Original Screenplay), American Screenwriter, Director and Producer; Tom Daley, gold medal-winning Olympic diver; Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys' Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; and Ruby Yang, 2007 Oscar winner (Documentary Short Subject), Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong. The session was moderated by Trisha Leahy, Member of Project MuSE Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute. On 11 September, the IoP will convene its flagship Foundations Circle to foster dialogue, knowledge-sharing, learning and collaboration. With more than 55 global philanthropic organisations due to convene at the event this year, it is in line with the Government's mission to promote the city as an international philanthropy hub. Rounding out Hong Kong Philanthropy Week, the Hong Kong Academy for Wealth Legacy will host a three- day summit from 12 to 14 September. The Club's support for the PBC Forum, like all of its charity and community initiatives, is made possible by its unique integrated business model through which racing and wagering generate tax contributions, charity support and employment opportunities for the community. Photo Captions The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Institute of Philanthropy, Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, delivers closing remarks at the Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum 2024. The third plenary was entitled “Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future.” The panellists include (from left) Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation; Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation; Dr Gabriel Leung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and IoP Director; Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director of IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika; Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation; Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. The panel discussion was moderated by Warren Ang, Founder and CEO of Voyage. The forum’s closing plenary session was entitled “Motivating Project MuSE: how should we understand investing in the arts and sports?” It featured a discussion between (from left) Dustin Lance Black, 2009 Oscar winner (Best Original Screenplay), American Screenwriter, Director, and Producer; Ruby Yang, 2007 Oscar winner (Documentary Short Subject), Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong; Tom Daley, gold-medal- winning Olympic diver; Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys’ Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; and. It was moderated by Trisha Leahy, Member of Project MuSE Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute. Tom Daley, gold-medal-winning Olympic diver (left) and Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys’ Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club (right). HKSAR Government Financial Secretary Paul Chan (front row, centre), Club Chairman Michael Lee (front row, 5th left), Club Deputy Chairman Martin Liao (front row, 4th left), Club Stewards, Club CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges (front row,5th right) celebrated the 140th Anniversary of the establishment of The Hong Kong Jockey Club at the Gala Dinner. Photos can be downloaded from the website of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (www.hkjc.com/english/corporate/corp_news.asp). Hashtag: #HongKongJockeyClubThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The Hong Kong Jockey ClubFounded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. The Club has a unique integrated business model comprising racing and racecourse entertainment, a membership club, responsible sports wagering and lottery, and charities and community contribution. Through this model, the Club generates economic and social value for the community and supports the HKSAR Government in combatting illegal gambling. In 2023/24, the Club returned a total of HK$40.1 billion to the community. This included HK$29.9 billion to the HKSAR Government in duty, profits tax and Lotteries Fund contributions and HK$10.2 billion in approved charity donations. The Club is Hong Kong's largest single taxpayer and one of the city's major employers. Its Charities Trust is one of the world's leading charity donors. Please visit www.hkjc.com. Institute of PhilanthropyThe Institute of Philanthropy was established in September 2023 through a strategic seed grant of HK$6.8 billion (US$870 million) from The Hong Kong Jockey Club and its Charities Trust. Established as an independent "think-fund-do" tank for China and Asia, IoP is dedicated to promoting philanthropic thought leadership and enhancing sector capabilities at local, regional and global levels in collaboration with fellow funders. It seeks to provide an Asia-based platform bringing global stakeholders together to promote the betterment of societies everywhere.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 349 加入收藏 :
【Pa Sen To八仙果%設計】探索柏林、思維升華 激發設計新生

本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫 榮獲2024年德國iF設計大獎的 Pa Sen To八仙果%設計團隊 由五位來自不同領域的設計師組成,致力於突破風格限制,創造嶄新設計。成員各有專長,碰撞出多元靈感,並重視與客戶的交流,將業主獨特品味融入設計。本專題以團隊參與iF頒獎典禮、柏林設計之行為核心,結合AI、永續等當下議題,一步步隨八仙果團隊旅途中的所見所聞所感,深究其啟發豐富創想的過程,以及後續又如何面對維持品牌創新、促進社會影響力的課題。  (圖)Pa Sen To八仙果%設計作品《輕漫憶光》,秉持「以完美比例混搭出獨特情境」的品牌理念,施作大膽的金、藍、綠、黑等色彩點綴空間,形構繽紛多元的生活風貌。 剖析佳作精髓 分享驚豔創意 作為全球最具聲望的設計競賽之一,2024年iF設計大獎由來自多國的設計界權威組成評審團,依據理念、外觀、功能、差異化與影響力等五項指標,評選出最優良的設計之作。其中《輕漫憶光》藉由跳脫傳統設計方式,以其獨特性令人印象深刻,因而順勢脫穎而出。 八仙果團隊提到該作品長處,除作品創新的設計方式,還包括:「因低裝修高質感的設計呈現,在評量表中的永續價值上(impact)也拿下高分。」此案減少建材使用量,並在立面留白處施作低甲醛的純乳膠漆,能避免輕微地震對漆料造成損傷,他處則輔以靈動跳色,打造輕巧活潑的視覺觀感,成就環保不失美學的居家空間。 與我們分享獲獎喜悅之餘,八仙果團隊也不忘介紹於典禮現場見識的傑出作品,包含創意的咖啡包裝、具原創性的家具設計、和建築共融的指標系統、結合AI的工業設計產品、軟體介面,擄獲一眾評審目光,致使觀眾耳目一新。iF設計大獎匯聚來自世界各地的頂尖設計師、企業和學者參與,交流最新的設計理念和技術。汲取來自全球各地創意作品的靈感,八仙果團隊拓展了視野,深化對設計細節與工藝的理解。  (圖)2024年iF設計大賽團隊紀念照,以及iF設計趨勢論壇演講現場。 旅行論壇啟迪 聚焦AI與永續 不僅賽事方面,團隊還參加了2024年的iF設計趨勢論壇。其中,討論議題涵蓋設計行業的最新趨勢和發展方向,成為設計師和企業追蹤行業動態、學習前沿技術的重要平台。團隊由此了解最新的AI技術如何融入設計流程,提高作業效率和創新性,探討AI與室設的未來發展方向。「首先,不要害怕被AI取代。」八仙果團隊語氣堅定地說道:「我們應該積極接納、擁抱AI,仔細研究過後,再將AI化為提升工作效率的便利工具。」 「二,是要思索如何將設計融入在地特色,以回應永續環保的議題。」八仙果團隊舉例:日本Toyota於富士山下打造的「Woven City」,結合住宅、自動駕駛、機器人的智慧城市造鎮計畫,是一座以「街道網」為設計核心的新社區,規劃了三種道路類型,以實現Toyota的未來科技藍圖和有序的交通規劃。 此外,還有不丹極具遠見的國土再造計畫「Mindfulness City」,巧妙融入地景與文化的機場、水壩、觀光旅店的正念之城計畫案。該設計以街道路徑和橋梁為核心,連接不同的社區,每座橋都對應不丹國民幸福指數的九個領域;能源系統則結合水力、風能、地熱和太陽能,實現多元化的清潔能源供應。「兩座結合智慧科技的全新造鎮設計,讓在場人們見證充滿未來感的移動方式,以及人類和自然和諧共存的生活型態,不僅刷新我們對前衛城市的想像,也進一步豐盈了八仙果團隊的創造力!」  (圖)James-Simon Garlerie 米白色柱廊表現得淋漓盡致,對齊強迫症的天堂。 探索柏林文化 感受多元魅力 柏林之行中,八仙果團隊參與了iF設計之夜和論壇,同時也規劃了多采多姿的活動,如:各式建築參觀、轉型正義的紀念地、震撼心靈的展覽感悟。團隊大方分享深入觀察和體驗這座城市的多元文化,給我們帶回了難忘的見聞和感悟。 柏林給團隊留下深刻印象的,是其對「LGBTQ+和寵物友善的城市包容氛圍」──街頭可見兩個爸爸背著嬰兒的溫馨畫面,且實施同志領養減稅政策、設有性別友善廁所、提供免費棉條,這些措施無不體現出對多元性別的尊重和關愛。更有趣的是,柏林允許寵物免籠搭乘捷運,這種友善毛孩的舉措令人驚喜。 在柏林,團隊也一次飽覽各個年代極具代表性建築,品味完美共構的新舊對話,深感設計與歷史文化的融合對於現代建築的重要性。無論是古蹟的修復,還是現代建築中對歷史元素的保留與創新,都讓他們對設計有了更深的體悟。「我們認知到,建築不僅僅是功能性的空間,更是文化和歷史的載體,應該在設計中融入更多的文化內涵和歷史反思,這樣才能創造出具有靈魂和深度的作品。」這些見識和靈感,賦予八仙果團隊更多兼具美學與文化價值的創新設計。  (圖)柏林可一次飽覽各個年代的具代表性的建築-Hans Scharoun柏林愛樂廳。 順應潮流變化 驅動設計革新 自柏林的設計探訪之旅,論及設計行業日新月異的發展,八仙果團隊積極面對各種潮流新焦點。團隊為了以完美比例混搭出獨特情境,同時貼近滿足業主需求,兩者間的溝通極為重要,卻也複雜繁瑣。針對該環節,團隊提到:「由於人工智慧的興起,業主可以更為明確搜尋到想要的風格,減少跟設計師討論的時間,加速整體流程。」 針對生成式AI技術的迅速發展,八仙果團隊做出了積極回應,未來將重點放在與3D繪圖技術的結合上。在施工方面,團隊著力於改良流程,減少中央環控系統的成本,並通過多點連線技術降低施作複雜度。這些改進不僅提高了效率,還使室內空間更加便利節能,符合現代人對智能化和環保生活的需求。團隊相信,AI與3D技術的融合,將為設計師帶來無限的創作可能,激發出更多的靈感和創意。 數位化時代,如何將科技巧妙地融入日常生活的各個層面,也成為各品牌持續探索的重要課題,iF設計旅行結束之際,也引發八仙果團隊的深思:「如何在實際設計案中,推動永續綠建築的概念,如優先選擇環保標章的建材,並減少拆除產生廢棄物的設計原則。」正如此次論壇聚焦的兩大議題,與團隊本次獲獎作品——低裝修、高質感方式,室內設計將融入更多此概念的設計。 此次柏林之行,Pa Sen To八仙果%設計團隊 不僅在設計上獲得了靈感,更在文化和歷史的認知上有了深刻的提升。未來,他們將持續貫徹品牌理念,在空間中灌注人們獨一無二的混搭風貌,加之新的靈感和視角,突破樣板風格單一性,更貼近每位業主的個性與需求。團隊力求「創造與眾不同的專屬生活場域,而比賽將是對於作品的另一層的肯定。」堅持自我,這正是八仙果精神。  Pa Sen To八仙果%設計 公司簡介 八仙果%設計 取自日文「パーセント」百分比之音譯是2003年成立至今的築境設計所推出的新品牌 一群來自不同領域、害怕無聊想像無框架的空間造型師針對各式住宅、商空及舞台設計以無拘玩心的思維依不同比例混搭出獨特的美學視野翻轉對場域的制式想像 並融入對人事物的關懷打造友善LGBTQ多元族群、寵物及身心靈親近空間 設計理念 「世界本由不同比例的元素組成,正如人存在千百種姿態,擁有各自精彩的生命維度。」 我們重視個體的獨特與不凡透過理解業主的生活軌跡結合內在需求活用多樣化建材、風格元素消弭既定的框架打造潤養心靈的品味日常 得獎紀錄 2024 德國 iF Design Award - Winner2024 美國 Muse Design Awards - 金獎 OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv

文章來源 : 動能開啟傳媒有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 12289 加入收藏 :
Jockey Club closes fourth Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum, launches Commission on Asian Philanthropy

HONG KONG, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hong Kong Jockey Club wrapped up its fourth and largest Philanthropy for Better Cities (PBC) Forum at West Kowloon Cultural District today (10 September). Nearly 100 eminent speakers and more than 2,000 delegates from 40 countries and regions joined the two-day event, including representatives of over 200 local, regional and global foundations. The PBC was convened by The Hong Kong Jockey Club's Charities Trust in association with the Institute of Philanthropy (IoP), a charitable organisation established by the Club and its Trust at the opening of the third PBC in September last year. At the forum today, the launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy was announced in the first plenary session. The commission brings together influential philanthropic organisations as founding commissioners, including the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika, King Khalid Foundation, The Nippon Foundation, Piramal Foundation, Rainmatter Foundation, Tanoto Foundation, Tata Consultancy Services and Tencent Charity Foundation. As a three-year initiative co-convened by IoP and the Asia Philanthropy Congress ("APHIC"), the commission will define the scope and opportunity of Asian philanthropy and establish an "in Asia, for Asia" ecosystem to advance the professionalisation of the philanthropic sector in the region and unleash Asian philanthropy's full potential for social good. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, the Club's CEO and IoP Director, delivered the forum's closing address, echoing insights from forum speakers and underlining the importance of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy. "To fully leverage the collaborative power of philanthropy in Asia, this morning we launched the Commission on Asian Philanthropy. Convened by IoP and the Asia Philanthropy Congress and bringing 10 leading Asian foundations together, it aims to build an "in Asia, for Asia" ecosystem and to expand the capacity of Asian practitioners. Crucially, it is committed to staying plural. There will be no one-size-fits-all. Rather, the intention is to learn from, and share, the rich diversity of Asian philanthropy." The overarching theme of PBC 2024 was "Delivering impactful philanthropy in the real world". As an aid to discussions, the IoP shared two specially commissioned reports: "Examining Trust and Measurement in Asian Philanthropy," a joint publication by IoP and McKinsey & Company; and "High-Impact Philanthropy: Giving Better across Asia and the World," produced by the Bridgespan Group. IoP also shared a special supplement on impact measurement produced in collaboration with the Stanford Social Innovation Review. The forum's first plenary session today was entitled "Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future." It featured a panel discussion between Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation; Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation; Dr Gabriel Leung, the Club's Executive Director of Charities and Community and IoP Director; Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director of IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika; Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation; and Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. They explored emerging trends, opportunities, and pathways to further the professionalisation of Asian philanthropy and pave the way for enduring action and transformative change. The forum's closing plenary featured a panel discussion on how investing in arts and sports yields a high social return on investment. It featured Dustin Lance Black, 2009 Oscar winner (Best Original Screenplay), American Screenwriter, Director and Producer; Tom Daley, gold medal-winning Olympic diver; Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys' Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; and Ruby Yang, 2007 Oscar winner (Documentary Short Subject), Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong. The session was moderated by Trisha Leahy, Member of Project MuSE Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute. Tomorrow (11 September), the IoP will convene its flagship Foundations Circle to foster dialogue, knowledge-sharing, learning and collaboration. With more than 55 global philanthropic organisations due to convene at the event this year, it is in line with the Government's mission to promote the city as an international philanthropy hub. Rounding out Hong Kong Philanthropy Week, the Hong Kong Academy for Wealth Legacy will host a three-day summit from Thursday to Saturday. The Club's support for the PBC Forum, like all of its charity and community initiatives, is made possible by its unique integrated business model through which racing and wagering generate tax contributions, charity support and employment opportunities for the community.  The Hong Kong Jockey Club  Founded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-class racing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. The Club has a unique integrated business model comprising racing and racecourse entertainment, a membership club, responsible sports wagering and lottery, and charities and community contribution. Through this model, the Club generates economic and social value for the community and supports the HKSAR Government in combatting illegal gambling. In 2023/24, the Club returned a total of HK$40.1 billion to the community. This included HK$29.9 billion to the HKSAR Government in duty, profits tax and Lotteries Fund contributions and HK$10.2 billion in approved charity donations. The Club is Hong Kong's largest single taxpayer and one of the city's major employers. Its Charities Trust is one of the world's leading charity donors. Please visit www.hkjc.com. Institute of Philanthropy The Institute of Philanthropy was established in September 2023 through a strategic seed grant of HK$6.8 billion (US$870 million) from The Hong Kong Jockey Club and its Charities Trust. Established as an independent "think-fund-do" tank for China and Asia, IoP is dedicated to promoting philanthropic thought leadership and enhancing sector capabilities at local, regional and global levels in collaboration with fellow funders. It seeks to provide an Asia-based platform bringing global stakeholders together to promote the betterment of societies everywhere. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Institute of Philanthropy, Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, delivers closing remarks at the Philanthropy for Better Cities Forum 2024.   The second day of the forum opened with a plenary session entitled "Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future." The launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy was announced during this session. This group photo features Lester Huang, Club Steward and Chairman of the Institute of Philanthropy (centre); Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Club CEO and Director of the Institute of Philanthropy (5th right); Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation, also representing APHIC (5th left); Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (4th left); Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director, IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika (3rd left); Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation (4th right); Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation (3rd right); James Li, CEO of Tencent Charity Foundation (2nd right); Benny Lee, CEO of Tanoto Foundation (2nd left); Naina Subberwal Batra, CEO of AVPN (1st right); and Warren Ang, Founder and CEO of Voyage (1st left).   The third plenary was entitled "Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future." The panellists include (from left) Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation; Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation; Dr Gabriel Leung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and IoP Director; Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director of IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika; Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation; Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. The panel discussion was moderated by Warren Ang, Founder and CEO of Voyage.   The third plenary was entitled "Launch of the Commission on Asian Philanthropy: The Asian Way of Giving: Unleashing the power of Asian philanthropy for a sustainable future." The panellists include (from left) Her Highness Princess Nouf bint Muhammad AlSaud, CEO of King Khalid Foundation; Ichiro Kabasawa, Executive Director of The Nippon Foundation; Dr Gabriel Leung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and IoP Director; Haryo Mojopahit, Managing Director of IDEAS Dompet Dhuafa Republika; Aditya Natraj, CEO of Piramal Foundation; Beili Shen, Vice Chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. The panel discussion was moderated by Warren Ang, Founder and CEO of Voyage.   The forum's closing plenary session was entitled "Motivating Project MuSE: how should we understand investing in the arts and sports?" It featured a discussion between (from left) Dustin Lance Black, 2009 Oscar winner (Best Original Screenplay), American Screenwriter, Director, and Producer; Ruby Yang, 2007 Oscar winner (Documentary Short Subject), Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong; Tom Daley, gold-medal-winning Olympic diver; Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys' Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; and. It was moderated by Trisha Leahy, Member of Project MuSE Advisory Committee of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Sports Institute.   Tom Daley, gold-medal-winning Olympic diver (left) and Vincent Ho, 2023 LONGINES International Jockeys' Champion, Jockey, The Hong Kong Jockey Club (right).   HKSAR Government Financial Secretary Paul Chan (front row, centre), Club Chairman Michael Lee (front row, 5th left), Club Deputy Chairman Martin Liao (front row, 4th left), Club Stewards, Club CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges (front row,5th right) celebrated the 140th Anniversary of the establishment of The Hong Kong Jockey Club at the Gala Dinner. Photos can be downloaded from the website of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (www.hkjc.com/english/corporate/corp_news.asp).    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 314 加入收藏 :
Milliken & Company Celebrates R&D 100 Award for Polartec® Power Shield™ Pro

SPARTANBURG, S.C., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Milliken & Company is pleased to announce that Polartec® Power Shield™ Pro, a high-performance waterproof fabric, has been named a winner of the 2024 R&D 100 Awards. This recognition highlights Milliken's continued leadership in textile innovation as evidenced by the substantial contributions of Polartec, a distinguished Milliken brand. Milliken & Company is pleased to announce that Polartec® Power Shield™ Pro has been named a winner of the 2024 R&D 100 Awards. "We are honored to receive an R&D 100 Award for Polartec Power Shield Pro," said Halsey Cook, president and CEO at Milliken. "This recognition underscores our dedication to developing high-performance textiles that meet the evolving needs of our customers. Congratulations to the Polartec team for their hard work and innovation." The R&D 100 Awards, often referred to as the "Oscars of Innovation," celebrate the year's most significant advancements in science and technology. Designed for outdoor and active wear including jackets, pants, gloves, and vests, Power Shield Pro was selected for its outstanding combination of breathability, durability, and water resistance ― making it a top choice for outdoor professionals and enthusiasts who value plant-based products. Milliken has been recognized with R&D 100 Awards in the past, receiving honors for various innovations and advancements in specialty chemicals and performance textiles. "Milliken remains committed to fostering a culture of innovation, ensuring that our textile products continue to set industry standards for excellence," said Allen Jacoby, EVP and president of Milliken's Textile Business. "This award is a reflection not only of our technical capabilities but also of the passion and expertise of our teams. We are incredibly proud of what the Polartec team has accomplished with Power Shield Pro." Since its founding in 1865, Milliken has pioneered several advancements in fabric technology. From its early days as a small woolen fabric distributor, Milliken has grown into a global leader in performance and protective textiles, continually setting industry standards for quality and innovation. Polartec builds on Milliken's rich history of technological advancements with its capabilities in performance textiles, combining more than a century of expertise with cutting-edge research and development.   About MillikenMilliken & Company is a global manufacturing leader whose focus on materials science delivers tomorrow's breakthroughs today. From industry-leading molecules to sustainable innovations, Milliken creates products that enhance people's lives and deliver solutions for its customers and communities. Drawing on thousands of patents and a portfolio with applications across the textile, flooring, chemical and healthcare businesses, the company harnesses a shared sense of integrity and excellence to positively impact the world for generations. Discover more about Milliken's curious minds and inspired solutions at milliken.com and on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. About PolartecPolartec®, a Milliken & Company brand, are a collective of curious minds, relentless innovators and dedicated problem solvers. We look beyond the existing and we create original. If it can be made, we will make it. And if it can't? We'll find a way. We are the originators and inventors of fleece. Our unique unrivalled innovations continue to lead and layer the future. Complete trust and authenticity are inherent in all our products, ultimately empowering people to concentrate on their moment, their activity and their unique experience in life without distractions. Our fabrics go beyond industry standards, with lightweight wicking and cooling, warmth and insulation, breathable weather protection, fire resistance, enhanced durability and more. Polartec products are used by performance, lifestyle, and workwear brands from around the world, the U.S. Military and allied militaries, and contract upholstery markets. For more information, please visit Polartec.com and follow Polartec on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 263 加入收藏 :
Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024 Tournament Coming in September

Co-organised by Sands China Ltd. and the Badminton Federation of Macau in celebration of dual anniversaries Gathering of top players promises to fuel badminton frenzy MACAO, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sands China Ltd. and the Badminton Federation of Macau (BFM) are co-organising the Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024 tournament, to be held at the Macao East Asian Games Dome Sept. 24-29, with the support of the Sports Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. The event offers early bird ticket discounts to local residents to bolster the promotion of badminton among the wider community. A press conference Tuesday at The Londoner Macao announces the Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024 tournament, co-organised with the Badminton Federation of Macau (BFM). The event will be held at the Macao East Asian Games Dome Sept. 24-29, with the support of the Sports Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. An event of the HSBC BWF World Tour Super 300, the Macau Open Badminton Championships have been held as an annual competition since 2006. Around 400 of the world's top players from 20 countries and regions play in the tournament each year. Sands China is the first integrated resort operator to jointly organise the Macau Open, in alignment with the company's full support of 'tourism + sports' cross-sector integration and implementing Macao's positioning as a world centre of tourism and leisure. Sands China will also host related community events, where local badminton enthusiasts will have the opportunity to closely interact with elite badminton players, thereby fostering the participation of the local community. The semi-finals and finals will be live-streamed online on the Badminton World Federation's YouTube channel, "BWF TV," allowing badminton enthusiasts worldwide to witness the superb skills on display in Macao. Grant Chum, chief executive officer and executive director of Sands China Ltd., said: "Badminton enjoys widespread popularity in Macao. As this year marks the dual celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of Macao's Return to the Motherland, we are honoured to host the Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024. This six-day world-class tournament provides both locals and visitors with a chance to savour the city's diverse allure, thereby enhancing the cross-sector integrated development of 'tourism+' and 'sports+' in the city. As the first world-class badminton tournament to be held in Macao since the Paris Olympics, the Macau Open will feature top players such as Zhang Shuxian, ranked 5th globally in women's doubles, and Wang Chilin, the gold medallist in men's doubles at the Paris Olympics. "A record-breaking number of athletes from 30 countries and regions have signed up to compete for the prestigious titles and we eagerly anticipate the convergence of skilled athletes in Macao, contending for victory and delivering a visually captivating and exhilarating spectacle for the audience. Not only does the tournament provide a platform for local badminton players to shine, but it will also be live-streamed online, enabling global audience to engage in the excitement of the games simultaneously, hence contributing to Macao's reputation as a 'City of Events.'" As the first world-class badminton tournament to be held in Macao since the 2024 Paris Olympics, the 2024 Sands China Ltd. Macau Open will comprise five events: Men's Singles, Women's Singles, Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The total prize money for the tournament is US$210,000 (approximately MOP 1.68 million). Kong Tat Choi, president of the Badminton Federation of Macau, said: "In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, in order to implement the development direction of a world centre of tourism and leisure, and strive to build a 'City of Sports,' it is our honour to have this tournament be first-ever awarded and jointly organised with Sands China to demonstrate full support for the cross-sector integration of 'tourism + sports.' This is the 15th year for the Badminton Federation of Macau in hosting the Macau Open, and we hope to attract top badminton players and supporters from all over the world to learn more about Macao culture by hosting international high-level competitions and to further promote Macao's tourism industry, local national fitness and diversified development, hoping that all the players and visitors from all over the world to feel that Macao is a veritable and charming international metropolis." The tournament received applications from 375 players from 30 nations and regions around the world, with 259 qualifying for the tournament. The line-up includes Zhang Shuxian, who is ranked no. 5 in the world in women's doubles; Wang Chilin, who won gold in men's doubles in this year's Paris Olympics; Hong Kong men's singles players Lee Cheuk Yiu and Angus Ng Ka Long; Hong Kong mixed doubles players Tang Chun Man and Tse Ying Suet; young Thai star Ratchanok Intanon; girls' singles world junior champion Tomoka Miyazaki; and Macau Open 2018 and 2019 winner Michelle Li. The tournament will also feature five players from Macao: Pui Pang Fong, Pui Chi Wa, Leong Kok Chong, Vong Kok Weng, and Ng Weng Chi. The tournament announcement was made Tuesday at a press conference at The Londoner® Macao, attended by Lei Si Leng, acting vice-president of the Sports Bureau of the Macao SAR Government; Selvaamresh Supramaniam, BWF events director of tournament operations; Grant Chum; Kong Tat Choi; Nick Teo, general manager of the competition's equipment sponsor Felet International Holdings; Carolina Vong, secretary-general of the Badminton Federation of Macau; and other prestigious guests. Tickets for the Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024 tournament are on sale from Sept. 11 through the Macau Ticketing network. Tickets for the Sept. 24-27 matches cost MOP 150, while tickets for the Sept. 28-29 semi-finals and finals cost MOP 400; all tickets are general admission and seating is unreserved. Tickets purchased on HSBC credit cards will receive a 15 percent discount. Additionally, tickets purchased by Sept. 22 will receive an early bird discount of 50 percent for Macao Residents and 20 percent for Non-Residents. Tournament details are available at www.macauopenbadminton.org.mo. As an integrated tourism and leisure enterprise rooted in Macao for more than 20 years, Sands China's support of the Macau Open badminton tournament is part of the company's corporate social responsibility efforts and its support of 'tourism + sport.' Sands China has sponsored and organised various sporting events over the years and has invited international sports stars to attend tennis and basketball invitationals and training camps, Golf Day and other events, encouraging the public to participate in sports while attracting tourists and athletes from overseas to visit Macao and experience its charm. ### About Sands China Ltd. Sands China Ltd. (Sands China or the Company) is incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability and is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEx: 1928). Sands China is the largest operator of integrated resorts in Macao. The Company's integrated resorts on the Cotai Strip comprise The Venetian® Macao, The Plaza® Macao, The Parisian Macao and The Londoner® Macao. The Company also owns and operates Sands® Macao on the Macao peninsula. The Company's portfolio features a diversified mix of leisure and business attractions and transportation operations, including large meeting and convention facilities; a wide range of restaurants; shopping malls; world-class entertainment at the Cotai Arena, The Londoner Arena, The Venetian Theatre, The Parisian Theatre, the Londoner Theatre and the Sands Theatre; and a high-speed Cotai Water Jet ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The Company's Cotai Strip portfolio has the goal of contributing to Macao's transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure. Sands China is a subsidiary of global resort developer Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS). For more information, please visit www.sandschina.com. About the Badminton Federation of Macau (BFM) Established in 1982, the Badminton Federation of Macau has been operating in Macau for over 4 decades and efforts have been made to actively promote and support the long-term development of local badminton and its players. BFM offers technical official training courses (Umpire and Line Judge) and annually invites and hosts world-class umpires to lecture, which helps train a growing number of badminton technical officials with international standards. In 1991, the first international badminton tournament sanctioned by the Badminton World Federation was successfully hosted in Macau and ever since from that, thousands of badminton matches have been hosted in Macau every year. Moreover, since 2006, the Macau Open Badminton tournament has become an annual international badminton sports event, with over 300 international players from more than 20 countries and regions throughout the world coming to Macau to compete in the tournament every year. In the future, BFM will remain committed to popularizing badminton in Macau and promoting it to more local residents. Media contacts: Corporate Communications, Venetian Macau LimitedMabel WuTel: +853 8118 2268Email: mabel.wu@sands.com.mo  Jesse ChiangTel: +853 8118 2054Email: jesse.chiang@sands.com.mo  Badminton Federation of MacauSabina KuanTel: +853 2823 8035Email: macauabm@gmail.com  As the first world-class badminton tournament to be held in Macao since the 2024 Paris Olympics, the 2024 Sands China Ltd. Macau Open will comprise five events: Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The total prize money for the tournament is US$210,000 (approximately MOP 1.68 million). Tickets for the Sands China Ltd. Macau Open Badminton 2024 tournament are on sale from Sept. 11 through the Macau Ticketing network.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 202 加入收藏 :

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC), through  its agency, the National Art Gallery Malaysia, also supported by the Teluk Intan  Municipal Council and Tourism Malaysia, proudly presents the artwork of young artist  Zulkefli Jais titled "Project Temporary Marking" at the Asia Culture Center in  Gwangju and the Korea Foundation Gallery in Seoul, South Korea, in conjunction with  the Gwangju Biennale 2024, which takes place from 7th September 2024 until 1st December 2024. “Project Temporary Marking” by Malaysian artist Zulkefli Jais, featured at the 15th Gwangju Biennale. Honored by the presence of distinguished guests, Datuk Wira Roslan Tan Sri Abdul Rahman, Secretary-General of Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC); H.E. Datuk Mohd Zamruni Khalid, Ambassador of Malaysia to the Republic of Korea; Amerrudin Ahmad, Director-General of the National Art Gallery Malaysia; and Lee Kanghyun, President of ACC. The Malaysia Pavilion, featuring the artwork of Zulkefli Jais, was graced by the presence of Datuk Wira Roslan Tan Sri Abdul Rahman, Secretary-General of MOTAC. Also in attendance were H.E. Datuk Mohd Zamruni Khalid, Ambassador of Malaysia to the Republic of Korea;  Amerrudin Ahmad, Director-General of the National Art Gallery Malaysia; Lee Kanghyun, President of the Asia Culture Center (ACC), along with senior officers from MOTAC and the National Art Gallery Malaysia. Zulkefli Jais' participation in this prestigious art event is a significant recognition for the country. It highlights the growth of contemporary art in Malaysia and marks an important achievement in his journey towards global recognition. The "Project Temporary Marking" installation at Menara Condong, Teluk Intan, Perak, showcases vests that represent Menara Condong as a prominent landmark of the town. The artwork delves into the intersection of the town's geography and history, while also reflecting Zulkefli Jais' personal memories as a native of Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia. Each vest in the artwork symbolizes the emotions and memories associated with past disasters that impacted the town's residents, serving as a poignant reminder of the cyclical nature of  history. The artwork will be presented alongside a 6-minute and 2-second documentary, which will be screened multiple times during the exhibition. This documentary delves into the intriguing history of Menara Condong, featuring a bell that rings hourly according to Malaysia Time (MYT), offering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the artwork. According to Amerrudin Ahmad, Director-General of the National Art Gallery Malaysia, "The National Art Gallery Malaysia sees the opportunity to elevate local young  artists to higher platforms. This artist was selected after undergoing a challenging process in the Young Contemporary Competition, where he competed with numerous other participants before being announced as the winner of the Major Award. His participation in  the Gwangju Biennale 2024 provides new inspiration and momentum for him. Through this exposure, we hope he will continue to shine as a talented young artist and represent Malaysia on the global stage."  Additionally, we extend our sincere appreciation and congratulations to the two curators representing the National Art Gallery Malaysia - Erry Arham Azmi and Syahrul Niza Ahmad  Zaini, for their unwavering commitment and significant contributions to the success of this exhibition. The National Art Gallery is dedicated to supporting local artists. Zulkefli Jais' international  success in showcasing his work is viewed as a catalyst for developing contemporary art in Malaysia and promoting Malaysia's history and cultural uniqueness globally.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 945 加入收藏 :
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