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J-Stories joins forces with SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025 as official media partner

TOKYO, Feb. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- J-Stories, Japan's solutions-focused multilingual news service, is proud to announce its role as an official media partner for SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025, Asia's largest startup conference. This collaboration aims to amplify the event's mission of fostering open innovation and addressing global urban challenges through cutting-edge technology and diverse ideas. SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025, taking place from May 8-10 at Tokyo Big Sight, is expected to attract over 50,000 attendees, including more than 500 international venture capital firms and exhibiting startups. With over 5,000 business matching opportunities, the event will serve as a global platform for innovation and collaboration. The program will feature a wide array of sessions, booth exhibitions, pitch contests, and more, providing participants with valuable insights and networking opportunities. As a media partner, J-Stories will leverage its extensive platform to provide comprehensive coverage of the event, highlighting groundbreaking innovations and facilitating connections between Japanese startups and the global community. This partnership underscores J-Stories' commitment to promoting Japanese innovations that address global challenges. J-Stories previously featured an in-depth article on last year's event, showcasing key discussions, innovative startups, and the impact of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024. Additionally, J-Stories covered this year's kickoff, offering insights into the themes and vision for SusHi Tech 2025. Read the articles here: SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 article: https://jstories.media/article/sushi-tech-tokyo-opening SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025 Curtain Raiser event article: https://jstories.media/article/sushi-tech-2025-curtain-raiser "We are thrilled to collaborate with SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025," said Toshi Maeda, CEO of Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting and executive editor of J-Stories. "J-Stories has been covering and publishing English articles on SusHi Tech since its first edition in 2023, when it was launched under the name City-Tech Tokyo. With each edition, we have witnessed the growing international recognition of SusHi Tech and its expanding scale, which is truly exciting. As an official media partner, we look forward to further disseminating information about SusHi Tech to the world and contributing as a bridge between Tokyo and the global community." For more information about SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025, please visit the official website: https://sushitech-startup.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/ About SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025 SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025 is an innovation event aimed at fostering open innovation by connecting world-class startups with Japan to address global urban issues, focusing on sustainability and technology. Building on the success of previous editions, it has established itself as Asia's largest startup conference. About J-Stories J-Stories is a solutions-focused media platform dedicated to introducing Japan-originated innovations that address global challenges such as environmental issues and food shortages. Since its launch in April 2022, J-Stories has published over 500 articles and has been widely disseminating innovations and ideas from Japanese startups, NGOs, and university research institutions through articles and videos. J-Stories Website: (English)   https://jstories.media(Japanese)  https://jstories.media/jp(Chinese) https://jstories.media/zh Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting, Inc. (PBMC) Founded in 2010 by experienced international journalist Toshi Maeda with the mission to "connect the world with trusted content and realize a rich and equitable human society," PBMC specializes in creating diverse multilingual content that combines video, language, and technology. The company provides comprehensive services for enterprises looking to share information globally, including planning and producing articles, visual content such as videos and photos, CGI, website creation, and multilingual live event broadcasting. PBMC has a strong track record working with a wide range of clients — from major domestic and international corporations and media to startups and government agencies — establishing itself as a highly regarded international multimedia content provider. Company Overview Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting, Inc. Main Fields of Business: Multilingual content strategy-building, production and distribution; cross-border public, media and investor relations, multilingual event planning, hosting and technical & editorial support; live-streaming and news/event conference support, news and media release production and distribution worldwide; startup & corporate media platform management and content production Headquarters: 22nd Floor, Shiroyama Trust Tower, 4-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo CEO: Toshi Maeda Founded: June 30, 2010 URL: https://pacificbridge.jp CONTACT: PACIFIC BRIDGE MEDIA AND CONSULTING Editorial department: Toshi Maeda (Executive Editor)・Takanori Isshiki (Deputy Executive Editor)・Anita De Michele (Editorial Coordinator)email: info@pacificbridge.jp phone: +81- 50-5527-0955

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 394 加入收藏 :
SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program 逾4萬人參與創空前紀錄,展現東京新創生態系無限未來

在充滿挑戰的經濟大環境下,東京都廳(Tokyo Metropolitan Government;TMG)於2024年5月15日至16日舉行的SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program(永續科技高城市東京展)圓滿落幕。作為亞洲最大的新創盛典,此次展會迎來數量空前的新創公司和參加者,共吸引超過40,206人蒞臨參與,突顯日本新創生態系發展的無限未來。 SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024湧入逾40,206人,相較2023年的26,000名參觀者成長超過50%。參加者來自430多家新創公司、82個國家和321個城市,共設置424個新創企業展位,而今年度展會最大重點莫過於成功促成3,169個商業合作。 此次展會的亮點之一是2024 SusHi Tech 募資競賽,參賽者為來自全球各地領先的新創公司,旨在評選出能夠實現永續城市的頂尖高科技企業。今年度共有來自43個市場的507家新創公司參與此次SusHi Tech 募資競賽,其中7家成功進入決賽,包含來自台灣的精拓生技(CancerFree Biotech),以及Entomal Biotech Sdn Bhd(馬來西亞)、Cool Innovation, Inc(日本)、BUYO Bioplastics Company Limited(越南)、Fermenstation Co., Ltd(日本)、E-Port Pte. Ltd.(新加坡)和Degas Ltd.(日本)等亞洲新創。 競賽最終由來自日本的 Fermenstation Co., Ltd.贏得1000萬日圓大獎,該公司同時也榮獲住友不動產株式會社(Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd.)、東京綺羅星金融集團(Tokyo Kiraboshi Financial Group, Inc)、東京建物株式會社(Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.)、三菱地所Residence株式會社(Mitsubishi Estate Residence Co., Ltd.),以及森大廈(Mori Building Co., Ltd.)所頒發的多個特別獎。 此外,7家勇闖決賽的新創公司亦摘下多項特別獎,如來自台灣的精拓生技獲得由清水建設株式會社(Shimizu Coporation)頒發的特別獎、來自馬來西亞的Entomal Biotech Sdn Bhd獲得由Global Digital Innovation Network 頒發的特別獎、來自越南的BUYO Bioplastics Company Limited獲得由三井不動產株式會社(Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.)頒發的特別獎、來自日本的Cool Innovation, Inc及Degas Ltd.分別獲得由中央日土地建物株式會社(Chuo-Nittochi group Co., Ltd.)與Pocketalk Corp所頒發的特別獎。 東京都知事小池百合子在SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024閉幕式致詞時表示:「為期兩天的SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program充滿活力與熱情。今年的SusHi Tech我們也設立了全新獎項,以表彰傑出優秀的新創公司。相信透過在SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024的各種互動與交流,開放與創新的種子已經成功播下。希望大家珍惜彼此在這次展會所建立的關係,持續為世界帶來偉大的科技創新。下屆SusHi Tech Tokyo將於2025年5月8日至9日於東京國際展示場(Tokyo Big Sight)登場。『每年5月歡迎蒞臨東京』——這句話將連結著我們。期待明年這個宜人的季節到來之際,再次在東京與大家相見。」 如欲獲得關於SusHi Tech Tokyo 的更多資訊,請參考此連結。

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4464 加入收藏 :
Tokyo Metropolitan Government announces SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Program 2024

Startups from all over the world are expected to gather in Tokyo to participate in Asia's Largest Global Innovation Conference SAN FRANCISCO, May 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) announced that the "SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program", Asia's largest global innovation conference, will be held on May 15-16, 2024. The event will be returning to great success, with expected participation almost doubling at over 40,000 visitors across 2 days, with more than 400 local and international exhibitors from 40 cities. The program aims to create "sustainable new values" through exchanges in ideas and discussions on how to address urban issues commonly faced across the globe. Key themes include demographic change, environmental and energy concerns, aging infrastructure, and the preservation of traditional culture through cutting-edge technologies, diverse ideas, and digital know-how. Startups across the world, investors, major corporations, delegates from various markets and even enterprising students will participate in speaking sessions, a pitch contest and exhibit their solutions. Some highlights include a panel session where Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo, Adi Ignatius the Editor in Chief, at Harvard Business Review and other representatives from Bloomberg Associates, The Edgeof/ Mistletoe and Suntory Holdings Limited will discuss "Imagining the City of the Future and Innovation". Other esteemed panelists and speakers include: Jen Carter, Global Head of Technology, Google.org and John Roos, Founding Partner at Geodesic Capital Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan. SusHi Tech Tokyo stands for Sustainable High City Tokyo. The name represents Tokyo's position in the global technology world, and how the event aims to be a platform where disruptive innovations that can solve urban city challenges are developed, powering the future not only for Japan but also the rest of the globe. SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Program 2024 Executive Committee said, "SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program is Asia's largest global innovation conference, and I am honored to welcome such a prestigious and meaningful event right here in Tokyo. With our vision to be a launchpad for innovations that can solve global urban challenges, we hope that every May, influential players from all around the world – startups, investors, major corporations, universities, and students, alike will gather in Tokyo to create a stronger future together." ### [About Global Startup Program] TMG's "Global Innovation with STARTUP" has been active since November 2022. The program strategy called "10×10×10 Innovation Vision" focuses on increasing the number of 1. Unicorn companies from Tokyo, 2. Startup companies from Tokyo, and 3. Public and Private Startups from Tokyo by ten times over the next 5 years. On February 2023, TMG held the "City-Tech.Tokyo" at the Tokyo International Forum which was Japan's largest global startup event with 26,000 visitors in two days. This year, TMG levels up further with SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 as Asia's largest global startup event including contents such as speaking sessions, a pitch contest and exhibits.  DATE: May 15-16, 2024PLACE: Tokyo Big Site, West Exhibition Hall 1&2 (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063)DISCUSSION TOPIC: How to create a sustainable future urban cityTARGET AUDIENCE: World-leading startups, investors, major corporations, delegates from various markets and students.WHY: Creating an opportunity for open innovations with members of startups who have different backgrounds. [Tickets and Registration]Registrations are still open. Video URL:https://youtu.be/Q4cD7U2OqMA?si=bPbot323z2jxa_Jr  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 553 加入收藏 :
東京都廳公開 SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Program 2024

東京都廳(Tokyo Metropolitan Government;TMG)今天宣布,亞洲最大的新創盛典「SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Program 2024」(永續科技高城市東京展)將於2024 年 05 月 15 日至 16 日舉行。此次展會將延續去年盛況參與人數預計幾乎翻倍。今年兩天的展期預計將湧入超過 40,000 名參觀者,並有來自 40 個城市的 400 多家日本和國際參展商參與。SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024以「永續,新價值(Sustainable New Values)」作為號召,透過交流和討論來應對全球都市普遍面臨到的重大挑戰,例如人口變化、環境及能源議題、基礎設施老化以及如何透過前瞻技術、多元想法和數位產業知識致力傳統文化的保存。   來自世界各地的新創公司、投資者、大型企業、各市場代表,甚至有上進心的學生都將參加主題演講、募資競賽並展示他們的解決方案。東京都知事小池百合子、《哈佛商業評論》主編殷阿笛(Adi Ignatius) 以及來自Bloomberg Associates、The Edgeof / Mistletoe 和三得利株式會社的代表將以「想像未來城市與創新」為題進行分組座談,更力邀Google.org 全球技術長 Jen Carter 和Geodesic Capital 創始合夥人、前美國駐日本大使John Roos等重磅嘉賓與會 。   SusHi Tech Tokyo 為「Sustainable High City Tokyo」的簡稱,名稱不只彰顯東京於全球科技界的地位,更凸顯決心作為為日本及全球城市解決都市挑戰、提供顛覆性創新的平台。   東京都廳創業和全球金融策略辦公室表示:「SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Program 2024是亞洲最大的新創盛會,而我們很榮幸能夠在東京舉辦這樣一場富有盛譽及意義的活動。我們的願景是成為解決全球都市挑戰的孵化器,我們希望每年五月,包含新創公司、投資者、大公司、學術機構和學生等等來自世界各地有影響力的與會者將齊聚東京,共創更美好的未來。」

文章來源 : 香港商霍夫曼公關顧問股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3787 加入收藏 :
Tokyo Unicorn Summit 2025: Uniting Asia's Leading Startup Visionaries for Cross-Border Innovation

TOKYO, Jan. 31, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Tokyo-based global media agency Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting Inc. (PBMC) is pleased to announce that the inaugural Tokyo Unicorn Summit will be held on May 7th, 2025 at Azabudai Hills in Tokyo, bringing together approximately 100 unicorn and soon-to-be-unicorn companies from across Asia. This exclusive, invitation-only event will feature networking opportunities, private sessions, and Asia's top leaders as guest speakers. PBMC, which runs solutions-focused multilingual news service J-Stories, will co-host the event with a major Korean-language newspaper, The Chosun Ilbo, with the support from various startup support organizations from Korea, Taiwan region, Japan and other Asian countries. In a world increasingly fragmented by conflict and discord, the need for collaboration and unity has never been greater. The Tokyo Unicorn Summit seeks to transcend borders and bring together Asia's most influential innovators and visionaries. This unprecedented event is a dynamic platform where diverse ideas converge, exploring ways for top decision-makers in the startup ecosystems across Asia to collaborate and together solve social and environmental issues throughout the region. The Tokyo Unicorn Summit aims to serve as a catalyst for Asia's top entrepreneurs to unite and make the region the world's innovation hub for the next generation. By uniting visionary entrepreneurs, we aim to bridge divides, spark collaboration, and address today's challenges while unlocking tomorrow's opportunities. [Event Overview] https://tokyounicornsummit.peatix.com/view  Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2025 Time: 12:00-21:00 JST (Tentative; Subject to change) Venue: Azabudai Hills (Tokyo) Language: English Organizer: Tokyo Unicorn Summit 2025 Committee Co-Hosts: The Chosun Ilbo, J-Stories/Pacific Bridge Media & Consulting (PBMC), Korea Startup Forum Partners and Supporters: SusHI Tech Tokyo, Startup Island TAIWAN and more Participating Startups: CxOs of Unicorns Recently IPO'ed unicorns Series B to pre-IPO from Korea, Taiwan region, Japan, and other Asian countries Financial-sector Participants: Investment banks Cross-border VCs / CVCs M&A specialists For Inquiries Regarding This Matter Pacific Bridge Media & Consulting Inc.Email: jstories@pacificbridge.jp / info@pacificbridge.jpPhone: +81-50-5527-0955Tokyo office of The Chosun ilboEmail: tokyo_office@chosun.comPhone: +81-3-3214-5256  About J-Stories J-Stories is a solutions-focused media platform dedicated to introducing Japan-origin innovations that address global challenges such as environmental issues and food shortages. Since its launch in April 2022, J-Stories has published over 500 articles and has been widely disseminating innovations and ideas from Japanese startups, NGOs, and university research institutions through articles and videos. J-Stories Website:(English)   https://jstories.media(Japanese)  https://jstories.media/jp Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting, Inc. (PBMC) Founded in 2010 by experienced international journalist Toshi Maeda with the mission to "connect the world with trusted content and realize a rich and equitable human society," PBMC specializes in creating diverse multilingual content that combines video, language, and technology. The company provides comprehensive services for enterprises looking to share information globally, including planning and producing articles, visual content such as videos and photos, CGI, website creation, and multilingual live event broadcasting. PBMC has a strong track record working with a wide range of clients—from major domestic and international corporations and media to startups and government agencies—establishing itself as a highly regarded international multimedia content provider. Company Overview Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting, Inc. Main Fields of Business: Multilingual content strategy-building, production and distribution; Cross-border public, media and investor relations, Multilingual event planning, hosting and technical & editorial support; live-streaming and news/event conference support, News and media release production and distribution worldwide; Startup & corporate media platform management and content production Headquarters: 22nd Floor, Shiroyama Trust Tower, 4-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo CEO: Toshi Maeda Founded: June 30, 2010 URL: https://pacificbridge.jp CONTACT: PACIFIC BRIDGE MEDIA AND CONSULTING Editorial department: Toshi Maeda (Executive Editor)・Takanori Isshiki (Deputy Executive Editor)・Anita De Michele (Editorial Coordinator)email: info@pacificbridge.jp phone: +81- 50-5527-0955

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 212 加入收藏 :

桃園2024年6月6日 /美通社/ -- 桃園市政府青年事務局扶植新創再創佳績!培育團隊在環境永續領域嶄露頭角,為桃園建設永續城市開創新局面。其中,「配客嘉」及「水力凈綠能」團隊的卓越表現令人矚目。 圖左-配客嘉的企業方案永續循環箱成功解決一次性紙箱的浪費; 圖右-水力凈負責人宋富璘與聯合國氣候環境組織於國際展會交流合照 配客嘉團隊結合企業配送、共享物流及環保永續概念,解決每年超過19億箱的一次性紙箱浪費的問題,提供科技廠供應鏈業者更好的循環包裝解決方案。為因應已經來臨的ESG與碳權時代,配客嘉也放眼國際,在新加坡成立子公司,更積極參與海外展會,如5/15-16至日本SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024的參展,除了得到當地消費者、企業主的關注及認同,更發現日本政府大力支持永續城市的發展,說明團隊產品在日本製造業供應鏈、半導體業等產業都具有發展性。未來也將參與今年新加坡 SWITCH SG等國際展會,讓台灣的永續品牌能持續躍上國際。 另一組新創團隊──水力凈綠能團隊研發獨家水分子解鏈器、水垢不生成技術,在桃園青年局及數位發展部的共同支持下,代表台灣參與西班牙2024 4YFN GSMA MWC 新創展,成績斐然,他們成功對接了西班牙電信及聯合國氣候環境組織等多家國際單位。團隊提供去除冷卻水塔水垢的解決方案,不僅具有環境永續性更幫助設備減碳節能。團隊負責人宋富璘表示:「這次代表台灣參展,除了增進與國際單位的交流,更幫助我們打開了歐美市場的大門。」 桃園市透過青創基地幫助團隊加速拓展市場,同時將基地團隊的創新技術投入永續城市綠能發展,為台灣的永續品牌在國際上贏得了更大的知名度。桃園市政府青年事務局局長侯佳齡表示:「桃園的創新力量除了追求獲利更應兼顧社會、環境的可持續發展,我們將繼續支持和培育更多這樣的新創團隊,帶領團隊扎根桃園後再走出國際,為桃園的永續發展貢獻力量。」 桃園青創指揮部將於每年2月及8月進行進駐團隊招募,以持續激勵和培育具有潛力的新創團隊,歡迎有意於桃園發展創業項目的青年可以關注Facebook粉絲專業「桃園青創事」來獲取最新資訊,或至TYC創新創業資源網(https://tyc.tycg.gov.tw/)了解更多。若有其他創業相關問題,可來電青創資源中心創業諮詢專線(03)422-0908尋求協助(此為桃園青年事務局廣告)。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2242 加入收藏 :
2025 年 3 月 20 日 (星期四) 農曆二月廿一日
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