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Over 100 Innovation and Leaders Forums Pioneering Integration of Business & Technology Embracing New Economy via Exploring AI, ESG and Immersive Applications HONG KONG, July 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In recent years, topics such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), ChatGPT have swept the world, indicating the arrival of the digital era that focuses on innovation and technology. According to the HKSAR Government figures, the total expenditure on IT research and development in Hong Kong reached HK$26.5 billion in 2020, and the number of startups reached around 4,000 in 2021 with more than a dozen unicorn, demonstrating the potential of the market. Since the Government promulgated Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint at the end of last year, a clear development path formulating systematic strategic planning for Hong Kong's innovation and technology (IT) development over the next 5 to 10 years has been established, new products and services have popped up in the market. middle: Ms Culsin Li, Managing Director of the event organizer Baobab Tree Event; Dr Bernard Chan, HKSAR’s Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development International corporations, SMEs and startups, therefore, need to invest in the digitalisation of enterprises and the development of the virtual economy, to grasp the trend of technology development, and take their businesses to another level. Meanwhile, professionals from various industries need to keep pace with the times, embracing new business tools, consumption habits and customer patterns. BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo and Conference 2023 (BGOV) takes the lead to welcome the digital economy era and runs from today (July 12) through July 14 at the Hall 3FG at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, bringing together all leading innovations and technologies. During the 3-day event, BGOV will feature future solutions and in-depth forums that are expected to attract more than 8,000 enterprises and clients, providing the industry with opportunities for learning, networking, business development and expanding connections.(https://www.govirtualexpohk.com/) As the BGOV's organiser, Ms Culsin Li, Managing Director of Baobab Tree Event, emphasises the inseparable relationship between technology and business today in the rapidly changing business environment. She said, "Business leaders and decision makers must be forward-thinking to understand the future trends in order to lead and adapt to the industry. BGOV provides a comprehensive tool and extensive opportunities through technology showcases and in-depth forums. I believe that joining BGOV will bring future success to the business of our visitors." Over 130 cutting-edge solutions + Over 100 leaders' forums in BGOV As technology leads all industries to new milestones, BGOV features more than 130 innovative technology solutions, ranging from cloud computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence to immersive technology, showcasing the possibilities of technology in enhancing business development holistically. More than 100 industry experts and business leaders are invited to share their insights and enlighten business decision makers and investors with latest technology applications.(https://zh.govirtualexpohk.com/conference-about) (https://zh.govirtualexpohk.com/speakers) Tip-top showcasing in 9 tech thematic zones with immersive experience Digital transformation is a major trend among global enterprises, which make good use of big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and blockchain to digitalise business. To keep abreast of the trend of innovative technology, continuously enhancing its application capability will become the key to the future business. This year, BGOV will present 9 tech thematic zones to showcase an array of bold and flexible IT solutions for various industries while providing the visitors with updates on tech concepts and applications to enhance their operational efficiency and grow their business. 9 tech thematic zones: Cloud and Edge Computing: Efficient Information Management FinTech: Simplifying Transaction Processes Cybersecurity: Strengthening Information Protection Web 3.0: Driving the Virtual Economy Marketing Technology: Enhancing Advertising Effectiveness Immersive Technology: Creating Advanced Experiences Artificial Intelligence: Improving Work Speed, Accuracy, and Efficiency Sustainable Development/ESG: Strengthening Corporate Future Competitiveness through Green Technology Enterprise Digital Transformation: Smart Business Activation In addition to business solutions, two major themed areas, namely the "Immersive Experience Zone" and the "ESG Tech Zone", have been created to demonstrate how technology can build up connections with the others and with the environment. The "Immersive Experience Zone" is themed around the Lavender Garden, where visitors can enjoy an all-around experience of sight, sound and smell through the usage of metaverse, AR, VR, XR and IR technologies via the guided tour. Visitors can also take part in the "MUXIC Virtual Concert", a unique fusion of reality and virtual performances, and indulge in an intricate and immersive music feast. Over 100 exciting conferences in collaboration with 12 industry associations In keeping with tradition, BGOV is poised to offer a wealth of rich and cutting-edge topics. This year, BGOV is honoured to collaborate with 12 industry associations, and has successfully invited around 160 industry leaders and corporate decision-makers to present over 100 stimulating forums covering diverse fields and areas. Those forums are to explore how innovation and technology can add value to enterprises and individuals in the new era, and to present a new blueprint of the digital economy to the attendees. Highlighted topics are: In the opening forum, leaders from Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, Microsoft Hong Kong and Macau, and SenseTime will share their expertise and engage in a compelling discussion on "AI Adoption & its Future". The Big Four accounting firms - Deloitte China, Ernst & Young, KPMG China, and PricewaterhouseCoopers – will join to explore the development and implementation of virtual assets in Hong Kong. Followed by prominent companies such as HKVAX, Treelion Foundation, and ZA Bank, FinTech forum will analyse the new Fintech landscape in Hong Kong, including opportunities and challenges faced under the VASP Licensing Regime and the revolution of cross-border payments influenced by digital currency. Participants who are interested in exploring smart cities from around the world will have the opportunity to meet experts from Cargo Sous Terrain, Huawei, MIT Design X, NEOM, The University of Hong Kong, and Urban-Air Port. They will share multiple world-class smart city projects with the audience through a hybrid of physical and online modes. In addition, hosts of well-known companies including Accenture, Cathay Pacific Airways, Chinachem Group, China Mobile, China Unicom, CSL Mobile, Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings, Hang Lung Properties, Lenovo, PCCW Solutions, Link REIT, L'Occitane, Maxim's, NVIDIA, SmarTone will share their insights on "Business x Tech" and unveil the essence of technology enhancing productivity. Stimulate cross-border cooperation with a never-ending flow of business interactions over the three days On top of the rich content, BGOV places great emphasis on communication and interaction among participants, creating continuous opportunities for networking. On the first day, a C-levels Leadership Gathering will take place, bringing together industry elites to inspire creative ideas and business opportunities through face-to-face communication and interaction. BUSINESS GOVirtual Tech Awards 2023 Ceremony and networking activities will be held on the second day, whereby the Awards winners will explore the boundless possibilities of future technology with participants.(https://zh.govirtualexpohk.com/2023-awardees) BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo & Conference 2023 Date & Time:12 July (Wed) 09:15 - 18:0013 July (Thu) 09:30 - 18:0014 July (Fri) 09:30 - 17:00 Venue: Hall 3FG, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Free admission: https://bit.ly/3Jv05se (first-come, first-served) Official website: https://www.govirtualexpohk.com/ Day-one highlight: bit.ly/bgov_day1_hl More photos on:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V2OG9CsXXHG-agDH9lr95wx9FO3WDG3G?usp=sharing About BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo & ConferenceBUSINESS GOVirtual Expo & Conference (BUSINESS GOVirtual) gathers leading IT companies and solutions providers under one roof to demonstrate their latest technologies. It is the one and only platform in town to showcase key technological advancements for social and business engagement for the new digital era. Be active and go virtual become the key for enterprises to stay competitive and chase for future growth. The development of the Greater Bay Area is accorded the status of key strategic planning in Chinese government's blueprint, with great significance in China's initiative on innovation-driven development. Strategically held in Hong Kong, the international innovation and technology hub, BUSINESS GOVirtual serves as a communication platform for tech companies in the region to exchange ideas, collaborate and foster partnerships. Follow us for the latest news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOVirtualexpoHK Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/govirtualexpohk The Organizer BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo & Conference 2023T: (852) 3520-3186F: (852) 3520-3618E: Govirtual@baobab-tree-event.com
香港 - Media OutReach - 2023年7月7日 - 香港特別行政區行政長官李家超7月2日與訪港的沙特阿拉伯通訊與資訊科技大臣Abdullah Al-Swaha在香港科技園會面。活動當天,在Abdullah Al-Swaha的見證下,由遠見企業服務推薦的四家中國企業,分別是華住集團(NASDAQ: HTHT; HK: 1179)、諾輝健康(6606.HK)、中集安瑞科(3899.HK)和晶泰科技,在場簽署進軍沙特市場合作備忘錄,計劃在人才交流、商業合作及創科業界展開協作。 各家公司代表簽署關於進軍沙特市場合作備忘錄 香港特別行政區行政長官李家超表示,香港與沙特阿拉伯在創新科技方面存在不少合作機遇,大灣區市場為科技公司、初創企業和人才提供發展機會,「我歡迎沙特阿拉伯和中東的朋友,與我們一起在香港共創創新未來」。沙特阿拉伯通訊與資訊科技大臣Abdullah Al-Swaha亦表示,今天與香港的關係達到了新里程碑,沙特與香港將共同開啟技術和創新的新視野,將為香港科技企業進入沙特創造更大的機會,這有助於推動中沙交流,促進雙方的經濟發展,共同塑造一個和諧的未來。 本次活動簽署的進軍沙特市場合作備忘錄,涉及酒店管理、醫療健康、新能源和人工智慧等多個領域的多家企業。參與此次備忘錄簽署的華住酒店集團(NASDAQ: HTHT; HK: 1179)亞太區總裁朱小剛表示,華住集團(NASDAQ: HTHT; HK: 1179)在中東已有佈局,此次備忘錄的簽署將有利於加強在中東地區的資源網絡,更好地連結沙特市場,為集團業務版圖全球化擴展建立一個高效連通的價值平台。諾輝健康(6606.HK)首席科學家陳一友則表示,諾輝健康(6606.HK)作為中國癌症早篩的引領者和居家檢測的開創者,非常期待在沙特阿拉伯乃至中東市場探索新的發展機會,相信兩地的交流合作對推動諾輝健康的海外商業化和全球同步臨床實驗具有重要意義。 中集安瑞科(3899.HK)董事會秘書鐘穎鑫女士表示,此次合作備忘錄的簽署為進軍沙特市場,邁出了重要一步,未來兩地將有機會在氫能、綠色甲醇等清潔能源綜合服務和裝備製造方面開展深度合作。晶泰醫療的相關負責人表示,沙特在新材料和石油化工領域保持者世界領先,期待未來晶泰醫療能夠依託人工智能和量子物理的平台技術,助力沙特市場在新材料和石油行業實現創新發展。 遠見企業服務作為此次合作備忘錄簽署的重要推薦人和籌辦單位之一,出席了此次活動。遠見企業服務CEO王慧峰在採訪時表示,非常榮幸能夠參與並促成此次合作備忘錄的簽署,也非常期待未來中國企業能有更多與沙特市場的溝通機會和出海場景的探索機遇。他表示,沙特阿拉伯近年來取得了多項歷史性的發展成績,在2022年以8.7%的GDP增長率在G20國家中拔得頭籌,是國際金融市場的一支重要新興力量,並在全球範圍內掀起了一陣「沙特投資熱潮」。 遠見企業服務作為一家提供戰略諮詢及資本市場服務的金融服務機構,立足沙特,具備得天獨厚的發展優勢,不僅能夠連結來自沙特蓬勃的市場機會和中國成熟的科創經驗,還能夠作為中沙兩地交流合作的橋樑,促進人才、資本等各項要素的流動。 目前,遠見企業服務已經為數十家優秀的中國企業在沙特阿拉伯建立起高效的聯通網絡,幫助企業對接沙特阿拉伯主權財富基金——公共投資基金(PIF)、Hevolution Foundation、NEOM等組織與機構,探索合作機會。與此同時,遠見企業服務也積極連結沙特阿拉伯乃至中東地區的企業,幫助對接中國市場資源,挖掘發展機遇。遠見企業服務通過全面、高效、敏捷的資本市場服務,正在成為兩地市場交流與合作的重要紐帶。 Hashtag: #企業服務 #商業 #金融發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任
The global debut of Brinc's Climate Tech cohort welcomes four startups focused on carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions Brinc strengthens its growing, long-term commitment to tackling sustainability challenges and maximizing impact by honing in on innovations that directly combat climate change. HONG KONG, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Brinc, a leading global venture accelerator, is excited to announce the debut cohort of its Climate Tech accelerator, where four startups kick off its Summer 2023 program. Brinc unveils debut Climate Tech cohort for Summer 2023 The inaugural Climate Tech cohort comprises a select group of innovative ventures addressing carbon dioxide removal (CDR) globally. The entrepreneurs behind these startups will embark on an intensive three-month program that features a specifically tailored curriculum customized for this focused cohort. They will also receive fundraising support, scale-up guidance, and network introductions to follow-on investors, expert mentors, and industry corporates. Supporters of Brinc's debut Climate Tech program include key stakeholders in this space: Artesian, Carbon Business Council, CO2CRC, Direct Air Capture Coalition, PML Applications; plus others. Manav Gupta, Founder and CEO of Brinc, said: "While areas such as mobility and transportation have received the most attention from climate tech investment, Brinc is turning the focus to where we can make the biggest impact as early-stage investors. The inaugural Climate Tech cohort and program focus specifically on CDR; and while there is certainly a long road ahead in combating this pressing global issue, Brinc has prioritized our focus and efforts in this arena. Brinc is excited to launch our Climate Tech program and I'm thrilled to witness the innovation and passion these companies bring to the table." Introducing Brinc's Summer 2023 cohort to debut its Climate Tech Program: Airhive (United Kingdom) – is building a breakthrough geochemical direct air capture (DAC) technology to accelerate carbon removal. Its modular DAC system, based on a fluidised, nano-structured sorbent, achieves market-leading capture speed, energy efficiency and affordability. CarbonBridge (United States) – harnesses carbon dioxide and clean hydrogen to produce eco-friendly methanol through an innovative microbial conversion process. This groundbreaking approach not only reduces energy consumption but also enables a cost-effective production process that competes favorably with mainstream methanol derived from fossil fuels. Formwork IO (Hong Kong) – employs a circular economy approach, utilizing waste carbon dioxide and materials as binders to reduce cement usage and create carbon-negative concrete. This innovative mineralization technique involves the permanent storage of carbon dioxide through carbonation, ensuring a sustainable solution. As a pioneering player in the Asian market, where more than 70% of cement is produced, Formwork IO has the flexibility to tailor its process to various applications. Poas Bioenergy (Costa Rica) – employs an innovative and adaptable reactor system to transform agricultural waste, such as coffee and pineapple residue, into valuable resources. With a focus on sustainability, its technology enables the production of biochar and energy (syngas) in a modular and efficient manner. This circular economy solution not only addresses waste management but also holds promise for generating clean, local energy. For more information about Brinc's Climate Tech accelerator, how to apply, or learn more about the Summer 2023 cohort startups, please contact Brinc's Climate Tech team via the interest form. About Brinc Headquartered in Hong Kong, Brinc is a leader in global venture acceleration and operates 13 multidisciplinary accelerator programs across seven countries. Brinc accelerates startups focused on climate tech, clean energy, food technology, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, connected hardware, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) with a view to creating a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future. Brinc also supports corporations with investment services, distributed innovation strategies, sourcing of new startups and technologies, as well as venture-building Web3-enabled businesses. Global corporations (Manulife, Huawei, Schneider Electric, Puma, Batelco, Merck, Omantel, Linrun Group, Zhihui Park), government organizations (Hong Kong Science Park, NEOM, MBRIF, Guangdong Soft-tech Park), tertiary institutions (HK City University, National University of Singapore), fast-growing companies (Animoca Brands, DayDayCook), and leading venture funds (Artesian, LeverVC, Tamkeen, EDB) have all run programs with Brinc. In 2021, Brinc announced a series of venture funds to invest in high-potential early-stage companies through accelerators and provide LPs with a dedicated innovation platform and access to Series A+ co-investment opportunities. Learn more about Brinc
Stats show only 1 in 4 feel that motorsport teams do enough for fans. The survey is part of VELO's Love The Unexpected campaign, centred on enhancing motorsport fans' experiences with weird and wonderful activities. This is one way both VELO and the McLaren F1 team are showing their commitment to putting fans first, by understanding what drives them, and by rewarding their dedication, which includes an exclusive reveal at the 2023 Dutch Grand Prix. LONDON, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, VELO releases the findings of its global motorsport fan survey, revealing that only a quarter (25 per cent) of fans think motorsport teams do enough for their supporters. In true Love The Unexpected style, VELO, through its partnership with the McLaren F1 Team, is getting to the heart of fan opinion to find out what they really want. What better way to put fans at the centre than by asking them to buckle up and take pole position, with an exclusive reveal on the MCL60 car at Zandvoort. With a wave of new motorsport fans joining the community, it's no surprise that fans are reaching out for more events and activities [38 per cent] and behind-the-scenes content [30 per cent]. Brazil tops the leader board with over half of fans [56 per cent] wanting more surprising ways to get involved, closely followed by Spain [47 per cent] and Italy [44 per cent]. The fan community really sits at the heart of the sport, with 21 per cent reporting their favourite part of the F1 community is the shared passion for motorsport, with 17 per cent enjoying the sense of team spirit. It's not just about the fun and excitement though. Fans also care deeply about bigger issues, such as diversity and inclusion. Almost half of fans [49 per cent] feel they are well-represented within motorsport, and 60 per cent of fans agree there is greater diversity in the industry, specifically Formula 1, compared to 10 years ago. But there is still work to be done, with 1 in 4 women saying they don't feel part of the motorsport community, and fans from Japan [33 per cent], France [20 per cent] and Brazil [19 per cent] saying they are represented the least. This survey aims to shine a spotlight on what fans care about, and VELO and McLaren are keen to flip the script by listening to and actioning what fans want. The survey of 16,000 motorsport fans is part of VELO's Love The Unexpected campaign, which puts fans in the driving seat, giving them new and wonderful ways to enjoy the sport they love, on their terms. This year, VELO, and its partner, the McLaren F1 Team, continue to host fan activities across UK, Austria and the Czech Republic, surprising fans with unexpected activities and more ways to experience the action. From challenging fans to race in car simulators, to experiencing the iconic British race up close in a People's Paddock pop-up, to getting behind the scenes at the McLaren Technology Centre – VELO is showing fans the love! John Beasley, Global Director of Consumer Experience at BAT, comments: "VELO's Love The Unexpected project is about listening to the fans and following their lead, whichever surprising and unexpected direction they take us. The fan survey results were eye-opening and told us that they want something different, and we embrace different. We're flipping the lid on tradition and offering fans new and unexpected experiences, culminating at the Dutch Grand Prix. Some of the things we do might be ridiculous, but sometimes the wonderful, starts off a little weird." To celebrate the McLaren F1 Team's 60th anniversary, 60-fan-names will be placed on the MCL60 car at the Dutch Grand Prix creating the word LOVE. There will be an added extra for one lucky fan, who will win flights and accommodation to the Netherlands for an exclusive experience to see their name on the car, in person. Louise McEwen, Executive Director, Brand and Marketing, McLaren Racing, comments: "We are always looking for ways to excite and engage our global and ever-growing fanbase. VELO is alongside us in this mission, and we are excited for fans to engage with racing in new and unexpected ways. This includes our fan name feature on the MCL60 at Zandvoort, which is a great way to champion and celebrate some of our dedicated supporters, and McLaren Racing's 60th birthday." VELO Love The Unexpected is all about shining a spotlight and celebrating motorsport fans and their unexpected stories. Tapping into the constantly changing face of motorsport fandom, VELO and the McLaren F1 Team are championing the love and passion fans have for the sport across the globe. Discover more about Love The Unexpected, People's Paddock events and fan love stories on VELO's Instagram and McLaren's Instagram. VELO commissioned OnePoll to carry out this fan research survey. OnePoll is an MRS Company Partner. All MRS Company Partners and their employees agree to adhere to the MRS Code of Conduct and MRS Company Partner Quality Commitment whilst undertaking research. The survey was carried out from 24th May to 1st June 2023 and was completed by 16,000 people across the UK, US, Brazil, Japan, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. About BATBAT is a leading, multi-category consumer goods business with a purpose to build A Better Tomorrow™ by reducing the health impact of its business through offering a greater choice of enjoyable and less risky products for adult consumers. The company continues to be clear that combustible cigarettes pose serious health risks, and the only way to avoid these risks is not to start or to quit. BAT encourages those who would otherwise continue to smoke to switch completely to scientifically-substantiated, reduced-risk alternatives*†. In order to deliver this, BAT is transforming into a truly consumer-centric multi-category consumer products business. BAT's ambition is to have 50 million consumers of its non-combustible products by 2030 and to generate £5billion of New Categories revenue by 2025. BAT has set stretching ESG targets including achieving carbon neutrality for Scopes 1 & 2 by 2030 and eliminating unnecessary single-use plastic and making all plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. BAT employs over 50,000 people. The BAT Group generated revenue of £27.65 billion in 2022 and profit from operations of £10.5 billion. The company's Strategic Portfolio is made up of its global cigarette brands and a growing range of reduced-risk*† New Category tobacco and nicotine products and traditional non-combustible tobacco products. These include vapour, tobacco heating products, modern oral products including tobacco-free nicotine pouches, as well as traditional oral products such as snus and moist snuff. In 2022, we had 22.5 million consumers of our non-combustible products, a rise of 4.2 million on full year 2021. * Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These products are not risk free and are addictive. † Our products as sold in the US, including Vuse, Velo, Grizzly, Kodiak, and Camel Snus, are subject to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation and no reduced-risk claims will be made as to these products without FDA clearance. Forward-looking statements This release contains certain forward-looking statements, including "forward-looking" statements made within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are often, but not always, made through the use of words or phrases such as "believe," "anticipate," "could," "may," "would," "should," "intend," "plan," "potential," "predict," "will," "expect," "estimate," "project," "positioned," "strategy," "outlook", "target" and similar expressions. These include statements regarding our customer target ambition, New Categories revenue targets and our ESG targets. All such forward-looking statements involve estimates and assumptions that are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors. It is believed that the expectations reflected in this release are reasonable but they may be affected by a wide range of variables that could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated. A review of the reasons why actual results and developments may differ materially from the expectations disclosed or implied within forward-looking statements can be found by referring to the information contained under the headings "Cautionary Statement" and "Group Principal Risks " in the 2021 Annual Report and Form 20-F of British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BAT). Additional information concerning these and other factors can be found in BAT's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the Annual Report on Form 20-F and Current Reports on Form 6-K, which may be obtained free of charge at the SEC's website, http://www.sec.gov and BAT's Annual Reports, which may be obtained free of charge from the BAT website www.bat.com. Past performance is no guide to future performance and persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser. The forward-looking statements reflect knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this release and BAT undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. About McLaren Racing McLaren Racing was founded by racing driver Bruce McLaren 60 years ago in 1963. The team entered its first Formula 1 race in 1966. McLaren has since won 20 Formula 1 world championships, 183 Formula 1 grands prix, the Indianapolis 500 three times, and the Le Mans 24 Hours at its first attempt. McLaren Racing competes across five racing series. In 2023, the team will compete in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship with McLaren F1 drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, the NTT INDYCAR SERIES with Arrow McLaren drivers Pato O'Ward, Felix Rosenqvist and Alexander Rossi, the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship with NEOM McLaren Formula E Team drivers René Rast and Jake Hughes, and the Extreme E Championship with NEOM McLaren Extreme E Team drivers Emma Gilmour and Tanner Foust. The team also competes in the F1 Esports Pro Championship as McLaren Shadow, having won the 2022 Constructors' and Drivers' Championships. McLaren is a champion for sustainability in the sport and a signatory to the UN Sports for Climate Action Commitment. It is committed to achieving net zero by 2040 and fostering a diverse and inclusive culture in the motorsport industry. McLaren Racing – Official Website
探索商業與科技結合的未來新經濟體 香港2023年6月29日 /美通社/ -- 「BUSINESS GOVirtual科技博覽及會議2023」(BGOV)將於7月12日至14日假香港灣仔會展展覽廳3FG盛大舉行,為觀眾呈現新世代科技盛宴,展現未來科技應用趨勢。 多家企業參展 逾百名專家分享今屆展會將展示130多個嶄新創科技術方案,並邀超過160位行業專家和企業領袖出席分享超過100場科技熱話,務求透過具啓發性的會議,助不同行業的營運者、投資者掌握行業最新技術應用,抓緊數碼經濟帶來的機遇。BGOV將迎來8,000名企業及行業買家,通過短短三日擴建人脈網絡,同時洞悉未來商業及科技發展。 活動主辦單位,柏堡活動策劃有限公司執行董事李亦珺女士表示︰「在現今日新月異、瞬息萬變的商業環境中,與科技結合已經不再是選擇,而是必然。作為商業領袖和營運者,想立於不敗之地,就必須具備前瞻性思維,深入探索未來趨勢,走在商業潮流的前沿。BGOV為不同行業帶來最尖端的科技應用和商業趨勢,讓大家掌握商機,引領潮流,成為行業領先者。」 9大展區飽覽最前沿的創新科技方案各國際及本地企業和中小企都朝著「啟動智能業務」的方向發展,但即使「啟動」了業務,也要持續加強多方面的創科知識和能力,才可與時並進。BGOV今年設有九大展區,予頂尖展商展示啟發性的解決方案,當中包括: 雲端及邊緣計算:高效資訊管理 金融科技:簡化交易流程 網路安全:強化資訊保護 Web 3.0:推動虛擬經濟 行銷科技:提升宣傳效能 沉浸式科技:開創超前體驗 人工智能:提高工作速度、準確性和有效性 可持續發展/ ESG:透過綠色科技鞏固企業未來競爭力 企業數碼轉型:啟動智能業務 除了可透過各展區盡握不同科技的應用,大會亦積極鼓勵企業融合創新元素,激發更多科技融合的創意與發展。今年將新增「沉浸式體驗區」及「可持續發展區」兩大主題區,當中「沉浸式體驗區」聚集了一眾參展商舉行導賞團,讓入場人士親身感受各種沉浸式技術,包括元宇宙、AR、VR、XR甚至IR示範。觀眾更可參與MUXIC虛擬音樂會,欣賞現實與虛擬的新穎結合表演,享受沉浸式音樂盛宴。 聯同12大行業協會推出過百場精彩會議 涵蓋多個領域「BUSINESS GOVirtual科技會議2023」將一如既往帶來豐富及最前沿的議題。本屆BGOV科技會議聯同12大行業協會打造超過百場精彩論壇,涵蓋多個領域和範疇,探討市場的最新趨勢,一起洞察最創新的科技。 精選議題包括: 香港機場管理局、香港應用科技研究院、微軟香港及澳門、以及商湯科技的領袖將於大會的開幕論壇中暢談「AI的應用和未來發展」; 四大會計師事務所德勤中國、安永、畢馬威中國和羅兵咸永道同台亮相,探討香港虛擬資產的發展及落實; HKVAX、Treelion Foundation、眾安銀行等知名企業更延續熱話,將於金融科技主題論壇中剖析「VASP發牌制度實施下面臨的機遇和挑戰」; 想飽覽世界各地的智慧城市?Cargo Sous Terrain、華為、MIT Design X、NEOM、香港大學及Urban-Air Port將以實體和綫上的混合模式為觀眾一次過帶來多個世界級的智慧城市項目分享。 其餘知名企業包括Accenture、國泰航空、華懋、中國移動、中國聯通、CSL Mobile、和記電訊、恒隆地產、聯想電訊盈科、領展、L'OCCITANE、美心、NVIDIA、數碼通等都將會現身分享「商務 x 科技」的智慧之道,解說科技提高生產力的奧妙之處。 三天豐富業務交流 源源不絕除豐富的內容外,大會亦非常重視與會者之間的交流和互動,為與會者製造源源不絶的洽談機會。活動首日將舉行C-levels領袖聚會,滙聚行業精英,透過面對面交流和互動,激發出各種可能性,從而通過跨界合作不同創造出更多商業價值;第二天則有BUSINESS GOVirtual Tech Awards頒獎典禮暨交流活動,Tech Awards得獎企業將與您共同探索未來科技的無限可能;第三天以ESG及智慧城市為主軸,一同探討如何引入未來城市減碳、節能的技術! 「BUSINESS GOVirtual科技博覽及會議2023」參加費用全免;入場名額有限,立即登記索取電子門票:https://bit.ly/3Jv05se ,詳情請瀏覽官方網站govirtualexpohk.com。 地點: 香港灣仔會展展覽廳3FG開放日期及時間:7月12(三) 09:30 - 18:007月13(四) 09:30 - 18:007月14(五) 09:30 - 17:00 關於主辦單位 – 柏堡活動策劃有限公司柏堡活動策劃有限公司是一家跨領域的活動和展覽專家,在香港和中國大陸主辦和管理一系列展覽和大型活動,為不同行業創造商機。柏堡的展會備受業內關注,其中包括: BUSINESS GOVirtual科技博覽及會議 — 香港首個 B2B 「科技 x 商業」活動,匯聚技術解決方案供應商和企業用戶,一起探索關鍵的技術發展,以促進社區與商界在虛擬時代的參與,帶領企業走向虛擬經濟發展; 亞洲素食展 — 香港最全面的素食及綠色生活展覽; BEYOND WOMEN FEST — 專為追求健康及高品質生活的女性而設的專題活動; 華南智能製造與科技創新展覽會 — 專注電子智造產業,推動電子設備智造升級。 柏堡亦營運「Taste of Veg」全方位素食及綠色生活資訊平台,致力推廣素食及綠色生活方式。公司於2011年在香港成立,目前在廣州設有分公司,在上海及北京均有專案團隊。柏堡憑藉豐富的活動管理經驗,贏得客戶的高度讚譽,目前參與管理的展會包括: 北京InfoComm China — 亞太地區最具影響力的專業視聽及集成體驗技術展;國際電子電路(深圳)展覽會 — 全球規模最大的綫路板及電子組裝展會;香港美酒佳餚巡禮 — 亞洲大型戶外飲食展覽之一;國際新春花車巡遊 — 香港最受歡迎的公眾活動,公司每年在香港和中國內地共舉辦超過20場大型活動和展覽會。如欲了解更多柏堡的專業服務,請瀏覽www.baobab-tree-event.com。 商談合作事宜,請聯絡:Tel: (852) 3520 3186Email: govirtual@baobab-tree-event.com
BRUCHSAL, Germany, June 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, ADAC Luftrettung and Volocopter entered a collaboration partnership to customize next-generation electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOLs) for rescue services. Two milestone agreements were signed at the Paris Air Show: one to purchase two VoloCity aircraft, and another with the intention of securing 150 additional units of Volocopter's eVTOLs as part of this collaboration. The two VoloCity aircraft will start testing in late 2024 of to provide ADAC Luftrettung's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as supplementary aircraft in Germany. Upon successful completion of this test, the additional eVTOLs will be considered for use in future rescue missions. Volocopter and ADAC Luftrettung talk EMS at Paris Air Show 2023 Since 2018, nonprofit ADAC Luftrettung, and Volocopter, have been a part of a joint eVTOL feasibility study in EMS and rescue operations, sponsored by the ADAC Foundation with the Institut für Notfallmedizin und Medizinmanagement (INM, Institute for Emergency Medicine and Medical Management) at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. The study theoretically proved that the introduction of eVTOLs in aeromedical situations would add a significant tactical advantage. Today, the two companies cosigned two contracts: ADAC Luftrettung to purchase two VoloCity aircraft, and have the intention of securing 150 additional units of eVTOLs for its future EMS missions. The two VoloCity aircraft are expected to go into research operations in Germany after receiving the type certificate from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in 2024. A pilot and an emergency physician will be dispatched to incident locations – to supplement, not to replace – rescue helicopters in order to provide rapid assistance from the air. After the successful completion of at least a two-year research operation in the German towns and regions of Idar-Oberstein and Dinkelsbühl, ADAC Luftrettung may deploy next-generation Volocopter eVTOLs in its rescue service operations. "From the very beginning, we have been convinced that these aircraft can also shape and improve the rescue service of the future," explained Frédéric Bruder, Chief Executive Officer of ADAC Luftrettung, and emphasized: "With higher ranges and operational speeds as well as significantly more payload of the next generation of eVTOLs, we can also put the benefits for emergency care into practice – and fulfill our statutory mission to further develop the rescue service from the air with pioneering innovations." Dirk Hoke, Chief Executive Officer of Volocopter, said: "There is no better way to start Volocopter eVTOL operations in Germany than by saving lives. ADAC Luftrettung is the leading European rescue service with highly trained pilots and successful missions who believe in us to create a better future together. We have proven the emergency rescue use case works in theory, now we are concentrating on the delivery and execution to start test operations in Germany in 2024." The ADAC Luftrettung feasibility study and the opportunities for rapid emergency care using eVTOLs have also been met with great interest by the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, as they have joined forces with Groupe ADP to explore the deployment of ADAC Luftrettung's concept for multicopter operations in EMS also in the Paris region. About ADAC Luftrettung GmbHOperating more than 50 rescue helicopters out of 37 bases, the charitable ADAC air rescue service is one of the major HEMS organizations in Europe. The ADAC rescue helicopters are part of the German EMS system. If need be, they are requested by a rescue coordination center after a 112-emergency call and deployed to rescue injured or ill persons. "Racing against time and for life" is the motto of ADAC Luftrettung GmbH. One rule applies especially in the case of serious injuries or illness: the faster the patients are taken to an adequate hospital for treatment or attended to by an emergency doctor on site, the better are their chances of survival or convalescence. Since 2017, the organization has operated under the umbrella of the charitable ADAC foundation. About Volocopter Volocopter is building the world's first sustainable and scalable urban air mobility business to bring affordable air taxi services for goods and people to megacities worldwide. Volocopter leads and cooperates with partners in infrastructure, operations, and air traffic management to build the ecosystem necessary to "Bring Urban Air Mobility to Life." Volocopter has 500 employees in offices in Bruchsal, Munich, and Singapore, has completed over 1,500 successful public and private test flights, and has diverse investors, including Geely, NEOM, Mercedes-Benz Group, Intel Capital, and BlackRock. www.volocopter.com
A12 藝術空間
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