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SYDNEY, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SHEIN will bring an exclusive SS24 showroom experience to vibrant Sydney from 23rd - 26th August 2024. The highly anticipated event promises to be a celebration of style, showcasing SHEIN's latest arrivals for Spring/Summer 2024 across six collections, plus a new collaboration with renowned Australian designer Alice McCall. Visitors to the showroom will be able to shop items on display via QR code alongside enjoying free daily giveaways. Alice McCall's second collection is part of SHEIN X - the program under SHEIN to support independent brands, artists and designers - and features 65 pieces that capture McCall's signature feminine style and celebrates her 21 years of fashion design. The style icon first partnered with SHEIN in 2023 releasing a limited-edition capsule collection. "Following the success of my first collection with SHEIN that was available across the ANZ region and the United States, I am excited for my latest global collection and newest designs to be included in the SS24 showroom event in Sydney," said Alice. Discussing the inspiration behind her latest collection, which heroes intricate detailing and vibrant pieces, Alice revealed: "The concept of dopamine dressing, which is all about finding happiness in our sartorial choices, was a significant influence. I hold strong belief in the fact that the perfect ensemble can elevate our spirits, and with this in mind, the collection was designed to embody the essence of the 'look good, feel good' philosophy." SHEIN's SS24 showroom event will not only highlight the brand's fashion-forward collections but also serve as a platform for cultural exchange, fostering connections between fashion lovers and thought leaders. Alice McCall will participate in a highly anticipated panel discussion with other industry thought leaders sharing their perspective as to how fashion can inspire and play a role in our motivation. As SHEIN continues to redefine the industry with its unique on-demand business model, this event will spotlight how the global giant is making the beauty of fashion accessible to all. Capturing the essence of positivity and confidence, visitors to the SHEIN showroom will be able to immerse themselves in the unique styles of SHEIN's SS24 collections: Vcay - SHEIN VCAY features all your must-pack fashion essentials for a complete vacation style. Bae - SHEIN BAE serves you the latest sassy, head-turning fits for your next fun night out. Musera - A muse in your own era. Lune - Empowering all modern women with limitless style. Mod - SHEIN MOD is an eclectic collection of vibrant and historically cool styles for fun, bright retro looks. The SS24 showroom event follows successful SHEIN pop-ups across Australia, seven in total spanning Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and most recently, Perth. "We are thrilled to be bringing our SS24 showroom experience to Sydney, a city known for its vibrant fashion scene and discerning style enthusiasts," said a SHEIN spokesperson. "SHEIN has always been at the forefront of fashion, offering an unparalleled selection of the latest trends and unique styles at affordable price points." With SHEIN events across Australia attracting mass crowds, the SS24 showroom event will see the brand spotlight its innovative approach to fashion with curated collections that embody SHEIN's commitment to affordability, diversity, and inclusivity - infused with radiant colours, cool vintage aesthetics, and enchanting floral prints. SHEIN SS24 ShowroomWHERE: 65 York Street, SydneyWHEN: 23rd - 25th August, 10am-7pm | 26 August 10am-6pm
本文由OPEN 編輯部撰寫 世界四大設計獎之一的德國 iF 設計大獎(iF DESIGN AWARD),自1954年創辦至今,已在國際間擁有無可取代的指標性及前瞻性。2024年 iF 設計大獎由23個國家、132位設計界權威組成評審團,依據理念、外觀、功能、差異化與影響力等五項指標,自72國、破萬件參賽作品中,評選出最優良的設計之作。 基於品牌一貫的環保理念並契合屋主極簡的生活模式,屋媞設計 雷巧華 設計總監 以清新舒適的風格為基調,溫和的木質調搭配天然採光帶來療癒感,令整體氛圍更顯輕盈,打造出的簡約美作《閒・日和》帶來視覺和身心的享受外,還榮獲本屆賽事評審青睞,榮獲Winner殊榮,為品牌增添新輝! 屋媞設計雷巧華 設計總監 公司簡介屋媞室內裝修公司【爾雅・釋訓】媞,安也。一日美好。 WOTY, Word Of The Year.每件作品皆如精挑細選的年度代表,屋媞將此精神寄託於創作,致力展現房屋至美之貌。 我們運用創意思維,細膩勾勒輪廓,配合專業工藝,縝密雕琢細節,透過與業主誠摯溝通,盡心實踐其心中期盼,讓使用者置身於夢想屋宅,迎接日日之美好。 設計理念Less is more.將居所保留給生活,讓回憶為場域增輝。 居者作為家宅的主角,我們除卻多餘綴飾,挹注您的日常點滴,融匯設計美學與機能巧思,帶來舒適而純粹的起居,使記憶的暖流漫淌於理想之境,令住者於韶光的流動中,感受雋永而純粹的幸福。 獲獎紀錄2023美國 TITAN Property Award - Gold法國 Novum Design Award - Silver美國 Muse Design Awards - Silver法國 DNA Paris Design Award - Honorable Mention英國 Outstanding Property Award London - Honorable Mention美國 International Design Awards - Honorable Mention 獲獎作品《閒・日和》 ▲餐廚區的吧台高度經過細心規劃,既保有視野通透性,亦可將廚房器具均藏於檯面下;其側邊與質感樸實的實木餐桌椅相連,上方分別搭配白色軌道燈與黑色吊燈,一者為料理時聚焦燈光,方便作業,一者則為氣氛燈,於日常中渲染別致氛圍。 ▲客廳裝設便於存放日常用品的大型收納櫃,為了兼顧櫃體深度與電視牆的輕盈感,採取深淺不一的方正造型打造前後層次,下方統一鋪設木紋層板,取得整體視覺平衡。 ▲多功能用途區窗前規劃為女主人自制藝品與裁縫的手作區,裝設可調光的風琴簾,保護雙眼方便進行精細手工,桌面則特別從實木場挑選原料、裁切造型,並保留部分原始木皮,為室內環境增添自然氣息。 ▲主臥室刻意以推拉門弱化門框,使門片輕巧地融入牆面,並選用木質家具搭配留白手法,延續公領域的舒心溫馨調性,而床頭簡約造型的暖光吊燈,亦為休憩時分綴點恬靜之意。 OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/
本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫 「在有限的空間中,創造無限的可能」是 藝喆設計 彭俊中 設計總監 抱有的設計理念,也是他每件驚艷之作的原點。本次,OPEN團隊有幸邀請到甫獲得2024美國MUSE鉑金獎的總監進行訪談,藉其平緩實在的語調,一窺他一路走來的心路歷程與箇中況味,如何化作藝喆設計的養分,於眾人視野開花結果。 藝喆設計 彭俊中 設計總監 自踏入室內設計業,彭俊中總監歷經國際設計公司、建築師事務所等多樣歷練,將過往工作經驗、經手過的場域化為優秀室設技術,相佐「視使用者為空間中心」的思維,和業主共同摸索最貼近生活的場域,期許創造居者、設計師雙贏的理想局面。 (圖)藝喆設計作品《釀粹 · 悠淳》 定下志趣 穩步面對挑戰 每個人有各自的時區,在不同時間摸索出自身的志向,對彭總監而言,那個階段是高職時期;他在就讀美工科時察覺對室內設計的興趣,成為他踏入業界的契機,「我發現自己很喜歡做視覺美學及3D立體概念這一塊,後來決定轉到室內設計科,一直做到現在。」 「一路上當然遇到不少挑戰,像我剛出社會時受到滿大的衝擊,因為學校教的都是基本功,但業界還需要會實務面的工程知識,導致我和工班的溝通不太順利。」彭總監娓娓道來往事,「後來多花兩、三倍時間在工地,請教師傅跟職場前輩,才把所有施作過程、工法,還有材料的特性跟專業名詞弄懂。」不斷發問、持續學習,若是施工團隊在案場加班到晚上十點,彭總監便願意在工地鑽研到凌晨兩點,透過記錄不解的地方逐步釐清,踏實地補上欠缺的知識,直到成為獨當一面的設計師。 (圖)藝喆設計作品《鴻賓大飯店》 貴人相助 吸收建議經驗 一步一腳印的彭總監,也在努力過程中遇到一生的貴人──他當時的上司。「他跟我說:『不要埋頭苦幹,要學會抬頭做事情。』意思是說我一直埋著頭做事,別人會看不見我做了什麼,我反而應該好好去看他人給我怎樣的公評、業主有哪些需求,把那些完整做好。」這位主管不只建立彭總監此後做事的態度,也對他做設計和工程的理念造成深遠影響。 「另一個他常告訴我的觀點是:『做什麼案子,就要抓到那個場域的主軸。』我過去待的設計公司很大,會經手飯店、電影院、展演廳類型的空間,它們的法規、工法、能用的材料特性等都有差異,從中能獲得的歷練也不同。」總監舉例,電影院注重隔音、飯店有材料消防法規……這些豐富經驗成為他日後的助力,無論是將阻音知識運用到怕噪音的業主房屋、可詳盡確認老屋翻修的防水工程重點、對商空消防法規的深入研究,都帶給客戶更全面的品質保障,「我們現在有幸得到設計飯店的機會,也有這部份的原因,我很感謝前公司。」 對「主軸」的思考關注,同樣融入彭總監的設計心法,他操刀空間擁有一套自己的優先順序。「對我來說,實用設計的重要性大於美感,先完成業主所需再去美化,打造符合對方喜好的高品質作品,第三個是清潔保養,因為往後維護的方便性對使用者的影響很大。」 (圖)藝喆設計作品《Accumulation》 創立藝喆 品牌寓意雙贏 活用過去的工作經驗,彭總監創立自身的品牌藝喆設計,並和我們分享其名由來:「藝喆的藝是藝術的藝,因為做室內設計和美學脫不了關係;喆由兩個吉組成,我們以吉代表人,而兩個人象徵業主方跟創作方,期許雙方共創雙贏。」這份理念同樣表現在藝喆的公司logo上,中心的圓是吉的「口」字,外側的線條則出自將「士」字放在上下左右,調整繪製而成,「好的作品應該是屋主、設計師、工程廠商都要滿意,也意味著一次良好的團隊合作。」 「藝喆還有一個諧音,是買東西打『一折』的意思,讓人家有一個比較容易記住的點。」總監笑道,「另外也代表,我的服務是很實在的,我對自己的專業有自信,不會隨意拉抬費用、去追求或給人要犧牲品質的折扣。我覺得設計跟待人處事一樣,要合乎道理。」 而藝喆設計的核心概念「在有限空間創造無限可能」,則意指在每間房屋不同的結構與環境條件下,業主的喜好、個性有百百種,以使用者為主軸的設計師也要隨之變通,追求各式各樣的可能,讓整個空間成為對方喜歡的模樣,「真正住在裡面的人才是主角,我們只是配角,用專業替他們佈置家宅。」 (圖)藝喆設計logo (圖)藝喆設計作品《Accumulation》 共同摸索 場域環繞主軸 正因客戶是空間的主軸,彭總監初次討論時會先確認使用成員、屋況等條件,再以輕鬆的方式聊天,從不同角度一同尋找每位業主喜愛的風格,明確大致方向,下次開會時彼此就能更順利地溝通,「但這個過程其實更像屋主跟自己談話,他需要什麼、每件事對他的重要性,他會最清楚,我提問跟聆聽的時間比較多。」 「這樣創作出來的作品,會以業主為核心產生很強的凝聚力。」彭總監細說,有些家庭的中心在餐廳、一些人們期許充分的私人領域、商空的客席跟作業區如何平衡……何況現代小家、微型商空潮流逐漸興起,他相信,唯有給未來的使用者足夠時間了解自身需求、思考優先順位跟取捨,方能打造出最舒適的場域。「每當看見我們的設計讓對方感到喜悅,我也很有成就感。」 「用高水準的美感設計完成業主需求,對我來說是最重要的。」初次接受專訪,藝喆設計 彭俊中 設計總監 侃談步入設計業至今的挑戰和收穫,言談間展現出對客戶的重視,以及對自身設計的信心;相信未來,他也將繼續保持這份心念踏實精進自我,帶領藝喆打造更多創作方與屋主「雙贏」的空間! OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:https://www.openworld.tv/
SYDNEY, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As the Winter chill sets in, we look towards Spring/Summer 24 seasons heralding fresh trends that promise to renew and invigorate our wardrobes, the opportunity to energise our style. Australian fashion designer Alice McCall has once again joined forces with retail giant SHEIN to unveil her second collaboration with the brand, available to shop now, and in doing so, has shared her Spring/Summer 24 trend predictions. "Bold and strong floral prints are making a comeback for SS24," said Alice. "Playing with scale to complement the female silhouette, bold prints help make a statement and allow the wearer to express their personality. "The resurgence of vintage and retro patterns marks an exciting revival of styles from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It's a fashionable homage to bygone eras, capturing the essence of nostalgia and bringing classic flair back into modern wardrobes. "This trend celebrates the timeless beauty of past designs, infusing contemporary fashion with a sense of history and charm. It's not just about revisiting old trends; it's about reinterpreting them in a way that resonates with today's fashion enthusiasts. "There is also a place for textured fabrics this Spring/Summer - lace, crochet, ruffles - all will add a tactical dimension that elevates a garment. When it comes to must-haves for Spring/Summer, Alice remarked: "retro, mini dresses, maxi dresses, strong female form, and body-hugging silhouettes." "The biggest trend will be embracing the warmth and boldness of the season, celebrating the positivity and feeling happy about it. It's an invitation to bask in the glow of sunny days, to embrace a positive outlook and to cherish the joy that comes with it," said Alice. SHEIN and Alice McCALL have curated six Spring/Summer 24 collections, including the latest SHEIN X Alice McCALL range to celebrate the upcoming seasons. All about vibrant colours, cool vintage styles, floral prints and strong female silhouettes that capture the essence of positivity and confidence: SHEIN x Alice McCALL - fun, flirty and chic pattern plays. Vcay - SHEIN VCAY features all your must-pack fashion essentials for a complete vacation style. Bae - SHEIN BAE serves you the latest sassy, head-turning fits for your next fun night out. Musera - A muse in your own era. Lune - Empowering all modern women with limitless style. Mod - SHEIN MOD is an eclectic collection of vibrant and historically cool styles for fun, bright retro looks. For all media enquiries, please contact:shein@glowbored.com, +617 3556 7756, +612 9059 2502 About SHEIN SHEIN is a global online fashion and lifestyle retailer, offering SHEIN branded apparel and products from a global network of vendors, all at affordable prices. Headquartered in Singapore, SHEIN remains committed to making the beauty of fashion accessible to all, promoting its industry-leading, on-demand production methodology for a smarter, future-ready industry. To learn more about SHEIN, visit www.sheingroup.com.
香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年8月8日 - 由數碼港主辦的年度盛事「數碼娛樂領袖論壇2024」(Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum,簡稱DELF)將於8月16日至18日在數碼港舉行。本年度主題為「想像遊樂園:人工智能驅動Web 3.0娛樂創新」,現場將有行業論壇、體驗專區、工作坊以及競賽,讓參加者置身一個充滿活力的嘉年華,共同探索人工智能(AI)在數碼娛樂及智慧生活領域的創新應用,並親身體驗虛實無縫融合的樂趣。 DELF 2024互動體驗區設有四大主題,近50種體驗活動,為大眾帶來具互動性及個性化的娛樂及智慧生活體驗。分別為:「智慧生活」主題,可體驗ChatsOK用於教育和培訓的互動式人工智能對話機器人、科大訊飛的AI同聲傳譯技術、DIGITAL MUSE融合藝術和科技,由AI驅動即時生成專屬個人皇后影像的「魔法鏡」等;「機械人技術」主題,將重點展示宇樹科技可自主行走和奔跑的人形機器人Unitree H1及UBTech可進行太極演示的人工智能機器人Walker X、「R2C2 ARC平臺」可監控、控制和分配自動化巡邏任務的機器人隊伍;在「運動與遊戲」主題中,Z Challenger的香港製作團隊利用地理空間數據繪製地圖還原香港實際地形,開發的實景模擬賽車遊戲等;而「藝術與文化」主題,將呈現「梵谷數碼故鄉」,以創新的藝術科技(Art Tech)提高市民對藝術文化及自然保育的意識、展出全球首個人工智能水墨藝術家A.I. GEMINI的真跡作品等。 一連三日的活動匯聚一眾數碼娛樂龍頭企業代表及星級講者,探討AI、高效能運算(HPC)和Web 3.0等新興科技,如何塑造數碼娛樂及智慧生活的未來。論壇邀請到逾30位分別來自微軟、思科、阿里巴巴、百度、富士康、小紅書、Dell、NVIDIA、BytePlus、Meta、teamLab、9GAG & Memeland、ESRI、天下一旗下FATface等多家國際及本地知名科技企業的星級專家,以及香港理工大學、香港浸會大學、康乃爾大學等院校代表出席參與論壇研討會,分享利用AI及Web 3.0等科技推動數碼娛樂、文化旅遊、智慧生活變革的專業見解。 數碼港行政總裁鄭松岩博士表示:「人工智能及其應用正處於高速發展階段,且正在與各行各業深度融合,成為產業升級轉型的關鍵。數碼港專注發展的人工智能生態圈已成相關產業發展的引擎,現時我們已匯聚200家企業,專注於人工智能和數據科學的研發、應用及基礎建設。與此同時,數碼港作為香港的Web 3.0大本營,一直致力打造蓬勃的第三代互聯網生態圈,促進有關產業發展。今屆『數碼娛樂領袖論壇2024』圍繞人工智能及Web 3.0兩大科技範疇,展示無數以科技創新的意念,為大眾生活、娛樂體驗,以至不同行業的營運模式,帶來耳目一新的改變。」 為了鼓勵大眾探索各種數碼娛樂體驗,DELF 2024準備了「邊玩邊賺」活動,結合了遊戲和獎勵系統,公眾可以在入場前開設「邊玩邊賺」平台帳戶,然後透過到訪四大體驗區內的不同指定地點完成任務。贏取包括手提電腦、無人機、拍攝鏡頭、兒童機械人、音箱、遊戲機、戲票、餐飲及消閒禮券等,超過300份豐富獎品。活動現場亦設有AI互動工作坊,包括機械人編程、飛行模擬、遊戲開發、混音等主題,以及眾多精彩紛呈的表演和比賽,當中有AI Everywhere Robotics Esports Invitational 2024 (GBA)、智慧香港扶輪社樂齡電競及體驗日、From Player to Page 英文寫作比賽、香港遊戲創作協會比賽、NEXX Digital Entertainment Leader Awards頒獎禮等。 關於DELF2024及演講嘉賓陣容的詳情,請瀏覽:http://delf.cyberport.hk/。 請點擊此處下載高清新聞圖片。 相片一: 由數碼港主辦的年度盛事「數碼娛樂領袖論壇2024」將於8月16日至18日舉行,本年度主題為「想像遊樂園:人工智能驅動Web 3.0娛樂創新」。 (左四起至右三:數碼港首席企業發展官朱美恩、數碼港行政總裁鄭松岩博士及數碼港數碼娛樂組高級經理梁德明以及五間現場展示創新產品的企業代表) 相片二: 簡報會即場展示利用人工智能技術生成的數碼港行政總裁鄭松岩博士影片。 相片三:數碼港首席企業發展官朱美恩,於傳媒簡報會上分享AI及數碼娛樂新趨勢。 相片四:數碼港數碼娛樂組高級經理梁德明分享DELF 2024活動亮點。 相片五至九:傳媒簡報會同場邀請了五間初創公司展示體驗項目,包括科大訊飛的奇思妙問、淘雲科技的兒童AI玩伴、Laurry &Co.的AI培訓、HTC的漫遊巴黎聖母院及MateZ Lab 的AI 嶺南瓷藝。 Hashtag: #DELF #數碼娛樂領袖論壇發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於數碼港數碼港作為香港數碼科技旗艦及創業培育基地,匯聚超過 2,000 間社群企業,包括超過 900 間駐園區及超過 1,100 間非駐園區的初創企業和科技公司,由香港特別行政區政府全資擁有的香港數碼港管理有限公司管理。數碼港的願景是以創新科技為數字經濟及智慧城市發展注入新動力,引領企業聯通海内外市場。數碼港透過培育創新科技人才、鼓勵年輕人創業、扶植初創企業,致力創造蓬勃的創科生態圈;藉著與本地、内地及國際策略夥伴合作,促進科技產業發展;同時加快公私營機構採用數碼科技推行數碼轉型,推動新經濟與傳統經濟融合。 詳情請瀏覽: www.cyberport.hk
HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 8 August 2024 - The annual Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum (DELF) 2024, organised by Cyberport, will be held from August 16 to 18 at the Cyberport campus. This year's theme is "Imaginary Fairground: AI-Powered Entertainment in the Web 3.0 Era". The event will feature industry forums, experiential zones, workshops, and competitions, allowing attendees to immerse themselves in a vibrant carnival atmosphere. Together, they will explore the innovative applications of AI in the digital entertainment and smart living domains, and personally experience the seamless integration of the virtual and physical realms. The DELF 2024 Experience Zone will feature four major themes with nearly 50 experiential activities, bringing the public interactive and personalised entertainment experiences. The "Smart Lifestyle" theme allows attendees to experience ChatsOK, an interactive AI chatbot used for education and training, IFLYTEK's AI simultaneous interpretation technology, as well as DIGITAL MUSE, a fusion of art and technology that generates personalised "Queen" images in real-time powered by AI. The "Robotics" section will highlight Unitree Robotics' self-walking and running humanoid robots, Unitree H1, UBTech's Walker X that can perform Tai Chi, and the "R2C2 ARC platform" that enables users to monitor, control, and distribute automated patrol and inspection tasks. In the "Sports & Gaming" theme, the Hong Kong-based "Z Challenger" uses geospatial data to recreate Hong Kong's actual terrain, developing an immersive racing simulation game. The "Culture & Arts" theme will present the "Van Gogh DigiVillage", using innovative art technology (Art Tech) to raise awareness of art, culture, and nature conservation, as well as showcase the works of the world's first AI ink wash artist, A.I. GEMINI. The three-day event will bring together representatives from leading digital entertainment companies and distinguished speakers to explore how emerging technologies such as AI, high-performance computing (HPC), and Web 3.0 are shaping the future of digital entertainment and smart living. Over 30 experts from international and local tech giants, including Microsoft, Cisco, Alibaba, Baidu, Foxconn, Xiaohongshu, Dell, NVIDIA, BytePlus, Meta, teamLab, 9GAG & Memeland, ESRI, FATface Production, member of OneCool Group, as well as the representatives from academic institutions such as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Cornell University, will share their professional insights on leveraging AI, Web 3.0 and other technologies to drive the transformation of digital entertainment, cultural tourism, and smart living. Dr Rocky Cheng, CEO of Cyberport, said, "AI and its applications are rapidly evolving and deeply integrating with various industries, becoming a critical driver for industrial upgrading and transformation. The AI ecosystem that Cyberport focuses on developing has become an engine for the growth of related industries. We have gathered 200 companies specialising in R&D, application, and infrastructure for AI and data science. At the same time, Cyberport, Hong Kong's Web 3.0 hub, has been dedicated to promoting the development of related technologies. This year's DELF 2024 will focus on the two major technology clusters of AI and Web 3.0, showcasing countless innovative ideas. Through technology, it aims to bring refreshing changes to everyday life, entertainment experiences, and operational models across various industries." To encourage the public to explore diverse digital entertainment experiences, DELF 2024 has prepared a "Play-to-Earn" activity that combines gaming and reward systems. Attendees can set up a "Play-to-Earn" platform account platform account prior to entering the event, and then complete tasks at the four major experiential zones to win over 300 prizes, including laptops, drones, camera gear, children's robot, speakers, video game consoles, event tickets, dining vouchers, and leisure vouchers. In addition, the event will feature spectacular performances and competitions such as the AI Everywhere Robotics Esports Invitational 2024 (GBA), Elderly eSport Tournament & Experience Day, the From Player to Page English Writing Competition, Hong Kong Game Development – Competition, the award presentation ceremony of NEXX AI for Entertainment and more. For detailed information about the Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum 2024 and the complete lineup of speakers, please visit: http://delf.cyberport.hk/ or refer to the attachment of this press release. For high-resolution photos, please download via this link. Photo 1: The annual Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum (DELF) 2024, organised by Cyberport, will be held from August 16 to 18 at the Cyberport campus. This year’s theme is "Imaginary Fairground: AI-Powered Entertainment in the Web 3.0 Era". (From Forth of Left to Third of Right: Georgina Chu, Chief Corporate Development Officer of Cyberport, Dr Rocky Cheng, CEO of Cyberport, and Terence Leung, Cyberport Senior Manager of Digital Entertainment with the Representatives from today media briefing showcases) Photo 2: The briefing session showcased a video of Dr Rocky Cheng, CEO of Cyberport, generated in real time using AI technology. Photo 3: Georgina Chu, Chief Corporate Development Officer of Cyberport introduced the trend and insights of AI and digital entertainment in the media briefing session. Photo 4: Terence Leung, Cyberport Senior Manager of Digital Entertainment of Cyberport shared the highlights of DELF 2024. Photo 5 - 9: Cyberport invited five startup companies to showcase their projects during the media briefing session, including IFLYTEK’s Wonderful Question Classroom, ToyCloud’s AI Companion Robot, Laurry & Co.’s AI Training, HTC’s Exploring the Virtual Notre-Dame de Paris, MetaZ Lab’s AI Lingnan Cultural Traces. Hashtag: #DELFThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.About Cyberport:Cyberport is Hong Kong's digital technology flagship and incubator for entrepreneurship with over 2,000 members including over 900 onsite and over 1,100 offsite start-ups and technology companies. It is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, wholly owned by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and committed to the vision to inject new impetus into digital economy and smart city development through innovation and technology, and to connect enterprises to Mainland China and overseas markets. Cyberport strives to nurture a vibrant tech ecosystem by cultivating talents, promoting entrepreneurship among the youth, supporting start-ups, fostering technology industry development by promoting strategic collaboration with local, Mainland Chinese and international partners, and integrating new and traditional economies by accelerating digital transformation in public and private sectors.
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