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符合「EPYC 8004」新聞搜尋結果, 共 12 篇 ,以下為 1 - 12 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
AMD完備第4代EPYC產品系列 推出專為雲端服務、智慧邊緣與電信領域打造的AMD EPYC 8004處理器

AMD(NASDAQ: AMD)宣布推出全新AMD EPYC™ 8004系列處理器,揭示第4代AMD EPYC CPU家族的工作負載最佳化處理器陣容全數就位。全新處理器將“Zen 4c”核心導入至特定用途CPU,可幫助硬體供應商打造高能源效率的差異化平台,進而為零售、製造與電信等智慧邊緣應用以及雲端服務、儲存等資料中心應用提供動能。   AMD資深副總裁暨伺服器事業群總經理Dan McNamara表示,全新EPYC 8004系列處理器延續AMD在單插槽平台的領先優勢,藉由經過調校的封裝提供卓越的CPU能源效率,能夠在空間與供電受限的情況下滿足基礎架構需求。AMD推出多代的資料中心處理器,提供卓越的效率、效能以及創新功能。現在隨著第4代EPYC處理器產品組合全面完備,AMD持續將領先優勢拓展至企業與雲端、智慧邊緣、技術運算領域等更廣泛的工作負載。   為傳統資料中心與智慧邊緣帶來效率與效能 AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器將第4代EPYC產品系列的效能與效率領先優勢進一步拓展到追求強勁效能,同時對能源效率、平台密度以及靜音運行有著嚴苛要求的市場。客戶和合作夥伴可藉由AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器取得以下優勢: ·         為智慧邊緣提供出色能源效率:EPYC 8004系列處理器採用高效率“Zen 4c”核心與全新SP6插槽,帶來加速記憶體和I/O功能,相較競品的頂級網路型號產品,在SPECpower®基準測試中每系統瓦數可帶來高達2倍的效能優勢註1。 ·         均衡的效能:身處在必須因應空間與基礎架構受限環境而發揮極致每瓦效能的產業,AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器提供邊緣所需的均衡效能與卓越能源效率。在視訊編碼工作負載中,EPYC 8534P處理器相較對手同等級網路產品可提供高達2.4倍的每系統瓦數每小時總幀數註2。在物聯網邊緣閘道器工作負載中,搭載8核心EPYC 8024P處理器的伺服器相較競品的8核心處理器,提供約1.8倍的單8kW機架總吞吐量效能提升註3。 ·         為智慧邊緣部署最佳化節能效益:智慧邊緣部署的重點在於更小的伺服器節點,而不是資料中心中所需要的全機架。在智慧邊緣部署1、3、或10部伺服器時,搭載AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器的伺服器能比競品發揮更好的能源效率,不僅在5年期間為客戶省下數千美元的能源支出,更帶來更好的核心密度與更高的吞吐量註4。   強韌與創新的產業體系 此外,眾多OEM廠商與合作夥伴發表一系列獨特系統與解決方案,完整發揮AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器的功能優勢,可在寬泛的營運範圍工作,滿足供電與溫度的要求,並在高密度資料中心、市區電信大樓、甚至是工廠等極端環境中部署。   戴爾科技集團發表Dell PowerEdge C6615伺服器,系統的高效率規格以更低的總擁有成本(TCO)發揮最佳化的高效能,可橫向擴充至容器與微服務等工作負載。   戴爾科技集團基礎架構解決方案事業群產品管理資深副總裁Travis Vigil表示,搭載第4代AMD EPYC處理器的Dell PowerEdge C6615專為特定用途打造,在密度最佳化的機身中發揮最優異的每瓦效能與性價比。此解決方案經過精心設計,可在氣冷式環境中最大化運算效能,無須變更供電或散熱條件。結合Dell OpenManage Enterprise軟體後,我們讓雲端服務供應商能透過智慧功能監控其系統,提供更高效率的運算服務。   憑藉AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器,愛立信推出Cloud RAN運算加速解決方案,能夠管理巨大的流量成長,並透過具能源效率與高效能的方式運用行動網路。處理器的核心密度和AVX512功能也能夠處理具有FDD和TDD光譜的大量負載環境之流量概況。   愛立信Cloud RAN負責人Mårten Lerner表示,愛立信長久以來一直堅定不移地推動Open RAN發展,我們致力於透過與合作夥伴和客戶的緊密合作,持續開發尖端解決方案。透過與AMD的策略合作,愛立信將此次發表視為關鍵的基石,加速推動在能源效率、效能提升與大容量解決方案等領域的Cloud RAN技術發展。此外,這讓我們能夠為客戶的Cloud RAN發展提供更多選項,同時為Cloud RAN部署帶來更多靈活性,以增強效能和安全的大容量解決方案為目標,滿足提供5G連接及更高標準的需求。   聯想宣布最新旗艦級邊緣最佳化伺服器的全新Lenovo ThinkEdge SE455 V3,是目前最具能源效率的伺服器,可在邊緣執行新一代AI應用,並提供最頂尖的效能、儲存與擴充能力,透過這些關鍵能力支援大規模與要求嚴苛的邊緣AI工作負載。   聯想副總裁暨邊緣運算與電信總經理Charles Ferland表示,聯想持續透過突破性的創新與設計推動邊緣運算的發展,並將AI直接交付到業務的所在地。Lenovo ThinkEdge SE455 V3憑藉全新AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器的卓越效能,為邊緣提供無與倫比的運算效能與效率,釋放資料智慧(data intelligence)並實現新一代AI應用,同時以更緊湊、更安靜的設計降低功耗,即使在最嚴苛的遠距環境中也能穩定執行。   Microsoft Azure則強調他們對EPYC 8004系列處理器的推出感到無比振奮,Azure Edge PM企業副總裁Bernardo Caldas表示,我們很高興看到AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器的推出。零售與製造等產業客戶在邊緣執行Microsoft Azure服務時,將能從EPYC 8004系列獨特的能源、效能以及環境能力獲得極大助益。我們期待攜手AMD與OEM合作夥伴進一步合作,為市場帶來這些全新解決方案。   美超微(Supermicro)推出採用AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器的全新邊緣平台。基於Supermicro H13世代WIO伺服器,這些最佳化平台為邊緣與電信資料中心提供強勁效能與能源效率。   美超微歐洲、中東和非洲地區總裁暨WW FAE解決方案與業務部資深副總裁Vik Malyala表示,美超微標準機架式以及NEBS電信標準認證的短深度系統搭載全新AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器,是執行各種工作負載的理想選擇。這些全新處理器提升了每核心效能、降低了熱設計功耗(TDP),同時延長了生命週期支援,加上美超微採用AC/DC(交直流)供電選項的創新節能伺服器,為我們的客戶提供卓越價值,並擴大對智慧邊緣與新一代電信市場的支援。   AMD EPYC 8004系列處理器產品陣容 型號 核心數/ 執行緒 基礎/ 提升頻率註5 (GHz) L3 快取 記憶體 (MB) DDR通道/ 最大記憶體 容量 DDR5 最大頻率 (MHz) (1DPC) PCIe® 5 通道 預設 熱設計功耗 (TDP) (瓦) cTDP (瓦) TCase 執行 溫度範圍 (°C) 8534P 64/128 2.3/3.1 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 200 155-225 0-75 8534PN 64/128 2.0/3.1 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 175 - -5-85 8434P 48/96 2.5/3.1 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 200 155-225 0-75 8434PN 48/96 2.0/3.0 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 155 - -5-85 8324P 32/64 2.65/3.0 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 180 155-225 0-75 8324PN 32/64 2.05/3.0 128 6/1.152TB 4800 96 130 - -5-85 8224P 24/48 2.55/3.0 64 6/1.152TB 4800 96 160 155-225 0-75 8224PN 24/48 2.0/3.0 64 6/1.152TB 4800 96 120 - -5-85 8124P 16/32 2.45/3.0 64 6/1.152TB 4800 96 125 120-150 0-75 8124PN 16/32 2.0/3.0 64 6/1.152TB 4800 96 100 - -5-85 8024P 8/16 2.4/3.0 32 6/1.152TB 4800 96 90 70-100 0-75 8024PN 8/16 2.05/3.0 32 6/1.152TB 4800 96 80 - -5-85

文章來源 : 世紀奧美 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5730 加入收藏 :
Supermicro 為電訊運營商推出多款基於新型 AMD EPYC™ 8004 系列處理器的高密度、低功耗邊緣平台

全新 Supermicro H13 WIO 系列包括符合 NEBS 標準的系統,提供交流或直流電源選項,起始 TDP 僅為 80 瓦,可擴展至 64 核 -- 為智能邊緣和電訊應用帶來高能效、靈活配置和平台密度 加州聖何西 2023 年 9 月 19 日 /美通社/ -- Supermicro, Inc (納斯達克股票代碼:SMCI) 為雲端、AI/ML、儲存和 5G/邊緣的全方位 IT 解決方案供應商,宣佈推出基於 AMD 的 Supermicro H13 代際 WIO 伺服器,該伺服器經過優化,採用全新AMD EPYC™ 8004 系列處理器,可為邊緣和電訊數據中心提供強大的效能和能效。全新 Supermicro H13 WIO 和短深度前置 I/O 系統提供高能效的單插槽伺服器,降低了企業、電訊和邊緣應用的營運成本。這些系統設計有密集的外形尺寸和用於靈活的儲存和網路 I/O 選項,使新伺服器成為部署在邊緣網路中的理想選擇。 搭載 AMD EPYC 8004 系列處理器的 Supermicro 系統   Supermicro 董事長兼行政總裁 Charles Liang 表示:「我們很高興能夠擴展基於 AMD EPYC 的伺服器產品,這些產品經過優化,能夠為數據中心網路和邊緣運算提供出色的總擁有成本 (TCO) 和能效。」「全新 Supermicro H13 WIO 系統採用 PCIe 5.0 和 DDR5-4800MHz 記憶體,為邊緣應用提供了巨大的效能,是我們已經處於行業領先地位的邊緣至雲端的巨量儲存平台 IT 解決方案的補充。」 進一步瞭解最新 Supermicro H13 產品線。 Supermicro H13 WIO 平台是單插槽伺服器,採用 AMD EPYC 8004 系列 CPU,高達 64 核心,支援最新的 PCIe 5.0 x16 插槽。1U 短深度版本採用前置 I/O 設計,外形緊湊,支持 3 個 PCIe 5.0 擴展插槽。它比傳統伺服器更安靜,工作溫度最高可達 40~55°C,具體取決於處理器內核數。全新 WIO 伺服器使用鈦電源,提升能效,從而提高整體系統的效能/瓦數。 註冊 Supermicro 和 AMD 網路研討會 AMD 公司伺服器產品和技術行銷副總裁 Lynn Comp 表示:「我們很高興能與 Supermicro 緊密合作,提供多款採用全新 AMD EPYC 8004 系列處理器的應用優化系統。隨著這一最新聲明的發佈,Supermicro 將繼續向市場提供令人印象深刻的系統產品組合,以滿足電訊運營商和服務供應商對效能、能效和系統成本的重要需求。」 短深度版本採用前置 I/O 設計,外形緊湊,比傳統伺服器更安靜。它非常適合受空間和散熱限制的電訊和邊緣部署。該系統還提供交流和直流選項,並採用符合 NEBS 標準的設計,適用於電訊相關業務。總之,AMD EPYC 8004 系列 CPU 是一款功能強大、用途廣泛的處理器,可幫助電訊公司提高網路效能、效率和安全性。 AMD EPYC 8004 系列處理器將高能效的「Zen 4c」內核架構引入專用 CPU,實現高能效的獨特平台,可為智慧邊緣和數據中心伺服器部署提供運算動力。該系列處理器具有較低的內核數、較寬的散熱範圍以及低至 80W 的 TDP 範圍,最高 TDP 為 200W。利用全新 SP6 插座、高能效的「Zen 4c」理器內核、高成本效益的系統設計以及散熱和聲學特性,可部署在電力緊張、密度較低的數據中心,以及邊緣、零售、電訊等不斷增長的「數據中心以外」應用中。先進的安全性,包括安全記憶體加密 (SME) 和安全嵌套分頁,有助於保護電訊網路免受網路攻擊。邊緣運算使處理和儲存更接近數據產生的地方,受益於 Supermicro 伺服器更小的外形尺寸和更低的功耗。 欲瞭解更多資訊,敬請造訪 Supermicro Aplus 網站 關於 Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro(納斯達克股票代碼: SMCI)是應用最佳化的一站式 IT 解決方案的全球領導者。Supermicro 在加利福尼亞州聖荷西創立並經營,致力於為企業、雲端、AI 和 5G 電信/邊緣 IT 基礎設施提供市場創新。我們正在轉變為提供伺服器、AI、儲存、物聯網、交換系統、軟體和服務的一站式 IT 解決方案提供商,同時帶來先進的大容量主板、電源和機箱產品。這些產品在公司內部設計和製造(美國、亞洲和荷蘭),利用全球運營來實現規模和效率,經過最佳化以改善擁有權總成本 (TCO) 並減少環境影響(綠色計算)。屢獲殊榮的 Server Building Block Solutions® 產品組合允許客戶從廣泛的系統中進行選擇,從而精確地最佳化其工作負載和應用。這些系統基於我們靈活且可重複使用的構建塊,支持各種各樣的外形尺寸、處理器、記憶體、繪圖處理器、儲存、網路、電源和冷卻解決方案(冷氣機、自然風冷或液冷)。 Supermicro、Server Building Block Solutions 和 We Keep IT Green 是 Super Micro Computer, Inc. 的商標和/或註冊商標。  AMD、AMD 箭頭標誌、EPYC 及其組合皆為 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商標和/或註冊商標。 所有其他品牌、名稱和商標均為其各自所有者的財產。    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1242 加入收藏 :
Supermicro Introduces a Number of Density and Power Optimized Edge Platforms for Telco Providers, Based on the New AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series Processor

The New Supermicro H13 WIO Family Includes Systems that are NEBS Compliant, Offer AC or DC Power Options, and Start at Only 80 Watts TDP with Scaling Up to 64 Cores -- Delivering Energy Efficiency, Flexible Configurations, and Platform Density for Intelligent Edge and Telco Applications SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for Cloud, AI/ML, Storage, and 5G/Edge, is announcing the AMD based Supermicro H13 generation of WIO Servers, optimized to deliver strong performance and energy efficiency for edge and telco datacenters powered by the new AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series processors. The new Supermicro H13 WIO and short-depth front I/O systems deliver energy-efficient single socket servers that lower operating costs for enterprise, telco, and edge applications. These systems are designed with a dense form factor and flexible I/O options for storage and networking, making the new servers ideal for deploying in edge networks. Supermicro Systems with AMD EPYC 8004 Series Processors "We are excited to expand our AMD EPYC-based server offerings optimized to deliver excellent TCO and energy efficiency for data center networking and edge computing," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "Adding to our already industry leading edge-to-cloud rack scale IT solutions, the new Supermicro H13 WIO systems with PCIe 5.0 and DDR5-4800MHz memory show tremendous performance for edge applications." Learn more about the latest Supermicro H13 product line. Supermicro H13 WIO platforms are single-socket servers powered by AMD EPYC 8004 Series CPUs with up to 64 cores, supporting the latest PCIe 5.0 x16 slots. The 1U short-depth version is designed with front I/O in a compact form factor solution supporting 3 PCIe 5.0 slots for expansion. It is quieter than traditional servers and with an operating temperature of up to 40~55°C, depending on the processor core count. The new WIO servers use Titanium power supplies, which increases energy efficiency, resulting in higher performance/watt for the entire system. Register for the Supermicro and AMD Webinar "We are excited to work closely with Supermicro to deliver several application optimized systems that incorporate the new AMD EPYC 8004 Series processors. With this latest announcement, Supermicro continues to deliver an impressive portfolio of systems to market to address the needs of telco operators and service providers, where performance, energy efficiency, and system cost are of utmost importance." said Lynn Comp, corporate vice president, Server Product and Technology Marketing, AMD. The short-depth version is designed with front I/O in a compact form factor solution and is quieter than traditional servers. It is ideal for telco and edge deployments with space and thermal limitations. The system also offers AC and DC options and features NEBS compliant design for telco-related operations. Overall, the AMD EPYC 8004 Series CPU is a powerful and versatile processor that helps telcos improve their networks' performance, efficiency, and security. AMD EPYC 8004 Series processors bring the energy efficient 'Zen 4c' core architecture into a purpose-built CPU to enable energy efficient, unique platforms that can power compute in intelligent edge and data center server deployments. With a lower core count CPU and wide thermal ranges and TDP ranges as low as 80W, with a top TDP of 200W. Utilizing the new SP6 socket, energy-efficient 'Zen 4c' processor cores, cost-efficient system designs, and thermal and acoustic characteristics to allow deployment in power-constrained, lower density data centers as well as in growing "outside the data center" uses such as edge, retail, telco and more. Advanced security, including Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and Secure Nested Paging, helps defend telco networks from cyberattacks. Edge computing, which brings processing and storage closer to where the data is generated, will benefit from the smaller form factor of the Supermicro servers and lower power consumption. For more information, please visit the Supermicro Aplus website About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are transforming into a Total IT Solutions provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, and switch systems, software, and services while delivering advanced high-volume motherboard, power, and chassis products. The products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Asia, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc.  AMD, the AMD arrow logo, EPYC and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 590 加入收藏 :
TYAN Adopts New AMD EPYC 8004 Series Processors for Diverse Cloud and Edge Server Deployments

NEWARK, Calif., Sept. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- TYAN®, an industry-leading server platform design manufacturer and a subsidiary of MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation, today announced availability of new single-socket server platforms supporting AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series processors. These platforms are purpose built for cloud services and intelligent edge deployments while offering lower operating costs and delivering impressive energy efficiency. TYAN's new edge and cloud server platforms with AMD EPYC 8004 Series processors are purpose-built to deliver robust performance while optimizing power usage "The AMD EPYC 8004 Series CPUs deliver a great combination of impressive performance and streamlined platform componentry which enables us to develop business-relevant server configurations for our customers," said Eric Kuo, Vice President of the Server Infrastructure Business Unit at MiTAC Computing Technology. "TYAN's innovative server platform, fueled by EPYC 8004 Series CPUs, empowers us to provide our customers with cost-effective solutions while also expanding into new markets." "With the new AMD EPYC 8004 Series processors, we're extending the established high efficiency 'Zen4c' core architecture into lower core count CPU offerings with much lower TDP ranges," said Lynn Comp, corporate vice president, Server Product and Technology Marketing, AMD. "With this efficiency and performance, system builders can create new single-socket form factors that are suitable for traditional data centers as well as diverse edge server deployments." TYAN's latest cloud-edge platforms harness the full capabilities of the advanced AMD EPYC 8004 Series processors, purpose-built to deliver robust performance while optimizing power usage. The Tomcat CX S8040, a single-socket server motherboard in the ATX (12" x 9.6") form factor, accommodates eight DDR5 DIMM slots, four PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, MCIO connectors supporting up to six NVMe U.2 devices, and two NVMe M.2 slots. This motherboard is tailor-made for video streaming service providers, enabling the creation of CDN (Content Distribution Network) appliances. These cutting-edge devices ensure the swift delivery of seamless video streaming content. Moreover, we are introducing the Transport CX GC73A B8046, a 1U single-socket cloud server that offers support for 12 DDR5 DIMM slots, two PCIe 5.0 x16 slots and a single OCP v3.0 LAN mezzanine slot. The GC73A-B8046 is an all-flash server, providing a configuration with up to twelve 2.5-inch NVMe U.2 drive bays.  Additionally, it is a GPU server capable of accommodating a double-wide GPU card for cloud gaming applications.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 568 加入收藏 :
Advantech Unveils AMD Series to Boost Edge Cloud, Computing and Network Security!

TAIPEI, Dec. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Advantech, a leading provider of edge computing solutions, has expanded its x86 series platforms with AMD EPYC™ and Ryzen™ series processors. Tailored for servers, motherboards, and networks, these platforms can be implemented across edge, security, and cloud applications. They offer superior computing power, fast data transfer, and energy efficiency, making them ideal for 5G edge cloud, AI, machine learning, and enhanced data security. Advantech utilizes AMD EPYC™ and Ryzen™ processors to power its advanced servers, server boards, industrial motherboards, and network appliances, driving innovation in edge cloud computing and network security. Advantech & AMD: Driving Industrial Innovation Advantech, in partnership with AMD, offers powerful computing capaiblities,and tailored scalable solutions. New to the 5th AMD EPYC™ series processors, featuring "Zen 5" and "Zen 5c" core architectures with up to 128 cores, provide the ultimate host CPU performance for GPU-accelerated AI solutions. The AMD EPYC™ 9004 & 8004 series processors offer up to 96 cores for robust sever-grade performance, high bandwidth with PCIe Gen 5 and DDR5 support, and a certified AMD Instinct™ MI210 GPU card for AI acceleration. The AMD Ryzen™ Embedded 7000 series processors integrat high-performance, extensive I/O scalability, low-TDP processing, and AMD Radeon™ graphics for advanced 4K resolution. While the Ryzen™ Embedded V3000 series ensures reliable 24/7 network performance with enhanced security through AMD Secure Processors and Memory Guard. Advantech's professional services, including extended product longevity, BIOS customization, and advanced thermal solutions, make these platforms ideal for demanding workloads and long-term industrial use with optimized support for Ubuntu, CentOS, and Windows. Advantech & AMD: Expanding Solutions Across Domains Advantech and AMD drives powerful and scalable solutions across various industries, including AI-enabled solutions, industrial automation, telecom, and network security. With professional hardware design, delivering extensive I/O capabilities, ruggedized systems, and custom design services for harsh environments. these offerings deliver ultra-low latency, high throughput, and energy efficiency. Furthermore, Advantech's global partnerships with Tier 1 chip and ISV leaders ensure seamless deployment and integration of cutting-edge technology worldwide. Outstanding Edge Cloud Computing Solutions Advantech's SKY series servers deliver cutting-edge technology for accelerated computing across AI, cloud, and edge applications. By combining AMD EPYC™ processors with robust memory and flexible storage configurations, this series is equipped to handle the evolving demands of data-centric industries. The SKY-602E3 GPU server is driven by AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series processor. It boasts a memory arrangement comprisised of 6 DDR5 ECC/RDIMM slots, and excels in graphic processing for AI applications thanks to offering 4 PCIe 5.0 x16 slots, delivering solid performance and high bandwidth for tasks heavy on data. With its high expansion capabilities, it provides additional versatility benefits by implementing 4 PCIe 5.0 x8 slots for more GPU, networking, and DPU installations. The SKY-721E3 and SKY-821E3 are both equipped with AMD EPYC™ 9004/9005 Series processors, showcasing up to 128 cores, 11 PCIe Gen5 slots, and OCP 3.0 compatibility for strong computing capabilities. The servers are designed for high-performance edge applications, integrating multiple accelerators to bring AI computing to the edge. With various storage options, SKY-721E3 including up to 12 bays for 3.5" drives or 24 bays for 2.5" hot-swap SATA/SAS/NVMe drives, this server is optimized for storage-intensive applications, such as cloud computing, database management, and AI simulation usage. High Flexibility and Integration for Industrial Automation Advantech's AIMB-723 is built to meet the rigorous demands of advanced industrial automation, powered by AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processors to provide exceptional performance with energy efficiency for industrial edge applications. It features high-speed I/O options including USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Gbps), dual 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, M.2, and SATA, all enhancing connectivity and data handling. To support legacy requirements, it includes PCI expansion and RS-232 serial I/O interfaces. The AIMB-723 supports a 3 slot discrete GPU and three PCIe add-on cards, meeting the demands of AI-driven machine vision and Automated Optical Inspection (AOI). Secure and Connected Network Security Solutions Advantech provides advanced network security appliances. The FWA-6183 is designed for heavy workloads, featuring dual AMD EPYC™ 9004 processors with up to 192 cores, ensuring top-tier performance for data centers and AI applications. The FWA-6183 is also compatible with AMD EPYC™ 9005 processors, ensuring future-proof capabilities. Its scalability, with 8 NMC (Network Module Card) slots, ensures seamless future network integration, while redundant power and cooling systems provide uninterrupted service. The FWA-5082, a 1U gateway for SD-WAN and NFV, utilizes single AMD EPYC™ 8004 processors with up to 64 cores. It can expand different connections and capabilities through 4 network module cards and also offer reliable 24/7 operating service. The FWA-1081 targets SMBs, providing cost-effective firewall and UTM solutions powered by AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V3000 processors with up to 8 cores, PoE+ support, and optional LTE/5G modules, offering versatile connectivity and strong security performance. Why Advantech? Unmatched Performance with AMD EPYC™ and Ryzen™ ProcessorsAdvantech's x86 platforms leverage the latest AMD processors, ensuring exceptional computing power, fast data transfers, and high energy efficiency. Future-Proof Scalability and FlexibilityWith PCIe Gen5 support and DDR5 memory, Advantech provides seamless expansion and upgrade options. Designed for Diverse Industrial ApplicationsRuggedized Advantech designs and extensive I/O connectivity create opportunities to thrive in challenging industrial conditions and demanding workloads. Commitment to Long-Term ReliabilityWith extended product longevity and BIOS customization services, Advantech products are built for continuous operations and industrial durability. Global Partnerships and SupportStrong ecosystem and complete global services ensure Advantech solutions are equipped with the latest advancements, enabling businesses to stay at the forefront of industrial innovation. For more information, please contact sdn.nfv@advantech.com or visit AMD-based platform website.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 129 加入收藏 :
Supermicro 推出適用於 AI 的全新多功能系統設計,邊緣最佳化與彈性兼備

全新 3U 伺服器最多可支援 18 繪圖處理器,並配備採用 P 核心的 Intel® Xeon® 6900 系列雙處理器 加利福尼亞州聖何塞2024年10月9日 /美通社/ -- Super Micro Computer, Inc. (SMCI),是人工智能 (AI)、雲端、儲存及 5G/Edge 的全方位 IT 解決方案供應商,宣佈推出全新的多功能高密度基礎架構平台,以優化在邊緣端進行的 AI 推論演算。由於企業希望在日常營運中採用複雜的大型語言模型 (LLM),因此需要能夠在邊緣位置,以最小延遲推斷大量資料的新硬件。Supermicro 的創新系統結合多功能、效能與散熱效率,可在同一系統中支援多達 10 個雙寬 (Double-width) 的 GPU,並能在傳統的風冷環境中運行。 3U EDGE AI 推論系統支援 8 張雙寬 GPU 加速卡 Supermicro 主席暨行政總裁 Charles Liang 表示:「由於系統經過優化的散熱設計,Supermicro 可以在具有 256 個核心的高密度 3U 20 PCIe 系統中提供所有這些效能,並可在邊緣資料中心部署。隨著 AI 市場逐漸成長,客戶需要一個強大、多功能的解決方案推論資料,以推理資料在靠近產生資料的地方,就地執行以 LLM 為基礎的應用程式。我們新的 3U Edge AI 系統,使客戶能夠以最小的延遲運行創新解決方案。」 有關更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://www.supermicro.com/en/solutions/edge-ai 全新 SYS-322GB-NR ,配備兩個功能強大的 Intel® Xeon® 6900 處理器與 P 核心、8800 MT/s MRDIMM 以及多達 20 個 PCIe 5.0 擴充插槽。這款 Supermicro 系統,支援多種單寬或雙寬 GPU,或使用某些擴充插槽以安裝高效能 I/O 或其他附加卡。此外,此伺服器配備高達 6 TB 的 RDIMM 記憶體,還有高達 14 個 E1.S 或 6 個 U.2 NVMe 硬碟機。 此系統提供的一個使用案例為製造業,Supermicro 的新系統可部署在自動化生產環境的現場,以處理來自攝像機和感測器的資料摘要,而無需將資料傳輸至遠端位置。此功能可減少網路需求並改善回應時間。SYS-322GB-NR 的另一個優點是大型控制室,其中 AI 加速器卡可以部分由多顯示卡替換,以支援多達 64 個獨立顯示器。 Supermicro 於拉斯維加斯 Mobile World Congress (MWC) 亮相 SYS-322GB-NR 將於 10 月 8 日至 10 月 10 日,在拉斯維加斯 MWC 期間於 Supermicro 展位 #518 展出。此外,Supermicro 將展示內置 NVIDIA、AMD 和 Intel Xeon 6 處理器的系統,包括 X14 系列邊緣和電信系統,例如: SYS-222HE-FTN - Hyper-E 採用 Intel Xeon 6 雙處理器,採用 2U 短深度機型,可接達前端 I/O,將資料中心的效能推展至電訊業界的極限 SYS-212B-FN2T - 適用於電訊和邊緣部署中 AI 的 2U 短深度系統,採用獨立 Intel Xeon 6700 系列處理器,配搭 E 核心和 GPU 支援 SYS-E403-14B-FRN2T - 一款盒裝電腦尺寸的可壁掛式邊緣裝置,能夠為遠端環境帶來具備 E 核心與 GPU 支援的 Intel Xeon 6700 系列處理器 AS -1115S-FDWTRT - 一個符合 1U NEBS 的系統,可為 ORAN、核心和託管服務提供電訊性能。此系統採用 AMD EPYC 8004 系列處理器,支援多達 1 個單寬 GPU 加速器,以應付繁重的工作負載。 除了展示 Supermicro 硬件系統之外,我們與 NVIDIA 合作,將共同展示適用於內部部署和邊緣應用程式的推論和 AI 解決方案,包括企業 AI、零售、電訊邊緣和金融服務。我們將展示關鍵生成人工智能 (Gen AI) 解決方案,其中包括 NVIDIA NIM、NVIDIA NeMo、NVIDIA Metropolis、遠端管理、安全性和網路。在電訊業界方面,Supermicro 與 NVIDIA 將會運用彼此的解決方案,演示現場 AI RAN 解決方案,並展示效能、管理與 AI 使用案例。 此外,在拉斯維加斯 MWC 展出 Supermicro 與 Intel 的全新聯合解決方案,結合堅固耐用的 IP65 Outdoor Edge 系統與內建的 AI 網路加速器和 Intel® Data Center GPU Flex 170。此解決方案可以在同一設備中,快速且具成本效益地部署多個私人 5G 網絡以及 Edge AI 應用程式。這些網路可由不同用戶使用和開發,為工業和學校場地、場館和智慧城市等密集環境,提供可擴充的解決方案。 Super Micro Computer, Inc. 簡介 Supermicro(納斯達克股票代碼:SMCI)是全球領先的應用程式最佳化全面 IT 解決方案提供商。Supermicro 在加州聖荷西創立和運作,致力為企業、雲端、AI 和 5G 電信/邊緣 IT 基礎設施,提供市場創新。我們是全面 IT 解決方案製造商,提供伺服器、人工智能、儲存、物聯網、交換器系統、軟件和支援服務。Supermicro 的主機板、電源和機箱設計專業知識,進一步支援開發和生產,並為全球客戶實現從雲端到邊緣的新一代創新。我們(在美國、亞洲和荷蘭)的廠房設計和製造產品,利用全球營運以實現規模和效率,務求提高整體擁有成本 (TCO) 和減少對環境的影響(綠色運算)。Server Building Block Solutions® 產品組合,屢獲殊榮。客戶可在多個系統系列中作選擇,從而準確提升工作量和應用程式。這些系統在我們靈活兼可重複使用構建塊上建立,並廣泛支援各外形規格、處理器、記憶體、GPU、儲存、網絡、電源和冷卻解決方案(冷氣機、自然風冷或液冷)。 Supermicro、Server Building Block Solutions 和 We Keep IT Green,均為 Super Micro Computer, Inc. 的商標及/或註冊商標。 所有其他品牌、名稱和商標均為其各自所有者的財產。 SYS-322GB-NR-ANGLE SYS-322GB-NR 背面  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 753 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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