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符合「AGV/AMR」新聞搜尋結果, 共 7 篇 ,以下為 1 - 7 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態

2024智慧製造展為期三天在台北南港展覽館展出已順利圓滿落幕,明志科技大學以最新的研發量能參與盛會,同時提供業界更多研發技術,以及可行的能源轉型解決方案來解決相關科技及永續的議題。 2024 SMART+智慧製造展 ,為台灣上半年重要的智慧製造盛會,鏈結國內ICT產業、智慧製造、生產製造及系統整合供應鏈,共同展現其技術成果及解決方案,展會上包括AI人工智慧與物聯網、數位轉型與系統整合、智慧工廠與企業戰情室、AGV/AMR及零信任資安等跨域一起打造合作生態系,並提供涵蓋多元創新技術、應用、解決方案及互動式體驗服務,共同打造交流與媒合展示服務平台,帶動台灣產業的數位轉型升級。 明志科大游孟潔教授團隊的「粉體自動光學篩選系統」,針對大量SAP粉體進行篩檢,透過自動化分析方式取代以人力目測抽檢,並且有效提升檢測速度與準確率,減少人工誤判的機率;同時,導入AI辨識與分析技術,讓原本製程瑕疵粉粒將變廢為寶,透過瑕疵粉粒進行溯源管理,可協助排查設備及管線是否出現老化,並優化製程,進而對成本做到更好的控管;除此之外,設備模組化的設計概念,在未來可以依照不同的需求,藉由更換模組來擴展機台應用的領域,極具商業發展潛力。 另外,陳耀添教授開發「基於深度學習方法的結直腸息肉檢測」軟體,利用深度學習網路模型進行息肉檢測。由於台灣地區,每年大腸癌的發生率與死亡率居所有癌症發生率與死亡率的第二位及第三位,並呈現快速增加的趨勢。為了提高檢測性能,該方法採用數據增強技術增加訓練數據集得多樣性和在專業結直腸醫生的協助下,能夠準確定位和分類不同類型的息肉。因此,開發的結直腸息肉影像檢測程式輔助內視鏡檢查,可以早期發現和清除息肉,並預防結直腸癌的發生。 本次展出的另一大亮點,是明志科大電機系羅慶權教授展出時下最熱門的太陽光電、充電樁、儲能系統議題之「微電網-光充儲整合應用技術」,該技術已獲得新北市政府青睞,學校選為新北市淨零碳示範場域。微電網,基本上就是利用再生能源「當地發電,當地使用」的小型發配電系統,實現能源自主、減少長程輸電的電力損失,主要設備由分散式電源、儲能裝置、相關負載、智慧監控裝設和保護裝置等集合而成;微電網在電網併聯運轉時,再生能源發電,可以減少民眾電費支出及達成節能減碳;在自主孤島運轉時,以再生能源設備及儲能系統維持獨立運轉供電,提供臺灣2050淨零碳排綠色能源的最佳發電與儲能方法。 「臺灣大學系統科研產業化平台」(臺大、臺科大、臺師大、長庚大學、明志科大五所學校組成,簡稱T5-GIP),明志科大透過T5-GIP科研產業化平台進行聯展合作,展出多樣智慧製造的相關作品。期待產業先進對相關技術有興趣者,與明志科大產學合作發展中心進一步洽詢跟更多企業產學合作。(明志科技大學產學合作發展中心網址:https://iucc.mcut.edu.tw/?lang=zh-tw)

文章來源 : 明志科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 9535 加入收藏 :
DFI Envisions New Innovations in Edge AI Computing and Creates Future Unmanned Applications

TAIPEI, April 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DFI, the world's leading brand in embedded motherboards and industrial computers, has announced its participation in the 2024 Embedded World Exhibition. The theme of this year's exhibition "Embedded Solutions Connecting Edge AI Computing" focuses on the unmanned services market. DFI is pioneering the implementation of Intel® iGPU SR-IOV virtualization technology to integrate deployment and energy-saving needs in applications such as unmanned services and remote management. Embedded system modules equipped with the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processors and high-end industrial motherboards for AGV/AMR developed in collaboration with Qualcomm will also make their debut during the exhibition. Embedded World is a major event in the German embedded industry that has global influence. DFI will unveil the "Future Unmanned Charging Station" in collaboration with Intel for the first time. It drives different operating systems with virtualization technology and integrates self-service charging stations and interactive digital signage. Its built-in large language model (LLM) utilizes AI to achieve unmanned intelligent applications. These features provide users with customized services while achieving sales objectives. The x86 architecture facilitates the integration of future hardware and software functions. This unmanned application concept is not only suitable for charging stations, but it can also be replicated in various other fields. Moreover, according to reports from Arm and Microsoft, 81% of developers expect the Windows on Arm (WoA) market to grow significantly in the next five years. To meet the customer needs of the Arm architecture ecosystem, DFI has made plans to expand its hardware design to support the Windows operating system. The booth will showcase the integration results of WoA. Due to its stability and low power consumption, it is conducive to large-scale unmanned service terminal applications. DFI has also developed a series of rugged and miniaturized products that not only enhance the performance of graphical edge AI computing in fields such as smart charging stations, smart retail, smart factories, and smart healthcare, but also reduce infrastructure maintenance costs and improve energy efficiency. DFI looks forward to providing comprehensive integration and customized services for large-scale deployment needs in various application fields. Embedded World 2024 will take place from April 9th to April 11th at the Nürnberg Messe in Germany. Free registration code: ew24518000 Booth information: Hall 2-313 For more information, please visit:  LinkedIn or contact us.  Media Contact  Eva Chen eva.chen@dfi.com   Evelyn Chang evelyn.chang@dfi.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 498 加入收藏 :
昇頻IIoT 5G NR路由器M351率先榮獲台灣NCC n79專頻認證 加速5G專網落地

昇頻公司宣布新款IIoT 5G NR行動通訊路由器M351已率先取得台灣國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)的n79(4.8~4.9GHz)射頻型式認證,成為首款5G專網專頻專用認證的工規無線路由器。昇頻M351路由器從5G主晶片、模組至成品皆為台灣設計與製造,專為工業物聯網垂直應用而打造,於關鍵連網通訊扮演不可或缺的重要角色,提升系統整合商快速有效地布建,賦能5G企業專網服務全面發展。 昇頻M351 IIoT 5G NR行動通訊路由器擁有高速5G穩定連網、低延遲效能,其工業級精巧堅固的金屬外殼,具有無風扇寬溫設計、低功耗和靈活的電源輸入,適應於各種嚴苛環境。內建RS-232、RS-485及4個Gigabit LAN埠與1個WAN連接埠,廣泛整合各種連接介面和通訊協定,相容於5G企業專網及公共網路,充分展現網路互通性、擴充性及可靠性,確保用戶建構5G專網迅速整合OT與IT之間的智慧連結,實現智慧工廠邁向數位化、自動化與智慧化的里程碑。 5G專網為企業數位轉型及各式商業應用帶來創新突破,昇頻積極與台灣電信商及5G專網系統整合商攜手合作,共創產業商轉價值鏈,並結合昇頻M351 IIoT 5G NR行動通訊路由器,以卓越的工業聯網解決方案部署於多元的垂直應用場域,深耕智慧城市、智慧製造、AGV/AMR等物聯網應用,加速企業進一步邁向5G專網時代的嶄新篇章。   關於昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻創立於1999年,賦能工業物聯智慧連結之領先企業,締造5G、AIoT創新應用領導標竿。為卓越而生,致力精益求精,專注創造與眾不同,引領無限未來。秉持敏捷精實與用心真誠服務,全球銷售超過60個國家,為值得信賴的合作夥伴,堅持最嚴謹高品質工規研發設計,提供最頂尖強固可靠的工業級網通設備與最適化的物聯網管理平台,賦予最佳化高效智能解決方案,成就多元商業轉型與垂直場域應用,共創智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧能源、智慧零售、智慧工廠和智慧醫療等生態價值鏈之綜效,打造宜居城市、便捷交通、安全環境、美好生活與永續世界,促進共生、共榮、共好願景。 聯絡昇頻(PROSCEND) 昇頻股份有限公司 Proscend Communications Inc. 地址: 300093新竹市工業東四路36號2樓(新竹科學園區) 電話: +886-3-5639000 E-mail: sales@proscend.com 網站: www.proscend.com  

文章來源 : 昇頻股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8422 加入收藏 :
研揚新推工業自動化專用嵌入式系統UP Squared i12 Edge

【臺北訊】專業物聯網及人工智慧邊緣運算平臺研發製造大廠—研揚科技(股票代碼: 6579),日前發布一款Mini Box PC—UP Squared i12 Edge。 研揚科技的UP產品線素來以豐富的開發板尺寸及小巧的Box PC著名,有信用卡尺寸及手掌大小正方形尺寸的4種尺寸小板卡,方便創客開發使用及有尺寸限制的工業產品。最近上市的這款為手掌大小的Mini Box PC,僅130mm x 94mm x 68mm,搭載第12代英特爾Core™系列處理器,專為AGV/AMR及物聯網閘道器等工業自動化應用所設計。   UP Squared i12 Edge為各種目標行業量身訂製了多樣周邊設備連接介面,有2個USB Type-A連接埠、1個USB Type-C連接埠,可支援USB3.2 Gen. 2快速資料傳輸速度。除此之外,還有2個堆疊式RJ-45網路連接埠,支援Realtek RTL8111H-CG超高速乙太網路連接。UP Squared i12 Edge透過SSD固態硬碟提供128GB的板載儲存空間,也支援6Gb/s的SATA硬碟。同時,上述M.2 2280 M-key插槽可支援4通道的PCIe Gen. 4.0模組和NVMe儲存容量,傳輸資料量可比SATA設備多25倍,為系統整合商提供更大的靈活度在各種的垂直市場應用上。   另外一個UP Squared i12 Edge的特點就是支援英特爾CNVi功能,CNVi是英特爾針對Wi-Fi和無線藍牙提供的新型連接,透過M.2 2230 E-key介面,可提供製造業工廠設備的資料快速無線傳輸。同時,透過M.2 2280 M-Key插槽可支援AI人工智慧模組來強化CPU的運算功能,例如第12代英特爾Core i7的處理器。UP Squared i12 Edge是AGV/AMR應用的極佳選擇,除此之外,搭載M.2 2230 E-Key無線Wi-Fi連接,可與系統板載TPM2.0搭配使用,讓網路設備安全更周全,也滿足物聯網閘道器應用的用戶需求。   顯示器連接的部分,UP Squared i12 Edge配置有堆疊式的HDMI 1.4b和DP 1.2接口,透過系統USB Type-C連接埠還可以支援DP 1.4a。這對AI邊緣運算的應用,例如,智慧停車管理解決方案裡的車牌辨識(ANPR)功能,是款非常理想的選擇。手掌大小的UP Squared i12 Edge提供VESA或是壁掛式選擇,用戶可以依照實際應用環境,來進行選配。這款新品可支援市面上常見OS,例如: Windows® 10 IoT Enterprise, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 及Yocto 4.0。   更多UP Squared i12 Edge的產品資訊,您可以上研揚官網查詢,也可以與研揚科技國內業務處02-89191234分機1142劉小姐聯繫。   關於研揚 研揚科技集團(AAEON)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於1992年。研發製造並行銷全球IoT及AI邊緣運算解決方案,另有嵌入式電腦主板及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、工控機、網路安全設備以及相關配件等,提供OEM/ODM客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。同時,研揚科技有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助您從研發初期發想到產品製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技目前提供多款AI邊緣運算產品及智慧城市、智慧零售及智慧製造等系統整合和解決方案。研揚是英特爾鈦金級會員,同時也是NVIDIA的菁英級夥伴(Elite partner)。

文章來源 : AAEON 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5015 加入收藏 :
DFI Showcases Complete Line of Smart Factory Solutions at India's Automation Expo for the First Time

TAIPEI, Aug. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- DFI, a global leader in embedded motherboards and industrial computer solutions, seizes the opportunity for global smart manufacturing transformation by relying on years of experience in industrial automation. This year, they will participate for the first time in India's Automation Expo 2023, the largest international automation exhibition in Southeast Asia and South Asia. With intelligent factories as their focus, DFI will present factory automation-related solutions such as SR-IOV virtualization technology and AGV/AMR robotics, hoping to become the best partner in the transformation of India's manufacturing industry. DFI has planned four themed areas for the exhibition: factory automation, rugged products, motherboards, and systems. The exhibits include industrial-grade motherboards, embedded system modules, touchscreen tablets, and rugged systems. Among them, the "SR-IOV virtualization technology" developed in partnership with Intel can improve the efficiency of factory transformation. Additionally, the first "3.5-inch high-performance industrial-grade motherboard QRB551" created with Qualcomm to meet industrial automation needs stands out as a highlight of the exhibition area. With two weapons in hand, DFI aims at opportunities in factory automation and robotics The importance of AGV/AMR robotics in factories increases daily, and the performance demands are also higher. Developed for this field, DFI will exhibit the QRB551, the world's first single-board computer (SBC) with the QRB5165 high-performance processor. This product works with Qualcomm's robotic development platform RB5, which has low power consumption and high performance, making it suitable for integrating 5G networking and top-level Edge AI for robotics innovations. Furthermore, it can also address AI applications such as appearance identification, defect detection, and human body posture recognition. When examining the transformation of factory automation, which often encounters challenges related to time consumption and high costs, SR-IOV virtualization technology enables users to run various operating systems (OS), such as Windows, Ubuntu, and Android, in the industrial automation sector. This allows for the simultaneous integration of substantial amounts of shared data. The label 'Make in India' holds significant potential for business opportunities, and DFI intends to reinforce and expand its market share In recent years, the Indian government has consistently regarded 'Make in India' as a pivotal direction for industry transformation. It has encouraged the local manufacturing industry to expand its scale continually. Amidst the current energy conservation trends, carbon reduction, and intelligent transformation, numerous factories are actively adopting technologies such as Edge AI, cloud computing, and AMR/AGV robotics to promote digital transformation, boost competitiveness, and ensure corporate sustainability. DFI President Alexander Su expressed, "India has developed rapidly in recent years. The transformation of the manufacturing industry is not only robust, but it has also occurred from multiple perspectives, encompassing aspects from production to operations. DFI has been deeply involved in the industrial automation field for many years. Next, we will strengthen our local planning and continue to enhance customers' trust and brand recognition with our technology innovations and comprehensive services. Additionally, we plan to expand from India into Southeast Asia to enhance our market share." For more information, please visit: https://www.dfi.com/, LinkedIn or contact us. About DFI Founded in 1981, DFI is among the top 3 IPC providers of high-performance computing technology across multiple embedded industries. DFI's industrial-grade solutions enable customers to optimize their equipment and ensure high reliability, long-term life cycle, and 24/7 durability in various markets, including Industrial Automation, Medical, Gaming, Transportation, Energy, Mission-Critical, and Retail. Media Contact Eva Chen eva.chen@dfi.com Evelyn Chang evelyn.chang@dfi.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 518 加入收藏 :
IPLUSMOBOT Showcases Intelligent Mobile Robot Products at Automate 2023

DETROIT, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- May 22-25, IPLUSMOBOT, one of the leading high-tech companies specializing in autonomous intelligent mobile robots, unveiled its series of intelligent mobile robot products and solutions designed for smart manufacturing factories at the Automate 2023 exhibition, held in Detroit, USA. Booth 3839. At this exhibition, IPLUSMOBOT has introduced two product series: EMMA and FOLA. Among them, the EMMA series offers a standard mobile robot platform that can be equipped with different attachments such as collaborative arms, rollers, and lifting module. This enables seamless automation of material transfer and loading/unloading between different production processes. The showcased EMMA 400L at the booth features a compact design, capable of carrying a payload of 400 kg. It can easily navigate passages as narrow as 70cm, meeting the requirements of load capacity and space for internal logistics. IPLUSMOBOT Showcases Intelligent Mobile Robot Products at Automate 2023.(AGV/AMR/forklift) The FOLA series consists of autonomous forklifts designed by IPLUSMOBOT for intra-logistics automation and warehouse automation. These autonomous forklifts cater to various scenarios including pallet handling, stacking, and lifting. The exhibited FOLA-DN1416 is a pallet stacker forklift with load capacity of 1400 kg and lifting height of 1600 mm. In practical operations, the DN1416 utilizes advanced environmental perception and visual detection to achieve intelligent stacking of palletized materials. With the IPLUSMOBOT in-house developed fleet management system, it can achieve flexible scheduling and path planning for multiple vehicles, multiple scenarios, and multiple functions within the user's workshop. This greatly improves the efficiency of cargo handling and transportation. IPLUSMOBOT is committed to collaborating with automation integrators and service probiders in North America, providing stable, reliable, high-performance, and cost-effective products and services. Together, they aim to drive the advancement of intelligent mobile robot products and create more value for global intelligent manufacturing. Contact: Overseas@iplusbot.comOfficial website: www.iplusmobot.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2997 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 23 日 (星期四) 農曆十二月廿四日
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