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符合「永續能源研究基金會」新聞搜尋結果, 共 71 篇 ,以下為 49 - 71 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Recognizing Commitment to Biodiversity Promotion in Public and Private Sectors

Public-Private Collaboration Driving Biodiversity Conservation in Taiwan: E.SUN FHC, PX Mart, and 10 Others Receive 2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Awards On 22nd May, which marks the International Day for Biological Diversity, TAISE and the Forestry Bureau of the Council of Agriculture jointly organized the ‘2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Forum’, in recognition of the global significance of biodiversity. Furthermore, TAISE established the inaugural ‘Taiwan Biodiversity Awards’ to acknowledge the endeavours of businesses, government agencies, and schools in biodiversity conservation. A total of twelve entities were honored with these awards. The winners of the ‘2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Awards’ include E.SUN FHC, PX Mart, CPC Corporation Taiwan, and Taiwan Cement Corporation, which received the first-ever Gold Awards in the profit sector category. In the non-profit sector category, the Pingtung Forest Management Office of the Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, and Hualien County Government received the Gold Awards. Furthermore, Carrefour Taiwan, ASE Technology Holding, Hotai Corporation, LEOTEK Electronics, Tunghai University, and National Yunlin University of Science and Technology were acknowledged with Silver, Bronze, or Innovation Awards for their valuable contributions to biodiversity conservation. Ambassador-at-large Eugene Chien, Chair of TAISE, emphasized the critical need to conserve biodiversity, as highlighted in last year's United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) and Biodiversity Conference (COP15). According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report, 'Biodiversity Loss' ranks as the third most severe global risk in the coming decade, following 'Climate Action Failure' and 'Extreme Weather'. The European Commission further revealed that over one million species globally face extinction, 75% of crops rely on animal pollination, over half of the global GDP depends on natural resources, and 70% of cancer drugs are derived from or inspired by nature. These facts underscore the pivotal role of biodiversity in sustaining ecosystems and supporting various human activities dependent on biodiversity resources. The presenter, Chief Secretary Mei-Ling Fan of the Council of Agriculture, acknowledged the commitment of all businesses and government entities to biodiversity. She particularly commended the proactive efforts of many companies in integrating biodiversity initiatives into their core operations, driven by the momentum of ESG and transparent disclosure trends. She added that with the establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Forestry Bureau will be transformed into the 'Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, placing greater emphasis on nature conservation. The Endemic Species Research Institute will be elevated to a Biodiversity Research Institute. Moreover, the Sustainable Resources Department of the Ministry of Agriculture will coordinate efforts from various sectors, aiming to unleash the full potential of Taiwan's biodiversity. Following the award ceremony, TAISE and the Forestry Bureau also co-organized the '2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Forum', where Deputy Director General Hao-Chen Lin of the Forestry Bureau and Director General Hsiang-Wen Huang of the Ocean Conservation Administration of the Ocean Affairs Council unveiled the country's roadmap and vision for the development of terrestrial and marine biodiversity in Taiwan. Deputy Director General Hao-Chen Lin pointed out that in accordance with the ‘30 x 30’ target adopted during COP15, which aims to conserve and restore 30% of the land and ocean area by 2030, Taiwan has already formulated concrete schedules and strategies for the establishment of protected areas and Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs). This not only addresses the international community's targets for land conservation, but also prioritizes the effective management and operation of protected areas as a core focus. Furthermore, in response to the latest international trends in biodiversity spatial planning, the 'Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN) program ' has identified biodiversity hotspots and critical areas across the nation. This encompasses 44 Priority Biodiversity Areas and 45 Conservation Corridors throughout Taiwan, providing practical frameworks for ecological habitat restoration and landscape connectivity initiatives. It also offers valuable insights for businesses regarding the ecological information surrounding their production bases, fostering the integration of ESG principles and biodiversity considerations into spatial planning. Regarding marine biodiversity, Director General Hsiang-Wen Huang explained that the Ocean Conservation Administration, in collaboration with various public and private entities, has actively engaged in scientific research, experimental restoration, and regulatory development to ensure effective marine conservation management. In relation to the 330 significant marine ecosystems, including mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and algal reefs, specific conservation plans and maintenance policies have been proposed. Additionally, 47 marine protected areas have been established to promote the sustainable utilization of marine resources and conserve marine biodiversity. In alignment with global trends, our country remains committed to designating protected areas, advancing monitoring and management technologies, and fostering local conservation initiatives for marine ecosystems. We prioritize the recognition of indigenous rights and local community engagement, forging partnerships with grassroots organizations to collectively safeguard our oceans. Concurrently, we encourage corporate engagement in these efforts. Moreover, the Ocean Conservation Administration is actively driving the enactment of marine conservation laws, with the aim of leveraging cross-sector and cross-border resources to achieve the 30 x 30 target. Companies showcased their achievements in biodiversity conservation in Taiwan, highlighting their expertise and contributions in the forum. The forum also featured presentations from the recipients of the ‘Taiwan Biodiversity Awards’, who shared their journey in promoting biodiversity. Senior Manager Ching-Yu Chang from E.SUN FHC introduced the company's commitment to biodiversity, focusing on three main pillars: species conservation, habitat preservation, and environmental sustainability. They actively support organic farming, conservation efforts for endemic species such as the Formosan black bear, butterflies, and sea turtles. Additionally, they leverage their core business to promote environmentally sustainable financial solutions, utilizing their financial influence to foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in our homeland. To facilitate collaboration among government agencies, businesses, and the public in biodiversity conservation, the forum also invited domestic scholars and experts in relevant fields to explore key issues in biodiversity conservation. They focused on diverse aspects, including habitats, species, and communities, based on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, thus familiarizing the public with crucial biodiversity conservation issues. The forum presented corporate disclosure objectives regarding biodiversity as outlined in the Framework and introduced international standards related to biodiversity. According to TAISE statistics, the ‘2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Forum’ successfully engaged over a thousand participants, both in person and online. Through meaningful exchanges and ongoing collaborative discussions between the public and private sectors, the forum strived to pave the way for a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Going forward, the forum aims to continue promoting its accomplishments and highlighting the outstanding contributions of the awarded participants through various channels. There is hopeful anticipation for increased attention and concerted efforts from more businesses, government departments, and educational institutions to address biodiversity issues and take tangible actions in response.   The Profit Sector E.SUN FHC E.SUN became the first company to utilize both TNFD and TCFD framework in our Climate and Environmental Report. We’ve also organized ESG initiatives, provided sustainable products and services, and promoted environmental programs. This not only demonstrates our commitment to sustainability, but also raises awareness in ecological conservation. PX Mart In addition to eagle red beans, the company has also been rehabilitating eagles, water pheasants, black-winged kites and nine other species of raptors through products such as Kuantian pheasant lozenges, black-winged kites and rice, and owl pineapples, to meet consumer demand, promote more job opportunities and economic growth, and strengthen Biodiversity.  CPC Corp, Taiwan In addition to environmental development surveys, CPC Corp, Taiwan n also promotes marine and terrestrial ecological monitoring and research, and promotes biodiversity creation projects at its stations, setting up conservation bases and breeding habitats for species, and turning them into environmental knowledge to be shared with the public. Specific examples include: the coral ark project at the Yongan Natural Gas Receiving Station and the Shen'ao LPG Receiving Station, which serves as a conservation base for corals in Taiwan waters; the construction of an ecological trail at the Taoyuan Refinery; and the creation of four breeding habitats for conservation species of Little Terns on the Taoyuan coast, providing habitat for common birds such as the Eastern Ring-necked Plover and the Pacific Golden Spotted Plover. Taiwan Cement Corporation TCC has formulated its biodiversity policy in accordance with international standards and managed its mines in accordance with the three principles of avoidance, mitigation and compensation, and has also adopted a nature-based solution (NbS) to implement its mine ecosystem services and coral restoration projects in the harbor area. In 2023, we will launch a 10-year project with the academic community to develop a long-term pilot project on soil ecology and ecosystem modelling.   The Non-profit Sector Pingtung Forest District Office, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan As the largest land manager in the south, the Pingtung Forest District Office of the Forestry Bureau is working together to protect local biodiversity by establishing a green network blueprint for ecological conservation in the country, implementing zero carbon emission policies and actions, integrating cross-regional platforms and resources, and promoting multiple channels to build consensus among the public. According to statistics, in 2022, we will work with 30 public departments to remove 112.73 hectares of silver acacia, plant 38.31 hectares of eco-forests, and match enterprises to adopt 31.47 hectares of forest land. Hualien County Government In May 2022, the Hualien County Government established the Hualien County Net Zero Carbon Emission Promotion Team to integrate and coordinate all bureaus and departments in order to move towards the goal of environmental sustainability and to efficiently provide the public with various ecosystem services through a sustainable operation system. We will use a sustainable operation system to efficiently provide various eco-system services to the public, as well as to convey the concept of conservation to the public through various educational and promotional activities.   For More details, Please visit: https://tcsaward.org.tw/en/main  

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1369 加入收藏 :
公私協力推動台灣生物多樣性保育 玉山金、全聯等12單位獲頒2023台灣生物多樣性獎

每年5月22日為「國際生物多樣性日」,呼應國際間對生物多樣性重視的趨勢,台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)與農委會林務局合辦「2023台灣生物多樣性論壇」;獎勵致力推動生物多樣性的企業與政府單位、學校,TAISE今年也首度舉辦「台灣生物多樣性獎」,共有12個單位獲獎。  「2023台灣生物多樣性獎」評比結果:玉山金控、全聯實業、台灣中油與台泥公司抱回首屆營利事業組金獎;非營利事業組則由行政院農業委員會林務局屏東林區管理處​、以及花蓮縣政府摘金。另外,家福公司、日月光投控、和泰汽車、光林智能科技、東海大學與雲林科大也分別抱回銀獎、銅獎或創新獎鼓勵。  TAISE董事長簡又新大使提到,去年無論聯合國氣候變化大會(COP27)或《聯合國生物多樣性公約》締約方會議(COP15),都強調維繫「生物多樣性」的急迫。根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum, WEF)全球風險報告,「生物多樣性的損失」是未來十年內最嚴重的全球風險第三名,僅次於「氣候行動失敗」與「極端天氣」。歐盟委員會 (European Commission) 更表示,全球超過100萬種物種瀕臨滅絕、75%的作物依賴動物授粉,全球一半GDP依賴自然資源、70%的抗癌藥物是源自天然或受自然啟發才產生的,一再顯示生物多樣性的健全與否,關係自然生態系能否正常運行,也影響人類社會仰賴生物多樣性資源的各方活動。  頒獎人、農委會主任秘書范美玲肯定所有企業與政府單位對生物多樣性的重視,尤其許多企業在ESG與透明揭露趨勢動力驅使下,積極結合核心本業投入相關工作,績優表現令人欽佩。她補充,農業部成立後,林務局將調整為「林業及自然保育署」,自然保育的功能任務會更重,特有生物研究保育中心也將升格成為生物多樣性研究所,加上農業部資源永續司串聯各方能量,希望可以讓台灣生物多樣性發揮極致。  頒獎典禮之後,TAISE與林務局也合辦「2023台灣生物多樣性論壇」,由農委會林務局副局長林澔貞、海洋委員會海保署長黃向文分別宣示我國陸域和海域生物多樣性發展藍圖與願景。  林澔貞指出,根據COP15通過「30 x 30」目標:2030年前保護30%區域,臺灣已經訂定陸域受保護區域及「有效保育地」(Other Effective Conservation Measures, OECMs)具體推動期程與方向,除了回應國際社會對於陸域保護區域的目標外,更以積極落實保護區實際經營管理效能為核心工作。  此外,針對國際最新趨勢生物多樣性空間規劃藍圖部分,「國土生態保育綠色網絡建置計畫」已經指認全國尺度的生物多樣性熱點與關鍵區域,包括全臺44個綠網關注區與45條保育軸帶,可以提供相關實務工作運用,指引全臺生態棲地復育與地景空間連結的投入,同時也可以提供企業了解生產基地周邊生態資訊及投入ESG與生物多樣性的空間布局。  至於海洋生物多樣性方面,黃向文說明,海保署與各公私團體協力,從科學研究盤點、試行復育到建立制度,落實海洋保育管理。針對我國330處紅樹林、海草床、珊瑚礁、藻礁等重要的海洋生態,分別提出保育計畫和維護方針,設立47處海洋保護區,促使海洋資源得到永續利用,保育海洋生物多樣性。  回應國際趨勢,我國將持續劃設保護區,提升監測管理技術,並推動海洋保育在地守護計畫,兼顧尊重原住民與當地社區權利,鏈結在地團體參與海洋保育行動,同時鼓勵企業共同投入。另一方面,海保署也正推動海洋保育法,期待連結跨域、跨界資源,達成30X30目標。  展現企業在各自的專長與領域,投入臺灣生物多樣性保育的成果,論壇也安排「台灣生物多樣性獎」得獎企業分享推動歷程。玉山金控資深經理張清玉介紹,玉山金在生物多樣性參與上,聚焦物種保育、棲地維護與環境永續三大主軸, 支持有機農作、台灣黑熊、蝴蝶、海龜等物種保育,更善用核心本業,推動環境永善金融方案,發揮金融影響力,打造人與自然和諧共存的家園。  促進政府單位、企業與民眾都能夠攜手投入「生物多樣性」保育,這場論壇還邀請國內相關領域學者專家以《昆明-蒙特婁生物多樣性行動框架》為基礎,分別就棲地、物種及社區等面向,帶領大眾熟悉「生物多樣性保育關鍵議題」。針對《昆明-蒙特婁生物多樣性行動框架》提出企業對於生物多樣性相關揭露的目標,也特別介紹國際社會與「生物多樣性」相關的準則。  TAISE統計,「2023台灣生物多樣性論壇」實體與線上論壇吸引超過上千位民眾參與,藉由公私部門的交流協力、持續合作對話,邁向人類與自然和諧共生的途徑。未來也將持續透過各管道,推廣論壇成果與獲獎單位精采作為,期待更多企業與政府部門、學校共同關注生物多樣性議題並採取實際行動響應。 得獎企業榜單:https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/news/index/369

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 16665 加入收藏 :
TAISE攜手三大科學園區開班 助企業快速入門永續議題

永續發展為當今刻不容緩的重要議題,各行各業急需綠領人才。回應企業需求,台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)與三大科學園區管理局聯手開辦「企業永續菁英培訓班」,六月起在各園區內開課,協助企業培養所需人才,快速入門永續行列。  由TAISE主辦「企業永續菁英培訓班」至今已持續八年,每年平均培訓逾千人次,屬於各行各業著手進入永續發展議題的入門課程。課程內容除了關注國際趨勢,更納入評審實務訓練,幫助學員們能夠透過實務分析,快速掌握企業推動永續工作和揭露品質的精髓。  根據金管會最新發布「企業永續發展行動方案」,2025年起,所有上市櫃企業都必須編製永續報告書,並依SASB準則揭露產業永續指標。回應企業即刻需求,TAISE整合長期辦理台灣企業永續獎(TCSA)與輔導企業永續發展經驗,課程中除了提供永續發展報告書架構與撰寫技巧,更詳細說明獎項評分要點,協助提升企業競爭力與價值。  TAISE說明,企業永續菁英培訓班涵蓋「學習、練習及評審」三大核心教學訓練,課程安排全天進行,提供學員們一氣呵成的學習模式,無論產業新鮮人、職場老手或是對永續發展有興趣的學生都可參與。結訓後,除了有助所屬組織推動永續實務,還有機會參與台灣企業永續獎評審工作,進一步從評審的視角中學習、反思成長。  本年度「2023企業永續菁英培訓班」科學園區初階及進階班正開放報名中,其中初階班著重「永續報告書」,進階班則集中探討企業「永續績效表現」,歡迎有意精進企業永續報告與績效的主管或執行人員、對ESG有興趣的大專院校同學與社會人士報名,緊密連結國際趨勢,晉身搶手的永續人才之列。  詳細課程資訊可上官網(https://tcsaward.org.tw/tw/about/summit/401#001)查詢。  

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8483 加入收藏 :
明志科大永續週 邀簡又新大使談「淨零時代」挑戰與機會

明志科技大學因應全球環境變遷對人類生存環境衝擊,於日前辦理校園永續週系列活動,以啟發師生了解環境永續發展的重要性,期間邀請台灣永續能源研究基金會董事長簡又新大使蒞校專題演講。演講活動開始前明志科大校長劉祖華特別邀請簡又新大使、新北市泰山區鄭淑敏區長、明志書院李江河主委與明志校友會黃力中理事長等人,共同參與永續週系列活動-植樹減碳活動,以具體植樹行動方式來愛護明志校園,除打造校園生物多樣性環境,並為減緩環境衝擊盡一份心力。 簡又新大使以「淨零時代的挑戰與機會」為題,在發表演說時指出,氣候變遷對大學研究與教學的影響,提及永續大學的四大發展領域包括教學與研究、環境與氣候、人與社會及行政與治理,鼓勵Z世代以永續行動衝擊轉型速度,強調運用科學方法於2050年前達成淨零排放的目標,淨零排放政策不僅驅動大學轉型,不管是從知識到行動的跨域整合面向,皆可強化學校對社會的影響力,藉由此次演講提升師生們對環境永續發展的意識。 明志科大校園永續週系列,舉辦綠色大學研習會、校園植樹、魚菜共生「黑水虻專題」體驗、環保手工皂DIY等各式豐富活動,內容對應永續發展目標SDGs6淨水及衛生、SDGs12責任消費及生產、SDGs15保育陸域生態,藉由活動冀望透過交流匯聚、經驗分享,齊聚校內外關切永續發展之師生、校友及社區居民,凝聚力量為校園環境永續提昇助益,進一步擴大學校影響力。

文章來源 : 明志科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8933 加入收藏 :
明志科大淨零碳排宣言 創校一甲子 永續再百年

明志科技大學創校至今將屆60年,以勤勞樸實為根基,發展永續校園,於2023年4月17日舉辦為期一週以環境永續為主題的活動,邀請全校教職員生及社區民眾共同參與,以更深入了解環境永續發展的重要性。「2023明志校園環境永續週」活動,只是邁向永續的第一步,未來將於2026年達成減碳20%,規劃於2043年達成淨零碳排目標,成為台灣教育界環保典範。 活動首先由明志大家長劉祖華校長偕馬成珉副校長、台塑企業總管理處劉耀文協理及長庚大學李坤穆永續長與長庚科大邱惠芬永續長透過SDGs地景藝術燈箱共同揭牌拉開序幕。藉由校徽「明」與SDGs 17項核心指標顏色相互呼應,並運用綠電,讓人駐足之際,啟發思考能為環境永續做些甚麼。 劉祖華校長致詞說到,為了實現淨零碳排目標,明志科大採取多種措施。首先,配合台塑企業政策,鼓勵使用綠色產品,指定綠色採購比例高達95%。其次,學校也積極推動校園環境保護課程,提高學生對全球環境問題的關心與認識。再者,學校更投入了大量資源在節能與再生能源的使用上,例如安裝太陽能板和熱泵系統等,目前再生能源比例已達2.78%,更換LED照明佔比也高達85%;體育館玻璃帷幕更是貼上節能膜,面積達408.14平方公尺,減少輻射熱能進入室內,每小時減少冷氣消耗167,679BTU,節電效益達21.2%。此外,學校也積極推動電子文書系統及無紙化措施,2022年約減少140萬張用紙。 當天同時為永續發展辦公室揭牌,宣告明志在校務治理的永續發展與社會責任,並連結聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs),推動校園永續。永續發展辦公室由副校長馬成珉擔任永續長,負責規劃與推動辦公室各項業務,並成立「永續發展推動委員會」,有效整合跨行政與教學單位之溝通與合作,強化行動力與執行力。 活動期間也邀請了各界專家學者包含台灣永續能源研究基金會簡又新大使及逢甲大學碳中和研發與服務中心呂晃志教授就淨零排放和碳中和等議題進行專題講座,另展出學校永續發展認證歷程、永續故事海報及魚菜共生-黑水虻專題,也安排植樹活動、環保DIY及環境與食農教育參訪等體驗活動,讓師生與社區居民透過參與環保行動,從生活中實踐環境永續發展的理念,俾能更深入了解環境保護和環境永續發展的重要性。 明志科大的校園環境永續週活動,連結社區居民共同為當地的環境保護和永續發展注入了新的動力,除善盡社會責任外,也將繼續努力達到2043年校園淨零碳排的目標。

文章來源 : 明志科技大學 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8948 加入收藏 :

2023 ESG趨勢論壇暨APSAA獎項說明會 全台企業大脫碳-服務業淨零與中小企業因應之道 根據歐盟率先實施碳邊境調整機制,越來越多的國家在出口商品至歐洲時都必須詳細計算碳排放。與此同時,台灣有許多產品出口到歐洲,在供應鏈環環相扣下,不僅對台灣的大企業產生影響,也勢必迫使中小企業加速面對企業脫碳的因應之道。台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE) 於2023年03月23日(星期四),隆重舉辦ESG趨勢論壇以【全台企業大脫碳-服務業淨零與中小企業因應之道】為題,邀請經濟部中小企業處何晉滄處長與全家便利商店公共事務暨品牌溝通室吳采樺部長,共同探討國際趨勢脫碳的議題與相關作法。本次論壇採實體及線上方式舉行,實體20餘位嘉賓出席、同步線上參加約600餘人次,亦代表台灣各產官學界對企業如何脫碳之重視。 TAISE董事長、同時也是中華民國外交部無任所簡又新大使蒞臨致詞表示,本次論壇是台灣永續能源研究基金會今年第一場ESG趨勢論壇,也是首次聚焦中小企業與服務業共同探討企業脫碳的因應之道。不僅如此,本次論壇總報名人數爆滿反映出相關利害關係人對於此議題之重視。去年3月份,政府公布全台的淨零路徑,讓台灣的中小企業積極的布局;然而,這過程一路上是非常快,因為就在今年年初歐盟的碳邊境調整機制,從原本的大企業(如鋼鐵、水泥業),擴大涵蓋到螺絲、螺帽等物件皆須計算碳排,對台灣的許多中小企業帶來很大的影響,更必須以最快速度擬定相關策略。所幸的是,經濟部中小企業處不斷帶領我們,是規模很大的工作主軸,包含「數位轉型、淨零排放、在地共榮」三大面向,透過今日何處長與吳部長的分享,將會帶給所有實體與線上的來賓們許多幫助。 活動特別邀請TACS台灣企業永續學院 郭財吉秘書長擔任主持人及引言人。經濟部邀請中小企業處何晉滄處長分享政府因應企業脫碳的具體措施。何處長開頭即表示,論壇結束後將趕去立法院審核預算,該預算跟本次主題十分相關,政府已編列許多預算用於「中小企業低碳化、智慧化與產業升級相關的措施」。在中小企業處就編列約160億,未來三年透過融資貸款、自動利息補貼,幫助創新創業低碳化或智慧化的業者,或是老舊設備汰換以及採買節能設備,中小企業處都會提供相關補助。何處長也指出,國際法規趨勢影響產業大廠積極推動供應鏈的轉型與減碳,台灣中小企業主要可能面臨三大問題,包含缺乏資訊、能量不足、無所適從。所幸台灣政府跨部會合作提供許多淨零轉型的輔導,也針對企業的運營轉型需求提供相關協助,透過政府規劃2050淨零路徑、導入綠色金融3.0、協助企業建立低碳轉型環境,最後提高企業在國際上的「低碳競爭力」。   何處長表示,中小企業處會經由五大策略支援中小企業的減碳轉型: 1. 知識擴散(提供教育訓練、舉辦企業標竿學習、社群媒體宣傳輔導資源) 2. 健康診斷(簡化盤查指引、建置數位工具、掌握碳排熱點、制訂減碳策略) 3. 減碳輔導(深度輔導、結合上下游夥伴推動供應鏈減碳) 4. 環境優化(推動綠色租賃、協助企業取得綠電、擴大查證量能、設備汰舊換新補助) 5.財務支援(綠色融資及研發補助、提升淨零轉型誘因、ESG融資信用保證)。 最後,何處長表示經濟部規畫許多支持中小企業綠轉型的因應措施,同時,有許多的輔導資源與工具,希望許多業者可以多加利用,讓台灣的中小企業共同努力邁向脫碳目標。   超商龍頭之一的全家便利商店作為全台服務業的ESG標竿,邀請全家便利商店公共事務暨品牌溝通室吳采樺部長,與我們分享全家如何規劃與執行ESG策略。吳部長表示,許多專家都表示ESG在推動上必須貼齊該產業的營運模式,在平常的價值鏈中做徹底的實踐。此外便利商店跟許多民眾的生活貼著非常近,確實可以在通路上發揮很大的社會影響力,不僅是具規模的店鋪數量,便利商店的服務與每個人的日常息息相關。在行動裝置APP的平台上,全家做為該產業率先推出的業者,擁有逾600萬用戶,期許該平台不只是商業意義,更多是富含社會意義。吳部長指出,對於零售業的全家便利商店來說,主要的利害關係人莫過於是供應商與消費者,因此全家便利商店也將ESG的推動上聚焦在減塑、減廢、減碳、食品永續,四大構面上。以食品為例,最令每位店長苦惱的即是每日的鮮食訂購量,由於鮮食的保存期限僅為1-2天,過多與過少皆會影響超商的運營,甚至造成食物浪費;因此,全家便利商店依據消費者需求生產,並導入AI系統協助店長精準訂購鮮食量,以及推動「友善食光7折」達到降低鮮食過剩與減少食物浪費。不僅如此,結合APP平台的友善食光地圖與集章種樹活動等擴大永續影響力,目前全體會員共種下近2000多棵樹。與台北大學打造的6間負碳商店,提供消費者個人碳帳戶,透過消費累積碳權兌換折價券,鼓勵消費者選擇碳足跡標籤的產品。在設備上,藉由IoT與能源系統的導入,協助許多分店節約能源,並響應關燈一小時,爬樓梯上班等活動。最後,吳部長表示,服務業在推動ESG的策略上以多方有利為初宗,先滿足消費者,利他的同時也利己。並期望攜手同仁、加盟主、消費者共同減碳在每一天的日常生活中。   本次論壇亦聯合舉辦第二屆APSAA亞太暨台灣永續行動獎獎項說明會,由TCSA台灣企業永續獎鄭頎一副執行長為大家介紹。鄭副執行長表示,亞太暨台灣永續行動獎成長率達40%(與過去未包含宜居永續城市獎和頂尖永續長獎相比),反映出台灣許多企業近年來在永續轉型的許多面向上積極布局。本獎項將分為1. 鼓勵各界實踐SDGs之「永續行動獎」2. 鼓勵地方政府落實永續性之施政方案,成就永續城市之「宜居永續城市獎」3. 表揚致力於推動企業邁向永續發展相關工作貢獻卓著、足堪典範之個人的「頂尖永續長獎」。同時,將舉辦線上及實體的說明會:政府機關(4/21)企業(4/14, 5/11)大學(4/19)醫院(3/30),報名期間為2/1至5/19,並於7/21於「亞太永續博覽會」頒發獲獎單位,更多內容歡迎瀏覽參獎簡章。此外,今年的「亞太永續博覽會」將在7/21-23於世貿一館A、D區盛大舉行,將有來自各界的展覽、高峰會、論壇等豐富的ESG最新資訊與趨勢,歡迎大家一同共襄盛舉。   更多ESG趨勢論壇即將到來,立即免費報名! 04/13 綠色金融3.0-報告書趨勢與國際ESG金融服務 05/11 永續行銷大趨勢-台灣企業如何佈局品牌戰略 06/15 碳關稅與數位永續-永續潮流企業佈局

文章來源 : 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 17224 加入收藏 :
2025 年 3 月 14 日 (星期五) 農曆二月十五日
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