Welcome to visit JK Fitness at 2022 TaiSPO online exhibition

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2053 加入收藏 :

TaiSPO, one of the well-known sporting goods shows, will hold both a physical show and a virtual event ‘TaiSPO DigitalGo’ when it takes place in March 2022. This is TaiSPO’s first ‘hybrid’ event, the last two editions being held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, TaiSPO attracted approximately 20,000 visits from 44 countries, with strong participation from U.S., Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and China.

About JK Fitness
JK Fitness is one of the Taiwan leaders in the industry. The company manufactures and sells its strength, cardiovascular equipment and accessories under the brand called FitLux and JKexer. Our equipment is distributed in over 60 countries. JK Fitness owns factories in Taiwan and China and also provides OEM/ODM services. For more information about JK Fitness products and services, visit www.jkexer.com

Welcome to visit【Jkexer online exhibition】https://www.jkexer.com/s/2/page-2190/Online-Exhibition.html

【Popular recommended products】

JKexer 645 Water Rower
Vertical Tank,
Bluetooth-Enabled <more>


JKexer 605 Multifunction
Magnetic Rower
Multi-Exercise Foot Plates,
Bluetooth-Enabled <more>

AeroHike 337/335 Incline
DC 2.7 HP, 2019 Award
Winner <more>


Anybody searching for a multi-gym for an especially small space needs look no further! The GYMTread 395 is absolutely compact, and will be able to fit anywhere. It offers a very impressive 14 kg of resistance that allow you to perform a variety of targeted upper and lower body exercises, as well as high intensity cardio workouts. Click here to discover more.  <more>

< Watch videos>

Sincerely welcome interested customers, visit our website or contact us directly

Media Contact :
E-Mail: sales@jkexer.com
Add: 9F, No. 26, Min Chuan E. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-25373397 Fax: +886-2-25214956


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2025 年 3 月 19 日 (星期三) 農曆二月二十日
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