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The primary task of OAV is to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2628 加入收藏 :
OAV is to provide the highest level satisfaction.

OAV has devoted in woodworking machinery industrial for over 40 years. OAV works hard to reach customer’s expectations, then we extended our production line and cooperate with other people in the same industry. So far, we have sold our machine to over 60 countries and have 120 agents around the world.

In order to meet customer satisfaction and comply with safety regulations. OAV machinery and tools are produced in accordance with the strictest quality control standards in the industry. QC stuff, trained by specialists from Japan, Europe and North America, inspect all phases of production to make sure that the end product meets OAV's internal high quality standards. All inspection procedures meet or exceed ISO 9001:2015 requirements. Every product leaving the OAV production facility should also follow 6S and meets the requirements of UL/CSA/CUS and CE.

As a result, OAV machinery can be exported to over 60 countries and have obtained many international certifications.

“Perfect Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Prior Management and Sustainable Operation". OAV taking care of every detail parts, then we can provide the high-quality products for our customers and ensure our products can be operating smoothly over the years. We believe that “Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” OAV keep this spirit in mind go through over 40 years. OAV will keep this in mend and continuing move on!

OAV Quality Assurance


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2025 年 3 月 14 日 (星期五) 農曆二月十五日
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