JPEX, the partner of "Netflix in Asia", wins Elite Brand Awards 2021 -- Outstanding Digital Assets Trading Platform Awards

文章來源 : EQS Group 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1946 加入收藏 :

In 2021, the number of people holding cryptocurrencies in the world quadrupled to nearly 220 million, creating a strong demand for an international and trust-worthy cryptocurrency trading platform. Japan Exchange ("JPEX"), one of the international cryptocurrency trading platforms which strives to provide safe and reliable trading experience to these 220 million potential users, proudly announced that it has won the "Elite Brand Awards 2021 - Outstanding Digital Assets Trading Platform Awards".


The rising need for digital assets trading platforms has never stopped. Just a couple of days ago, the US, EU and UK agreed to block "selected" Russian banks from the SWIFT global financial messaging system for its invasion of Ukraine. The measures were announced as part of a new round of financial sanctions for Russia. With the sanction, the local cryptocurrency trading volume surged immediately. Bitcoin trading volumes against the Russian Ruble reportedly soared to the highest level in almost a year. Bitcoin price has also been increasing since then.


Earlier in Sep 2021, JPEX has been engaged by HMVOD (8103.HK), which is also known as "Netflix in Asia", to provide its software and systems called Decentralization Application, Decentralization Application Wallet and Ito Arbitrage Investment App (IAIA) to HMVOD in handling crypto currencies and Non-fungible token (NFT). HMVOD will have a further option to invest up to USD5 million into JPEX. The engagement further demonstrates the strong demand of a stable, reliable and innovative cryptocurrency exchanges.


The advanced functions that JPEX offers has made it become a star trading platform in Asia in less than two years. JPEX has the original technology IAIA cryptocurrency arbitrage function developed by the Japanese technology team, while holding the state authorized virtual assets licenses from the US, Canada and Australia. JPEX's users are allowed to trade and manage their cryptocurrency assets around the clock through its website, as well as its mobile app which can be downloaded through App Store and Google Play.

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