Jesper PET Preform Corporation: Leading the Charge in Innovative PET Preforms and Molds

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Jesper PET Preform

Jesper PET Preform Corporation stands at the forefront of the industry, offering a diverse portfolio of PET preforms and molds. Boasting over 30 unique preform types, including the exceptional 38mm Cold Fill Preform, our commitment to innovation, precision manufacturing, and superior quality is unwavering. We are dedicated to creating tailored solutions that cater to your exact specifications, ensuring your success in every endeavor.


Our Products and Services:

  • PET Preforms: Explore our extensive range of PET preforms tailored to diverse applications. Whether you require standard designs or custom solutions, we have the expertise to meet your demands.
  • PET Preform Molds: Trust in our precision-engineered PET preform molds to ensure consistent and efficient production. We offer reliable solutions to enhance your manufacturing process and reduce raw materials waste.
  • 38mm Cold Fill Preform: As one of the leading PET preform suppliers in Taiwan, Jesper PET Preform Corporation specializes in the purchase and sale of 38mm Cold Fill Preforms. Our vast inventory is designed to optimize your processes, increase efficiency, and minimize costs.
  • Long-Term Business Relationships: We are committed to establishing long-term business relationships, serving as a reliable supplier for you and your company. Count on us for consistent quality and support throughout our partnership.


Why Choose Jesper PET Preform Corporation:

  • Innovative Designs: Benefit from our cutting-edge designs that meet industry standards and cater to evolving market trends.
  • Reliable Manufacturing: Our meticulous manufacturing processes ensure the production of PET preforms and molds that meet stringent quality criteria.
  • Competitive Pricing: Enjoy cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Our competitive pricing reflects our commitment to delivering value to our customers.
  • Global Recognition: With a presence across the globe, Jesper PET Preform Corporation is a well-recognized name, trusted by major OEMs for our quality products and services.


Check out our hot merchandise of 02.2025, 38mm Cold Fill Preform

38mm Cold Fill Preform

Base on customer's requirement such as bottle shape and volume, providing 1845 cold filling preform. Applied to water, aseptic, carbonated soft drink products.

  1. 38mm Cold Fill PET Preform
  2. Type of Fill: Cold Fill
  3. Seal Specs:38mm
  4. Inner Diameter:30.3mm
  5. Neck:Non-crystallized
  6. Neck Height:18mm

More Info Check Here

38mm Cold Fill Preform

38mm Cold Fill Preform

38mm Cold Fill Preform


About Us:


Jesper PET preform Co. started from 1990 specializing in PET preforms molds and PET preforms development. In short period of time, establish many injection machine production line and further using our own techniques and molds to produce Preforms independently.

Preforms of mineral water bottle, preforms of pharmacy bottle, preforms for sauce bottle, over 30 various types of preforms.

All products design in Taiwan, develop in Taiwan, produce in Taiwan, Truly Made in Taiwan. Accumulate experience plus self-manufacture molds and willingness of develop newest and leading preforms which lay the foundation of fine quality preforms, customized and capability of export worldwide. The company continuously innovated ideas, deeply support and trust by clients of all fields and customers around the world. Serve Honestly ; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Driven are the spirit and goals of Jesper PET preform co. by them expand globally. Interested clients are very welcome to contact us directly!


Jesper PET Preform Corporation


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■ Tel: 886-35387186

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