Searching for an affordable high-incline treadmill that doesn't compromise on quality?

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 415 加入收藏 :
Run Efficient, Not Harder! JKFitness New Incline Treadmill

High-incline treadmills typically command premium prices due to their advanced safety requirements and powerful motors. Yet market demand continues to grow as fitness enthusiasts seek challenging, mountain-like training experiences at home.

Now, come meet JKexer 330 - our great solution that delivers premium incline training features at an exceptional value.

Compact, Affordable AeroHike - JKexer 330

Engineered to match the JKexer 337's most sought-after features while eliminating some extras, this treadmill delivers great performance at a more accessible price point.

  • Instant Switch Between Running and Hiking Mode 
    Easily toggle between running mode (max speed 12 km/h with 15 adjustment levels) and hiking mode (max speed 6 km/h with 15-40 adjustment levels), allowing an instant switch in such many adjusting options.
  • Customized Programs for Dual modes 
    In total of 17 programs designed to offer wide range of training, from challenging hill climbing to intensive interval running.
  • Safety First
    Brake resistance system is equipped for safety in high levels.
  • Adjustable Console Angle
    For optimal viewing angle. Enjoy the perfect view every time you exercise and focus on your progress.
  • Compact Size for Perfect Home Use
    Practical 40 x 20 inches running deck designed to fit in conventional home living space, ensure efficient and comfortable workout.
  • Powerful Motor
    The DC 2.5 HP duty motor strikes the ideal balance between power and efficiency for home treadmills. It delivers smooth and consistent performance for walking, running and hiking,and able to handle daily workouts without compromising durability. 
  • Bluetooth Heart Rate Receiver
    Enabling precise control over your physical condition during workouts.
  • Easy To Move
    Built-in 4 transport wheels let you easily roll and reposition your treadmill.
Get all the essential premium features you need without paying for features you might not care. The intelligent choice for savvy fitness enthusiasts who demand quality and value
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Events To Come

JKexer 330 will also be on the upcoming TaiSpo show!
We invite you to come and try it in person.
Also, not only JKexer 330, there will be many other eye-catching JKfitness products on the show. Looking forward to seeing you there.

AeroWork and AeroHike will be on the FIBO show!

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