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OAV Supporting Woodworking Entrepreneurs: Building Success with Resilience, Efficiency, and Growth

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 257 加入收藏 :

Our greatest mission is to become a partner that supports woodworkers in their entrepreneurship.

We aim to support small and medium-sized woodworking entrepreneurs by offering high-quality products and comprehensive services. Our goal is to deeply understand and support the entrepreneurial spirit of these business owners.

To achieve this, we are committed to three core value propositions, which we hope to share with all of our partners.


We hope to accompany entrepreneurs in overcoming challenges, encouraging them to persist and push forward despite difficulties, always staying focused on their goals.

When facing setbacks, we strive to offer assistance, helping them navigate obstacles and find the path forward.

▍Efficient Resource Utilization

We want entrepreneurs to make the most of existing resources, finding efficient and effective ways to run their workshops.

By offering a wide range of tools, we enable entrepreneurs to achieve the greatest overall impact at the lowest cost.

▍Growth-Oriented Mindset

We are committed to continuous improvement, expansion, and business development, always striving for excellence.

In the pursuit of excellence, we never stop. Together with our partners, we constantly grow and continue to reach new heights.

About OAV

OAV Equipment and Tools, Inc. provide manufacturing solutions to the woodworking industry. OAV take a consultancy approach to their clients, discussing production, growth plans and future goals, to provide the perfect manufacturing solution for the business. OAV has a team of specialists providing solutions based sales and service, with technicians from a variety of trade backgrounds including electricians, engineers, wood machinists, cabinetmakers and electronics experts. Our goal is satisfied the customers all over the world.

OAV Machinery Quality Assurance


Ching-shui Factory
No. 96 Wu-tso 1st Street, Ching-shui Dist., Taichung City 436043, Taiwan

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