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Biogénesis Bagó opens offices in Vietnam, strengthening its presence in Asia

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 594 加入收藏 :

After years of commitment to animal health in the Asian market providing high-quality biotechnological solutions, this significant milestone further strengthens the company's long-term expansion strategy in the region. This is also reinforced by the recent launch of the FMD vaccine, Bioaftogen, in Thailand and Indonesia

HO CHI MINH, Vietnam, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With the presence of local authorities and partners from Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea, Biogénesis Bagó inaugurated its offices in Vietnam, a dedicated space to grow their team and foster closer relationships with clients and partners.

This opening of the regional offices in Vietnam will provide the ability to work collaboratively toward continued expansion in a market where Biogénesis Bagó sees immense potential and opportunities to make a meaningful impact on animal health in the region.

"Having a local base in Vietnam allows us to better understand the specific needs of our clients and respond with tailored biotechnological solutions that address their challenges. This expansion represents a key step in our ongoing mission to support and enhance animal health across Asia, a market we are confident will continue to offer significant growth opportunities," said the CEO of Biogenesis Bago, Mr. Esteban Turic.

The biotechnological company currently has production sites in China and South Korea through key partnerships, as well as technical and commercial teams' representatives in different markets across the region. Last October, their FMD vaccine, Bioaftogen, was launched in the Thai market in collaboration with their partners CVG Tech and Advance Pharma, as well as in the Indonesian market, in November, together with Elanco. This ensures a high-quality solution that will protect animal health, enabling livestock producers to increase productivity and achieve better results.

Asia is an extremely important market for Biogénesis Bagó. The company expects to continue developing the business in different countries in the region, in order to boost productivity and contribute to guaranteeing the animal health status and food security of the region.

About Biogénesis Bagó is a global biotechnology company that leads in the health, productivity, and animal welfare sector. The company develops, produces, and markets world-class products for the protection of countries' health statuses and plays a key role in the prevention of zoonotic diseases, as well as in food production safety. It is a reference for the prevention and control of foot-and-mouth disease and one of the main producers of the canine rabies vaccine, being able to respond to health emergencies immediately anywhere in the world.

Press Contact

BOND Communications

Florencia Bonninflor@prbond.com 
Mercedes García Bartelt | mercedes@prbond.com

Biogénesis Bagó Opening Vietnam Offices
Biogénesis Bagó Opening Vietnam Offices


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2025 年 1 月 17 日 (星期五) 農曆十二月十八日
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