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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 763 加入收藏 :

DEKRA remains on course despite global economic and political crises

STUTTGART, Germany, Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DEKRA could hardly be entering the year of its 100th anniversary on a more future-proof and resilient footing: after the world's largest non-listed testing, inspection and certification company exceeded a sales threshold of €4 billion for the first time in its history in 2023, DEKRA anticipates further growth in 2024. In the first ten months of the year, turnover increases by around 5%, with the core TIC (Testing, Inspections & Certification) business growing by more than 7%.

"We are optimistic that we can close 2024 with a mid-single digit increase in sales," says Stan Zurkiewicz, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management of DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE, at the company's annual review at its Stuttgart headquarters. Despite very challenging external conditions—e.g., recession in DEKRA's home market of Germany and continued shortage of skilled personnel across Europe—all areas of the company's TIC business have contributed to this success. The temporary staffing segment is the only area experiencing a decline in sales, particularly in Germany, due to the difficult framework conditions. DEKRA CEO Zurkiewicz explains: "In this area, we are feeling the effects of the current economic contraction and the crisis afflicting the European automotive industry. However, we are able to offset this with more than 7 percent increase in turnover within our core business and strong demand in new focus areas."

In the current fiscal year, DEKRA has recorded high single- to double-digit growth in the Americas (around 14%), North-West Europe (around 9%) and the Asia-Pacific region (around 9%). In its home market of Germany, the core business has grown by around 7%. The new strategic business fields related to future mobility, sustainability, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence have also contributed to this success.

DEKRA will celebrate its 100th anniversary next summer. Considering this milestone, the company anticipates maintaining its growth trajectory in 2025—despite potentially volatile geopolitical and economic conditions. DEKRA expects to see another mid-single digit turnover growth in the anniversary year.

Read the full version here: https://www.dekra.co.jp/en/entering-the-centenary-year-with-sustained-sales-growth/

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