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How Sustainable Packaging is Shaping a Greener Future

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 537 加入收藏 :

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In recent years, South Korea has taken significant steps to reduce plastic waste, including implementing a ban on single-use plastics. In 2015 alone, an estimated 21.6 billion single-use plastic bags were consumed. Statista data shows that in 2020, the country used approximately half a million tons of single-use plastic bags and 84,000 tons of PET bottles.

Korea generated around 390 million metric tons of plastic waste annually by 2021, marking a steady rise over the past decade. With the rise of plastic usage, the government is making efforts to reduce plastic waste.

As one of the leading pulp and paper companies, APP is striving to support South Korea in combating plastic waste. APP Group actively participated in the previous Seoul Food & Hotel 2023 event and showcased the Foopak Series products, which are sustainable packaging solutions for food.

"The innovative solutions from Foopak are designed to help reduce the impact of plastic use in Korea. We hope they contribute to a more sustainable future in Korea. For example, Foopak has a non-plastic nature and can be composted in industrial and home levels," said Kin Keung Christopher Wong, Senior Vice President and Global Business Unit Head Industrial White in Asia Pacific.

APP has replaced the traditional petroleum-based plastic coating with innovative and revolutionary aqua-dispersion technology, making the product fully sustainable and plastic-free. APP's Foopak Bio Natura also conforms to the US FDA standards and REACH requirements for direct food contact. Foopak Bio Natura can break down to CO2, water, and biomass naturally, compared to traditional PE coated food packaging that has a decomposition rate of hundreds of years.

As a leading pulp and paper producer, APP Group is committed to promoting eco-friendly practices across the industry through responsible sourcing, innovative paper products, and initiatives aimed at reducing its carbon footprint.

About APP Group

APP is a leading pulp, paper, and forestry company based in Indonesia, supplying high-quality tissue, packaging, and paper to over 150 countries. With operations in Indonesia and China, we prioritize sustainability, ethical practices, and the well-being of our employees, society, and the environment. Our Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030, aligned with ESG principles, guides our efforts in environmental protection, community support, biodiversity preservation, and carbon neutrality.

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