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Get Ready for WEPACK ASEAN 2024: Highlights You Won't Want to Miss!

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 161 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI, Nov. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WEPACK ASEAN 2024, organized by RX, is set to take place from November 14 to 16, 2024, at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre. As Southeast Asia's premier event for the packaging industry, WEPACK ASEAN 2024 will showcase the latest innovations and advancements in packaging technology.

[Highlights of the Exhibition]

1.    This year, WEPACK ASEAN 2024 will feature six specialized exhibitions: Corrugated ASEAN, FoldingCarton ASEAN, Dprint ASEAN, Paper ASEAN, Packaging Containers Expo ASEAN 2024, and Food Pack & Tech ASEAN 2024.

As a grand event in Southeast Asia's packaging industry, WEPACK ASEAN 2024 will feature an exhibition scale of 12,000 square meters, over 200 quality exhibitors from Southeast Asia and China, more than 5,000 global buyers, as a showcase of packaging industry technology innovations and new products in the era. Once again targeting the Southeast Asian packaging industrial chain, this edition focuses on crafting an extraordinary event that offers a wide variety of activities such as exhibitions, forums, matchmaking events, and visits to well-known enterprises, and provides a platform for in-depth exchanges and interactions among practitioners in the Southeast Asian packaging sector.

2.    Newly Added Exhibition Areas: To refine the industrial chain demonstration

Packaging Containers Expo ASEAN and Food Pack & Tech ASEAN

Packaging Containers Expo ASEAN 2024 and Food Pack & Tech ASEAN 2024, newly added to this year's exhibition as complements of the downstream packaging industrial chain (packaging products and finished packaging products), will drive the participation of more buyers of carton and folding carton production equipment, lead more brand-owning enterprises to the exhibition site, and also facilitate efficient communication between industrial chain enterprises on site.

Finished Packaging Product Exhibition Area - 2025 WCA Collection Area

A centralized showcase of pioneering works collected from the global corrugated industry, it will offer visitors a one-stop view of current corrugated packaging technologies and future development trends.

Global Super Agency Consultation Area

This year's exhibition will feature an agency negotiation area to aid enterprise products to enter international markets. Don't miss out on this chance if your enterprise is poised to expand your global reach.

3.    A myriad of unmissable international forums

The Inaugural 1st ASEAN Pulp & Paper Summit

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is set to hold the Inaugural 1st ASEAN Pulp & Paper Summit on November 13, 2024, which is jointly supported by authoritative industry organizations including China Paper and Pulp Industry Chamber of Commerce, Malaysia Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association, Vietnam Pulp and Paper Association, Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia, and China Resource Recycling Association. It aims to strengthen connections between Southeast Asia's pulp & paper-making and packaging industry with Chinese and global advanced technologies, management experiences and markets, so as to enable sound development of Chinese and global pulp & paper, packaging and brand enterprises in the Southeast Asian region.

The Summit includes hot topics such as global waste paper market outlook, sustainable packaging, Chinese packaging paper and board sector - challenges and opportunities, Indian pulp & paper market - growing demand for waste paper, etc.


WEPACK ASEAN Conference, co-organized by Malaysian Corrugated Carton Manufacturers' Association (MACCMA) and RX, will bring together key industry associations, carton & color printing enterprises, industry experts, and equipment suppliers from 10 Asian countries, with the goal of collaboratively analyzing changes in the carton packaging industry, gaining insights into global industry dynamics, and exchanging the latest industrial technological advancements.

4.  MACCMA 33rd Anniversary Dinner

On the evening of November 14, MACCMA, a valued partner of WEPACK ASEAN, will host a grand 33rd anniversary dinner, welcoming nearly 1,100 distinguished guests from the Southeast Asian packaging industry.


For more information, please contact us:

Booth reservation:
Mr. Adward Lu
021-2231 7103

Overseas social media consulting:
Ms. Jessica Zhu
021-2231 7059

Visit consulting: 
Mr. Alan Lee
+86-21-2231 7155

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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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