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Caladan Announces Options and Structured Products Desk

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 303 加入收藏 :
Caladan Announces Options and Structured Products Desk SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 2 October 2024 - Leading digital asset trading group Caladan is proud to announce the opening of its over-the-counter crypto options desk to offer crypto structured products for institutional and accredited investors.

Caladan Announces Options and Structured Products Desk
Caladan Announces Options and Structured Products Desk

Strategic Expansion Into Structured Products

Caladan’s decision to expand into structured products is a natural expansion of how it partners with crypto token projects, and as a leading crypto trading firm, it is highly synergistic with its existing venture capital investing and market-making activities.

“For years, we’ve supported crypto startups at their very earliest stages as a venture capital investor, and also at token listing with our crypto market-making capabilities across CEFI and DEFI”, said John Gu, CEO of the Caladan Group, “Now, we are expanding further across the token project lifecycle by providing treasury solutions for token foundations and key investors that will enable them to protect and leverage their investments.”

Remi Colinmaire Appointed as Head of Options Trading

Caladan has appointed Remi Colinmaire as its Head of Options Trading.

Colinmaire, who is based out of the Caladan Group’s Singapore office, brings over twenty years of experience in options and volatility trading to the role. He began his career as an options market-maker at BNP Paribas, and has previously been a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and a Portfolio Manager at AlphaDyne Asset Management specialising in index volatility trading.

“I am delighted to join Caladan to build out the crypto structured products and options business”, said Colinmaire. "Despite being a nascent market, digital assets options are poised to grow tremendously from here as more institutions and sophisticated investors are looking for capital efficient financing solutions.," he added.

Options Products Available on Long Tail Tokens

As an alt-coin specialist, Caladan will be offering a range of derivative solutions on a large number of different tokens, including crypto hedging solutions, treasury solutions, and various crypto yield products as well.

These crypto structured products will allow token foundations and institutional investors to generate yield on and hedge the risk of their holdings, including through crypto OTC options for large transactions.

“Token foundations and institutional investors often don’t want to sell their holdings as they believe in the project for the long run”, said Will Leung, Caladan’s Head of Business Development. “Instead, we are seeing increased demand from the most savvy foundations and investors for solutions to be able to monetize their holdings, combining a crypto market making strategy with hedging to protect capital.

More information on hedging and protection strategies may be found on the Caladan website.

Caladan Group’s structured products solutions will only be available to institutions and accredited investors subject to strict customer due diligence. These products are not offered to retail investors or the general public in Singapore.
Hashtag: #CaladanGroup #CryptoOptions #CryptoStructuredProducts #OTCTrading #Caladan

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

About Caladan

Caladan makes digital asset markets more efficient and fair. We support exchanges, tokens, and institutional investors with on-exchange liquidity, DeFi expertise, treasury solutions, and investments. Since 2017 we've been a pioneer in crypto market-making, powering over $50B in annual transactions across 1000+ assets.

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