SK hynix Becomes First Semiconductor Company in Korea to Win Both ISO Compliance, Anti-Bribery Management System Certifications

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3328 加入收藏 :
  • ISO certification ensures company's commitment to legal compliance
  • "Aims to continuously grow into a semiconductor company trusted by stakeholders"

SEOUL, South Korea, July 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SK hynix Inc. (or "the company", announced today that it has been awarded the ISO 37301 compliance management system* and ISO 37001 anti-bribery management system** certifications issued by the British Standards Institute (BSI).

* ISO 37301: International standard that specifies requirements for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving an effective compliance management system in order for an organization to fulfill compliance obligations and develop into a sustainable enterprise in the long term

** ISO 37001: International standard that specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an anti-bribery management system within an organization

Amid growing demands for corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) management across the world, SK hynix has been pushing for compliance and anti-bribery management system certification from internationally recognized institutions.

"We have successfully completed the preparation process and evaluation based on our compliance system currently in operation, and SK hynix, in recognition of such achievements in establishing those management systems that comply with international standards, became the first semiconductor company in Korea to receive both certifications from the BSI," the company said.

The certification award ceremony held today at SK hynix Bundang office was attended by Lim Seong-hwan, CEO of BSI Group Korea, and SK hynix Vice Presidents Kim Youn-wook (Head of Sustainability Management) and Park Su-man (Head of Ethics Management).

"With the latest certification, the company will strengthen its efforts to prevent any compliance risks within and outside the country, and we expect our SK hynix members to voluntarily participate in eradicating corruption," Vice President Kim Youn-wook said.

"Based on our world-class corporate governance, SK hynix will continue to strive to grow into a semiconductor company trusted by stakeholders," Kim added.

About SK hynix Inc.

SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world's top tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips ("DRAM"), flash memory chips ("NAND flash") and CMOS Image Sensors ("CIS") for a wide range of distinguished customers globally. The Company's shares are traded on the Korea Exchange, and the Global Depository shares are listed on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange. Further information about SK hynix is available at,


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