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Collaboration Insights of TZ6000 from TeraView– The Nondestructive Wafer Testing Accomplishment in Semiconductor Industry

Dr. Don Arnone is the CEO of TeraView. In March 2023, he visited ACE Solution (ACE), the Taiwan representative partner that launched the TZ6000, a non-destructive wafer quality measurement tool. It incorporates with TeraView's TeraPulse Lx technologies, particularly for crucial applications such as wafer and substrate defect inspection. TZ6000 characterizes the wafer properties by thickness, refractive index, resistivity, dielectric constant, and surface/subsurface defects scanning graph.   Key Driving Factors for TZ6000 Success and Market Advantages To explore the market for TZ6000, Dr. Don Arnone shares two influencing factors: " One is to transmit product information; the other is to make a demonstration to customer in terms of favorable impression." Since 2023, the proof of concept (POC), the initial sales, will rely on sturdy teamwork. Based on ACE and TeraView professionals, TZ6000 is the thriving base for forward-looking. TeraView possesses competitive advantages of Terahertz instrument experience, while ACE has tremendous expertise for integration solutions such as TZ6000. Under the two leading companies' cross-border cooperation, it will bring an unprecedented solution for customers.   Subsurface Damage (SSD) of semiconductor wafers commonly happens in the surface machining process. At present, wafer inspection relies on VIS/IR/UV optical inspection that can analyze the surface properties of the wafer but not the SSD because of its low penetration depth. Terahertz (THz) waves have the features of high penetration depth in semiconductor wafers for silicon, silicon carbide, and gallium nitride. Therefore, THz-based TZ6000 can meet the market needs for compound semiconductor wafer non-destructive inspection.   TZ6000 Accomplishment Insights from ACE and TeraView From Dr. Don Arnone's viewpoint, there are three takeaways for TZ6000 task achievement. ACE works enthusiastically and hard to reach our milestones and follows customer requirements. In addition, team flexibility brings the capability to address the challenge of market adoption. These factors are also key to take the TZ6000 from the project phase through to final commercialization. TeraView's TeraPulse Lx System is the pioneer product for terahertz analysis. Specifically, it meets material inspection in imaging or spectroscopy applications for the compound semiconductor industry. The modular architecture and patented laser-gated photoconductive emitters and detectors are flexible and expandable. The system also boasts an industry-leading 3,200 ps time-delay line as standard. With a lightweight, compact core unit that allows easy transport, the TeraPulse Lx System incorporates the TeraPulse Lx modules to meet market demands.   Steve Hsu, President of ACE, says it's a precious chance to collaborate with TeraView. ACE takes the lead in electrical precision tests, integrating service and solution. Through the TeraPulase Lx module and TZ6000 system incorporation, it frames a unique THz-TDS probe for simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters of wafer characterization. In the wafer manufacturing and R&D process, TZ6000 possesses user-friendly and graphically illustrated software for quality inspection. "TeraView and ACE have very complimentary skills and experience. Our partnership is a representative case of international cooperation. I'm proud of this unique accomplishment and enjoying working with President Steve's team.", Dr. Don Arnone says with trust. Starting the TZ6000 business in Taiwan, ACE has confidence in creating a great business via technology integration in the long run.     About ACE Solution Founded in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/) locates in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our mission is to provide customized test solutions to meet customer needs in electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing and provide technology solutions through our partners. We focus on RF, mmWave, and terahertz with the expert technical support team. ACE Solution offers professional, innovative, and multi-functional integrated techniques and solutions.   About TeraView Founded in 2001, TeraView (https://teraview.com/) is the world’s first and leading company solely focused on applying terahertz light to solve customer issues. A spin-out from the Toshiba Corporation and Cambridge University, TeraView has developed its proprietary technology across many markets. These include fault analysis and quality assurance for semiconductor chips used in mobile computing and communications and non-destructive inspection of high-value coatings used in the automotive, pharmaceutical, food, and solar industries.     Contact ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 E-mail: thzlab@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ https://www.acebiotek.com/en/thz-service/apply

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3129 加入收藏 :
SJSemi closed $700M new financing to further boost its Advanced Packaging projects

JIANGYIN, China, Dec. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SJ Semiconductor Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "SJSemi" or "the company") announced the efficient and successful closure of a new financing round amounting to $700 million on Dec. 31, 2024. The roster of newly onboarded investors includes Wuxi Chanfa Science and Technology Innovation Fund, Jiangyin Binjiang Chengyuan Investment Group, Fortera Capital, Shanghai International Group, Lingang Xinxin Fund of Shanghai Lingang Special Area Administration and Lingang Shuke Fund of Lingang Group, together with Social Security Fund Zhongguancun Independent Innovation Fund, China Life Private Equity Investment Limited, Golden Link, etc. Since its inception in 2014, SJSemi has continuously dedicated to the high-quality and high-standard production of 12-inch mid-end wafers. Complementing this, SJSemi extends its service to offer advanced packaging and testing services for the whole process of wafer level advanced packaging and multi-die integration processing, which are widely used in smartphones, 5G communication, high-performance computing, data centers, automotive and other electronics fields. In the wake of the artificial intelligence and digital economy boom, SJSemi is able to provide a variety of advanced packaging solutions for Chiplet production and continues to increase investments in innovation and R&D efforts, especially in the 3D multi-die integration space. In 2023 and 2024, SJSemi witnessed remarkable revenue growth for two successive years. According to Yole's market research report, SJSemi is the company with the highest revenue growth among global OSATs in 2023. According to CIC Insight Consulting, SJSemi is ranked No.1 in market share in mainland China's 12-inch Bumping, 12-inch WLCSP markets, and is ranked No.1 in revenue in the wafer testing and chip probing market. As of 2024, SJSemi is currently the only provider capable of mass producing silicon-based 2.5D packaging solutions in mainland China. In recent years, SJSemi has made significant progress in advanced packaging technologies due to its commitment to innovation. In May 2024, SJSemi debuted its 3x reticle TSV interposer technology, marking the company's entry into a new era of sub-micron level advanced chip interconnect technology, further improving interconnect density in its products. The latest round of $700M USD in financing will help the company further technological progress into ultra-high density 3D Multi-Die Integration project, allowing it to strengthen its position as a leading advanced packaging provider, becoming a one-stop shop solutions provider for multi-die integration solutions. Mr. Cui Dong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SJSemi, states that, while proceeding  toward the IPO application process, the company opened the latest round of new financing for patient capital and industrial capitals who are firmly aligned with the long-term vision of SJSemi. This will also help to improve and optimize the company's equity governance structure.  The synergy between SJSemi's strategic business planning and state-owned capital from both Wuxi and Shanghai will look to inject new momentum into the company's long-term development and success, positioning the company favorably to best capitalize on new opportunities in artificial intelligence and the digital economy!" About SJSemi Established in August 2014, SJ Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is the first Middle-End-Of-Line (MEOL) pure play foundry equipped with Front-End-Of-Line (FEOL) manufacturing and quality system, serving global customers. Starting with advanced 12-inch bumping and RDL, SJSemi devotes to offer world-class Middle-End-Of-Line (MEOL) manufacturing and testing services, and develops to provide the advanced 3D Multi-Die Integration technology and solutions. Headquartered in Jiangyin High-tech Industrial Development Zone, China, the company has branches in Shanghai and Silicon Valley of the United States, serving advanced chip design enterprises at home and abroad.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 620 加入收藏 :

筑波科技 (ACE Solution) 攜手美商泰瑞達 (Teradyne),於2024年11月14日成功舉辦年度壓軸「化合物半導體與矽光子技術研討會」。本次活動由國立陽明交通大學、中原大學電子工程學系共同主辦,打造產官學交流平台。主題涵蓋Teradyne ETS高功率類比與混合訊號測試,適用於晶片探測 (CP)、良品晶片 (KGD)、功率器件 (PD)、功率模組 (PM) 等多樣需求。同時,矽光子結合半導體應用提供優化測試支援。太赫茲非破壞性檢測技術則適用於材料及晶圓測試及高階封裝的非破壞性測試方案。   此次特別融入半導體自動化應用,包括協作型機器人及自主移動機器人整合方案,靈活應用於智慧製造環境,提升操作效率並降低人力成本。隨著電動車及新能源市場需求增長,化合物半導體材料如碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN),其高頻率、耐高壓及優異的散熱性能,成為車用半導體及電源管理IC關鍵技術。筑波科技攜手泰瑞達推廣ETS,提供業界最高規格功率IC測試平台可支持達6000V和4000A測試,應對高電流、高電壓需求。也應用太赫茲檢測技術,滿足非破壞性晶圓材料及3DIC高階封裝測試需求,涵蓋從研發到量產的製程管理,提升效率並減少潛在風險。   活動開幕引言由筑波科技許深福董事長致詞:「因應化合物半導體及車用市場需求,筑波科技致力於跨足產業鏈,專注提供彈性系統整合測試方案,引進協作手臂自走車,推動半導體產業的工廠自動化。很榮幸邀請來自全球的專家學者共同參與,期望創造更大的合作效益。」在上半場活動,由筑波科技工程部專案經理邱世耀介紹ETS測試系統在高功率類比與混合訊號測試上的應用,SEMI Taiwan/陽明交大光電所教授郭浩中則分享矽光子技術在AI Data Center前景。日本九州大學系統資訊科學研究生院資訊電子學系加藤和利教授也專題探討化合物半導體光混頻器於太赫茲波應用成果。會場提供四大展示體驗站,包括高功率類比與混合訊號測試方案、矽光子光電整合測試模組方案、晶圓及材料非破壞性測試方案,及UR與MiR的整合解決方案。   下半場活動由合晶科技新產品技術處資深處長徐文浩探討氮化鎵基板材料的創新應用,筑波科技總經理徐舜範分享UR (協作型機器人) 與 MiR (自主移動機器人) 半導體自動化應用,系統整合專案經理吳煜坤則介紹PXIE介面提升矽光子光電整合測試效率、相干光技術及多通道解決方案。最後,專案經理許永周講解化合物半導體材料晶圓及3DIC測試。   筑波科技期盼未來能與更多客戶及合作夥伴攜手合作,可提供完整測試與自動化解決方案,共同推動產業創新,拓展商業契機與市場機會。         聯絡筑波科技  筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/     關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。  

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2487 加入收藏 :
敬邀:11/14筑波科技 化合物半導體與矽光子技術研討會

在電動車與新能源市場需求下,化合物半導體材料如碳化矽 (SiC) 和氮化鎵 (GaN) 具高頻率、耐高壓、優異的散熱性能和高效能轉換,成為車用半導體及電源管理IC的關鍵技術。在晶圓製造、檢測分析如材料分析 (MA)、故障分析 (FA) 及車用半導體測試,有效掌握從研發到量產的製程。   面對高效能運算和AI趨勢,矽光子和先進封裝技術,包括3DIC及矽光子技術,顯著提升頻寬互連能力。矽光子在高速通信和資料傳輸中展現出替代傳統電子元件的潛力,帶來高效能、低耗能的資料處理,提高系統整合密度和效率。特別是在AI、電動車(EV)及高速通信,矽光子和化合物半導體技術結合自動化為提升性能和效率提供重要支持。   筑波科技與美商Teradyne合作,推廣ETS解決功率器件和功率模塊測試,並利用太赫茲檢測分析技術,應對非破壞性Wafer材料測試及3DIC高階封裝的測試挑戰。誠摯邀請業界先進至報名網站,共同蒞臨參與。   日期:2024年11月14日(四) 12:30-17:00 地點:筑波醫電大樓1F 諾貝爾講堂(新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號) 報名:https://register.acesolution.com.tw/20241114_WBGSemiconductor_Seminar   VIP貴賓/講師陣容/主題: 講師陣容: l   國立陽明交大 光電工程研究所/ SEMI Taiwan 郭浩中 教授:Recent Progress of SiPh for AI Data Center l   筑波科技 邱世耀 工程部專案經理:利用ETS測試系統應對高功率類比與混合訊號測試挑戰 l   日本九州大學 系統資訊科學研究生院 資訊電子學系 加藤 和利 教授:Compound Semiconductor Photomixer for Terahertz Wave Application l   合晶科技 徐文浩 新產品技術處資深處長:如何創新氮化鎵基板材料來引領多元應用市場 l   筑波科技 徐舜範 總經理:UR (協作型機器手臂) 與 MiR (自主載具車) 的協作解決方案:智能自動化的應用 l   筑波科技 吳煜坤 系統整合專案經理:以PXIE介面提升矽光子光電整合測試效率:相干光技術驗證與多通道解決方案 l   筑波科技 許永周 專案經理:化合物半導體材料Wafer與3DIC測試的挑戰與應用     聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/   關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳以及越南設有分公司,可提供服務。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2195 加入收藏 :
Embracing the AI Era for a Win-Win Future of Memory Industry: The GMIF2024 Innovation Summit Successfully Held in Shenzhen

SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the golden glow of autumn, Shenzhen brings all together to convene a grand celebration. On September 27, the Third GMIF2024 Innovation Summit (Global Memory Innovation Forum) has been successfully concluded in Shenzhen. The event was hosted by the Semiconductor Investment Alliance and the Shenzhen Memory Industry Association, co-organized by the Guangdong Integrated Circuit Industry Association and the Shenzhen Semiconductor Industry Association, and organized by JW Insights Consulting (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. and Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. With the theme of "AI Leads Memory's New Momentum", this year's summit has brought together leading enterprises from various segments of the memory industry chain, including major wafer manufacturers, memory controller suppliers, module producers, packaging and testing enterprises, equipment and materials manufacturers, and terminal manufacturers, as well as representatives from investment institutions. The event centered around all aspects of key topics such as product innovation, technological evolution, and the collaborative development of the industrial chain, all with the aim of advancing industry cooperation and creating a shared future of success. GMIF2024 Innovation Summit Accelerating Deployment of AI Applications to Unlock New Growth in the Storage Industry The explosive growth of AI in the new era is reshaping the global semiconductor landscape. The widespread application of AI is driving demand for high-performance, high-computing-power chips, while also creating significant growth opportunities for high-bandwidth, large-capacity, and low-power storage chips. The GMIF2024 Innovation Summit officially kicked off with the welcoming remarks from Mr. Rixin Sun, President of the Shenzhen Memory Industry Association (SMIA). Over the recent years, the exponential growth of AI, 5G, Big Data and Internet has seen a brand-new revolutionizing period in global storage industry. Mr. Sun addressed that the GMIF2024 Innovation Summit turns special attention to the entire upstream and downstream storage value chain that goes beyond just the storage and memory itself. In particular, it unfolds critical areas across the industry, consisting of storage media, solutions, system platforms, testing equipment and more. Mr. Sun affirmed that only through collaboration across the entire industry chain can we continuously drive the advancement of the sector and maintain a leading position in global competition. Xiaofei Zhang, Chief Analyst for Electronics Industry from Haitong Securities, stated that, from the perspective of overall storage market, the HBM3e has exerted impacts on the production schedule of DDR5, and the decline in DRAM prices remains restricted. In the NAND sector, the inventory adjustments at server terminals are entering the final stages; coupled with AI driving demand for high-capacity storage products, prices have continued to rise in Q2. Although the recent increase in NAND prices has slowed, it still exceeds market concerns. Looking ahead, the penetration of AI terminal applications is accelerating, leading to a sustained increase in demand for computing and storage solutions. Yimao Cai, Dean of the School of Integrated Circuits at Peking University, expressed that semiconductor storage, considered as one of the largest segment of the integrated circuit industry, has encountered considerable challenges after stepping into the post-Moore and AI era. On one hand, traditional memory technologies have posed significant limits on the integration density and reliability below 28nm, and there is an urgent need for breakthroughs in underlying technologies. On the other hand, the traditional computing chips are insufficient to satisfy the high-efficiency demands for intelligent equipment, catalyzed by the surging growth in AI computing needs, as the traditional chip hardware incurs high costs and energy consumption. It can be observed that innovations in foundational units and process integration are crucial to the progress of memory technology, and new forms of storage technology are becoming increasingly mature. Prasad Alluri, VP and GM for Client Storage, SBU from Micron Technology, emphasized that "AI is everywhere and AI applications have entered every corner of people's daily lives in all kinds of forms. For instance, smartphone manufacturers have introduced AI capabilities in high-end phones, and the storage capacity of LPDDR 5 has been increased to between 12GB and 16GB to accommodate ever-increasing datasets. In addition, storage technology has evolved to UFS 4.0, which more than doubles power efficiency compared to the previous generation. In the realm of edge devices, autonomous driving will be elevated from Level 0 to Level 5 supported by the enhanced AI technology. Industry experts predict that the bit density required for automotive memory will increase by approximately 30 times, while the non-collision bits in power systems will grow nearly 100 times. None of the enhancements, whether in data centers, edge devices, or memory and storage environments, would be possible without the technological progress we've achieved generation after generation." Yan Li, Vice President of Advanced Technology at Western Digital, pointed out that the 3D NAND flash market is highly competitive and constantly evolving. The number of NAND cells stacked has experienced substantial growth, from 48 layers in 2017 to 64 and 96 layers. Up to date, Western Digital has completed mass production of its 218-layer products; while Micron Technology has already mass-produced its 280-layer products as stated in its keynote. Dr. Yan Li shared her insights that the continuous increase of layers might not be considered as an ideal strategy because large amounts of capitals are required for new equipment as complexity of the products rises. Should the market fail to accommodate these new products and prices start to decline, it could lead to a vicious cycle. Dr. Yan Li then moved on to make some explanations of the trade-offs involved in 3D NAND scaling technology. There are four main vectors to scaling: vertical scaling, lateral scaling, architecture scaling, and logical scaling. Taking its product PC SN5000S NVMe SSD as an example, Dr. Li noted that this model is equipped with cost-effective BiCS6 NAND technology and DRAM-less QLC PCIe Gen4 SSD, and its internal controller and firmware provide a perfectly optimized solution which can be introduced to the market within a shorter time and allowed for quality control. Compared to the previous generation, it offers a 51% improvement in memory density and a 12% increase in layer density. In relation to the mainstream TLC SSD, QLC SSD features enhanced performance and its major metrics are matched with TLC SSD. In consumer and commercial sectors, QLC SSDs are now being widely adopted by PC OEMs. Wallace C. Kou, President & CEO of Silicon Motion, claimed that AI will be the ever-lasting energy and vitality that propel continuous growth in the global market. Storage is regarded as one of the key areas in the artificial intelligence ecosystem, and the market requires more relevant software and applications to make AI edge devices more meaningful and appealing to consumers. Benny Ni, GAR Sales VP at Solidigm, remarked that the company currently possesses leading innovative technologies in the fields of TLC and QLC, enabling it to offer a powerful portfolio of data center storage products and storage solutions that optimize AI storage efficiency. Zhinong Liu, Executive Vice President of UNISOC, signified that in the all-scenario AI computing system, software serves as the "engine", chips as the "foundation", the ecosystem as the "link", and products as the "carrier". The company will continue to strengthen its advanced semiconductor manufacturing platform based on strategy and capability centers, maintain supply chain security, ensure efficient and stable product delivery, and enhance customer satisfaction. Haibing Xie, Director of Application Design in Center, Intel China, mentioned that AI PCs are the best carriers for edge-side AI and will lead the next explosion in the PC industry. The Intel Core Ultra is equipped with powerful AI capabilities, enabling the deployment of "generative AI" on PCs. At present, the company's AI PC chips have shipped 20 million units, and it is expected to reach 40 million units by the end of the year, with projected shipments of 100 million units in 2024-2025. Haiqing Huang, R&D Vice General Manager at Victory Giant Technology, revealed that the AI investment landscape among global tech companies is currently marked by an unparalleled enthusiasm, and the three main application markets, namely the smartphones, PCs, and servers, are bound to experience a welcome upswing brought by the development of AI applications. As of now, there is a constant increase in memory bandwidth, and Victory Giant has been accelerating its product R&D investments to meet the demands of high-performance computing, data centers, AI training, and inference scenarios. The fifth-generation high-performance memory (DDR5) is already in mass production, while the development of the sixth generation (DDR6) and seventh generation (DDR7) products is underway. Sam Sun, Chairman of BIWIN Storage, voiced that the evolving storage industry has brought a bright spot and prominent attention to the testing and packaging sector. This is particularly true as advanced packaging moves towards miniaturization and integration, and technical barriers are progressively becoming higher. The company is deepening its research and development efforts in the integrated packaging and testing layout to enhance its competitive edge. It is anticipated that the Integrated R&D and Packaging 2.0 Strategy will transform the company from a storage product supplier into a comprehensive partner offering wafer-level advanced packaging and testing services. This will provide industry partners with higher-quality in-depth solutions and promote a comprehensive enhancement of customer value. Rui Ding, General Manager, Product Department, Consumer Cloud Platform Business Group at iFLYTEK, declared that the development of large models has transitioned AI from a "tool" to an "assistant", capable of performing a wider range of tasks through more natural conversational forms. In the future, iFLYTEK hopes to collaborate with various industry stakeholders to promote the development of AI technology. Chloe Ma, VP of China GTM for IoT Line of Business at Arm, claimed that the wave of AI is sweeping across various sectors. Generative AI is not only being deployed in the cloud but is also rapidly making its way to the edge, where storage plays a crucial role in AI computing from the cloud to the edge. In response to the innovative demands of the new era of edge AI, Arm is committed to advancing in three major areas: hardware, software, and ecosystem development. Feng Chen, Senior Vice President of Rockchip, mentioned that an increasing number of industries and applications are integrating AI with IoT, making AIoT the optimal pathway for the intelligent transformation of traditional sectors and a key direction for the future development of the IoT. The rapid expansion of the AIoT market is creating opportunities for AIoT chips while also driving greater demands for data transmission, storage, and computing, which poses challenges for chip processing power. Rockchip continues to release new chips to support AIoT applications. Jie Chen, Co-founder and VP of Data Storage Technology at InnoGrit, highlighted that in the AI era, as well as the data age, higher challenges have been presented for storage technologies. Faster and more efficient SSD interfaces will contribute to breaking through storage limitations. The collaborative optimization between InnoGrit's memory controller chips and domestically produced flash memory will enhance the read/write performance and QOS competitiveness of storage products, jointly shaping the future of China's storage industry. Vic Huang, Vice General Manager of QUANXING Technology, noted that the computing architecture of solutions provided by QUANXING is not constrained by the size of large models, which contributes to a significant reduction in the cost of local deployment. The company is focused on a full range of high-end domestic storage products, aiming to complete the "last mile" of AI and striving to become a leader in the era of AI for everyone. Zheng Qiu, Technical Marketing Manager at Montage Technology, remarked that the rapid development of AI has generated immense demand for both computing power and storage capacity. The high-speed and stable data transfer between high-performance processors and large-capacity memory is of utmost importance. In response, "transmission chips" surfaced as a timely solution. Don Hu, Vice President of Marketing at Allwinner Technology, shared insights on the company's industrial layout, technological direction, and industry applications. Mr. Hu introduced Allwinner's exploration in areas such as general-purpose computing power, dedicated computing power, computational expansion, and multi-modal sensing. He also explained how Allwinner gives a full play to the fundamental role played by computing power to provide high-quality chips and services for industries like smart living, smart cities, and smart industries. Lei Hu, Director of Business Management at Applied Materials (AMAT), conducted an in-depth analysis of the technologies involved in high-bandwidth memory, including DRAM chips, logic controllers, and HBM stacks, as well as the additional material engineering processes. He further added that AMAT is capable of providing clients with cutting-edge packaging equipment to empower the elevation of customer value by taking advantage of its strong R&D capabilities to facilitate the advancement of high-bandwidth memory technology. Lee Chee Ping, Senior Director of LAM Research, commented that the AI chip market is flourishing with rapid growth, and the enhancement of AI chip performance requires the essential support of advanced packaging. Moreover, advanced packaging and heterogeneous integration are also the primary methods in the semiconductor industry for optimizing performance, power, form factor, and cost. Youngsuk Kim, Director of DISCO, remarked that from 2023 to 2029, the advanced packaging market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11%, making 2.5D/3D packaging equipment increasingly important. DISCO has extensive experience in mass production and has closely collaborated with customers during the R&D phase, providing solutions for thinning and cutting HBM and 2.5D-PKG. Mr. Kim then introduced the performance and advantages of various equipment, including DFD6860HS, DGP8761HC, DGP8761, DFL7262, DFL7362, and DFD6362/6363. Focusing on Frontline Technologies to Foster a New and Autonomous Ecosystem The summit also established a dedicated forum, dubbed "Memory Industry Chain Ecosystem Forum", for enterprises across the memory industry chain to further decode memory future trends. An array of leading companies, including Skyverse, Loongson, Like Automation Equipment, Micro-Nano (HongKong), OKN Technology, Maxwell, Attach Point Intelligent Equipment, Tytantest, Maxio, Silergy and Heyan Technology, had gathered to share their insights. Discussions focused on cutting-edge trends, industry pain points, and solutions related to wafer testing, memory packaging, aging testing, product and technology innovation, terminal applications, yield improvement, and cost reduction. Song Zhang, Executive Vice President of Skyverse, observed that it has become the industry trend to identify defects by machines through AI decision-making, aimed at helping customers to locate defects more effectively and further enhance production yield and efficiency. In practical applications, it can be noted that system inspection has demonstrated better results in efficiency and accuracy than manual inspection, which aids to significantly improve production efficiency for the clients. Skyverse will remain dedicated to driving innovation in AI products to provide high-quality solutions for domestic customers in the future. Shan Jiang, General Manager of Guangdong Loongson Electronic Technology, affirmed that Loongson has gained more innovative space for the industry and market through self-reliance and independence. Autonomy has granted Loongson greater freedom, enhanced cost-effectiveness, and a more secure supply chain. Committed to becoming both a contributor and a maintainer of the international upstream community, Loongson aims to achieve independence and compatibility on the global stage at the same time, rather than decoupling or breaking the chain. Simon Ye, General Manager of Like Automation Equipment, expressed that the company's next-generation innovative technology of 2.5D/3D large-size packaging bumping is currently being validated through product development with domestic clients. Steve Pei, CEO of Micro-Nano (Hong Kong) Technology, mentioned that as a professional manufacturer of wafer thickness measurement systems, Micro-Nano now mainly provides the SemDex M1 semi-automatic system and the SemDex A fully automatic system, with over 1,000 units installed globally, placing the company at the forefront of the industry. Ming Zhao, General Manager of OKN Technology, observed that the company has initiated the R&D for PCIe GEN6 based on the GEN5 SSD testing system. With intense competition in the industry, OKN sees this as an opportunity to enhance its internal drive, strengthen its R&D capabilities, and foster product innovation, continuously providing better solutions for its customers. Kuilin Jin, Vice General Manager of Sales at Maxwell Technologies, pointed out that independent R&D is crucial. Through technological innovation, Maxwell aims to achieve the import substitution of key core components, break the foreign technology monopoly and ensure supply chain security. Xiaolong Ouyang, R&D VP at Attach Point Intelligent Equipment (APIE), shared his insights that APIE's one-stop solution has achieved AI Inside applications, supporting the packaging of mature storage chips required for AI, as well as advanced packaging solutions for AI storage chips, including HBM, 2.5D, TCB, and HB. Aaron Xu, CTO of Tytantest, highlighted that through its efforts on forward R&D, domestic manufacturing of complete machines, and validation on self-owned production lines, Tytantest strives to achieve fully automated and self-controllable processes, enabling to develop solutions that better meet customer needs. Huan Ren, Marketing Director at Maxio Technology, confirmed that the company continues to maintain a high level of investment in research and development. Its R&D expenditures have increased from 155 million yuan in 2021 to 380 million yuan in 2023, which have already been translated into several mass-produced products. Among these, the MAP1102 main control chip has exceeded 50 million units shipped. Compared to similar products on the market, Maxio's offerings demonstrate a leading advantage in I/O speed and energy efficiency, as well as a deep understanding and proactive layout in the integration of hardware and software. Leo Cao, Senior Sales Director at Silergy, said that in the storage industry chain, the company possesses several advantages, including highly efficient product integration, extensive experience collaborating with top-tier clients, a wide range of product coverage, supply chain security, and global collaborative research and development. Silergy has achieved a global layout in R&D and service, and stayed true to its mission to prioritize customer needs. Kent Wang, Business Development Manager at Heyan Technology, introduced that the company has gone through three development stages: the basic products of 6-inch dicing machines, upgraded products of 8-inch/12-inch dicing machines, and high-end products such as cutting and sorting machines and de-bonding machines. With rich technological accumulation and industrial experience, the company is capable of providing reliable and stable consistency assurance for customers, supporting customized solutions for different processes, and offering process-related technological innovations to meet advanced packaging demands. After a day of intense intellectual exchanges, the guests gathered for a grand dinner where the GMIF 2024 Annual Awards were presented. Following a rigorous selection process, many companies, including Intel, Micron, GigaDevice, Arm, UNISOC, SIXUNITED, Victory Giant, BIWIN Storage, Solidigm, Western Digital, Rockchip, Allwinner Technology, Weibu Information, Heyan Technology, OKN Technology, Attach Point Intelligent Equipment, iWISEETEC, Tytantest, Hemei Jingyi, Silicon Motion, Maxio, QUANXING, MICROFROM, Konsemi, Silergy, LKAUTO, Maxwell, Skyverse, RORZE, ExTripod Electronics, EPS, InnoGrit, POWEV, KingSpec and more, had been honored with the 2024 Annual Awards, receiving unanimous recognition from the expert judges. In summary, as a grand feast in the global storage field, the GMIF Innovation Summit has successfully held three consecutive sessions and received commendation from the industry. It has now become one of the most influential high-end summits in the domestic storage sector. In the future, the GMIF Innovation Summit will strive for deeper market service and innovative formats, creating a higher-level platform for communication and collaboration. The summit aims to explore more impactful industry events, analyze industry trends and opportunities with an international perspective, and promote mutual benefits within the industry. We look forward to seeing you again next year! About GMIF GMIF (Global Memory Innovation Forum) is the most important annual event of Shenzhen Memory Industry Association (SMIA). The forum aims to build a globally-focused, professional platform for the storage industry to collectively explore new technologies, applications, collaborations, and emerging opportunities. The Third GMIF2024 Innovation Summit is scheduled to be held on September 27, 2024 at Renaissance Shenzhen Bay Hotel. Under the theme of "AI Leads Memory's New Momentum", the summit aims to foster communication and interaction among both upstream and downstream enterprises in the storage industry. By promoting collaboration and complementary growth among industry partners, the GMIF seeks to help participating companies expand their product and brand reach and contribute to a thriving, win-win ecosystem in the global storage sector. For more information about GMIF, please visit https://www.gmif.com.cn/. Media Contact:Ms. Gu, 15064010336, wenjing.gu@gmif.com.cn   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 211 加入收藏 :
ACE Solution and Teradyne Collaborate to Pioneer New Horizons in Semiconductor Testing - Interview with Marketing Director Aik-Moh Ng

Hsinchu, Taiwan, 5th, August 2024 -Since 2022, ACE Solution has strategically partnered with Teradyne to advance their ETS platform for semiconductor testing. We had the privilege of interviewing Teradyne's marketing director, Aik-Moh Ng, who has led the Teradyne ETS Asia-Pacific team since 2006.   The integration of ICs in power management has significantly increased over time. With the rise of electric vehicles, challenges in battery management systems have emerged, necessitating efficient systems to maximize battery usage. Additionally, the growth of AI will facilitate the development of many power management ICs, driving the demand for high-end advanced GPUs, CPUs, and TPUs. These devices require substantial power during startup, consequently increasing the demand for power modules.   ACE Solution fully supports Teradyne's ETS test solutions, with the ETS-800 focusing on power management ICs and the ETS-88 and ETS-364 used for testing DC-DC converters and power modules. The ETS-800 is the best choice for meeting the complex testing needs of battery management ICs, reducing load board complexity, and providing optimal test cost efficiency with its high throughput. ACE Solution's solutions significantly reduce test time in areas such as micro-modules, power modules, intelligent stations, and AI servers.   Aik-Moh Ng shared, "The four major trends in electric vehicle development are electrification, consumer electronics, autonomous driving, and connected cars, where testing SiC double pulses and power modules is crucial for the electric vehicle inverter market. The Taiwan market focuses on how to test power modules effectively. Achieving full autonomous driving will require many more semiconductors of all types, including more power management ICs, to integrate the information of the surrounding environment for real-time decision-making. ACE Solution's testing solutions, developed on Teradyne's platform, excel in stray inductance control. Based on ETS's software functionality - AWU benchmark, it enables fast switching operations and high-voltage transitions in double-pulse testing, offering greater reliability. Compared to traditional program-based implementations, the ETS-88TH performs excellently in dynamic testing, with relatively easy and effective parameter adjustments, earning high customer trust."   In collaboration with Teradyne, ACE Solution develops power management IC (MOSFET/IGBT) testing solutions. Successful implementation cases demonstrate the strong partnership between the two companies, standing out in market share. Aik-Moh Ng stated, "Teradyne is known for its excellent quality platforms, and ACE Solution's close relationship with customers, and superior pre-sales and after-sales technical support services are crucial for the rapid adoption and expansion of the ETS platform."   Regarding the development of the Asia-Pacific market, Aik-Moh Ng shared: "Convincing Asia-Pacific customers to prefer European and American brands is a highly challenging task. Therefore, we need to develop new testing solutions that match local requirements. Our collaboration with ACE Solution provides us with opportunities, and in the future, we aim to further expand our presence in Southeast Asia." ACE Solution excels in customer service, with strong business and engineering teams providing reliable support for Teradyne. Teradyne can rely on ACE Solution's sales network and collaborate with engineers to develop programs based on the ETS platform, creating new business opportunities.   Looking ahead to the next 5-10 years, Aik-Moh Ng foresees significant innovations and breakthroughs in semiconductor testing technology. The demand for battery management ICs will continue to grow, and with the popularity of AI, GPUs, and CPUs, the demand for power module testing will also increase dramatically. Additionally, the integration of RF and Wi-Fi will continue to improve. Aik-Moh Ng noted, "Teradyne’s focus on automation and AI for test data analysis to better predict future trends and conduct predictive maintenance, ensures equipment runs smoothly and benefits production and supply chain planning. We look forward to the collaboration between Teradyne and ACE Solution, which will lead to innovation in the semiconductor test field and provide customers with better products and services in the future."     For media inquiries, please contact: ADVANCED COMM.ENGINEERING SOLUTION CO., LTD. Peter Lee, Jenny Lin Address: 2F-1, No.28, Taiyuan street, Jhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan Telephone: +886 3 5500909 #3801, +886 3 5500909 #3407 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw Website: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/     About ACE Solution Established in 2000, ACE Solution (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/) is headquartered in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with branch offices strategically located in Suzhou and Shenzhen, China. Our company is dedicated to delivering tailored test solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our customers in the field of electrical components, devices, and system manufacturing. Furthermore, we collaborate with our esteemed partners to provide comprehensive technology solutions. At ACE Solution, we specialize in RF, mmWave, and terahertz technologies, boasting an accomplished team of technical experts who offer unparalleled support. Our commitment to professionalism, innovation, and versatility enables us to offer cutting-edge integrated techniques and solutions. By leveraging our expertise, we empower our clients to overcome technological challenges and achieve their desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.   Teradyne Traci Tsuchiguchi Investor Relations Address: 600 Riverpark Drive, North Reading, MA 01864, USA Telephone: +1 978.370.2444 E-mail: investorrelations@teradyne.com Website: https://www.teradyne.com/     About Teradyne Teradyne test technology helps bring high-quality innovations such as smart devices, life-saving medical equipment and data storage systems to market, faster. Its advanced test solutions for semiconductors, electronic systems, wireless devices and more ensure that products perform as they were designed. Its robotics offerings include collaborative and mobile robots that help manufacturers of all sizes increase productivity, improve safety, and lower costs. In 2023, Teradyne had revenue of $2.7 billion and today employs over 6,600 people worldwide. For more information, visit teradyne.com. Teradyne® is a registered trademark of Teradyne, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries.

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 620 加入收藏 :
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