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倫敦2023年6月12日 /美通社/ -- 重點摘要 Appian 管理的基金同意以 10 億美元將其全資擁有的 Atlantic Nickel 和 Mineração Vale Verde 出售給 ACG,同時 ACG 亦將會支付 6,500 萬美元廢除 Mineração Vale Verde 的黃金流,全部皆以現金支付 為 ACG 提供重要的價值主張,ACG 將成為唯一一家在倫敦上市的大規模硫化鎳生產商,建立一個自然平台,進一步推動向領先的西方代工生產業的關鍵金屬資產的增長以及行整合 交易反映優化資產的重大成果,展示 Appian 營運模式的實力,以及該公司在發現、收購和開發礦業項目方面的能力 Appian 在 2018 年收購了破產的 Atlantic Nickel,成功讓其重新投產,C1 成本效益位於第一四分位數(露天開採為每磅硫化鎳 3.16 美元,地下開採為每磅硫化鎳 2.02 美元),確定地下資源的界限,並將礦場的使用年限延長至 35 年 Appian 在 2018 年收購 Mineração Vale Verde,在新冠肺炎疫情期間修訂其 DFS,並完成項目建設和調試,提前並在支出低於預算的情況下成功提升產能 這些礦場的營運可創造現金,在低碳排放的情況下生產硫化鎳和銅精礦 ACG 已經與國際商品集團 Glencore、PowerCo(Volkswagen 的內部電池開發子公司)和 Stellantis(Fiat 和 Peugeot 的擁有者)達成長期投資夥伴協議,以獲得承購和資金 這反映出資產的質素,以及其在投資週期的此刻對西方汽車製造商之吸引力,可以為價值鏈提供具透明度和穩定的關鍵金融供應 這將對優化資產的能力以滿足未來需求提供支持,並協助解決當前在全球商品中出現的供應鏈挑戰 Appian 的基金仍處於極佳的增長位置,既接觸到關鍵低碳經濟商品,同時投資貴金融來取得平衡 投資礦業及礦業相關公司的長期價值導向私人資本基金之投資顧問 Appian Capital Advisory LLP(「Appian」或「公司」)宣布將其巴西電池金屬投資組合公司 Atlantic Nickel(「Atlantic Nickel」)和 Mineração Vale Verde(「MVV」)(合稱「資產」)出售給 ACG Acquisition Company Limited(「ACG」),作價 10 億美元現金,並以 6,500 萬美元將公司在 MVV 的黃金特許權出售給 ACG(「交易」)。 Appian 基金於 2018 年收購了破產的 Atlantic Nickel(前身為 Mirabela Nickel),Atlantic Nickel 擁有全球其中一個最大型的露天硫化鎳礦,該礦場位於巴西巴伊亞州(「Santa Rita」)。他們在同年亦收購了 MVV,MVV 擁有位於巴西阿拉戈斯州的 Serrote 未開發地區露天銅金礦產資產(「Serrote」)。隨後,Appian 成功讓 Atlantic Nickel 重新投產,並為 MVV 進行調試。Appian 進行了大量風險管理和優化工作,使用技術套利創造價值,展示公司的模式之實力,以及其在發現、收購和優化礦業項目方面的能力。這兩個礦場都是使用年限長且低成本的礦場,而且碳排放水平在全球所有鎳和銅生產商中排名前十分之一。 交易將為 ACG、Appian 及其各自的投資者提供重要的價值主張。交易完成後,ACG 將改名為 ACG Electric Metals,成為唯一一家在倫敦上市的純電相關金屬領域硫化鎳生產商,擔當一個自然平台,進一步推動專門交付給領先的西方代工生產業的關鍵金屬資產之增長以及整合。 Appian 創辦人兼行政總裁 Michael W. Scherb 評論道: 「Appian 十年前便開始投資低碳經濟商品,意識到社會在即將來臨的能源轉型中結構上供應不足。此項創新的電池金屬交易將標誌著 Appian 的第 10、11 和 12 次退場,反映我們的營運模式之實力,以及在發現、收購和優化礦業資產方面的能力。同樣地,ACG 會是 Atlantic Nickel 和 MVV 的優秀監管者,並有望從這些具市場領導地位的公司實現顯著增長。 Glencore、Volkswagen 和 Stellantis 的合作尤其值得注意,其突顯出市場對電動車商品的需求日益增長,而且西方汽車代工生產業、產業和其他持份者亦要求健全、具透明度和可追溯的供應鏈。」 ACG 行政總裁 Artem Volynets 表示: 「我們很榮幸宣布與 Glencore、Stellantis、La Mancha、PowerCo 和 Royal Gold,以及資深債務提供商Citigroup、ING 和 Societe Generale 達成戰略合作並進行這次交易。這將會讓 ACG Electric Metals 成為西方電動汽車價值鏈中主要的關鍵金屬供應商,我們亦具有一流的 ESG 特點,而且二氧化碳排放極低。 ACG Electric Metals 將成為一家旨在利用全球重要趨勢所帶來的機遇之公司,這些趨勢為:全球對電池金屬急劇增加的需求、供應鏈極化,以及對減少從礦場到終端客戶之間的世界總碳足跡之需求。 這些高品質的礦場將會讓 ACG 得以實現其使命,成為西方電動車製造商首選的綠色金屬供應商。這次收購會為進一步增長以及創造長期股東價值創造奠定堅實基礎。」 交易詳情 根據本次交易條款,ACG 同意以 10 億美元的現金收購 Atlantic Nickel 和 MVV 的全部股權,同時 ACG 亦會支付 6,500 萬美元現金,以廢除 MVV 上的黃金流。 本次交易得到金融和戰略方的資金承諾支持,其中包括與領先的商品交易商和汽車製造商之重要合作夥伴關係,以支持電動車轉型: Glencore 將成為主要投資者,承諾投資 1 億美元,並成為 ACG 的優先承購商,允許向 Glencore 在西歐和北美的精煉廠供應 ACG 的硫化鎳濃縮物 Volkswagen 的全資子公司 PowerCo 承諾向 ACG 提供 1 億美元有約束力的預付款項,以換取與在 Santa Rita 的 Atlantic Nickel 礦場生產之部分精礦同等噸數的鎳單位 由 Fiat Chrysler 和 PSA Group 在 2021 年合併而成的汽車集團 Stellantis,承諾在 ACG 投放 1 億美元的主要股權投資 PowerCo 和 Stellantis 都將透過承購 Santa Rita 生產之精礦中精鍊的鎳,成為長期合作夥伴 這些合作展示出資產的質素,以及它們在投資週期的此刻對西方汽車製造商之吸引力,提供具透明度和穩定的關鍵金屬供應,以滿足未來全球需求。 具領導地位的礦業投資基金 La Mancha Resource Fund (「La Mancha」) 也承諾向 ACG 提供 1 億美元的主要股權投資。 餘下的交易資金來自以下形式的具約束力承諾:Royal Gold 提供的特許權融資;由 Citigroup、ING 和 Societe Generale 承銷的優先銀行債務,他們亦同意提供循環信貸設施;以及 ACG 計劃進行的 3 億美元股權發行。股權發行讓更廣泛的機構投資者有機會參與 ACG 未來的價值創造。Appian 基金亦提供了最高 5,000 萬美元的股權融資擔保方案。 Appian 基金也將會保留其在 Santa Rita 礦場的 2.75% 凈冶煉特許權 (「NSR」),而 Santa Rita 礦場生產的 2.5% NSR 則將會授予 La Mancha。 完成交易後,這些資產的營運團隊將會加入 ACG,提供銜連貫性以推動未來的成功。現任經理 Paulo Castellari-Porchia 和 Milson Mundim 將繼續監督 Atlantic Nickel 和 MVV,他們已經管理這些資產多年,取得了良好的運營成果、ESG 表現和領先的安全記錄。 作為交易的一部分,ACG 已加強其對礦場可持續發展實踐方面的承諾,同意在 Santa Rita 實施 IRMA 負責任採礦標準,並會在 2025 年和 2030 年接受 IRMA 評估。 預計交易會在 2023 年 7 月完成,並需要慣常的股東同意和達成先決條件。Citigroup 和 Standard Chartered 是 Appian 在本次交易中的財務顧問,Norton Rose Fulbright 和 Cescon、Barrieu、Flesch&Barreto 則是其法律顧問。 Atlantic Nickel 收購和優化計劃 Appian 基金於 2018 年在一個複雜的破產程序中收購了 Atlantic Nickel,此前他們發現到可採取不同的運營方式機遇,在第一四分位成本位置讓礦場重新投產,並受惠於先前投入的超過 10 億美元資本。 公司隨後進行重大工作以改善 Santa Rita,制訂重新定義的開採計劃,並在 2020 年 1 月成功重新投產。因此, Appian 以全球鎳成本曲線的第一四分位的具吸引力平均 C1 現金成本,成功降低了資產風險(露天開採為每磅硫化鎳 3.16 美元,地下開採為每磅硫化鎳 2.02 美元)。自 2018 年以來,Appian 對露天和地下資源區的系統填充和擴展鑽探,顯著增加了 Santa Rita 的資源量,將礦場使用年限延長了 27 年至總共 35 年。 Atlantic Nickel 最近公佈了 2022 年的紀錄性營運及財務表現,其生產了 117,000 噸的鎳精礦(2021 年為 107,000 噸),其中包含 15,900 噸的鎳(2021 年為 14,500 噸)、5,000 噸銅(2021 年為 4,700 噸)和 291 噸鈷(2021 年為 266 噸)。這使公司在 4.06 億美元的收入(2021 年為 2.89 億美元)之上實現 2.1 億美元的 EBITDA(2021 年為 1.27 億美元)。 Santa Rita 礦山的 ESG 和安全紀錄領先業界,2022 年的損失工時傷害率為 0.18(2021 年為 0.20)。自重新投產以來,Appian 已將 Atlantic Nickel 的團隊從 40 名員工擴大到約 3,000 名員工,為當地提供了重要的就業機會和福利。 MVV 收購和優化計劃 Appian 在 2018 年從 Aura Minerals 手上收購 MVV,因為 Appian 發現 Serrote 是獨立、已準備好建設,且具有有用的貴金屬副產品價值之罕見銅礦項目,其可以從 Appian 的技術性套利策略中受惠。Appian 優化了 Serrote 的開採計劃,更新最終可行性研究,並支出低於預算的情況下,於 2021 年 5 月提前讓該資產投入生產。 Appian 最近宣布了 2022 年的成功增產情況,全年生產了 19,800 噸的銅和 9,000 -10,000 安士黃金,其包含在 84,500 噸精礦中。這讓公司在 1.55 億美元的收入之上實現 6,000 萬美元的 EBITDA,而平均商品價格為每磅銅當量 3.71 美元。MVV 的平均 C1 現金成本為每磅銅 1.37 美元。 MVV 擁有一流的 ESG 和安全紀錄,2022 年期間損失工時傷害為零(總工作時數達 190 萬小時)。其他倡議包括為當地學校提供支持、支持女性企業家的社會項目﹐以及環境教育。 MVV 的勘探計劃會持續展示其更廣泛的區域潛力,發掘出其他可以納入 Serrote 的長遠開採計劃的目標。 展望和戰略重點 Appian 將繼續增強其獨特的營運模式,重點關注用於電池、電動汽車和可再生能源系統的能源轉型商品(包括銅和鎳),並透過投資貴金屬和其他商品取得平衡。 Appian Capital Advisory LLP 簡介 Appian Capital Advisory LLP 是一家投資礦業及礦業相關公司的長期價值導向私人資本基金之投資顧問。 Appian 是金屬和礦業行業的領先投資顧問,擁有在南美洲、北美洲、澳洲和非洲的國際經驗,在支持公司實現其發展目標方面有成功的業績紀錄,同時擁有環球營運項目組合,監管著 6,300 名員工。 Appian 擁有一個由 65 名經驗豐富的專業人員組成之國際團隊,公司在倫敦、紐約、多倫多、溫哥華、利馬、比路賀利桑特、蒙特利爾、杜拜和珀斯設有辦事處。 如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.appiancapitaladvisory.com,或瀏覽我們的 LinkedIn、Twitter 或 Instagram 頁面。 ACG 簡介 ACG 是一家旨在整合關鍵金屬行業的公司。透過一系列收購,ACG 計劃成為西方代工生產業供應鏈主要的關鍵金屬供應商,ACG 亦擁有一流的 ESG 和碳足跡特點。在 2022 年 10 月 12 日,ACG 成功在其首次公開募股中籌集到約 1.25 億美元的資金,並在倫敦證券交易所上市(代號:ACG 和 ACGW)。 如需更多資訊,請瀏覽: www.acgcorp.co
LONDON, June 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --Highlights Funds advised by Appian agree the sale of the wholly owned Atlantic Nickel and Mineração Vale Verde to ACG for US$1.0 billion, while ACG will also pay US$65 million to extinguish the gold stream over Mineração Vale Verde, all in cash Provides a compelling value proposition for ACG, which will be the only London-listed nickel sulphide producer of scale, creating a natural platform for further growth and consolidation of critical metals assets focused on leading western OEMs Transaction reflects the significant work to optimise the assets, demonstrating the strength of Appian's operating model and its ability to identify, acquire and develop mining projects Acquired Atlantic Nickel out of bankruptcy in 2018, executing a successful restart, with first quartile C1 cost performance (c. US$3.16/lb Ni for the open pit and c. US$2.02/lb Ni for the underground), defining an underground resource and extending mine life to 35 years Purchased Mineração Vale Verde in 2018, revising its DFS and completing project construction and commissioning during the COVID-19 pandemic, ahead of schedule and under budget before successfully ramping up Mines are cash-generative operations, producing nickel sulphide and copper concentrates with low carbon emissions ACG has entered into long-term investment partnerships with global commodities group Glencore, PowerCo (Volkswagen's in-house battery development subsidiary) and Stellantis (owner of Fiat and Peugeot), for offtake and funding Reflects the quality of the assets and their attractive characteristics for western automotive manufacturers at this point in the investment cycle, providing a transparent and secure supply of critical metals across the value chain Will support optimising the assets' ability to meet future demand, and help address supply-chain challenges currently arising in global commodities Appian's funds remain extremely well positioned for growth with exposure to key decarbonisation commodities balanced with precious metals investments Appian Capital Advisory LLP ("Appian" or the "Company"), the investment advisor to long-term value focused private capital funds that invest in mining and mining-related companies, announces the sale of its Brazilian battery metals-focused portfolio companies Atlantic Nickel ("Atlantic Nickel") and Mineração Vale Verde ("MVV") (together the "Assets") to ACG Acquisition Company Limited ("ACG") for a cash consideration of US$1.0 billion, along with the sale of its gold royalty on MVV to ACG for US$65 million (the "Transaction"). The Appian funds acquired Atlantic Nickel (previously Mirabela Nickel), owner of Santa Rita, one of the largest open pit nickel sulphide mines in the world, located in Bahia, Brazil ("Santa Rita") out of bankruptcy in 2018. The same year they also purchased MVV, owner of the Serrote greenfield open-pit copper-gold asset located in Alagoas, Brazil ("Serrote"). Subsequently Appian successfully restarted Atlantic Nickel and commissioned MVV. Appian undertook significant work to de-risk and improve the Assets, demonstrating the strength of the Company's model and its ability to identify, acquire and optimise mining projects using technical arbitrage to create value. Both mines are long-life, low-cost and ranked within the first decile for carbon emissions amongst all nickel and copper producers worldwide. The Transaction will provide a compelling value proposition for ACG, Appian, and their respective investors. Upon closing, ACG will be renamed ACG Electric Metals, creating the only London-listed nickel sulphide producer with pure play electric metals exposure, as a natural platform for further growth and consolidation of critical metals assets focused on deliveries to leading western OEMs. Michael W. Scherb, Founder and CEO of Appian, commented: "Appian began investing in decarbonisation commodities a decade ago, recognising that society was structurally undersupplied for the upcoming energy transition. This innovative transaction in the battery metals space will mark Appian's 10th, 11th and 12th exits, reflecting the strength of our operating model and ability to identify, acquire and optimise mining assets. Likewise, ACG is a great custodian for Atlantic Nickel and MVV, and is well placed to unlock significant further growth from these market-leading companies. The Glencore, Volkswagen and Stellantis partnerships are particularly notable, underlining the growing need for EV commodities and the demand for robust, transparent and traceable supply chains from western automotive OEMs, industry and other stakeholders." Artem Volynets, CEO of ACG, said: "We are very proud to announce this transaction in strategic partnership with Glencore, Stellantis, La Mancha, PowerCo and Royal Gold, as well as senior debt providers Citigroup, ING and Societe Generale. It will establish ACG Electric Metals as a premier supplier of critical metals into the western EV value chain, with best-in-class ESG characteristics and minimal CO2 emissions. ACG Electric Metals will be a company designed to take advantage of the opportunities presented by key global trends: the massive increase in demand for battery metals, the polarisation of supply chains, and the need to reduce the world's total carbon footprint – from the mine to the end-customer. These high-quality mines will enable ACG's mission to be the green metals supplier of choice to western EV automakers. This acquisition establishes a solid platform for further growth and long term shareholder value creation." Transaction details Under the terms of the Transaction, ACG has agreed to acquire the entirety of Atlantic Nickel and MVV for a cash consideration of US$1.0 billion, while ACG will also pay US$65 million in cash to extinguish the gold stream on MVV. The Transaction is supported by financing commitments from financial and strategic parties, including notable partnerships with leading commodity traders and automotive manufacturers to support the electric vehicle transition: Glencore will be an anchor investor, having committed US$100 million and becoming an off-taker of choice for ACG, allowing for supply of ACG's nickel sulphide concentrate to Glencore's western European and North American refineries. PowerCo, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen, has committed to make a binding US$100 million prepayment to ACG for equivalent nickel units to the tonnage contained in a portion of the concentrates produced by the Atlantic Nickel mine at Santa Rita. Stellantis, the automotive conglomerate formed in 2021 by the merger of Fiat Chrysler and PSA Group, has committed to a US$100 million anchor equity investment in ACG. Both PowerCo and Stellantis will become long-term partners via offtake contracts for nickel refined from concentrate produced by Santa Rita. These partnerships demonstrate the quality of the Assets and their attractive characteristics for western automotive manufacturers at this point in the investment cycle, providing a transparent and secure supply of critical metals to meet future global demand. Leading mining investment fund, La Mancha Resource Capital Fund ("La Mancha"), has also made a commitment to make a US$100 million anchor equity investment in ACG. The remainder of funding for the Transaction comes from binding commitments in the form of royalty financing from Royal Gold, senior bank debt underwritten by Citigroup, ING and Societe Generale, who have also agreed to provide a revolving credit facility, and a planned equity offering by ACG of US$300 million. The equity offering provides a broader universe of institutional investors with the opportunity to participate in ACG's future value creation. The Appian funds have also offered to backstop up to US$50 million of the equity financing. The Appian funds will also retain their 2.75% Net Smelter Royalty ("NSR") on the Santa Rita mine, while a 2.5% NSR on the production at the Santa Rita mine will be granted to La Mancha. Following completion of the Transaction, the Assets' operating teams will join ACG, providing continuity to drive future success. Current managers, Paulo Castellari-Porchia and Milson Mundim, will continue to oversee Atlantic Nickel and MVV, having managed the assets for several years, achieving strong operational results, ESG performance and a leading safety record. As part of the transaction, ACG has reinforced its commitment to sustainability practices at its mining sites by agreeing to implement the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining at Santa Rita, and to undergo an IRMA assessment in 2025 and 2030. The Transaction is expected to close in July 2023 and is subject to the customary shareholder consents and conditions precedent. Citigroup and Standard Chartered are acting as financial advisor to Appian on the Transaction, with Norton Rose Fulbright and Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto as legal advisors. Atlantic Nickel acquisition and optimisation The Appian funds acquired Atlantic Nickel out of a complex bankruptcy process in 2018, after identifying an opportunity to implement a differential operating approach to restart the mine at a first quartile cost position and benefit from over US$1 billion of previously sunk capital. The Company subsequently carried out major work to improve Santa Rita, developing a redefined mine plan with a successful restart in January 2020. As a result, Appian de-risked the asset with an attractive average C1 cash cost in the first quartile of the global nickel cost curve (c. US$3.16/lb Ni for the open pit and c. US$2.02/lb Ni for the underground). Appian has grown the Resources at Santa Rita significantly since 2018 through systematic infill and expansion drilling of the open pit and underground Resource areas, extending the life of mine by 27 years to 35 years in total. Atlantic Nickel recently reported record operational and financial performance for 2022, producing 117kdmt of nickel concentrate (2021 107kdmt) containing 15.9kt of nickel (2021 14.5kt), 5.0kt of copper (2021 4.7kt) and 291t of cobalt (2021 266t). This resulted in US$210 million of EBITDA (2021 US$127 million) on US$406 million of revenue (2021 US$289 million). Santa Rita has an industry leading ESG and safety record with a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate of 0.18 in 2022 (compared to 0.20 in 2021). Since restart, Appian has built out the team at Atlantic Nickel from 40 to ~3,000 employees, providing significant local employment and benefits. MVV acquisition and optimisation MVV was acquired from Aura Minerals in 2018, having identified Serrote as a rare standalone, construction-ready, copper project with meaningful precious metal by-product credits that could benefit from Appian's technical arbitrage strategy. Appian optimised Serrote's mine plan, updating the Definitive Feasibility Study and bringing the asset into production in May 2021 under budget and ahead of schedule. Appian recently announced the successful ramp-up during 2022, with full year production of 19.8kt of copper and 9-10koz of gold contained in 84.5kdmt of concentrate. This resulted in EBITDA of US$60 million on revenue of US$155 million, with average realized commodity prices of US$3.71/lb CuEq. MVV has an average C1 cash cost of US$1.37/lb Cu. MVV has a best-in-class ESG and safety record, with zero Lost Time Injuries during 2022 (during 1.9 million cumulative hours worked). Other initiatives include providing support for local schools, social projects for female entrepreneurs and environmental education. The exploration program at MVV continues to demonstrate its broader significant regional upside potential, identifying additional targets that could be brought into the Serrote mine plan over the longer-term. Outlook and strategic focus Appian will continue to enhance its unique operating model, and focus on energy transition commodities used in batteries, electric vehicles, and renewable power systems, including copper and nickel, balanced by investments in precious metals and other commodities. About Appian Capital Advisory LLP Appian Capital Advisory LLP is the investment advisor to long-term value focused private capital funds that invest solely in mining and mining related companies. Appian is a leading investment advisor in the metals and mining industry, with global experience across South America, North America, Australia and Africa and a successful track record of supporting companies to achieve their development targets, with a global operating portfolio overseeing 6,300 employees. Appian has a global team of 65 experienced professionals with offices in London, New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Lima, Belo Horizonte, Montreal, Dubai and Perth. For more information please visit www.appiancapitaladvisory.com, or find us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. About ACG ACG is a company with a vision to consolidate the critical metals industry. Through a series of roll-up acquisitions, ACG intends to become a premier supplier of critical metals to the western OEM supply chain, with best-in-class ESG and carbon footprint characteristics. On October 12, 2022, ACG successfully raised proceeds of approximately US$125 million in its initial public offering, and listed on the London Stock Exchange (symbols: ACG and ACGW). For further information please visit: www.acgcorp.co
Gotion High-Tech launches the new L600 LMFP Astroinno battery on May 19 Single-cell energy density of 240Wh/kg, system energy density of 190Wh/kg NCM-free, range of 1000km, mass production expected in 2024 HEFEI, China, May 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On May 19, Gotion High-Tech launched its in-house L600 Astroinno battery cell and pack under the LMFP lineup at the 12th Gotion Technology Conference. This manganese doped LMFP Astroinno battery features a range of up to 1000km, setting a precedent for developing NCM-free batteries with a range that reaches 1000km in the industry. This marks another good news for Gotion High-Tech after it received a procurement letter from Volkswagen and became a designated supplier for the automaker's overseas markets. System energy density of 190Wh/kg, a range of 1000km Dr. Cheng Qian, Executive President of the International Business Unit of Gotion High-Tech, who released the battery, triggered a burst of applause when he ran onto the stage. "In recent years, lithium iron phosphate (LFP) technology has regained the recognition of the market with market share continuing to increase," said Cheng Qian. "Meanwhile, the energy density growth of mass-produced LFP batteries has encountered bottlenecks, and further improvement requires an upgrade of the chemical system, so manganese doped as called lithium iron manganese phosphate(LMFP) was developed." L600 Astroinno battery cell "Astroinno L600 LMFP battery cell, which has passed all safety tests, has a weight energy density of 240Wh/kg, a volume energy density of 525Wh/L, a cycle life of 4000 times at room temperature, and a cycle life of 1800 times at high temperatures. The the volumetric cell to pack ratio has reached 76% after adopting the L600 cell, and the system energy density has reached 190Wh/kg, surpassing the pack energy density of current mass-produced NCM cells. It is due to the high energy density of Astroinno battery that we can enable a range of 1000km without relying on NCM materials," added Dr. Cheng. According to Dr. Cheng, after ten years of in-house research on lithium manganese iron phosphate (LMFP) materials, Gotion High-Tech has solved the challenges of Mn dissolution at high temperatures, low conductivity, and low compaction density through utilizing co-precipitation,doping encapsulation technology, new granulation technology and new electrolyte additives. Gotion High-Tech's breakthroughs in LMFP, on the one hand, are due to the forward-looking materials deployment of the company, which obtained the "New Product Certificate of IFP1865140-15Ah Prismatic LMFP Battery" in 2014, and received the "New Product Certificate of LMFP Carbon Composite Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries" in 2016; on the other hand, the achievement is also attributable to the company's R&D efforts worldwide. Its research institution in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, has developed a new electrolyte for LMFP, which has greatly improved the cycle and storage performance at high temperatures. With its in-house LMFP materials and electrolytes, Gotion High-Tech has successfully developed the Astroinno L600 battery cell. The LMFP Astroinno L600 battery cell, which has undergone a research period of 10 years, is scheduled to begin mass production in 2024, said Dr. Cheng. 1500 times of fast charging in 18 minutes, in-house insulation materials can withstand high temperature of 1200°C According to Dr. Cheng, in addition to the upgrade and innovation of the battery material system, there are also several technical breakthroughs and innovations concerning the Astroinno battery pack developed based on the new battery cell. Astroinno battery pack Astroinno battery pack adopts the sandwich-structure double-sided liquid cooling technology and a minimalist design approach, which reduces the number of structural parts of the battery pack by 45% and lowers the weight of structural parts by 32%. The minimalist electrical design enables the length of the battery pack wiring harness to drop from 303 meters to 80 meters, which is only 26% of that of previous battery packs, but the volumetric cell to pack ratio has reached 76% and the pack energy density has reached 190Wh/kg, outperforming the energy density of NCM batteries currently on the market. In other words, without adopting the NCM battery system, Gotion High-Tech's Astroinno battery pack has achieved a range of 1000km for the first time in the industry, and achieves over 1800 cycles of 18-minute fast charging. In addition, intrinsic safety is also the main advantage of Astroinno battery pack: the thermal decomposition temperature of the materials it used is much higher than that of ternary materials, which makes the materials intrinsically safe; the in-house thermal insulation materials can withstand a high temperature of up to 1200°C, which is equivalent to putting a layer of heat-insulating skin on the battery cell surface, and it provides four layers of ultimate safety protection through rapid heat exhausting channels set for extreme circumstances and active safety BMS. The product has passed all penetration, hot box, overcharge, over-discharge, thermal runaway, crush, and short circuit tests according to the new national standard. On May 10, Gotion High-Tech issued an announcement saying that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. has received a procurement letter from Volkswagen AG (hereinafter referred to as "Volkswagen") and that the company has thus become a designated supplier for the automaker's overseas markets.
HANGZHOU, China, May 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, the 48th Geneva International Invention Exhibition was held at the Palexpo Exhibition Center in Geneva, Switzerland, with over 800 exhibitors from 40 countries displaying more than 1,000 innovative projects. During the exhibition, 165 inventions from Chinese teams attracted attention, and among them, a pair of AR smart glasses from Rokid, a Hangzhou-based technology company, stood out from the competition and won a gold medal. This product is the world's first integrated 5G industrial AR smart glasses called X-Craft. X-Craft is the world's first explosion-proof AR smart head-mounted device equipped with a 5G module. As an industrial-grade product, X-Craft is designed with features such as intrinsically safe zone explosion protection, IP66 dustproof, and waterproof, making it suitable for use in hazardous environments where safety helmets and explosion protection are required. In terms of optical technology, X-Craft uses dual diffractive waveguides and DLP light engines with a light transmission rate of over 80%, a maximum brightness of 1600 nits, and a viewing angle of up to 40°. This design not only effectively reduces the likelihood of rainbow effects but also ensures clear imaging in low-light indoor and high-light outdoor industrial environments. Based on Rokid's global first 5G+AR+AI metaverse full-stack ecological system, X-Craft integrates AI, AR, RTC, SLAM, and zero-code configuration capabilities. Through capability modules' combination, it creates an upper-level business management platform, including an RTC communication platform, zero-code deployment platform, and AI application platform. It provides a solution that combines software and hardware to enable industrial enterprises to manage their respective work modules' management businesses. In actual work scenarios, X-Craft has various capabilities, such as voice recognition, environmental noise reduction, and semantic recognition. Its voice interaction can achieve a response in 1 second in a 90dB industrial noise environment and achieve a recognition rate of 98%. Combined with gesture interaction capabilities, it truly frees frontline employees' hands and effectively improves work efficiency. Public information shows that Rokid's technical products have been widely applied in key fields such as power grids, oil and gas, smart manufacturing, and healthcare. Its customers are distributed in more than 70 countries and regions worldwide, providing services for well-known domestic and foreign companies such as China National Petroleum, China National Offshore Oil, State Grid, Southern Grid, Huaneng, China General Nuclear, Wanhua Chemical, Sany, Amazon, General Motors, Siemens, Honeywell, Volkswagen, BASF, and Saudi Aramco. Rokid continues to strengthen modern industrial clusters and become a key force in supporting China's technology going global. Rokid's co-founder, Xiang Wenjie, said: "As a global company, we hope to showcase the strength of China's AR technology to more overseas enterprises through this exhibition. We also look forward to sharing our solutions and practical experiences in China's industrial digitization with partners from all walks of life worldwide, and working together to create an intelligent era and share intelligent achievements."
BEIJING , May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2023 Youth Summit Project officially kicked off in April, marking the beginning of the annual initiative to inspire China's younger generation. At the first campus activity for the project this year under the theme of "Creating Future Mobility", Dr. Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, and other guest speakers shared visionary insights on the future of mobility innovation with over 100 students at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Youth Summit Project is an annual charity project jointly launched by Volkswagen Group China and the China Education Development Foundation in 2021. It is dedicated to inspiring university students to explore future mobility and develop innovative ideas, offering diversified training courses covering innovation capability, industry trends, and career development. As a trusted partner of Volkswagen, this year Horizon Robotics joined the project and Dr. Yu Kai officially became a committee member. The participation signifies Horizon's deep commitment to fostering a culture of innovation among future generations. During the event at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dr. Yu Kai shared his excitement in joining discussions with young minds about the future's potential and possibilities. "The young generation of today are the pioneers of the new wave of innovation," he said. "We are at a pivotal moment in history, where we not only have the privilege to witness the future, but also to play an active role in shaping it." Dr. Yu Kai shared his insights on the future of mobility innovation with students Horizon Robotics is a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for consumer vehicles, with the mission to make human life safer and better. As the automotive industry in China evolves and develops at an accelerated pace, Horizon aspires to empower the younger generation to drive innovation, and explore future mobility to make people's daily transportation safer and more convenient. Besides supporting the Youth Summit, in 2023 Horizon Robotics launched its Developer University Program (DUP), a groundbreaking initiative aimed at nurturing and cultivating the innovative talent of tomorrow. Over the next five years, this program plans to span thousands of universities, benefiting millions of aspiring university developers through a diverse range of activities, including curriculum development, scientific research collaboration, competition organization, and internship and career opportunities. Through these initiatives, Horizon Robotics hopes to inspire China's younger generation to embrace innovation and jointly shape the future of mobility. About Horizon Robotics Horizon Robotics is a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) for consumer vehicles, with the mission to make human life safer and better. As a pioneer to commercialize embedded passenger-vehicle ADAS and AD products in China, Horizon Robotics is committed to enhancing next-generation driving experiences by integrating hardware and software, including low-power hardware computing solutions and open software development tools. By closely collaborating with a community of partners, Horizon Robotics offers products and services that enable an open ecosystem to accelerate the transformation of smart electric vehicles.
MELBOURNE, Australia, May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Personar.ai, an enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) automation technology changing the way people work, is excited to announce the addition of world-renowned motorsports veteran Jost Capito to the company as Senior Advisor. Jost Capito Mr. Capito, a renowned expert in motorsports and the automotive industry, will play a pivotal role in advancing the company's ambitious growth plans, further strengthening Personar's commitment to innovation and excellence in the rapidly evolving world of enterprise automation. "We're delighted to have a motorsport legend like Jost Capito join Personar as a Senior Advisor," said Adrian Jones, CEO of Personar.ai. "With his vast technological experience and an impressive history of leading top-tier teams on and off the track, Capito's insights will be instrumental in steering Personar.ai toward continued success. We are just getting started and will continue to accelerate our efforts on delivering cutting-edge automation, as our enterprise customers can expect even greater innovation and value in their business automation journey." Jost Capito expressed his excitement, saying, "I'm honored to become a part of the Personar.ai team and support their mission to simplify business automation as well as sports using artificial intelligence with products like TrackSwift from Personar.ai. I'm eager to collaborate with the highly skilled team, contribute my expertise, and draw on our collective strengths to fuel growth and develop groundbreaking automation solutions that enable businesses around the globe to thrive." Mr. Capito brings a wealth of experience from the world of motorsports and the automotive industry, with an impressive track record of over 30 years in Formula 1 and the World Rally Championship (WRC), where he achieved multiple championship titles. Most recently, he was CEO of the Williams Formula One team, and during his career, he has also been CEO of Volkswagen Motorsports. Capito's expertise in managing high-performing teams and his passion for innovation make him an invaluable addition to the Personar.ai team. As Personar.ai continues to redefine enterprise automation, his appointment comes at an opportune time, empowering businesses to leverage the benefits of AI without the traditional hurdles of high costs and complex implementation processes. About Jost Capito Jost Capito is a respected figure in the automotive and motorsport industries, with a career spanning over three decades. Mr. Capito holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Throughout his career, he has held numerous prominent positions in various motorsport and automotive companies, including CEO of the Williams Formula One team, Managing Director of McLaren Racing, CEO of Volkswagen Motorsport team and at Porsche Motorsport, as well as Director of Ford Motorsport Europe, winning multiple championships across his career in many categories. Known for his strategic vision and leadership abilities, Jost Capito has a proven track record of driving innovation and business development. His experience and expertise make him a valuable asset for Personar.ai in the next stage of its journey in automation. About Personar.ai Personar.ai is an innovative platform revolutionizing the enterprise automation world. With cutting-edge technology that uses artificial intelligence to generate self-learning human-to-digital personars that can read, understand, and process information just like a human would, we're breaking down the barriers that have long held back automation solutions. Say goodbye to the implementation headaches and high costs of traditional automation technologies because Personar.ai is changing the game. We're proud to be at the forefront of this exciting revolution, and we can't wait to help you unleash the full potential of your business. Visit us at https://personar.ai/ to learn more about the future of AI automation.
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