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BEIJING, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent ride around Beijing's city center, Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for consumer vehicles in China, and Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, expressed their enthusiasm about the fast-evolving digitalization of life in China, and their shared focus on creating cars that serve as a "third living space" for Chinese consumers. Since taking on the position of VW Group China CEO in August 2022, Mr. Brandstätter has been greatly impressed by how digitalization has become a fundamental part of Chinese people's lives, while Mr. Yu noted that Chinese consumers are increasingly expecting cars to serve as an extension of their living space beyond home and office. In October 2022, Volkswagen Group and its software company CARIAD forged a partnership with Horizon Robotics to accelerate the development of automated driving solutions in China, aiming to bring consumers a safer and more convenient driving experience. During their tour around Beijing in Volkswagen's ID.6, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Brandstätter expressed their pride in the collaboration, and their confidence that the two companies will combine China's speed with German quality to "make people's lives much safer and better," as Mr. Yu put it. Mr. Brandstätter shared his excitement for the future of automated driving, in which that car becomes a "time machine" -- literally creating extra time for drivers to socialize, be productive, and enjoy entertainment. The full video is available on the Horizon Robotics YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/y-7Yc0a9qFU.
Cognizant將雲端語音服務整合至單一的全通路平台,加強代理商和客戶體驗,並更具個性化 新澤西州提尼克2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 今天宣布,經總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的跨國汽車製造商Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 選中,為其打造數位化客戶服務的全新樣貌。Cognizant將重新設計VWG Ireland現有的分散式聯絡中心平台,塑造成一個以Salesforce雲端語音服和Amazon Connect為基礎的全通路客戶體驗 (customer experience,CX) 平台。 VWG Ireland需整合其舊有的聯絡中心功能,並簡化其客戶服務,以降低維護成本,提高效率,同時獲取客戶整體性的360度全景視角。由於客戶參與的流程和通路處於分散狀態,VWG Ireland所面臨的還包括對客戶的洞察力不足,以及手動彙總客戶數據導致過度耗時等問題。作為合作的一部份,Cognizant將打造一個全面性數位化、以雲端為基礎的全通路CX平台,為客戶建立現代化的互動方式,並為代理商提供易於使用的網路化用戶統一界面,將客戶數據、情境、旅程和交流管道融為一體。 Cognizant將同時為VWG Ireland在客戶旅程和對話上提供更先進的洞察能力。此舉是為改善報告、促進商業決策並推展下一步的最佳行動,能向客戶提供個性化體驗並推薦其後續等服務或產品。此外,Cognizant將為CX平台的持續改進、強化功能和創新流程,與VWG Ireland一同攜手合作。引進CX平台為最終用戶及其主管帶來更高效率,進而節省時間並為VWG Ireland的客戶提供最佳化的服務水準。 「在過去十年中,汽車行業從底層發生變革,特別是電動車的快速普及。此外,客戶對於服務水準和與各種組織的交流方式也產生期望性的改變,這在疫情期間因必要性的遠程訪問、服務提供和支持,使得這種改變的速度加劇,」VWG Ireland的資訊長Tom Murphy說道。「汽車行業尤其了解客戶想要怎樣改變彼此的溝通方式。為了能與客戶更有意義、更直接地交流,我們需要一個值得信賴的IT合作夥伴,以協助我們達成使命、改善系統,並更有效地與客戶群體進行互動。」 「Cognizant的使命是將OEM製造商、供應商、經銷商和汽車金融公司變身為現代企業。本項計畫為Cognizant和Volkswagen所首創,將CX在雲端的CRM、數位化和語音等強大能力相互結合。為此,我們很榮幸經Volkswagen Group Ireland選中,為其滿足客戶期望,提供客戶旅程轉型方面的支持,」Cognizant英國及愛爾蘭區總經理Rohit Gupta表示。「憑藉我們在全球大型客戶聯絡中心管理和轉型方面超過15年的豐富經驗,結合我們在敏捷領導力執行方面的成熟方法、流程和專業知識,我們相信我們是Volkswagen Group Ireland的不二首選,以協助其提升汽車製造商的客戶體驗。」 關於Volkswagen Group Ireland Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 是Volkswagen AG的獨資企業,也是愛爾蘭最大的汽車公司,擁有六個領先品牌包括:Volkswagen、Audi、ŠKODA、CUPRA、Seat和Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles。作為一家全國性銷售公司,我們與愛爾蘭共和國近130家特許經銷商合作。Volkswagen Group Ireland是愛爾蘭最大的電動汽車銷售商,其電動汽車市場的佔有率達到34%。 關於CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 築就現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、流程重構和體驗轉型,使其能在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。讓我們共同努力,攜手改善日常生活。欲知詳情,請瀏覽: www.cognizant.com ,或追蹤@cognizant。 美國 歐洲/APAC 印度 Jodi Sorensen Christina Schneider Rashmi Vasisht jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com christina.schneider@cognizant.com rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com
金商獎作為台灣最具影響力的國家級企業選拔獎項之一,在國內負有盛名。自 1983 年起開始頒發,旨在表彰對經貿、環境永續及社會公益等領域有卓越貢獻的企業,其中於 1984 年增設的「優良外商」獎項則針對深耕在地並對台灣工商繁榮創造重要影響的外商企業給予肯定。今年,台灣福斯集團憑藉推廣電動車及履行企業社會責任方面的表現,榮獲金商獎「優良外商」殊榮,進一步展示對台灣市場發展的承諾與成就。 自2015 年成立以來,台灣福斯集團旗下四大品牌Audi、Volkswagen、Škoda及福斯商旅致力於提供多元產品,滿足台灣消費者的移動需求。今年,集團以「Electrify Taiwan」為願景,推動低碳行動方案,全品牌皆在台推出電動車款,邁出實現純電生活圈的重要一步。展望未來,台灣福斯集團將持續擴展電動車產品線,為台灣市場帶來更多純電移動新選擇。此外,集團秉持以人為本的理念,積極打造多元共融的工作環境,進而促進職場和社會的包容性;並透過具體行動履行企業社會責任,包括舉辦「愛不停 公益行」兒童繪畫比賽,寓教於樂地提升道路安全意識;同時,各品牌亦積極貢獻己力,從提供無障礙交通服務到支持體育活動,期盼為社會帶來正向影響。 台灣福斯集團總裁安薩瑞(Rahil Ansari)表示:「我們非常榮幸成為今年獲得金商獎『優良外商』殊榮的唯一汽車製造商,這不僅是對我們在『Electrify Taiwan』願景下推動電動化和創新成果的肯定,也表彰了我們在推動道路安全、環境保護以及社會責任方面的努力。感謝中華民國全國商業總會的高度認可,我們將持續秉持以人為本的經營理念,發揮集團的力量,實現環境與社會的永續發展,為台灣商界及市場創造更美好的未來。」
BEIJING, Nov. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Thursday, Robert Fico, prime minister of the Slovak Republic, arrived in Beijing to start a six-day official visit to China. Before his departure, he stated that this is the "most important trip" he will make in 2024 and noted that "China is becoming a decisive global player." The delegation includes several ministers and 80 business representatives, highlighting Slovakia's urgent desire to upgrade cooperation with China on all fronts. Coming at a time when the European Commission announced the final ruling on the anti-subsidy investigation into China-made electric vehicles, Fico's visit to China highlights the positive aspects of China-Europe relations. Slovakia was one of the first countries to recognize New China, and the two nations enjoy profound traditional friendship. Fico, who has served as prime minister four times, has always attached great importance to developing relations with China. In 2007, he visited China in his first year as prime minister. This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Slovakia diplomatic relations. Fico's visit continues this friendship and is expected to inject new momentum into China-Slovakia and China-Europe relations. China is Slovakia's largest trading partner outside the EU, and Slovakia, as one of the first European countries to join the Belt and Road Initiative, enjoys a prime geographic location as an inland hub for three major transport corridors connecting Europe and China. With the automotive industry as a pillar of its economy - accounting for nearly half of Slovakia's total industrial sales - Slovakia is keen to adopt advanced technology to produce electric vehicles. Additionally, Slovakia has substantial needs for improving and building transportation infrastructure. Therefore, fostering friendly relations and further deepening cooperation is a natural, mutually beneficial goal with strong intrinsic motivation for both sides. Fico's visit to China is an epitome of the high-level exchanges and practical cooperation between China and the EU. Since the beginning of the year, European leaders and cabinet ministers have visited China in succession, from Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, Polish President Andrzej Duda, to Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy and Finnish President Alexander Stubb. Fico's visit continues this trend. The frequent high-level interactions demonstrate an increasing demand for cooperation and the desire to build trust and dispel doubts through communication - this is the essence of China-Europe relations. Since coming to power, Slovakia's new government has firmly promoted broad, mutually beneficial cooperation with non-Western countries, including China. The concepts of equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation advocated by China have resonated within Europe, which has allowed China and Slovakia to establish mutual trust on a deeper level. In recent years, many Central and Eastern European Countries have led the EU in levels of cooperation with China, with countries like Hungary and Slovakia emerging as key forces in advocating for independent EU diplomacy and economic policy. This is not a coincidence. Central and Eastern Europe is the connecting zone between the dynamic East Asian economic circle and the developed Western European economies, and it is a key region integrating multiple roles such as hub and transit area. Today, the number of China-Europe freight trains passing through Slovakia continues to grow, symbolizing the fruitful cooperation between China and Slovakia and injecting impetus into the ever-closer China-EU relations. During this visit, Fico is scheduled to tour China's lithium battery manufacturer Gotion High-tech Co, which plans to build an EV battery factory in collaboration with local manufacturers in Slovakia. As a traditional assembly center for European brands like Volkswagen and BMW, Slovakia's open cooperation with Chinese companies reflects the aspect of European nations to uphold market principles and embrace market competition. With China-Slovakia economic, trade, and people exchanges entering the fast lane, it is expected that the potential and advantages of China-CEE cooperation will be further explored. Prime Minister Fico's visit will provide references for China and Europe to seek the greatest common denominator for win-win cooperation. China and Europe share a broad foundation and demand for cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, and global governance, where consensus outweighs differences and collaboration exceeds competition. Against a backdrop of economic globalization encountering headwinds and rising international instability, China and Europe should strengthen communication and cooperation to jointly address global challenges.
XPENG ranked among the "Fortune Tech 50" and "Fortune China 500" lists for leading AI mobility innovation SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPENG, a leading Chinese high technology car company, is proud to announce that it has secured places on both the "Fortune Tech 50" and "Fortune China 500" lists. The placings were announced during the Fortune China "Tech 50 Innovation Night" and "2024 Fortune China 500 Summit" on October 16 and 17, hosted in Shanghai. XPENG is glad to receive these esteemed accolades that reaffirm its competitive advantage and status as a leader in technological innovation. "Fortune Tech 50" is an inaugural list by Fortune China that spotlights Chinese tech companies making a global impact. Companies are judged based on technical innovation, as well as their global economic influence and positive social impact. XPENG was one of only two automotive companies to make the list, thanks to its pioneering AI-defined mobility technology, autonomous driving breakthroughs, and industry-leading AI model applications. Fortune China praised XPENG for its edge in smart driving technology. "XPENG is a formidable competitor in the sector as the race for dominance in autonomous driving intensifies. Innovation fueled by technology is the foundation of XPENG's strategy - in May, XPENG announced the mass production of its end-to-end AI model. Rolled out to users through the AI-powered Tianji XOS system, XPENG calls the model 'the first system in the industry to apply AI technology to both smart cockpit and ADAS systems.' In July, XPENG entered a strategic partnership with Volkswagen to co-develop electronic and electrical architecture technology. The partnership leverages both companies' technological advantages to expand their market influences, a move seen as a pivotal moment in XPENG's expansion," the publication stated in its remarks. Fortune China is a business publication of global renown, and its annual "Global 500" list is one of the most prestigious benchmarks for corporations. Enlisting the same methodology for its global counterpart, the "2024 Fortune China 500" ranking covers both public and private companies from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. XPENG's inclusion in the "2024 Fortune China 500" underscores its forward-thinking approach in AI applications and global expansion, setting a milestone for the global smart automotive industry. Founded 10 years ago, XPENG has long adhered to its brand vision of being an "Explorer of Future Mobility" by leveraging technology to transform how people travel. The company has since made significant strides in AI applications and is poised to lead the industry in the coming decade. XPENG's self-developed Turing Chip, the world's first AI chip designed for AI-defined vehicles, robots, and flying cars, has been successfully taped out, and pre-orders have commenced for XPENG's AI-powered P7+ car. Over the next decade, XPENG aims to become a global AI mobility leader and develop an AI ecosystem based on five key pillars: high-performance chips, AI models, AI-defined vehicles, robots, and flying cars, where the first two will serve as foundations for the latter three. XPENG's investments in intelligent driving technology over the past decade are bearing fruit. The company believes it plays a critical role in the ongoing electric vehicle revolution on a global scale. To date, XPENG has expanded its sales to over 30 countries and regions. As part of its global strategy, XPENG is now focused on scaling up its international operations, with plans to enhance its global R&D and sales presence. In the next ten years, XPENG aims for overseas markets to account for half of its total sales, significantly expanding its global user community. XPENG's increasing recognition by prestigious global business publications stands testament to its exceptional innovation capabilities and global outlook. Looking ahead, XPENG remains committed to its global market strategy and is well-positioned to continue spearheading global development towards an era of AI-defined mobility. About XPENG Founded in 2014, XPENG is a leading Chinese AI-driven mobility company that designs, develops, manufactures, and markets Smart EVs, catering to a growing base of tech-savvy consumers. With the rapid advancement of AI, XPENG aspires to become a global leader in AI mobility, with a mission to drive the Smart EV revolution through cutting-edge technology, shaping the future of mobility. To enhance the customer experience, XPENG develops its full-stack advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) technology and intelligent in-car operating system in-house, along with core vehicle systems such as the powertrain and electrical/electronic architecture (EEA). Headquartered in Guangzhou, China, XPENG also operates key offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Amsterdam. Its Smart EVs are primarily manufactured at its facilities in Zhaoqing and Guangzhou, Guangdong province. XPENG is listed at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: XPEV) and Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX: 9868). For more information, please visit https://www.xpeng.com/. Contacts: For Media Enquiries:XPENG PR DepartmentEmail: pr@xiaopeng.com Photos accompanying this announcement are available athttps://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/41f3a26a-a1ed-48bb-bd97-7b36311f0939https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3111c8d9-9d2e-419b-aa68-51fb54ed7f8fhttps://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8f5503fe-9c37-46e2-a97b-e448ad9dbd02 Video accompanying this announcement is available athttps://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/32cbdaf4-f03c-4887-a5c0-f79d3448ce43
WEIMAR, Germany, Oct. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Suppliers Fair (IZB) took place in Wolfsburg, Germany, from October 22nd to 24th, under the theme "Empowering Partnerships." This year, 830 exhibitors from around the globe came together to present the latest innovations in technology and products. Desay SV (002920.SZ), a leading mobility technology company, showcased over 50 advanced products from three business lines: Smart Cabin, Smart Drive, and Smart Service. This highlights its strategic vision of becoming the preferred partner in mobility transformation. Intelligent Connected Vehicles Products for Global Customers Desay SV showcased its range of mature products alongside cutting-edge innovations at the exhibition. Notable displays included various cabin products, such as the high-performance intelligent cabin G9SH, heads-up display (HUD), and intelligent surface (control panels). Additionally, Desay SV also featured various cameras, including OMS (Occupant Monitoring System), front-view, side-view, and other intelligent driving sensor solutions. Desay SV at 2024 IZB Among the various offerings, Desay SV's intelligent driving solutions stood out and captured significant attention. The highlight was the latest intelligent driving domain controller, the IPU14. Powered by the NVIDIA Thor chip, the IPU14 supports L3 conditional autonomous driving and L4 autonomous driving in specific scenarios. With its exceptional performance, safe and redundant design, and the ability to personalise driving efficiency and comfort through algorithmic enhancements, the IPU14 has already attracted pre-orders from several OEMs. Desay SV Enhances Localised Services in the European Market Yang Yong, Executive Vice President of Desay SV and General Manager of Desay SV Europe, shared insights in an interview during the IZB, highlighting that the true indicator of an enterprise's internationalisation lies in its ongoing success with localisation efforts. The European market plays a crucial role in Desay SV's plans for future growth and development. In the future, we plan to increase physical investment, optimise resource allocation across supply chains, manufacturing, management, and R&D, and fully guarantee supply chain security to provide local customers with more comprehensive and efficient services along the whole order cycle from R&D to manufacturing. While enhancing the local customer service capabilities, we also seek to strengthen local industrial partnerships and actively uphold corporate social responsibility. Gao Dapeng, Chairman and President of Desay SV, who was invited to participate in the IZB Livestage "Electrification and Connectedness" seminar, said: "Through deep cooperation with global partners, Desay SV remains committed to a customer-orientated approach, aligning our services with customers' developing strategies. Industrial transformation doesn't happen overnight; each region has its own development pace and unique needs. Desay SV is eager to collaborate with customers to provide tailored solutions based on local demands, helping them lead the way in the automotive industry's transformation." Desay SV at 2024 IZB Recently, Desay SV has accelerated its European market strategy by establishing a new tech park in Weimar, Germany, opening the first office in Paris, France, and initiating an intelligent factory project in Spain. With these advancements, Desay SV has significantly strengthened local production capabilities, enabling it to better serve the vast European automotive market with shorter delivery times, quicker responses, and solutions that better match local expectations. About Desay SV Desay SV is a leading mobility technology company with R&D and service branches in Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, USA, etc. The company focuses on efficiently integrating smart cabin, smart drive, and smart service. Relying on 38 years of accumulation, Desay SV has excelled in R&D, design, quality management, and intelligent manufacturing. Desay SV's continuous innovation and comprehensive capabilities earn the long-term trust of global customers, including Chery, Geely, SAIC, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, etc., and have helped it rank 74th in the Automotive News 2024 top 100 global auto parts suppliers. For more information, please visit Desay SV online at www.desaysv.com or follow us on: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13690363
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