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符合「volkswagen」新聞搜尋結果, 共 85 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
Horizon Robotics and Volkswagen Collaborate on Creating a "Third Living Space" for Chinese Consumers

BEIJING, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent ride around Beijing's city center, Yu Kai, Founder and CEO of Horizon Robotics, a leading provider of energy-efficient computing solutions for consumer vehicles in China, and Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, expressed their enthusiasm about the fast-evolving digitalization of life in China, and their shared focus on creating cars that serve as a "third living space" for Chinese consumers.   Since taking on the position of VW Group China CEO in August 2022, Mr. Brandstätter has been greatly impressed by how digitalization has become a fundamental part of Chinese people's lives, while Mr. Yu noted that Chinese consumers are increasingly expecting cars to serve as an extension of their living space beyond home and office. In October 2022, Volkswagen Group and its software company CARIAD forged a partnership with Horizon Robotics to accelerate the development of automated driving solutions in China, aiming to bring consumers a safer and more convenient driving experience. During their tour around Beijing in Volkswagen's ID.6, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Brandstätter expressed their pride in the collaboration, and their confidence that the two companies will combine China's speed with German quality to "make people's lives much safer and better," as Mr. Yu put it. Mr. Brandstätter shared his excitement for the future of automated driving, in which that car becomes a "time machine" -- literally creating extra time for drivers to socialize, be productive, and enjoy entertainment. The full video is available on the Horizon Robotics YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/y-7Yc0a9qFU.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 645 加入收藏 :
Volkswagen Group Ireland指定Cognizant轉型數位化客戶體驗

Cognizant將雲端語音服務整合至單一的全通路平台,加強代理商和客戶體驗,並更具個性化 新澤西州提尼克2023年3月14日 /美通社/ -- Cognizant  (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 今天宣布,經總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的跨國汽車製造商Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 選中,為其打造數位化客戶服務的全新樣貌。Cognizant將重新設計VWG Ireland現有的分散式聯絡中心平台,塑造成一個以Salesforce雲端語音服和Amazon Connect為基礎的全通路客戶體驗 (customer experience,CX) 平台。 VWG Ireland需整合其舊有的聯絡中心功能,並簡化其客戶服務,以降低維護成本,提高效率,同時獲取客戶整體性的360度全景視角。由於客戶參與的流程和通路處於分散狀態,VWG Ireland所面臨的還包括對客戶的洞察力不足,以及手動彙總客戶數據導致過度耗時等問題。作為合作的一部份,Cognizant將打造一個全面性數位化、以雲端為基礎的全通路CX平台,為客戶建立現代化的互動方式,並為代理商提供易於使用的網路化用戶統一界面,將客戶數據、情境、旅程和交流管道融為一體。 Cognizant將同時為VWG Ireland在客戶旅程和對話上提供更先進的洞察能力。此舉是為改善報告、促進商業決策並推展下一步的最佳行動,能向客戶提供個性化體驗並推薦其後續等服務或產品。此外,Cognizant將為CX平台的持續改進、強化功能和創新流程,與VWG Ireland一同攜手合作。引進CX平台為最終用戶及其主管帶來更高效率,進而節省時間並為VWG Ireland的客戶提供最佳化的服務水準。 「在過去十年中,汽車行業從底層發生變革,特別是電動車的快速普及。此外,客戶對於服務水準和與各種組織的交流方式也產生期望性的改變,這在疫情期間因必要性的遠程訪問、服務提供和支持,使得這種改變的速度加劇,」VWG Ireland的資訊長Tom Murphy說道。「汽車行業尤其了解客戶想要怎樣改變彼此的溝通方式。為了能與客戶更有意義、更直接地交流,我們需要一個值得信賴的IT合作夥伴,以協助我們達成使命、改善系統,並更有效地與客戶群體進行互動。」 「Cognizant的使命是將OEM製造商、供應商、經銷商和汽車金融公司變身為現代企業。本項計畫為Cognizant和Volkswagen所首創,將CX在雲端的CRM、數位化和語音等強大能力相互結合。為此,我們很榮幸經Volkswagen Group Ireland選中,為其滿足客戶期望,提供客戶旅程轉型方面的支持,」Cognizant英國及愛爾蘭區總經理Rohit Gupta表示。「憑藉我們在全球大型客戶聯絡中心管理和轉型方面超過15年的豐富經驗,結合我們在敏捷領導力執行方面的成熟方法、流程和專業知識,我們相信我們是Volkswagen Group Ireland的不二首選,以協助其提升汽車製造商的客戶體驗。」 關於Volkswagen Group Ireland Volkswagen Group Ireland (VWG Ireland) 是Volkswagen AG的獨資企業,也是愛爾蘭最大的汽車公司,擁有六個領先品牌包括:Volkswagen、Audi、ŠKODA、CUPRA、Seat和Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles。作為一家全國性銷售公司,我們與愛爾蘭共和國近130家特許經銷商合作。Volkswagen Group Ireland是愛爾蘭最大的電動汽車銷售商,其電動汽車市場的佔有率達到34%。 關於CognizantCognizant (Nasdaq股票代碼:CTSH) 築就現代企業。我們幫助客戶實現技術現代化、流程重構和體驗轉型,使其能在瞬息萬變的世界中保持領先地位。讓我們共同努力,攜手改善日常生活。欲知詳情,請瀏覽: www.cognizant.com ,或追蹤@cognizant。   美國 歐洲/APAC 印度 Jodi Sorensen Christina Schneider Rashmi Vasisht  jodi.sorensen@cognizant.com christina.schneider@cognizant.com rashmi.vasisht@cognizant.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4170 加入收藏 :
Tag along with Jason at CISCE (Season 2): The secret behind Chinese automakers' success

BEIJING, Nov. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This is a report from China.org.cn:  A young American named Jason visited the smart vehicle section of the second China International Supply Chain Expo, held in Beijing from Nov. 26 to 30, and tried to find out the secret behind Chinese automakers' success. The expo showcases not only automakers, but also the entire supply chain, from parts suppliers to final producers. BYD, one of the EV giants in China, has now surpassed Tesla in quarterly sales. Volkswagen, once the largest automaker for the Chinese market, is now working with Chinese EV manufacturer XPENG to stay competitive in the market. So when did Chinese cars get so good? A young American named Jason visited the smart vehicle section of the second China International Supply Chain Expo, held in Beijing from Nov. 26 to 30, and tried to find out the secret behind Chinese automakers' success. The expo showcases not only automakers, but also the entire supply chain, from parts suppliers to final producers. One of the star products on display at the Expo was the XPENG P7+, a new electric sedan launched just three weeks ago. Remarkably, the P7+ sold over 30,000 units in less than two hours after its launch. According to an XPENG representative at the Expo, the P7+ is a spacious, full-size vehicle measuring over 5 meters in length. Both the front and rear seats are equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions. The car also features a 50W wireless fast car charger with two ports for convenient phone charging. The P7+ is equipped with XPENG's advanced camera-based autopilot system, which enables autonomous driving in Chinese cities — drivers can simply enter a destination and the car will navigate itself. This model also supports multiple modes of self-parking. But the exhibition told Jason that despite the driving assistant, he should always be alert while driving. The American visitor also discovered that despite these advanced features, the P7+ is competitively priced, starting at ¥186,800 with a driving range of 615 kilometers on a single charge. The P7+ is integrated with BOSCH's next-generation integrated braking system and occupant safety system, which will also be on display at the show. According to Bosch, the P7+'s occupant safety system combines brake booster and ESP® into one unit, which not only provides powerful performance, but also achieves efficient energy recovery, which means better range and reduced CO2 emissions. Baosteel showcased a body-in-white using advanced X-GPa steel for strength, safety and lightweight design, which is also used in the XPENG P7+. Rio Tinto supplies the iron ore for the high quality steel. The global mining company's booth shows different types of ore and how they are mined. The staff told Jason that the company is happy to supply to the EV industry. According to the XPENG representative, the P7+ benefits from China's efficient design and R&D processes, which focus on cost optimization through innovation. Competitive pricing is also made possible by strong partnerships with domestic and international suppliers who provide the materials and components that make these high-tech features possible. Tag along with Jason at CISCE (Season 2): The secret behind Chinese automakers' successhttp://www.china.org.cn/business/2024-11/29/content_117576633.htm

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 131 加入收藏 :
Tag along with Jason at CISCE (Season 2): The secret behind Chinese automakers' success

BEIJING, Nov. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This is a report from China.org.cn:  A young American named Jason visited the smart vehicle section of the second China International Supply Chain Expo, held in Beijing from Nov. 26 to 30, and tried to find out the secret behind Chinese automakers' success. The expo showcases not only automakers, but also the entire supply chain, from parts suppliers to final producers. BYD, one of the EV giants in China, has now surpassed Tesla in quarterly sales. Volkswagen, once the largest automaker for the Chinese market, is now working with Chinese EV manufacturer XPENG to stay competitive in the market. So when did Chinese cars get so good? A young American named Jason visited the smart vehicle section of the second China International Supply Chain Expo, held in Beijing from Nov. 26 to 30, and tried to find out the secret behind Chinese automakers' success. The expo showcases not only automakers, but also the entire supply chain, from parts suppliers to final producers. One of the star products on display at the Expo was the XPENG P7+, a new electric sedan launched just three weeks ago. Remarkably, the P7+ sold over 30,000 units in less than two hours after its launch. According to an XPENG representative at the Expo, the P7+ is a spacious, full-size vehicle measuring over 5 meters in length. Both the front and rear seats are equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions. The car also features a 50W wireless fast car charger with two ports for convenient phone charging. The P7+ is equipped with XPENG's advanced camera-based autopilot system, which enables autonomous driving in Chinese cities — drivers can simply enter a destination and the car will navigate itself. This model also supports multiple modes of self-parking. But the exhibition told Jason that despite the driving assistant, he should always be alert while driving. The American visitor also discovered that despite these advanced features, the P7+ is competitively priced, starting at ¥186,800 with a driving range of 615 kilometers on a single charge. The P7+ is integrated with BOSCH's next-generation integrated braking system and occupant safety system, which will also be on display at the show. According to Bosch, the P7+'s occupant safety system combines brake booster and ESP® into one unit, which not only provides powerful performance, but also achieves efficient energy recovery, which means better range and reduced CO2 emissions. Baosteel showcased a body-in-white using advanced X-GPa steel for strength, safety and lightweight design, which is also used in the XPENG P7+. Rio Tinto supplies the iron ore for the high quality steel. The global mining company's booth shows different types of ore and how they are mined. The staff told Jason that the company is happy to supply to the EV industry. According to the XPENG representative, the P7+ benefits from China's efficient design and R&D processes, which focus on cost optimization through innovation. Competitive pricing is also made possible by strong partnerships with domestic and international suppliers who provide the materials and components that make these high-tech features possible. Tag along with Jason at CISCE (Season 2): The secret behind Chinese automakers' successhttp://www.china.org.cn/business/2024-11/29/content_117576633.htm

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 345 加入收藏 :
HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 Honors 40 Champions Ushering in a New Generation Workforce

SINGAPORE, Nov. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HR Asia, the leading publication in the human resources industry, announces the winners of its prestigious HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024. This year, a total of 40 outstanding companies from Singapore and India have been recognized for their exemplary HR practices, showcasing their commitment to fostering a vibrant and diverse workplace environment. Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Singapore HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia Under the theme of "The Definitive Z Choice", the winners reflect the challenges and opportunities presented by the influx of Gen-Z or Zoomer, creating a multi-generational workforce. These companies have not only demonstrated exceptional prowess in hiring and retaining young talent, but also in creating a workplace culture that values diversity, collaboration, and continuous innovation setting a benchmark for others in the industry. The surge in nominations underscores the growing prominence of workplace excellence in the region with 202 companies competing for recognition, showcasing a keen desire to stand out as leaders in employee satisfaction, welfare, and development. 25,880 survey participants shared their invaluable insights and experiences, providing a comprehensive overview of the workplace landscape in Singapore and India. Their contributions not only reflect a deep-rooted commitment to enhancing workplace environments but also highlight the significance of employee voice in shaping organisational culture and practices. "With an ever-growing number of Zoomers entering the workforce, there comes a number of challenges for human resources," said William Ng, group publisher of HR Asia. "The life experiences and expectations of the younger generation are entirely different from the previous generations, potentially creating discord in the workplace. It is good to see that a larger number of organisations in Singapore are actively mitigating potential issues and recording higher employee satisfaction by championing inclusivity along with actively listening to their needs." 2024 sees a new category HR Asia Sustainable Workplace Awards being introduced to reflect the organisation's unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable business practices. The HR Asia Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards seek to recognise organisations that have made significant strides towards creating diverse and inclusive workplaces. In turn, The HR Asia Most Caring Company Awards recognise organisations that have demonstrated exceptional care for their employees, particularly during difficult times. The HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 - Singapore and India award winners have shown an unwavering dedication to employee satisfaction, welfare, and development. These organisations have set the standard for others to follow by fostering a positive work environment that promotes growth and excellence. The highlight of this year's event was the recognition of the Platinum winner, who have achieved an exemplary feat by maintaining their status as consecutive winners for an impressive 10 years. Cycle & Carriage Singapore embodies a steadfast commitment to nurturing an exceptional workplace culture. The awards ceremony also celebrated the achievements of the 4 Gold winners, each of whom has received the awards for five consecutive years or more. The distinguished Gold winners for HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 - Singapore are Borouge Pte Ltd, City Developments Limited, Forvis Mazars Llp, and NTUC First Campus Limited. HR Asia proudly announces the launch of the HR Asia Happiest Workplace Certification, a new recognition that distinguishes companies across Asia for their success in fostering positive, supportive, and rewarding work environments. This certification recognises organisations that put employee well-being first and cultivate cultures of joy, engagement, and productivity. The certifications are determined using HR Asia's proprietary TEAM survey technology, which gathers actual employee feedback. The award covers fifteen markets across the region including mainland China, Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan region, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam, making this the largest recognition program and survey in the region for employee engagement. For more information about the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2024 and a complete list of winners, please visit https://hr.asia/awards/ LIST OF WINNERS OF HR ASIA BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR IN ASIA 2024 IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: SINGAPORE Aetos Holdings APL Logistics Ltd ASM Baxter Healthcare Asia Pte Ltd Borouge Pte Ltd Cathay United Bank Check Point Software Technologies City Developments Limited Coach Singapore Pte Ltd Crystal International Group Limited Cycle & Carriage Singapore Dayforce Singapore Pte Ltd Dian Xiao Er Group Pte. Ltd. FedEx Singapore Forvis Mazars LLP Global Eduhub Pte Ltd Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence Hong Ye Group Pte Ltd A Subsidiary Of YY Group Holding Limited IDS Medical Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd JustCo Lotusia Group Manulife Singapore Marsh Singapore MCC Singapore MindChamps NTUC First Campus Limited NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd Resorts World At Sentosa Pte Ltd Sandoz Singapore SBS Transit Ltd SW Singapore UOB Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions YHS (Singapore) Pte Ltd Yinson Group, Singapore INDIA GAP INC. APL LOGISTICS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. TITAN COMPANY LIMITED ŠKODA AUTO VOLKSWAGEN INDIA PVT LTD VESTIAN GLOBAL WORKPLACE SERVICES PVT. LTD. WINNERS OF HR ASIA DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION AWARDS 2024 APL Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd. ASM Cathay United Bank Coach Singapore Pte Ltd Gap Inc Global Eduhub Pte Ltd Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence Manulife Singapore NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd SBS Transit Ltd WINNERS OF HR ASIA SUSTAINABLE WORKPLACE AWARDS 2024 APL Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Borouge Pte Ltd Cathay United Bank Dayforce Singapore Pte Ltd FedEx Singapore Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence NTUC LearningHub Pte Ltd SBS Transit Ltd Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions WINNERS OF HR ASIA MOST CARING COMPANY AWARDS 2024 Borouge Pte Ltd Cathay United Bank Dian Xiao Er Group Pte. Ltd. Global Eduhub Pte Ltd Manulife Singapore NTUC First Campus Limited SBS Transit Ltd UOB Yinson Group, Singapore HR ASIA HAPPIEST WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION 2024 ⁠Cycle & Carriage Singapore Resorts World at Sentosa Pte Ltd APL Logistics Ltd About BUSINESS MEDIA INTERNATIONALBusiness Media International is a subsidiary of Audience Analytics Limited (1AZ.SG), a regional leader in promoting growth for companies in Asia through data-driven brands and initiatives. We own renowned media brands such as SME Magazine, HR Asia, Capital Asia, Energy Asia, Logistics Asia, TruthTV, and CXP Asia as well as business impact assessment brands such as SME100, HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia, Golden Bull Awards and CXP Asia Best Customer Experience Awards. We organise various exhibitions and have the proprietary software-as-a-service — Total Engagement Assessment Model – in our portfolio. Adrian ChengMarketing ManagerBusiness Media InternationalMobile No.: 012-2692701Email: adrian@businessmedia.asia

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 247 加入收藏 :
OceanBase Recognized for Translytical Database Capabilities by Independent Research Firm

SINGAPORE, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OceanBase has been named as a Challenger by Forrester in its report "The Forrester Wave: Translytical Data Platform, Q4 2024", published in November 2024. According to the report, translytical data platforms are next-generation data solutions built on a single database engine to seamlessly support transactional, operational, and analytical workloads without compromising data integrity, performance, or real-time analytics. They also offer support for distributed data architectures, multimodel capabilities, generative AI (genAI)/ML, vector search, cloud integration, and advanced workload management. The adoption of translytical data platforms is rapidly increasing to meet new and emerging business demands, including real-time insights, scalable microservices, genAI, and high-volume transaction processing. "OceanBase excels in distributed data processing. The platform supports cloud-native capabilities, horizontal and vertical scalability, distributed architecture, SQL compatibility, and strong data consistency," stated Forrester analysts in the report. "OceanBase is a good choice for organizations that want a basic, cost-effective translytical data platform with SQL compatibility, particularly for those migrating from legacy databases." "OceanBase is honored to be named as a Challenger in the latest Forrester Wave report for its translytical database capabilities. This reflects our strength in seamlessly handling both transactional and real-time analytical workloads through a single database and dataset," said Charlie Yang, the Chief Technology Officer of OceanBase. "OceanBase remains committed to supporting customers across various industries to streamline their technology stack and deliver exceptional price-for-performance across all job types." In this report, Forrester evaluated translytical data platforms providers based on 26 criteria grouped in three categories: current offering, strategy, and market presence. The report is an assessment of the top vendors in the market and serves as a valuable resource for data and technology professionals seeking to identify the right one for their needs. OceanBase offers scalable distributed database for data-intensive transactional and real-time operational analytics workloads, with ultra-fast performance and high compatibility across major global cloud infrastructures, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud. Operating across more than 30 regions in Asia, Europe, and America, OceanBase has already served over 2,000 customers, such as SAIC Volkswagen, VIVO, Pop Mart, Haidilao, Kwai, Trip.com, GCash, DANA, and PalmPay. About OceanBase OceanBase is a distributed database launched in 2010. OceanBase's strengths over alternative solutions include strong data consistency, high availability, high performance, cost effectiveness, elastic scalability, and high compatibility with mainstream relational databases. It enables transactions and analytical queries with just one set of data engines, empowering real-time business intelligence. To learn more, please visit: https://www.oceanbase.com/

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 59 加入收藏 :
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