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長江實業集團大灣區矚目傑作 東莞•海逸豪庭盡擁山.湖.高爾夫墅居生活

港人置業專享價值¥25,920高爾夫非凡禮遇*香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年11月8日 - 東莞•海逸豪庭是位於CBD旁優越地段,享有獨一無二專屬山.湖.高爾夫景緻的高級住宅。項目佔地約7,000畝,兩面環山,俯瞰湖景,配備27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—海逸高爾夫球會,成為港人在大灣區的低密度物業優選,備受買家追捧。 和記地產集團有限公司之董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭(右),總經理一公共關係及推廣李惠明(左一)及總經理一市場楊穎新(左二) 隨着粵港澳大灣區融合,東莞已成為創新型高科技城市。經廣東省統計局統一核算,2023年東莞GDP已突破萬億元人民幣,人均GDP達10.934萬元人民幣。東莞的蓬勃發展,除了源於當地深厚的製造業基礎外,還有各大高新技術企業包括華為、OPPO、VIVO、大疆等的進駐,為東莞的極速發展注入源源不絕的動力。 項目臨近約7,000畝的橫崗水庫,坐擁水濂山森林公園、同沙生態園、大嶺山森林公園、東莞植物園等,部分單位可眺望約2,000畝的青翠海逸高爾夫球場,屬度假與退休生活的理想之選;更重要是位於東莞巿內的東華醫院,已納入香港「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」的醫療機構名單,合資格的香港長者已可在該醫院使用醫療券支付費用^。(^資料來源:香港特別行政區政府新聞公報《政府公布「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」醫療機構名單》) 山湖疊墅 匠心極品 輕易實現豪華墅居生活 東莞•海逸豪庭為城中珍罕的高品味豪宅地標項目,精心築造背山面湖的優質別墅區。全新一期疊墅依山而建,高低錯落,湖景就在眼前,加上超低密度、超高綠化率及超大面積的綠化公園,是目前市場最為稀缺的山湖疊墅。現正熱賣中的花園疊墅,建築面積約1,356至1,937平方呎,戶型南北通透,方正實用,動靜空間分區清晰。下疊專享獨立花園、地下室空間以及地下專屬車位;上疊客廳挑高約5.6米,更有專屬地下車位、私家花園及頂層天台,彰顯奢華氣派。售價約人民幣295萬元起,豪華墅居生活輕鬆入手。現購買花園疊墅更贈送每戶價值約人民幣25,920元的高爾夫球購房大禮包*(優惠限時限量,名額有限),海逸豪庭花園疊墅反應熱烈,現優惠有效期延長至2024年11月30日。 精選疊墅,挑高客廳,氣派不凡 和記地產集團有限公司董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭先生對項目充滿信心並表示:「東莞•海逸豪庭位於東莞CBD旁,地段優越,且山湖景觀資源豐富,配套更包括高爾夫球場和學校,在東莞可謂獨一無二,是粵港澳大灣區豪宅市場的新盤佳選。」 東莞•海逸豪庭 坐擁山.湖.高爾夫精英府邸 海逸豪庭傲踞發展優勢的粵港澳大灣區樞紐地帶,毗鄰東莞國際商業區(CBD),與香港和澳門僅一水之隔,從東莞到香港,高鐵、城際鐵路和城市鐵路運輸便利交匯,交通網絡四通八達。乘搭廣深港高鐵,只需約40分鐘,即可從虎門高鐵站抵達香港西九龍站。另外,從虎門高鐵站到達項目地段,車程僅約20多分鐘(百度地圖顯示),住戶可輕鬆盡享港莞雙城互通的無界生活。 海逸豪庭重磅打造四大豪華會所,包括御峰會所、尊萃會、海逸運動中心及尚都薈,擁有室內外泳池、健身室、籃球場、桌球室、瑜伽室及會所餐廳等,設備齊全,讓住戶盡情享受休閒娛樂、運動鍛鍊及精緻餐飲等多姿多彩的生活體驗。同時,項目更擁有約2,000畝的27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—東莞海逸高爾夫球會,同時設有高爾夫球學院、27條有蓋練習場球道及亞洲其中一個最大的推桿練習果嶺。 在項目約5公里範圍內,匯集了涵蓋不同年齡階段的學校,項目內更配有東莞市海逸幼稚園及海逸外國語學校,提供幼稚園至高中一條龍精英教育。購物休閒娛樂方面,三大商圈就在毗鄰,包括國貿商圈、西平商圈及厚街萬達商圈,餐廳商店林立,更有山姆會員商店及東莞迎賓館等,住戶可一站式享受吃喝玩樂與購物的無比便利。 花園疊墅建築典雅瑰麗,彰顯不凡氣派 免責條款: 本廣告中所提及的面積均為建築面積。本廣告中所有圖片及文字介紹僅作宣傳、推廣使用,不應視作任何要約,亦不應視為任何買賣合同或房屋租賃合同的任何組成部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準,客觀情況以實地呈現為準。所有購入此項目之業主請向當地教育行政管理部門諮詢瞭解具體情況,各業主之子女可能並不包含入學資格,而均須按正常入學手續申請,並沒有優先考慮或任何豁免等情況。本廣告中所有有關會所設施之資料僅供參考,日後可能因實際需要而作出更改,不應視為任何要約或構成合約其中一部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準。*本廣告中所提及的價值約人民幣25,920元之高爾夫購房大禮包含價值約人民幣8,500元高爾夫練習場家庭年卡、價值約人民幣12,420元高爾夫訓練課程以及價值約人民幣5,000元京東購物卡(優惠限時限量,名額有限),海逸豪庭花園疊墅反應熱烈,現優惠有效期延長至2024年11月30日。前述贈送安排只限於持有香港永久性居民身份證及居民身份證的成年購房人士。本廣告未盡事宜由東莞冠亞環崗湖商住區建造有限公司予以補充說明,特此聲明。東莞商房預證字第202200026號。 東莞•海逸豪庭港人專屬品鑒之旅 禮賓熱線:6081 6963 具體品鑒之旅參與條件及費用等詳情請致電禮賓熱線查詢。 Hashtag: #和記地產集團 #譚健旭發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於和記地產集團和記地產集團為長江實業之附屬公司,致力發展優質住宅、寫字樓、商場、工業、酒店和度假項目。憑藉其豐富的跨國房地產發展經驗,以寰宇視野及前瞻目光,建構了多個標竿項目,在內地約二十個城市包括北京、天津、長春、大連、南京、上海、常州、青島、重慶、成都、武漢、西安、長沙、廣州、佛山、深圳、東莞、珠海、中山和惠州開發、擁有五十多項物業。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 986 加入收藏 :
Breakthrough Australian Cancer trial: retraining immune cells offers new hope for patients

ADELAIDE, Australia and BOSTON, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a remarkable development for cancer research, Australian patients with advanced-stage cancer have benefited from SUPLEXA, a personalised treatment that trains the patient's own immune cells to fight cancer. "Cancer often gains the upper hand by suppressing the immune system. Our approach flips the script: we isolate immune cells from this suppressive environment, we reactivate their inherent cancer-fighting abilities in a laboratory, and return them back to the patient", said Dr Frank Borriello, Scientific Founder and CEO of Boston-based Alloplex Biotherapeutics[1]. While the science behind SUPLEXA is sophisticated, the process for patients and clinicians is surprisingly straight-forward. A single 50 mL blood draw from the patient is all it takes to develop a complete course of SUPLEXA therapy. With nothing more than standard lab equipment, the patient's white blood cells are isolated and 'trained' outside the body (ex vivo) using Alloplex's proprietary ENLIST immune cell training technology. About a month later, the enhanced blood cells are infused into the patient, where they not only seek out and destroy rogue cancer cells — that had, until then, evaded the immune system — but improve the overall immune health of the patient. Full results of the first-in-human trial[2], held in Adelaide and Brisbane, will be released at the 2024 SITC conference in November. The unprecedented study showed no treatment-related serious adverse events for the patients who had exhausted all other standard treatment options — unsurprising, given that SUPLEXA is made from the patients' own immune cells that have simply undergone a training process to revitalise and enhance their function before being reintroduced to the patient. Remarkably, and in addition to its strong safety profile, SUPLEXA transformed the lives of patients with various cancer types. Its most striking results were observed in patients with a specific type of advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Three CRC patients derived significant clinical benefit: one achieved a complete response (CR), another a partial response (PR) and another stable disease (SD). "Many of these patients sustained a strong clinical response for up to two years," said Dr. Borriello. Of the ten RCC patients, one achieved a partial response (PR) and six achieved stable disease (SD) while only 3 had progressive disease (PD). Patients with other solid tumors, including melanoma, breast and lung cancer, also demonstrated long-term SD with SUPLEXA. For the participating patients who had exhausted all standard treatment options, "SUPLEXA has been a remarkable experience," said Assoc. Professor Rohit Joshi[3] of Cancer Research SA, the principal investigator who led the first-in-human study across three sites in Australia[4].   While quality of life assessments were not formally captured in this study, patients reported improvements in their well-being, a reduction in pain and improved symptom control. "It's also allowed them to continue with their normal lives, have a holiday, take up new hobbies and spend more time with family and friends," said Assoc. Prof. Joshi. FDA Opens Door to Proceed With encouragement from the FDA to proceed with an Investigational New Drug (IND) submission, Alloplex Biotherapeutics plans to initiate Phase 2 clinical trials of SUPLEXA in early 2025. The trial – which will also be conducted in Australia – will combine SUPLEXA with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in patients with a specific type of colorectal cancer. The goal is to test whether SUPLEXA can enhance outcomes in patients being treated with ICI-based standard of care. This combination of therapies could offer hope to people around the world, including the 162,000 people[5] diagnosed with cancer in Australia every year. Notes: Alloplex Biotherapeutics is a private Boston-based company founded in 2016 with a singular focus on developing its ENLIST immune cell training platform for cancer. SUPLEXA cells represent the first candidate to emerge from this platform that harnesses and amplifies the innate capabilities of the immune system. The company's first-in-human clinical trial enrolled 35 patients with a variety of advanced cancer types. It was an open label, single-agent, basket study across three clinical sites in Australia and concluded in June 2024. Full clinical and scientific results of the trial will be presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer 'SITC' meeting in Houston, Texas 7-9 November 2024. Abstracts #378 and #678 will be presented in the Immune Engineering Workshop and at the Annual Meeting. Assoc. Professor Rohit Joshi, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FACP, FRCP, is a highly published and renowned medical oncology consultant. He is an Associate Professor at the University of South Australia and University of Adelaide; and Director of Cancer Research SA ('CRSA'). The three sites in Australia where the SUPLEXA trial was carried out are: (1) Cancer Research SA ('CRSA') in Adelaide, South Australia; (2) Southern Oncology Research United ('SOCRU') in Adelaide, South Australia, and (3) Greenslopes Private Hospital / Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation, in Brisbane, Queensland Cancer in Australia: With approximately 162,000 new cases diagnosed of the disease last year (or more than 440 new diagnoses every day), tragically, cancer is also Australia's leading cause of mortality. An estimated 51,550 deaths are projected this year (equivalent to over 140 deaths each day). The lifetime risk of being diagnosed with cancer in Australia is substantial, with 1 in 2 Australians expected to develop the disease by the age of 85. While advanced in early detection and treatment have improved outcomes for many, a considerable proportion of patients, particularly those with cancers like lung and colorectal, are still diagnosed at an advanced stage, highlighting the ongoing need for innovative therapies like SUPLEXA. Full Media Kit: A library of backgrounders, graphics and images is available from https://alloplexbio.com/presskitoct24/  Media Contact Email: media@alloplexbio.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 166 加入收藏 :
長江實業集團大灣區又一巨獻 東莞•海逸豪庭 暢享山.湖.高爾夫墅居生活

港人購花園疊墅 贈價值¥25,920高爾夫至尊禮遇*香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年10月25日 - 東莞•海逸豪庭是位於CBD旁優越地段,享有獨一無二專屬山.湖.高爾夫景緻的高級住宅。項目佔地約7,000畝,兩面環山,俯瞰湖景,配備27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—海逸高爾夫球會,成為港人在大灣區的低密度物業優選,備受買家追捧。 和記地產集團有限公司之董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭(右),總經理一公共關係及推廣李惠明(左一)及總經理一市場楊穎新(左二) 隨着粵港澳大灣區融合,東莞已成為創新型高科技城市。經廣東省統計局統一核算,2023年東莞GDP已突破萬億元人民幣,人均GDP達10.934萬元人民幣。東莞的蓬勃發展,除了源於當地深厚的製造業基礎外,還有各大高新技術企業包括華為、OPPO、VIVO、大疆等的進駐,為東莞的極速發展注入源源不絕的動力。 項目臨近約7,000畝的橫崗水庫,坐擁水濂山森林公園、同沙生態園、大嶺山森林公園、東莞植物園等,部分單位可眺望約2,000畝的青翠海逸高爾夫球場,屬度假與退休生活的理想之選;更重要是位於東莞巿內的東華醫院,已納入香港「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」的醫療機構名單,合資格的香港長者已可在該醫院使用醫療券支付費用^。(^資料來源:香港特別行政區政府新聞公報《政府公布「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」醫療機構名單》) 山湖疊墅 匠心極品 輕易實現豪華墅居生活 東莞•海逸豪庭為城中珍罕的高品味豪宅地標項目,精心築造背山面湖的優質別墅區。全新一期疊墅依山而建,高低錯落,湖景就在眼前,加上超低密度、超高綠化率及超大面積的綠化公園,是目前市場最為稀缺的山湖疊墅。現正熱賣中的花園疊墅,建築面積約1,356至1,937平方呎,戶型南北通透,方正實用,動靜空間分區清晰。下疊專享獨立花園、地下室空間以及地下專屬車位;上疊客廳挑高約5.6米,更有專屬地下車位、私家花園及頂層天台,彰顯奢華氣派。售價約人民幣295萬元起,豪華墅居生活輕鬆入手。現購買花園疊墅更贈送每戶價值約人民幣25,920元的高爾夫球購房大禮包*(優惠限時限量,名額有限),海逸豪庭花園疊墅反應熱烈,現優惠有效期延長至2024年11月30日。 花園疊墅,延伸生活空間,格調非凡 和記地產集團有限公司董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭先生對項目充滿信心並表示:「東莞•海逸豪庭位於東莞CBD旁,地段優越,且山湖景觀資源豐富,配套更包括高爾夫球場和學校,在東莞可謂獨一無二,是粵港澳大灣區豪宅市場的新盤佳選。」 精選疊墅,挑高客廳,氣派不凡 東莞•海逸豪庭 坐擁山.湖.高爾夫精英府邸 海逸豪庭傲踞發展優勢的粵港澳大灣區樞紐地帶,毗鄰東莞國際商業區(CBD),與香港和澳門僅一水之隔,從東莞到香港,高鐵、城際鐵路和城市鐵路運輸便利交匯,交通網絡四通八達。乘搭廣深港高鐵,只需約40分鐘,即可從虎門高鐵站抵達香港西九龍站。另外,從虎門高鐵站到達項目地段,車程僅約20多分鐘(百度地圖顯示),住戶可輕鬆盡享港莞雙城互通的無界生活。 海逸豪庭重磅打造四大豪華會所,包括御峰會所、尊萃會、海逸運動中心及尚都薈,擁有室內外泳池、健身室、籃球場、桌球室、瑜伽室及會所餐廳等,設備齊全,讓住戶盡情享受休閒娛樂、運動鍛鍊及精緻餐飲等多姿多彩的生活體驗。同時,項目更擁有約2,000畝的27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—東莞海逸高爾夫球會,同時設有高爾夫球學院、27條有蓋練習場球道及亞洲其中一個最大的推桿練習果嶺。 在項目約5公里範圍內,匯集了涵蓋不同年齡階段的學校,項目內更配有東莞市海逸幼稚園及海逸外國語學校,提供幼稚園至高中一條龍精英教育。購物休閒娛樂方面,三大商圈就在毗鄰,包括國貿商圈、西平商圈及厚街萬達商圈,餐廳商店林立,更有山姆會員商店及東莞迎賓館等,住戶可一站式享受吃喝玩樂與購物的無比便利。 花園疊墅建築典雅瑰麗,彰顯不凡氣派 免責條款: 本廣告中所提及的面積均為建築面積。本廣告中所有圖片及文字介紹僅作宣傳、推廣使用,不應視作任何要約,亦不應視為任何買賣合同或房屋租賃合同的任何組成部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準,客觀情況以實地呈現為準。所有購入此項目之業主請向當地教育行政管理部門諮詢瞭解具體情況,各業主之子女可能並不包含入學資格,而均須按正常入學手續申請,並沒有優先考慮或任何豁免等情況。本廣告中所有有關會所設施之資料僅供參考,日後可能因實際需要而作出更改,不應視為任何要約或構成合約其中一部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準。*本廣告中所提及的價值約人民幣25,920元之高爾夫購房大禮包含價值約人民幣8,500元高爾夫練習場家庭年卡、價值約人民幣12,420元高爾夫訓練課程以及價值約人民幣5,000元京東購物卡(優惠限時限量,名額有限),海逸豪庭花園疊墅反應熱烈,現優惠有效期延長至2024年11月30日。前述贈送安排只限於持有香港永久性居民身份證及居民身份證的成年購房人士。本廣告未盡事宜由東莞冠亞環崗湖商住區建造有限公司予以補充說明,特此聲明。東莞商房預證字第202200026號。 東莞•海逸豪庭港人專屬品鑒之旅 禮賓熱線:6081 6963 具體品鑒之旅參與條件及費用等詳情請致電禮賓熱線查詢。 Hashtag: #和記地產集團 #譚健旭發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於和記地產集團和記地產集團為長江實業之附屬公司,致力發展優質住宅、寫字樓、商場、工業、酒店和度假項目。憑藉其豐富的跨國房地產發展經驗,以寰宇視野及前瞻目光,建構了多個標竿項目,在內地約二十個城市包括北京、天津、長春、大連、南京、上海、常州、青島、重慶、成都、武漢、西安、長沙、廣州、佛山、深圳、東莞、珠海、中山和惠州開發、擁有五十多項物業。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1267 加入收藏 :
Celebrating Culinary Excellence: Eat Spain Drink Spain 2024 Concludes with a Flavorful Finale in Singapore

SINGAPORE, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Eat Spain Drink Spain" (ESDS) campaign proudly concludes its vibrant Singapore edition, which ran from September 15 to October 15, 2024, with a spectacular closing celebration at UNA at Alkaff Mansion on October 15. This event was a successful collaboration with the Spain Tourism Board, highlighting the rich tapestry of Spanish gastronomy to the local community. Over the month-long campaign, ICEX Spain, through the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Singapore orchestrated an impressive 34 events. This remarkable achievement translates to more than one event every day, offering participants an immersive experience into the diverse culinary traditions of Spain. The primary goal of the campaign was to enhance the visibility of official partners' products in Singapore and promote the 18 Restaurants from Spain (RFS) seal, a mark of authenticity and quality in Spanish cuisine. The calendar was packed with a variety of activities including tastings, wine pairings, and hands-on workshops, designed to bring together food lovers and create a community of like-minded enthusiasts eager to explore Spanish cuisine. Highlights of the campaign included: Thematic Tastings: From regional wine tastings to cheese pairings, each event allowed guests to savor the authentic flavors of Spain. Chef Collaborations: Renowned chefs from participating restaurants showcased their culinary expertise, offering exclusive cooking demonstrations and signature dish tastings. Workshops: Interactive workshops enabled participants to learn about Spanish cooking techniques and the art of wine pairing, enhancing their appreciation for the cuisine. Networking Opportunities: ESDS 2024 provided an excellent platform for attendees to meet Spanish food and wine experts, fostering connections among professionals and enthusiasts alike. In addition to the events, a vibrant community was launched on the NAS.io platform, where participants signed up for events, accessed exclusive offers, and stayed informed about all campaign-related news and activities. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, sponsors, and partners who made this campaign a resounding success. Together, we celebrated the rich flavors and traditions of Spain, leaving a lasting impression on the Singapore food scene. EAT SPAIN DRINK SPAIN 2024 Official Partners MEAT CO CORNERSTONE ISLE GROCER ECOLAH NOEL (Repertoire Culinaire) QUESOS DE HUALDO THE WATER SOMMELIER TAPAS 24 ALFA INTERNATIONAL WHOLESOME HARVEST PACIFIC BEVERAGES MONOPOLE THE CELLAR DOOR JUAN GIL (Tres Monos) RFS RESTAURANTS PARTICIPATING IN ESDS 2024 Restaurant  Address  ASADOR  51 Joo Chiat Place, 427775  BINOMIO  20 Craig Road, Craig Place #01-02, 089692  ESQUINA  16 Jiak Chuan Road, 089267  FOC  40 Hongkong Street, 059679  FOC SENTOSA  110 Tanjong Beach Walk, 098943  GAIG  16 Stanley Street, 068735  KULTO  87 Amoy Street, 069906  LUMBRE  15 Mohamed Sultan Road, 238964  MY LITTLE SPANISH PLACE BOAT QUAY  54 Boat Quay, 049843  MY LITTLE SPANISH PLACE BUKIT TUMAH  619 Bukit Timah Road, 269720  NEXT DOOR SPANISH CAFÉ  699 East Coast Road, 459061  OLIVIA RESTAURANT & LOUNGE  55 Keong Saik Road, #01-03, 089158  UNA AT THE ALKAFF MANSION  10 Telok Blangah Green, 109178  TAPAS 24  60 Robertson Quay, #01-04, 238252  TAPAS CLUB VIVO CITY  1 Harbourfront Walk, #01-98/99, 098585  TAPAS CLUB ORCHARD  181 Orchard Road, #02-13/15 238896  TAPAS CLUB JEWEL  78 Airport Boulevard, Jewel Changi Airport, #03-220/221/222, 819666  PURA BRASA  5 Wallich Street, #01-16, Guoco Tower, 078883  For more info, visit https://www.foodswinesfromspain.com/en/certified-restaurants-from-spain Hashtags: #EATSPAINDRINKSPAIN #FOOD #RESTAURANTS #RESTAURANTSFROMSPAIN #RFS #SPANISHFOOD #CULINARYEXPERIENCE ABOUT RESTAURANTS FROM SPAIN (RFS) The "Restaurants from Spain" certificate is an instrument for the support and recognition of restaurant initiatives that are focused on Spanish cuisine and, by extension, the Spanish culture, guaranteeing the level of quality of these establishments. It recognizes and establishes quality standards and criteria for the consumer who is looking for quality Spanish cuisine, as well as models that can be followed by restaurateurs who may wish to offer Spanish cuisine in other parts of the world. All the restaurants that have the "Restaurants from Spain" certificate will share a feeling of Spanish gastronomy based on genuine roots, ingredients, recipes, and quality. Awarded following a stringent selection process by a joint committee composed of official institutions and sectoral associations, chaired by ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, strongly linked to gastronomy such as the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Regulatory Council for Jérez-Xérès-Sherry Wines D.O.P., INTERPORC, ASTUREX, the Spanish Wine Federation, Spanish Olive Oils Interprofessional and the REPSOL Guide, the certificate will distinguish those establishments that outside Spain offer their diners not only Spanish products but also authentic quality Spanish cuisine, with a unique and differentiated image. The certification, which will be renewed annually, will have a direct and immediate impact on the HORECA channel, whose activity has been severely affected by the pandemic, by promoting greater knowledge of the restaurant in the country, boosting its occupation, and the dissemination of authentic quality Spanish cuisine. Besides the certification, the restaurant's team will receive specialized training in both gastronomy and Spanish wines, thus being able to expand the Spanish culinary offer available on the menu. And in parallel, the certificate will facilitate access to the restaurant, and therefore to the market, to a greater number of suppliers of Spanish products, which will boost the presence of Spanish food and wine around the world.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 161 加入收藏 :
Caliway Completed CBL-514 Phase 2b Study (CBL-0205) for Subcutaneous Fat Reduction

The first and only lipolytic injectable for large area – CBL-514's last Phase 2b study has been completed Both CBL-514 Phase 2b studies used efficacy assessment tools, AFRS and MRI, in accordance with the U.S. FDA recommendation CBL-514 Pivotal Phase 3 study is expected to initiate subject recruitment in H2 2025 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Oct. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caliway Biopharmaceuticals (Caliway) completed CBL-514 Phase 2b study for non-surgical fat reduction (CBL-0205, clinicaltrials.gov ID: NCT06005441) on October 22nd, 2024, with the topline results anticipated in Q1 2025. CBL-0205, the last of the two CBL-514 Phase 2b studies for fat reduction, was designed in accordance with the U.S. FDA recommendations for the upcoming Pivotal Phase 3 study. The possible success of two Phase 2b studies meeting endpoints will make CBL-514 the first fat reduction product for large area to enter the Phase 3 study. CBL-514 is a combination of multiple APIs, including CBL-A1 and CBL-A2. The CBL-0205 study is a multicenter, single-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase 2b trial designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of CBL-514 versus its individual API, CBL-A1 and CBL-A2, as well as the placebo. A total of 173 participants were enrolled and randomly allocated to four groups to receive up to four courses of CBL-514, CBL-A1, CBL-A2, or placebo treatment, respectively, once every three weeks. Currently, there are two CBL-514 Phase 2b studies (CBL-0204 and CBL-0205) for subcutaneous fat reduction with the topline results anticipated, in Q4 2024 and Q1 2025, respectively. Both these trials were designed to simulate the Phase 3 study by using the same efficacy assessment tools, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Abdominal Fat Reduction Scale (AFRS, a scale recommended by the U.S. FDA, developed by Caliway), to increase the success of meeting Phase 3 endpoints. Moreover, to minimize potential biases in the single-blinded design, both Phase 2b trials' MRI readings and analyses underwent blinded Outcomes Assessor from independent organization before being finalized by the CRO for statistical analysis. In January 2024, Caliway received approval from the Australian HREC to conduct CBL-514 Pivotal Phase 3 trial for non-surgical fat reduction. The company anticipates IND approvals from the U.S. FDA and Health Canada (HC) by 2025, with subject recruitment expected to initiate in H2 2025. About Treatment Option for Subcutaneous Fat Reduction The current subcutaneous fat reduction procedures include invasive surgery, such as liposuction and abdominoplasty, and non-invasive products, including deoxycholic acid injection and other medical devices. A published study has shown that liposuction could remove an average of 183.3mL of abdomen fat for patients with a body mass index (BMI) <25 kg/m2, yet it involves a lengthy procedure that is generally performed in an operating room and may also carry the risk of unfavorable outcomes, such as periumbilical under-correction, permanent skin creases, and other moderate to severe side effects. The efficacy of non-invasive procedures is generally less optimal, with limited treatment areas and potential side effects, including tissue necrosis, nerve damage, and paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH). About CBL-0205 Phase 2b Study The CBL-0205 study is a multi-country, multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase 2b study to evaluate CBL-514's efficacy and safety in reducing subcutaneous fat. A total of 173 participants with moderate to severe abdominal subcutaneous fat accumulation as assessed by AFRS* were enrolled in the U.S. and Canadian clinical sites to receive up to four treatments of allocated study drug administered subcutaneously to the abdomen, once every three weeks, along with two follow-up visits at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the last treatment. The primary efficacy endpoint is the percentage of subjects with at least 20% fat reduction as measured by MRI. The secondary efficacy endpoints include the percentage of subjects with at least 25% fat reduction measured by MRI and the percentage of subjects with at least 1-grade improvement reported via Clinician Reported-AFRS grading. *AFRS is a scale developed and validated in accordance with U.S. FDA recommendations and relevant regulations. It uses a 1 to 5 grading system to assess abdominal subcutaneous fat accumulation; higher scores indicate greater severity of subcutaneous fat accumulation, and different grades indicate clinically significant differences. About CBL-514 CBL-514, a potentially first-in-class small-molecule drug, is a lipolysis injection that can induce adipocyte apoptosis and lipolysis to reduce subcutaneous adiposity in treatment areas without causing any systematic side effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system. Caliway's preclinical studies have shown that CBL-514 upregulates the apoptosis mediators caspase 3 and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and then induces adipocyte apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. Caliway is investigating multiple indications for CBL-514, including non-invasive subcutaneous fat reduction, Dercum's disease, and cellulite. To date, a total of 521 subjects have enrolled in CBL-514 clinical studies, with 317 subjects having received CBL-514 injection treatment. According to the results from 8 completed clinical studies of three indications, CBL-514 has demonstrated precise efficacy with a favorable safety profile. The global Pivotal Phase 3 study for non-surgical fat reduction is expected to be initiated in 2025. About Caliway Biopharmaceuticals Caliway Biopharmaceuticals (Caliway) is a Taiwan-headquartered, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company driven to breakthrough drug discovery of novel small-molecule therapeutics. Listed on the Taipei Exchange (TWSE-6919), Caliway aims to become an innovative pharmaceutical leader in aesthetic medicine and other diseases. For more information, please visit: https://www.caliway.com.tw/en Disclaimer This article and related information on this site contain forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information requires the Company to make numerous assumptions and is subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, and other factors that are beyond the control of the Company which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to timely inform, update, or revise the information on this site if circumstances should change. For additional contact: info@caliway.com.tw 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 298 加入收藏 :
長江實業集團大灣區又一巨獻 東莞•海逸豪庭暢享山.湖.高爾夫墅居生活 港人購花園疊墅 贈價值¥25,920高爾夫至尊禮遇*

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年10月18日 - 東莞•海逸豪庭是位於CBD旁優越地段,享有獨一無二專屬山.湖.高爾夫景緻的高級住宅。項目佔地約7,000畝,兩面環山,俯瞰湖景,配備27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—海逸高爾夫球會,成為港人在大灣區的低密度物業優選,備受買家追捧。 和記地產集團有限公司之董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭(右),總經理一公共關係及推廣李惠明(左一)及總經理一市場楊穎新(左二) 隨着粵港澳大灣區融合,東莞已成為創新型高科技城市。經廣東省統計局統一核算,2023年東莞GDP已突破萬億元人民幣,人均GDP達10.934萬元人民幣。東莞的蓬勃發展,除了源於當地深厚的製造業基礎外,還有各大高新技術企業包括華為、OPPO、VIVO、大疆等的進駐,為東莞的極速發展注入源源不絕的動力。 項目臨近約7,000畝的橫崗水庫,坐擁水濂山森林公園、同沙生態園、大嶺山森林公園、東莞植物園等,部分單位可眺望約2,000畝的青翠海逸高爾夫球場,屬度假與退休生活的理想之選;更重要是位於東莞巿內的東華醫院,已納入香港「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」的醫療機構名單,合資格的香港長者已可在該醫院使用醫療券支付費用^。(^資料來源:香港特別行政區政府新聞公報《政府公布「長者醫療券大灣區試點計劃」醫療機構名單》) 精選疊墅,挑高客廳盡顯奢華氣派 山湖疊墅 匠心極品 輕易實現豪華墅居生活 東莞•海逸豪庭為城中珍罕的高品味豪宅地標項目,精心築造背山面湖的優質別墅區。全新一期疊墅依山而建,高低錯落,湖景就在眼前,加上超低密度、超高綠化率及超大面積的綠化公園,是目前市場最為稀缺的山湖疊墅。現正熱賣中的花園疊墅,建築面積約1,356至1,937平方呎,戶型南北通透,方正實用,動靜空間分區清晰。下疊專享獨立花園、地下室空間以及地下專屬車位;上疊客廳挑高約5.6米,更有專屬地下車位、私家花園及頂層天台,彰顯奢華氣派。售價約人民幣295萬元起,豪華墅居生活輕鬆入手。現購買花園疊墅更贈送每戶價值約人民幣25,920元的高爾夫球購房大禮包*,優惠限時限量,名額有限,有效期至2024年10月31日。 項目設有多個大型會所配套 和記地產集團有限公司董事(市場)兼董事(企業業務發展)譚健旭先生對項目充滿信心並表示:「東莞•海逸豪庭位於東莞CBD旁,地段優越,且山湖景觀資源豐富,配套更包括高爾夫球場和學校,在東莞可謂獨一無二,是粵港澳大灣區豪宅市場的新盤佳選。」 花園疊墅建築典雅瑰麗,彰顯不凡氣派 東莞•海逸豪庭 坐擁山.湖.高爾夫精英府邸 海逸豪庭傲踞發展優勢的粵港澳大灣區樞紐地帶,毗鄰東莞國際商業區(CBD),與香港和澳門僅一水之隔,從東莞到香港,高鐵、城際鐵路和城市鐵路運輸便利交匯,交通網絡四通八達。乘搭廣深港高鐵,只需約40分鐘,即可從虎門高鐵站抵達香港西九龍站。另外,從虎門高鐵站到達項目地段,車程僅約20多分鐘(百度地圖顯示),住戶可輕鬆盡享港莞雙城互通的無界生活。 海逸豪庭重磅打造四大豪華會所,包括御峰會所、尊萃會、海逸運動中心及尚都薈,擁有室內外泳池、健身室、籃球場、桌球室、瑜伽室及會所餐廳等,設備齊全,讓住戶盡情享受休閒娛樂、運動鍛鍊及精緻餐飲等多姿多彩的生活體驗。同時,項目更擁有約2,000畝的27洞國際錦標級高爾夫球場—東莞海逸高爾夫球會,同時設有高爾夫球學院、27條有蓋練習場球道及亞洲其中一個最大的推桿練習果嶺。 在項目約5公里範圍內,匯集了涵蓋不同年齡階段的學校,項目內更配有東莞市海逸幼稚園及海逸外國語學校,提供幼稚園至高中一條龍精英教育。購物休閒娛樂方面,三大商圈就在毗鄰,包括國貿商圈、西平商圈及厚街萬達商圈,餐廳商店林立,更有山姆會員商店及東莞迎賓館等,住戶可一站式享受吃喝玩樂與購物的無比便利。 免責條款: 本廣告中所提及的面積均為建築面積。本廣告中所有圖片及文字介紹僅作宣傳、推廣使用,不應視作任何要約,亦不應視為任何買賣合同或房屋租賃合同的任何組成部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準,客觀情況以實地呈現為準。所有購入此項目之業主請向當地教育行政管理部門諮詢瞭解具體情況,各業主之子女可能並不包含入學資格,而均須按正常入學手續申請,並沒有優先考慮或任何豁免等情況。本廣告中所有有關會所設施之資料僅供參考,日後可能因實際需要而作出更改,不應視為任何要約或構成合約其中一部分,一切均以政府有關部門最終審批及實際交付使用時的情況為準。*本廣告中所提及的價值約人民幣25,920元之高爾夫購房大禮包含價值約人民幣8,500元高爾夫練習場家庭年卡、價值約人民幣12,420元高爾夫訓練課程以及價值約人民幣5,000元京東購物卡,優惠限時限量,名額有限,有效期至2024年10月31日。前述贈送安排只限於持有香港永久性居民身份證及居民身份證的成年購房人士。本廣告未盡事宜由東莞冠亞環崗湖商住區建造有限公司予以補充說明,特此聲明。東莞商房預證字第202200026號。銷售顧問:和記地產代理(東惠)有限公司 東莞•海逸豪庭港人專屬品鑑之旅 禮賓熱線:6081 6963 具體品鑑之旅參與條件及費用等詳情請致電禮賓熱線查詢。 Hashtag: #和記地產集團發佈者對本公告的內容承擔全部責任關於和記地產集團和記地產集團為長江實業之附屬公司,致力發展優質住宅、寫字樓、商場、工業、酒店和度假項目。憑藉其豐富的跨國房地產發展經驗,以寰宇視野及前瞻目光,建構了多個標竿項目,在內地約二十個城市包括北京、天津、長春、大連、南京、上海、常州、青島、重慶、成都、武漢、西安、長沙、廣州、佛山、深圳、東莞、珠海、中山和惠州開發、擁有五十多項物業。

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1548 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 14 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月十五日
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