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Jeito Capital strengthens its support in Pulmocide with participation in $52 million financing

The Series C extension round will accelerate clinical development, manufacturing scale-up and pre-commercialization activities of Pulmocide’s lead product candidate, opelconazole Paris, France, December 6th 2022 - Jeito Capital ("Jeito"), the largest fully independent international private equity firm dedicated to healthcare and biopharma, announced today its participation in a $52 million Series C extension financing round in portfolio company Pulmocide, a late-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel inhaled therapies for patients suffering from serious acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Jeito previously led an oversubscribed $92 million raise in Pulmocide, and has since provided continuous support to the Company in line with its unique investment strategy. Jeito participated in the extension alongside new lead investors, Pictet Alternative Advisors and Vivo Capital together with other existing investors, SV Health Investors, SR One, IP Group plc, F-Prime Capital, Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC, Inc., Adjuvant Capital, Asahi Kasei Pharma, Longwood Fund, and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The total raise for Pulmocide’s Series C is $147.5 million. Proceeds from the financing will be used to further fund clinical development, manufacturing scale-up and preparation for potential commercialization of the company’s lead product candidate, opelconazole. Opelconazole is a potent, novel inhaled triazole antifungal being developed for the treatment of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), a disease associated with high mortality and morbidity. The Company has initiated a global registration program to test the compound when given in addition to current standard of care against invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients failing first line therapy. Pulmocide is also conducting a Phase 2b clinical trial using opelconazole as a monotherapy for prophylaxis against aspergillus infections in patients post lung transplant surgery. Dr Rafaèle Tordjman, MD, PhD, Founder and CEO of Jeito Capital, commented: “Pulmocide, our fourth investment, has made significant clinical and regulatory progress since our involvement, and the team continues to accelerate the development of its registration-stage lead product with the aim of delivering a promising new therapy to patients as quickly and safely as possible.” Sabine Dandiguian, Managing Partner at Jeito, said: “Pulmocide continues to make remarkable headway in the field of severe respiratory disease, and opelconazole has the potential to deliver a transformative therapeutic option for patients resisting to existing treatments. Jeito’s further investment in Pulmocide demonstrates our commitment to support the most innovative biopharmaceutical companies and accelerate the development of much-needed treatments for patients. We look forward to continuing our work with Daniel and the team.” Daniel Burgess, Chairman and CEO of Pulmocide. “We are thrilled with the support from both our new and existing investors in advancing Pulmocide’s mission. Together with the $95 million raised last year, we are well positioned to move opelconazole through late-stage development and to prepare to bring this potentially important new therapy to patients desperately in need of new treatment options.” About Jeito Capital Jeito Capital is a global leading Private Equity company with a patient benefit driven approach that finances and accelerates the development and growth of ground-breaking medical innovation. Jeito empowers and supports managers through its expert, integrated, multi-talented team and through the investment of significant capital to ensure the growth of companies, building market leaders in their respective therapeutic areas with accelerated patients’ access globally, especially in Europe and the United States. Jeito Capital has €534 million under management and a rapidly growing portfolio of investments. Jeito Capital is based in Paris with a presence in Europe and the United States. @Jeito_lifeLinkedInFor more information, please visit www.jeito.life, or follow @Jeito_life on Twitter or LinkedIn. About Pulmocide Pulmocide Ltd (www.pulmocide.com) is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of a novel inhaled azole therapy for patients at risk of developing serious complications associated with aspergillosis, such as immunocompromised patients and those with severe pulmonary diseases. The company is currently focused on acute and chronic treatments for pulmonary aspergillosis and its lead product opelconazole is being developed initially for the treatment of IPA. About Pulmonary Aspergillosis The incidence of pulmonary fungal disease has increased substantially over the past two decades with Aspergillus species being the most common pathogen. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates in immuno-compromised patients including those undergoing hematological stem cell or solid organ transplantation (particularly lung transplants) and some patients in critical care, including those with COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis. Aspergillus infection also plays an important role in severe asthma and cystic fibrosis and has been correlated with poorer clinical outcomes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic lung infections with Aspergillus can leave patients with extensive and permanent lung damage, requiring a lifetime of antifungal treatment. About Opelconazole Pulmocide’s opelconazole is a potent novel azole therapy specifically designed for inhaled use to maximize the amount of drug in the lung while providing minimal systemic exposure. This profile is anticipated to enhance efficacy with a low risk for adding to the toxicities and drug-drug interactions seen with systemic antifungal therapies. Under the United Kingdom’s Special Needs provision, opelconazole was found to be generally well tolerated and demonstrated remarkable clinical responses. In this program, patients with a variety of different clinical profiles that had failed previous antifungal treatment options responded well when opelconazole was added to their treatment regimen. Opelconazole has the potential to be useful in a variety of conditions where Aspergillus has been implicated, including chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, cystic fibrosis, severe asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, severe flu, and post-COVID-19-associated lung damage. A late-stage clinical program has been initiated to support registration in patients who have failed prior therapy for IPA. For further information please contact : Jeito Capital Rafaèle Tordjman Assia Mouhout, EA assia@jeito.life Tel : +33 6 76 49 37 94 Consilium Strategic Communications Mary-Jane Elliott / Davide Salvi / Kris Lam / Lucie Foster Jeito@consilium-comms.com Tel: +44 (0) 20 3709 5700 Marion Bougeard marion@achto-conseil.fr Tel : +33 6 76 73 57 31

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1659 加入收藏 :
傑昇雙12年終盛典 期間限定iPhone 14 Pro再降1千

  正式進入年末消費旺季,各大電商及實體通路力拼年終,無不大放折扣優惠,傑昇通信雙12暖身慶接力開跑,今(1)日起至12/4期間蘋果手機iPhone 13、iPhone 14全系列天天降價,其中最夯的iPhone 14 Pro(256GB)直降1,010的優惠回饋果粉,還有三星最熱銷的Galaxy A13下殺7折,本月購機再抽蘋果iPhone 14、vivo V21、任天堂Switch、等多重好康加碼,讓消費者買好買滿。     全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信表示,Q4向來是年終購物旺季,繼雙11檔期過後,雙12也接續登場,還有聖誕節交換禮物的重頭戲,以及歲末年終腳步近,許多企業也開始籌備尾牙禮品,加上隨著確診數不斷降低,即日起戶外配戴口罩規定正式取消,民眾前往實體通路消費的意願更高,傑昇通信預期在各式優惠助攻下,交易熱度持續增溫,買氣也會一路延續到2023年農曆春節。     鴻海鄭州廠生產衝擊 iPhone Pro到貨史上最久   傑昇通信坦言,若非大陸廠產線停擺衝擊,使iPhone 14 Pro系列淪為史上到貨最久的iPhone機型,年末買氣將會更可觀;因此針對雙12暖身促銷開跑,首先祭出蘋果iPhone大降價,原價24,900元的iPhone 13(128GB),最高折抵2,910元;至今仍大缺貨的iPhone 14 Pro(256GB),傑昇通信全台門市現貨供應,購機再折1,010元;標準版的iPhone 14(128GB),活動期間再打9折。     雙12購物節開戰!三星A13下殺7折搶買氣   而傑昇通信雙12暖身優惠吸睛的,除了力抗iPhone 14有功的三星Galaxy A53,另一個熱銷的機型Galaxy A13,購買指定規格容量4GB/128GB下殺7折;另外,OPPO Reno9來台在即,傑昇通信建議沒有新機迷思的消費者,改入手越來越划算的前一代機型,像是活動期間購買Reno8,也有4,300元的超殺折扣。     傑昇寵粉 Sony Xperia 10 IV狂省三千   為替雙12加碼催買氣,主打重量極輕、電力滿滿,一上市就讓人眼睛一亮的Sony Xperia 10 IV,原價12,990元,結帳再打77折,現賺3千元。還有Google今年推出的新機Pixel 7, 12月起還能免費啟用Google One VPN功能,加強手機的網路連線安全,雙12期間入手8GB/128GB規格,傑昇通信只賣16,790元,算是預算相對有限族群的平價新選擇。

文章來源 : 束酷科技媒體股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5464 加入收藏 :

  傑昇通信根據市調機構最新調查顯示,2022年10月台灣實體通路智慧型手機市場較上月挹注10萬台,銷售量共賣出55.2萬台,不僅重回50萬台以上大關,銷售額再成長近三成,整體成績表現亮眼;傑昇通信彙整手機品牌銷售佔比數據後表示,iPhone 14系列新機持續發威,在iPhone 14 Plus加入陣容及iPhone 14 Pro陸續供貨,蘋果以51.6%過半的市占率,持續蟬聯第一,三星則以22.8%排名第二, OPPO則是7.6%,紅米及vivo市占分別為4.4%與3.8%。     蘋果高階機型需求強勁 帶動整體銷量成長兩成以上   全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信從市占五大手機品牌的銷量與銷售額分析,發現10月在蘋果iPhone 14新機持續帶動下,不僅蘋果本月51.6%的市占率過半,品牌整體銷量也較上個月增加32%,更因單機單價提高,銷售額也成長將近四成,不過比對去年同期,仍較iPhone 13上市時銷售額及銷售量減少一成左右。     iPhone 14 Pro、iPhone 14 Pro Max嚴重缺貨   本月蘋果的前三名單機,皆為規格有感提升的iPhone 14 Pro系列,除了近期受大陸代工廠員工暴動影響,來台到貨量大幅降低,就連現在至蘋果官網訂購熱銷全台的iPhone 14 Pro Max,更要等到2023年農曆春節前才有望拿到,反而是iPhone 14 Pro在通路上仍有現貨,且價格還有3%左右的降幅,傑昇通信認為,只在iPhone 14 Pro系列才能體驗到強悍的A16晶片及全新動態島功能,旗艦機的買氣仍會持續到農曆春節。     本月市占排名第二的三星,十月市佔率22.8%,與上月24.2%相比,看似下降1.4個百分比,但因整體手機市場總銷售量的成長,因此品牌銷量也提昇15%;傑昇通信觀察,榜上前三名機型Galaxy A53兩規格及A13(4GB/64GB)都與上月相符,但單機銷量平均大漲超過3成,顯見規格不俗的A系列中階機型,目前通路價格幾乎萬元有找,難怪人氣依舊居高不下。     vivo倒吃甘蔗 品牌銷量提昇、銷售額大漲七成   除了蘋果與三星之外,傑昇通信發現另一個倒吃甘蔗的品牌,則是市占率3.8%,排行第五的vivo,10月顏宇宙新機V25上市,便成為品牌熱銷第一的機型,帶動整體銷量成長45%,銷售額更因此大增七成,低調且驚人的成長速度,令人咋舌;市占率4.4%的紅米,品牌前三名機型與上月相同,銷量及銷售額也有約一成的提昇,反觀市占率7.6%排名第三的OPPO,銷量與銷售額平均下降近1成,也是前五大品牌中下降最多的,預期得到Reno9系列發表,將能再轉動銷量。

文章來源 : 束酷科技媒體股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 7275 加入收藏 :
HKBU joint research develops multifunctional nanoparticle for diagnosis and treatment of glioma

HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 25 November 2022 - A Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) collaborative research team has synthesised a nanoparticle named TRZD that can perform the dual function of diagnosing and treating glioma in the brain. It emits persistent luminescence for the diagnostic imaging of glioma tissues in vivo and inhibits the growth of tumour cells by aiding the targeted delivery of chemotherapy drugs. The nanoparticle offers hope for the early diagnosis and treatment of glioma, especially cerebellar glioma, which is even harder to detect and cure with existing methods. The research team led by Dr Wang Yi, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKBU, has developed a near-infrared persistent luminescence nanoparticle named TRZD for the diagnosis and treatment of glioma. The research results have been published in Science Advances, an international scientific journal. Limitations of existing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches Glioma is the most common form of malignant primary brain tumour, and it accounts for about one-third of all brain tumours. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used to diagnose glioma, but the technology is not that sensitive. Cerebellar glioma, a relatively rare brain tumour, is even harder to detect with MRI. To facilitate early detection and treatment, an alternative method with improved sensitivity and precision is needed to diagnose glioma. Doxorubicin, a chemotherapy agent, is an effective treatment for glioma. However, its application may also damage normal cells, and it is associated with a range of side effects. To enhance doxorubicin's clinical efficacy and minimise its side effects, a novel approach is needed to apply the drug to tumour cells in a more targeted manner. In response to the diagnostic and therapeutic needs of glioma, a research team co-led by Dr Wang Yi, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKBU, and Professor Law Ga-lai, Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has synthesised a novel near-infrared (NIR) persistent luminescence nanoparticle called TRZD, which can play a dual role in diagnostic imaging and as a drug carrier for glioma. TRZD has the characteristic of emitting NIR persistent luminescence after excitation with ultraviolet (UV) light. The basic structure of TRZD is a combination of nanoparticles, loaded with the mesoporous structure of silica, which makes it a good carrier of doxorubicin particles. Its surface is coated with red blood cell membranes to increase its stability, and it is embedded with T7 peptides. T7 peptides have a strong affinity for transferrin receptors which are abundant on the surface of tumour cells, and they can facilitate TRZD's penetration through the blood-brain barrier. An imaging probe for glioma diagnosis The research team evaluated the efficacy of TRZ (i.e. TRZD without doxorubicin) in diagnostic imaging for glioma with a mouse model. TRZ particles were first excited by UV light to initiate luminescence. Mice with tumour tissues injected into their cerebrum and cerebellum were then treated with TRZ. In the following 24 hours, TRZ luminescence was detected at the tumour sites of the mice. However, when the same experiment was conducted with TRZ without T7 peptides, and TRZ without both the red blood cell membrane coating and T7 peptides, no luminescence was detected at the tumour sites of the mice. The results show that the red blood cell membrane coating can prolong the function of TRZ by stabilising the nanoparticle, and it can slow down its natural uptake by the human body. On the other hand, T7 peptides are instrumental in TRZ's penetration into and accumulation in tumour cells, so that it can perform its imaging function for glioma. Dr Wang said: "Our experiment suggests that TRZ is a promising bioimaging agent for the diagnosis of glioma. It was observed that TRZ's luminescence can be detected in tumour cells in both the cerebrum and cerebellum regions of the brain, which is an encouraging result because glioma in the cerebellum region is difficult to detect with existing diagnostic methods. As a result, TRZ offers new hope for the timely and accurate diagnosis of glioma." TRZD inhibits the growth of glioma and extends the lifespan of mice The research team further evaluated the anti-tumour efficacy of TRZD using a group of mice who had had their cerebrum and cerebellum injected with tumour tissues. After applying TRZD for 15 days, the average diameter of their tumours was reduced to 1 mm. They also survived 20 days longer on average compared to the control group, who had not received TRZD. Besides, cell death was observed in the tumour region but not in normal brain tissue. Dr Wang said: "The experimental results indicate that TRZD's therapeutic effect on glioma has good selectivity, because doxorubicin is brought specifically to tumour cells due to T7 peptide's strong affinity with tumour cells' surface receptors and its ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. As a result, doxorubicin can be applied in a more targeted manner, and hopefully its side effects can be minimised with a reduced drug dosage. "We concluded that TRZD demonstrates promising potential, and it could be developed into a new generation of anti-glioma drugs that can perform the dual function of diagnosis and treatment. It also offers hope for the development of treatment protocols for other brain diseases." Hashtag: #HKBUThe issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1751 加入收藏 :
傑昇黑五限定優惠 iPhone 14閃殺88折現賺4千 Google Pixel 6a免萬元

  黑五旋風狂掃,通路及平台持續促銷,傑昇通信也沒放過這波搶客機會,即日起至11/27到全台傑昇通信門市購買活動指定手機,不但祭出黑五瘋狂大減價,而且蘋果、三星等等知名熱銷夯機最低54折起,除了iPhone 14最高現省4千元,近期人氣超夯的三星新機Galaxy A23,只要5,890元就能入手。     黑五商機熱 iPhone 14破天荒再降一波   年末購物季還沒完,全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信幫搶攻黑五購物節商機,全店各品牌手機、平板只要是黑色都有驚喜折扣優惠,尤其是話題不斷的iPhone新機,黑五購物節破天荒降價,iPhone 14(256GB)太空黑色閃殺88折,讓消費者現賺4,010元、以為銷量不如預期,結果實力爆棚的iPhone 14 Plus(128GB)也有2,910元的折扣;供貨吃緊的iPhone 14 Pro(128GB),活動期間指定太空黑、金及新色深紫色,結帳再便宜910元,現貨每人限購一支。     黑五超殺折扣 三星夯機六千有找   想要買便宜三星手機,傑昇通信也有黑五折扣優惠可以搶,有6.6吋大螢幕、5千大電量、5,000畫素四鏡頭主相機,具備OIS光學防手震功能的三星Galaxy A23(4GB/64GB),只要5,890元就能一次擁有續航、拍照、大螢幕!另外,價格非常具有競爭力的vivo Y21s,不僅有184g輕薄好看的外型,6.51吋螢幕還支援藍光護眼模式,一樣有5千大容量電池,5千萬畫素後置三鏡相機,加上內健保護殼與保護貼,定價七千有找,活動期間超殺54折,瘋搶價3,790元。     黑五而已降啥價? 傑昇霸氣Google Pixel 6a免萬元   不僅如此,一直都很熱賣的Google Pixel系列,其中繼承Pixel A系列性價比超高的Google Pixel 6a,更迎來大幅折扣,搭載與旗艦同級的Google Tensor晶片,帶來更強的AI運算力,同時具備IP67防水防塵,傑昇通信黑五破盤價免萬元,買到現賺4千;定價萬元內的OPPO A77也有黑五限定優惠,採用聯發科天璣810處理器,電池容量則是5,000mAh,支援33W SUPERVOOC超級閃充,活動期間至傑昇通信門市購買,入手價5,390元。     除了手機,萬元有找的追劇神器三星Galaxy Tab A8平板,有著極細邊框10.5吋大螢幕,搭載四組杜比全景聲揚聲器,效能也全面升級,較上一代提升10%,內建7,040mAh 超大電量,不僅滿足日常使用需求,同時也能有效提升學習與工作效率,傑昇通信黑五折扣更下殺77折,限時價5,390元。

文章來源 : 束酷科技媒體股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6184 加入收藏 :
這些手機力抗通膨 超強規格一樣五千有找 三星手機免費送200

  雙11閃促一過,還沒買到便宜手機嗎?傑昇通信盤點六款5千元有找的熱門手機,不僅效能好,價格也相當不錯,預算免五千也能換的滿意!而且為了回饋品牌粉絲,11/30前只要持三星手機來全台傑昇通信門市(不限機型、非會員也可以),免費送品牌粉絲200元配件購物金,再享免費手機清潔及手機健診服務。   低價高配的三星Galaxy A13買到賺到   全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信表示,隨著中低階5G處理器陸續推出,各大手機品牌不僅推出價格合理的5G手機,更不斷以高性價比投其所好,想方設法贏得消費者青睞,像是安卓龍頭三星不僅在旗艦市場站穩腳步,低價高配的Galaxy A13(4GB/64GB)有6.5吋螢幕及聯發科天璣700處理器,支援microSD記憶卡,最高可擴充至1TB儲存空間,加上5,000mAh的高續航力可說是最大特色,只要免五千元的甜甜價,就有媲美5G中階手機配置。     平均不到五千 就能買到大電量防水手機   若是換機先以資費高低為優先考量,傑昇通信建議可優先考慮不論是外型或是規格,皆不輸前代的紅米10 2022(4G/128G),擁有5,000萬畫素AI四鏡頭、雙揚聲器及5千大電量更是賣點之一,空機價格降到五千有找,在門市也深受消費者喜愛;一上市就主打6.71吋大螢幕、IP52防潑濺和不輸旗艦等級6,000mAh電池的POCO C40,螢幕夠大、閱讀或瀏覽網頁也相對舒適,已經大電量又支援18W快充,追劇玩小遊戲整天都沒問題,超強規格居然只要兩千多,完全可以無痛入手!     五千有找、還有超強續航 首推vivo Y21s、Y16   傑昇通信看準市場對高性價比手機的需求持續提高,在五千元以下級距,再推薦vivo推出的Y21s,6.51吋螢幕還支援藍光護眼模式,相機則擁有5,000萬畫素三鏡頭設計,原始售價僅6,990元,傑昇通信門市售價四千有找,也很值得擁有;另一款主打高CP值生活娛樂表現的vivo Y16,前置500萬畫素自拍鏡頭,拍照時還能自動調整膚色、臉部細節與特徵,搭配讓追劇、手遊不斷電的5,000 mAh超大電量,不到五千更省荷包。     此外,傑昇通信為了回饋品牌粉絲,不僅手機折扣給的深,免費提供的加值服務也深受消費者好評,特別推出「三星手機粉絲月」活動,邀請品牌粉絲回來免費拿好禮,只要在11/30前持任一型號三星手機至全台傑昇通信門市,就可以免費獲得200元配件購物金,再享免費手機清潔及手機健診服務,還能將iPhone 14系列、三星Galaxy 22及任天堂Switch等多項3C好禮帶回家!

文章來源 : 束酷科技媒體股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5566 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 15 日 (星期六) 農曆正月十八日
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