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To promote collaboration in the integration of smart healthcare information systems, AI technology, and clinical applications, ACE Biotek and Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital signed a MOU on December 7, 2023, followed by an on-site visit. The event was led by Director Chen Ying-Kai, with Vice Director Jane-Dar Lee and other chief physicians present for the exchange. The collaboration between the two parties originated from an earlier healthcare system alliance event this year—the alliance aimed to facilitate cooperation between industry, academia, research, and the medical field. Following a visit and experiential activities led by the Department of Internal Medicine and the Research Department of Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, both parties engaged in in-depth discussions on smart healthcare. Subsequently, they formalized their collaboration by signing the MOU and outlining plans for future cooperation. As part of the MOU and visit, ACE Biotek arranged a special presentation showcasing smart healthcare products, including the UniiForm Digital Handwriting System, InfinityAI & Einthoven ECG patch, applications of smart upload systems (ophthalmology, anesthesia, physiological monitors), sharing on trauma care and military medical practices, and Terahertz (THz) detection technology. Director Chen Ying-Kai of Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital emphasized, "At the current stage, our hospital envisions achieving the level of a medical center and is dedicated to developing distinctive medical services, implementing holistic care, and initiating smart healthcare for precise quality care. The hospital is currently constructing a new medical building, scheduled to be completed in the year of 2025, to safeguard the health of the military and civilians in central Taiwan. ACE Biotek has demonstrated outstanding effectiveness in AI smart healthcare integration solutions. Through this collaboration, we hope to leverage the clinical expertise of our hospital and the research and development capabilities of ACE Biotek to jointly build a smart hospital and personalized healthcare, striving to enhance patient safety and the efficiency of healthcare professionals." President Steve Hsu of ACE Biotek stated, "ACE Biotek has accumulated successful healthcare system development and integration cases in over 50 hospitals in Taiwan. We focus on structuring medical data and electronic medical records for various specialties, achieving efficiency gains in the workforce, and improving the utilization of medical data. Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital has excellent healthcare professionals and is crucial in providing enhanced medical services to soldiers and their families in the central region. ACE Biotek anticipates creating multiple benefits for the smart healthcare industry through collaboration, leveraging our elite software and hardware engineering teams, and the expertise of healthcare professionals and knowledge in the medical field at Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital." Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, the central military medical center in the central region, has been recognized through the regional teaching hospital evaluation by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. It boasts outstanding specialist physicians, advanced and comprehensive medical equipment, a digital medical environment, continuous improvement in teaching and research, and enhanced patient services. ACE Biotek, transitioning from 3C to medical industry, combines its experience in wireless communication hardware and software integration with AI platform technology to develop smart healthcare upload solutions. The signing of this MOU marks a milestone in the development of "Smart Healthcare Information System Solutions and AI Software Applications." About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown for more than 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. Originally, ACE Group formed ACE Solution as its first foray to focus on wireless communication, networking hardware, and customized system integration projects. Driven by President Steve’s vision to improve healthcare quality, he built the ACE Biotek building from the ground up and officially founded ACE Biotek in 2018. ACE Biotek integrates the past 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. In order to achieve the early diagnosis of diseases, we have developed smart medical solutions regarding imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology so far. Long term, ACE Biotek will expand globally to serve as a platform to cultivate talents and support tech companies to transform into Medtech. Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park) Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
為促進智慧醫療資訊系統方案、AI人工智慧技術與臨床應用結合之合作,筑波醫電與國軍臺中總醫院於2023年12月07日假新竹筑波醫電大樓辦理MOU合作備忘錄簽署儀式暨實地參訪,活動由陳盈凱院長領軍,帶領李建達教學副院長等主任醫師長官蒞臨交流。 雙方合作機緣源自於今年初之醫療系統聯盟活動,此聯盟為促進產官學研與醫界醫療媒合,由國軍臺中總醫院內科部部長及教研室主任率領醫院智慧醫療發展團隊參訪筑波醫電,進行交流與體驗活動。會後雙方對智慧醫療具體化進行研討,簽訂MOU與後續合作方案。本次筑波醫電之MOU暨參訪活動,特別安排智慧醫療產品導覽,向本院同仁分享展示Uniiform智慧電子病歷系統、InfinityAI+愛多芬心電圖貼片、智慧上傳系統應用(眼科, 麻醉科, 生理監視器)、戰傷救護與軍陣醫療分享、太赫茲THz檢測技術等。 國軍臺中總醫院陳盈凱院長強調:「現階段國軍臺中總醫院以『達到醫學中心等級的醫療服務』為願景,並以『發展特色醫療,落實全人服務』及『啟動智慧醫療,精準照顧品質』為目標,本院目前正在新建醫療大樓,預計於114年完工,為守護中臺灣軍民健康而努力。筑波醫電在AI智慧醫療整合方案成效卓著,此次締約合作,期許後續透過本院的臨床專業和筑波醫電的研發能量相互結合進行合作,協助打造智慧醫院及個人精準醫療,為提升病人安全與醫護工作效率攜手努力。」。 筑波醫電許深福董事長表示:「筑波醫電在國內智慧醫院發展之醫療系統與整合已有超過50家醫院成功案例,針對各科別之醫療數據結構化、病歷電子化,達成節省人力作業及提升醫療數據運用之成效。國軍臺中醫院有優秀之醫護人員,提供中部地區官士兵、軍眷更精進之醫療服務,扮演重要角色,筑波醫電期許以我方之軟硬體工程團隊菁英、國軍臺中總醫院之專業醫師及醫療領域知識為智慧醫療產業創造多方效益」。 國軍臺中總醫院為中部國軍醫療中心,獲行政院衛生福利部通過區域級教學醫院評鑑合格,以優秀專科醫師、新穎完善醫療設備、數位醫療環境、持續精進教學研究及提升病患服務。筑波醫電從3C到三醫轉型,結合無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、AI平台技術開發智慧醫療上傳方案,本次MOU簽署為雙方領域優勢,為「智慧醫療資訊系統方案及AI人工智慧軟體應用」發展奠基里程碑。 關於筑波醫電 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。 連絡筑波醫電 筑波醫電股份有限公司Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd.地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區)電話:+886-3-5500909E-mail: service@acebiotek.com網站:https://www.acebiotek.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/ 關於國軍臺中總醫院 國軍臺中總醫院創設於1946年,當時駐地於山東省青島市,名稱為聯勤一0四後方醫院,1949年因國軍整編遷移至福建省福州市,更名為聯勤第六總醫院,同年又遷移至澎湖縣,隸屬國防部陸海空第八總醫院,1950年至1955遷移至台中市,隸屬聯勤總部第三總醫院,1955至1980年改編隸屬陸軍第八0三總醫院,1980至1995年遷移至現址臺中市太平區,1995年迄今因改編隸屬國防部,院名也更改為國軍臺中總醫院。 本院為國軍醫療中心,獲行政院衛生福利部通過區域暨教學醫院評鑑合格,在人員設施方面:有充足優秀之專科醫師 (含教育部審定合格之教師九員) 、新穎完善之醫療設備、舒適寬敞之醫療環境;在病患服務方面:具有幅員寬廣之停車空間、持續精進之醫學研究、縮短病患等候之流程改善、全方位之服務,定期定點巡迴醫療及供民眾查詢之服務網路等,在安全維護方面:消防設備及建物申報均已完成簽證及核備、推行事業安全,每年均獲自護 (績優) 單位表揚。鑑於醫療環境及水準之提升本院亦致力於各項設施之整建如:計劃中之門診區擴建、洗腎室擴建、心導管及呼吸治療病房擴建等,期以更精進之醫療服務提供中部地區官兵、軍眷及健保之最佳醫療照護,增進醫病關係,提高病患滿意度。 聯絡國軍臺中總醫院 臺中總院:411228 臺中市太平區中山路二段348號電話:(04)2393-4191#12傳真:(04)2392-7146中清分院:404313 臺中市北區忠明路500號電話:(04)2203-3178#12傳真:(04)2203-8719
ACE Biotek, in collaboration with Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, participated in the "Taiwan Healthcare Expo," showcasing the latest advancements in smart healthcare solutions. This year's highlighted innovations include the Eagle Park 100 for ophthalmology, the Spark Smart Anesthesia Record System, and the Uniiform Smart Handwriting System. These technologies underscore Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital's exceptional capabilities in smart healthcare. Attendees had the opportunity to experience firsthand the practical applications of these innovations within a hospital setting. Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital joined forces with partners such as ACE Biotek, Shin Kong Security, Shin Shin Clinic, Health Management Center, Orient EuroPharma, and Far EasTone Telecommunications to exhibit the fruitful results of their smart healthcare initiatives. A key highlight of the exhibition was the digitization of ophthalmology paper records. After eye examinations, thermal paper prints were traditionally attached to paper records and sent to the consultation room. The Eagle Park 100, in conjunction with DS-4000 technology, uploads instrument data to the hospital's cloud. Once the patient's examination, doctors can view the data and use Uniiform for hand-drawn diagnostic annotations, streamlining the data structure and simplifying the consultation process. Furthermore, the expo featured a demonstration of the Spark Smart Anesthesia Record System, which aims to enhance the accuracy of handwritten surgical records during procedures. Spark digitizes anesthesia forms using iPads, replacing traditional paper-based methods. The DS-100A gateway receives data from various medical devices, recording anesthesia events in real-time. Used with the Apple Pencil, this system completes handwritten information entry, contributing to the digitization of anesthesia information and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. ACE Biotek looks forward to expanding smart hospital systems' application and research projects through the MOU with Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital. The company is dedicated to advancing AI modeling and the application of Terahertz (THz) technology in pharmaceuticals and biomedical testing. As Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital Chairman Eugene Wu stated in February 2023, this year marks the hospital's digital transformation, aiming to integrate digital technology into various medical processes comprehensively. The ongoing construction of the second medical building is expected to establish an internationally recognized smart healthcare hospital. Leveraging strengths in hardware and software integration, ACE Biotek aims to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare field, contributing to establishing a paradigm for digital healthcare transformation in Taiwan. About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown for more than 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. Originally, ACE Group formed ACE Solution as its first foray to focus on wireless communication, networking hardware, and customized system integration projects. Driven by President Steve’s vision to improve healthcare quality, he built the ACE Biotek building from the ground up and officially founded ACE Biotek in 2018. ACE Biotek integrates the past 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. In order to achieve the early diagnosis of diseases, we have developed smart medical solutions regarding imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology so far. Long term, ACE Biotek will expand globally to serve as a platform to cultivate talents and support tech companies to transform into Medtech. Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park) Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
筑波醫電與新光醫院攜手參與「Taiwan Healthcare Expo 台灣醫療科技展」,展示智慧醫療的最新成果。今年聯手展出的智慧醫療解決方案包括 Eagle Park 看得健100眼科系統、Spark 智慧麻醉紀錄系統、Uniiform 智慧手寫輔助系統,突顯新光醫院在智慧醫療領域的卓越亮點。本次亦讓參與的貴賓實際體驗這些創新技術在醫院應用的效果。 新光醫院今年與筑波醫電、新光保全、昕新智慧診所、新光健檢中心、友華、遠傳等夥伴攜手展示智慧醫療的豐碩成果。本次展覽的一項重要亮點是眼科紙本病歷的數位化,以往眼科檢查後需印出熱感紙,貼附於紙本病歷後送至診間,但這種方式無法長久保存且需等候病歷遞送。看得健100結合 DS-4000 技術將檢查儀器資料上傳至醫院雲端,病患檢查完成後,醫師即可查看檢查數據,並使用 Uniiform 做手繪圖診斷,使檢查數據結構化並簡化看診流程。在本次展覽中,我們讓參與的貴賓體驗眼科檢查與手繪診斷的完整過程。 此外,展覽中還演示了 Spark 智慧麻醉紀錄系統的應用。為提升手術過程中手寫手術紀錄的正確性,Spark 將麻醉表單數位化(使用 iPad 平板),取代了傳統的紙張方式。 DS-100A 資料上傳閘道器接收多端醫療設備的資料,即時記錄麻醉事件和內容,結合 Apple Pencil 完成手寫資訊輸入,將手術麻醉資訊數位化,有助於醫護人員更專注於病人的照護。 筑波醫電期望透過與新光醫院MOU的基礎,拓展智慧醫院系統的應用與研究案,進一步推動 AI 人工智慧建模應用和太赫茲(THz)技術在藥錠及生醫檢測上的應用。新光醫院董事長吳東進於2023年2月表示,今年是新光醫院數位轉型年,將全面推動數位科技導入各項就醫流程。目前第二醫療大樓正在興建中,預計將打造成國際級智慧醫療醫院。筑波醫電將充分發揮軟硬體整合的優勢,滿足醫療場域的需求,共同建立我國數位醫療轉型的典範。 關於筑波醫電ACE Biotek 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。 連絡筑波醫電 筑波醫電股份有限公司 Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd.地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區)電話: +886-3-5500909E-mail: service@acebiotek.com網站: https://www.acebiotek.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
2023標竿活動-新竹臺大分院智慧醫療參訪 新竹臺大自成立以來一直秉持成為醫學中心及智慧醫療典範的願景,積極推動智慧醫療及智慧流程轉型,極力與產官學研結盟加速推動智慧醫療發展。HST台灣智慧醫療創新整合平台、醫策會特別與新竹臺大舉辦「新竹臺大分院智慧醫療參訪交流」,筑波醫電為HST平台會員之一,獲選為代表企業之一分享跨領域及醫院使用經驗。 匯集產官學菁英 聚焦智慧醫療場域實務 本次參訪活動包含醫策會王拔群執行長、洪聖惠副執行長、新竹臺大余忠仁院長等長官,參與對象包含國內代表性醫療機構,亦邀請英國在台辦事處、海洋大學、生醫商品化中心等。筑波醫電介紹從3C到3醫的企業轉型歷程,並分享目前代表性的智慧醫療上傳方案:Uniiform手寫系統、Spark智慧麻醉系統、看得健100智慧眼科系統、智慧牙科平板、InfinityAI、愛多芬ECG貼片等。藉由不改變使用者習慣的設計,將手寫繪圖電子化、結合DS智慧上傳閘道器解析儀器資料定時上傳,結構化儀器數據,降低人工失誤並減輕醫護人員負擔。 太赫茲技術-最後一個被人類探索的電磁波波段 除了智慧醫療整合方案,筑波醫電的核心技術為太赫茲(Terahertz, THz),又稱兆赫波,為特定電磁波波段,介於5G毫米波與紅外線之間,波長為0.03-3mm,頻率為0.1-10THz (1012),可用於工業應用、藥錠成分與劑量分析、病理切片等學術研究,筑波更結合AI技術提供軟硬體整合檢測方案。 本次活動透過跨域交流、展示體驗,讓醫院長官了解應用於大量手繪圖科別如:牙科、眼科、五官科等,Spark適合麻醉科手術麻醉事件與用藥紀錄。筑波醫電已參與醫策會活動如:國家醫療品質獎(NHQA)攤位展示,並於世界病人安全日向海內外醫療機構線上分享案例,期望未來能與醫策會、各醫院攜手為提升我國智慧醫療目標而努力。 關於筑波醫電 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。 連絡我們 筑波醫電股份有限公司Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. 地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區) 電話: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com 網站: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
筑波醫電運用AI技術所開發的「雙眼龍熱像儀與O-Ring淨手機」,獲得好評與肯定,本次榮幸受邀在「2022/06/16-18台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(Medical Taiwan)」與科管局合作展出,展示如何運用全球頂尖的AI臉辨識引擎 FaceMe®,幫助企業導入AI人臉辨識技術,在疫後期間躍升智慧安防行列。 After COVID19的疫後期間,企業如何確保持續運營及員工安全?雙眼龍AI熱像儀能在0.5秒內動態偵測10-30人以上,超過37.5。C溫度會有警示音、拍照、錄影,也具備整合口罩辨識、人臉辨識、人流計次或者醫院TOCC查詢。相較許多傳統紅外線熱像儀,須等候反應時間或只能單人偵測,雙眼龍結合可見光+紅外光篩檢,提供「無接觸、精準、安全」優勢,提供高規格多功能all in one整合。人臉辨識已導入各科技大廠,尤其是超過5,000位的員工出勤和門禁管理,可辨識員工身份、紀錄上班時間,大幅降低人力成本與接觸感染風險。 本次展覽期間雙眼龍展示於新竹科管局攤位,獲得長官及來賓的認可,先前雙眼龍已導入新竹科學園區管理局使用,並協助新竹縣政府衛生局10場以上疫苗接種活動。筑波醫電亦把防疫擴展至國際,應用於桃園機場入境篩檢時第一道防線把關,並獲邀至2021年外貿協會舊金山辦事處雙十國慶晚宴,展示給500位VIP貴賓體驗使用。 筑波醫電結合過去20年豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗,開發各項智慧醫療及防疫方案,雙眼龍能整合串接現有使用者的資訊系統,彈性擴充功能如雲端監控、異常溫度遠端通知,在軟硬體設計上皆能為使用者彈性調整,切合用戶需求。
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