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符合「silicon photonics」新聞搜尋結果, 共 37 篇 ,以下為 25 - 37 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
探索全球光學矽光子學市場趨勢和機會:專訪Quantifi Photonics銷售副總Daniel Henmi

台灣新竹- 2023年8月21日 -筑波科技和Quantifi Photonics於日前共同舉辦一場有關光學通訊及矽光子學的研討會。此次活動邀請Quantifi Photonics銷售副總Daniel Henmi作為傑出演講嘉賓之一,筑波科技專訪Daniel洞悉產業的關鍵趨勢。   Daniel擁有超過25年的測試測量專業資歷,基於Quantifi Photonics具有高度潛在市場性故轉向光學矽光子學領域。Quantifi Photonics作為領先的光纖測試解決方案製造商,已在超過25個國家為各大科技公司、研究機構和大學提供20年以上服務。   Daniel強調光通訊市場重要趨勢和成長潛力:「線上遊戲、金融服務和人工智慧等行業是推動數據傳輸需求的先驅,預計到2028年光學市場將翻倍增長。新材料的出現和產業對混合信號測試亦帶動需求增長。矽光子學平台和材料帶來的機會包括:利用新的組件系統(如三維光子學)進行測試和收發器應用,作為支持新興材料和技術(如薄膜鈮酸鋰、鈦酸鋇和電光聚合物)的整合平台。矽光子學在光纖收發器供應鏈的應用預計從2022年24%增長到2028年44%。這種主流技術有助於實現線性驅動即插即用光學模組和共封裝光學技術」。針對光學矽光子學市場面臨的挑戰,Daniel特別分享向供應鏈和客戶提供服務的重要性。的目標專注於為終端客戶提供成本效益高、低功耗的解決方案,不影響效率和功效,使其與同業有所差異,適用性和達成測試目標是成功的關鍵因素。   筑波科技為客戶提供本地支援,是與Quantifi Photonics合作在生產中的關鍵作用。Quantifi Photonics具成功部署各行業和創新應用案例,憑藉其混合信號測試解決方案的專業知識,從筑波科技的系統整合能力受益,為臺灣、中國和東南亞地區的客戶提供訂製解決方案。雙方的結盟協同作用能即時回覆客戶需求並提供靈活、訂製的解決方案。台灣、中國和東南亞地區的地理優勢亦使雙方能與全球知名品牌公司進行接軌。   因應市場變動需求,筑波科技和Quantifi Photonics有望未來5-10年實現長期合作關係綜效,持續致力於協助客戶成功實現創新解決方案,結合彼此優勢開創光通訊解決方案的新時代。由於高數據傳輸需求持續蓬勃成長,消費者、軍事至終端客戶產品的增長潛力巨大,可在大中華地區建立至少五個以上有代表影響力的用戶成功案例。   聯絡筑波科技 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話:03-5500909 電子郵件:service@acesolution.com.tw 網站:https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/   Quantifi Photonics - HEADQUARTERS 地址:12-14 Parkway Drive, Rosedale, Auckland, New Zealand 電話:+64-9-478-4849 電子郵件:sales@quantifiphotonics.com 網站:www.quantifiphotonics.com   關於筑波科技(ACE Solution) 筑波科技(https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/)成立於2000年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案,以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,通過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲領域,擁有專業的技術支援團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。   關於Quantifi Photonics Quantifi Photonics設計並製造供研發工程師和製造商使用的測試和測量設備。該公司提供通用的光子測試解決方案,如激光器、光譜分析儀和功率計,並專注於測試矽光子學、共封裝光學(CPO)和可插拔收發器。Quantifi Photonics的產品用於測試光子集成電路(PICs)、光學引擎和可插拔光學收發器,並針對製造環境中的高密度、高通道數的應用進行優化。該公司還提供用於相關光通信、光子多普勒測速和光脈衝分析的獨特解決方案。了解更多信息,請訪問www.quantifiphotonics.com。  

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 8330 加入收藏 :
ITRI Set to Strengthen Taiwan-UK Collaboration on Semiconductors

HSINCHU, Taiwan, June 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The newly established Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) in the UK has recently released the UK's National Semiconductor Strategy. Dr. Shih-Chieh Chang, General Director of Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Laboratories at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan had an initial exchange with DSIT. During the exchange, Dr. Chang suggested that Taiwan can become a trustable partner for the UK and that the partnership can leverage collective strengths to create mutually beneficial developments. According to the Strategy, the British government plans to invest 1 billion pounds over the next decade to support the semiconductor industry. This funding will improve access to infrastructure, power more research and development and facilitate greater international cooperation. ITRI offers consultation services for advanced packaging pilot lines, facilitates pre-production evaluations, and strengthens supply chain resilience. Dr. Chang stressed that ITRI looks forward to more collaboration with the UK on semiconductors to enhance the resilience of the supply chain. While the UK possesses cutting-edge capabilities in semiconductor IP design and compound semiconductor technology, ITRI has extensive expertise in semiconductor technology R&D and trial production. As a result, ITRI is well-positioned to offer consultation services for advanced packaging pilot lines, facilitate pre-production evaluation, and link British semiconductor IP design companies with Taiwan's semiconductor industry chain. "The expansion of British manufacturers' service capacity in Taiwan would create a mutually beneficial outcome for both Taiwan and the UK," said Dr. Chang. The British Office Taipei stated that the UK has been increasing collaboration with Taiwan on semiconductors over the last few years. In 2020, the Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult (CSA Catapult) signed a memorandum of understanding with ITRI, paving the way for a long-lasting collaborative partnership. The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is also focusing the Digital Trade Network in Taiwan to increase the UK's capability to support semiconductor trade and investment. Recognizing ITRI as a crucial driving force for Taiwan's semiconductor industry development, the British Office Taipei looks forward to more cooperation with ITRI for technological innovation, supply chain collaboration and stronger partnership. Dr. Chang indicated possible collaboration that can be forged to align the goals of the UK's National Semiconductor Strategy and the positive impact to expect. ITRI, he suggested, can assist in establishing relevant pilot lines by introducing necessary resources to address existing gaps or offering consultation services covering design, packaging and testing prior to mass production. This would help reduce the UK's reliance on external suppliers and thus create job opportunities. To minimize the risk of supply chain disruptions, the linkage of Taiwan's complete semiconductor industry chain can significantly enhance the UK's resilience in the global market as more comprehensive solutions can shorten time-to-market for innovative products and accelerate overall industrial development. Other than the collaboration with CSA Catapult on GaN semiconductor technologies, ITRI partnered with a renowned British semiconductor equipment manufacturer in 2021, resulting in achievements in areas such as HBLED, MEMS, Micro LED, silicon photonics, and nanoscale analysis. In the same year, ITRI worked with a leading British semiconductor IP manufacturer to jointly build a platform that assists startup companies in leveraging key patents to develop competitive new products. Based on the fruitful results, ITRI is set to expand its collaborative efforts with the UK in 2023, creating win-win opportunities for both sides. About ITRI Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is one of the world's leading technology R&D institutions aiming to innovate a better future for society. Founded in 1973, ITRI has played a vital role in transforming Taiwan's industries from labor-intensive into innovation-driven. To address market needs and global trends, it has launched its 2030 Technology Strategy & Roadmap and focuses on innovation development in Smart Living, Quality Health, and Sustainable Environment. It also strives to strengthen Intelligentization Enabling Technology to support diversified applications. Over the years, ITRI has been dedicated to incubating startups and spinoffs, including well-known names such as UMC and TSMC. In addition to its headquarters in Taiwan, ITRI has branch offices in the U.S., Europe, and Japan in an effort to extend its R&D scope and promote international cooperation across the globe. For more information, please visit https://www.itri.org/eng.        

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3760 加入收藏 :

洞悉化合物半導體產業趨勢 近年來化合物半導體特別是碳化矽(SiC)、氮化鎵(GaN)等新材料,除了應用於消費性電子外,在車用動力系統及電源管理有獨特優勢,其耐高電壓、高電流之特性,可因應電動車、綠能零排碳、5G、雷達及資料中心等多種終端應用。筑波科技自2022年起攜手美商泰瑞達辦理多場化合物半導體研討會,提供跨產業平台供經驗交流。   2023年度跨界交流會於新竹竹北盛大登場 今年度第二場跨界盛會於4月28日新竹筑波醫電大樓登場,本次活動由美商泰瑞達Teradyne、筑波科技主辦;國立陽明交通大學NYCU、科磊KLA、優貝克ULVAC、皮托科技PITOTECH、光電科技工業協進會PIDA協辦。演講主題從WBG市場切入,再深入探討堅韌材料、SiC與GaN晶圓MA測試解決方案、多重物理耦合模擬技術加速第三類半導體研發與成長、電動車用SiC功率元件之動態量測與可靠度分享。   筑波科技代理泰瑞達Eagle Test System (ETS) 系列產品,結合20年無線通訊整合經驗,為半導體廠商提供完整測試Total Solution,並於台灣與深圳辦公室設立半導體中心 (Engineering Center),本次活動讓貴賓一窺系統實際運作。會中更藉由五大產品展示與交流,包含GaN/SiC PMIC/IGBT測試、光通訊(Silicon photonics)、Wafer及材料非破壞性測試、設備租賃服務與5G方案等,讓現場觀眾眼見為憑、線上同步體驗。   沙龍論壇聚共創產學鏈生機 本活動尾聲以沙龍論壇畫下完美句點,由鴻海研究院半導體研究所HHRI、科磊、筑波科技、優貝克、漢鼎智慧科技公司領導貴賓互動。筑波科技在此活動不僅分享半導體市場及ETS系統特色,更額外分享Quantifi Photonics光通訊應用、TZ-6000太赫茲用於晶圓之非破壞檢測以及租賃服務等,能提供多樣客製化測試整合方案。           關於筑波科技 筑波科技 (https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/) 成立於 2000 年,位於台灣新竹,在中國蘇州和深圳設有分公司。我們的使命是提供訂製的測試解決方案以滿足電氣元件、設備和系統製造商的客戶需求,透過合作夥伴提供技術解決方案。我們專注於射頻、毫米波和太赫茲,擁有專業的技術支持團隊,提供專業、創新和多功能的綜合技術和解決方案。   連絡我們 筑波科技股份有限公司ACE Solution, Co., Ltd. 地址: 新竹縣竹北市台元街28號2樓之1 電話: 03-5500909 E-mail: service@acesolution.com.tw 網站: https://www.acesolution.com.tw/en/index/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACERFSolution

文章來源 : 筑波科技股份有限公司 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 15129 加入收藏 :
Eoptolink Showcasing Industry Most Power-Efficient 800G Optical Transceivers at OFC 2023

CHENGDU, China and FREMONT, Calif. , March 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd. (SZSE: 300502), a leading provider of optical transceiver solutions and services, has announced that it will showcase its newest and most power-efficient 800G optical transceivers at OFC 2023.  Eoptolink's latest offering includes an 800G OSFP DR8 module based on TFLN, paired with a 5nm DSP with an integrated TIA. This transceiver delivers an industry-leading power consumption of just 11.2W, setting a new standard for power efficiency. The DSP directly drives the TFLN, resulting in outstanding optical transmitter performance. The company has continuously pushed the power limits of high-speed transceivers, and it is currently sampling the second generation of 800G DR8+ and 2xFR4 silicon photonics-based transceivers. These transceivers use the advanced in-house PIC and 7nm DSP with integrated TIA, delivering power consumption of <14W from 0°C to 70°C. Eoptolink has also launched 5nm DSP-based EML and silicon photonics 800G transceivers with power consumption of <14W from 0°C to 70°C. "Low power consumption is a crucial parameter in data transmission, and we are committed to offering customers the best power-class performance transceiver solutions," says Dirk Lutz, Distinguished Engineer at Eoptolink. "We are thrilled to showcase our latest results at OFC." A live demonstration all these low power 800G transceivers will be shown at Eoptolink's booth #3327 at OFC 2023 in San Diego. For Media Enquiries:  James Zhangjames.zhang@eoptolink.com      

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3444 加入收藏 :
OpenLight Introduces 224G InP-based Modulator to Advance PIC Designs for Datacom Market

New Modulator Increases Speed and Scale to 224G/λ for Future High-Speed Applications MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenLight today announced that it developed and successfully demonstrated a 224G InP-based modulator available for Tower's PH18DA platform. Measured as part of a fully operational photonic integrated circuit (PIC), OpenLight extended the speed of its PAM4 modulator and demonstrated a PAM4 224G eye. This new 224G modulator is integrated on a demonstration PIC with a heterogeneous integrated laser and other required silicon photonics components to enable a full transmitter. Fabricating these components on a heterogeneous SiPh platform enables significant gains in yield, decrease of production complexity, and improved performance.  Datacom customers can now extend their multi-lane DR and FR based datacom designs to 224G per wavelength, doubling overall speed without increasing PIC cost. "This new modulator doubles the speed of every PIC," said Dr. Adam Carter, Chief Executive Officer at OpenLight. "For instance, our 800G DR8 PIC which was recently announced can become a 1.6T PIC (8x200G). Alternatively, a 400G DR4 PIC can now deliver 800G with four lanes. Our latest offering allows datacom customers to not only prepare for the future, but also keep up with the growing need for increased connectivity speeds." "Our partnership with OpenLight continues to augment capability offered to all our silicon photonics foundry customers," said Dr. Marco Racanelli, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Tower Semiconductor's Analog Business Unit. "OpenLight's technology through Tower Semiconductor allows customers to achieve 224G operation on a silicon photonics platform and achieve the same benefits offered by on-chip lasers and optical gain without the need for separate lasers and costly attachment methods." "200G modulation is a key building block and critical path to the delivery of next generation Ethernet speeds based upon 200G/lane," said Jim Theodoras, Vice President of Research and Development at HGGenuine USA. "This is not just a 200G modulator, but one that is available in a hybrid photonic integrated circuit. Next generation Ethernet cannot be delivered at the power and densities being requested by datacom customers without photonic integrated circuits, and we are happy to partner with OpenLight on their industry leading PIC technology that will enable not just 1.6T today, but also 3.2T in the near future."   "As the demand for higher data rates continues to grow unabated, the development of advanced technologies to meet these needs becomes ever more crucial," said Sameh Boujelbene, Vice President Datacenter and Campus Ethernet Switch Market Research at Dell'Oro Group. "200G/channel optical links will be crucial in bringing 1.6Tb and 3.2Tb optical links at the right density and power consumption in parallel with the release of next generation Serdes for use in a variety of architectures to support the massive bandwidth scaling required for cloud, AI/ML and HPC applications."  OpenLight is now offering early access packages for its 224G modulator, enabling customers to begin designing PICs based on the latest modulator offering. Evaluation vehicles will be made available later this year for customers to enable testing of OpenLight's 224G modulator.  To get in touch with OpenLight for die-level sample availability and pricing, please reach out to info@openlightphotonics.com.  About OpenLightOpenLight has decades of experience in photonics design. Our executive and engineering teams are delivering the world's first open silicon photonics platform with integrated lasers to improve the performance, power efficiency, and reliability of designs for telecom, datacom, LiDAR, healthcare, HPC, AI, and optical computing applications. With over 200 patents, OpenLight is bringing optical solutions to places it has never been before and enabling technologies and innovation that weren't previously possible. The company is headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA with offices in Silicon Valley. Read more at www.openlightphotonics.com. 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1017 加入收藏 :
Eoptolink Launched 1.6T and 800G Optical Transceivers by Using 200G/lambda Optics

CHENGDU, China and FREMONT, Calif. , March 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd (SZSE: 300502), a leading provider of optical transceiver solutions and services, today announces that it will be showcasing its latest products at OFC 2023. Among the products to be demonstrated are industry-leading 1.6Tbps and 800Gbps modules that offer 200Gbps per lambda. The next step in the evolution of Intensity Modulated-Direct Detect (IM-DD) Optics is the increase of data rate from 100Gbps to 200Gbps per wavelength. The benefits are lower cost per bit, lower power consumption and higher capacity. Eoptolink will be demonstrating 200Gbps per lambda modules based on EMLs, and Silicon Photonics modulators as well as Thin-Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN) modulators. Eoptolink 1.6T module, based on a 4x FR2 in OSFP-XD form factor with a 4x SN connector interface, uses an electrical interface of 16x 100Gbps signals and an optical side with 4x 400G FR2s. Each 400G FR2 interface uses two 200G wavelengths of 1291nm and 1311nm, requiring fewer modulators and lasers and resulting in lower power consumption. These modules can support a transmission distance of up to 2km and can be used for 1.6T point-to-point connectivity or 2x800G or 4x400G breakout applications. The 800G DR4, FR4 and 2xFR2 modules use 8x 100Gbps signals on the electrical interface and four 200G wavelengths on the optical interface. "The move to 200Gbps per lambda is the next step in the evolution of IM-DD optics, and we're excited to be leading the way in this market," said Sean Davies, Eoptolink VP of US Sales. "Our latest modules offer increased capacity, lower cost per bit, and reduced power consumption, making them ideal for a wide range of applications." A live demonstration of these products will be shown at Eoptolink's booth #3327 at OFC 2023 in San Diego. For Media Enquiries:  James Zhangjames.zhang@eoptolink.com  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 915 加入收藏 :
2025 年 2 月 13 日 (星期四) 農曆正月十六日
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