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Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 7, 2024 – ACE Biotek is at the forefront of smart hospital development in Taiwan, focusing on digital integration systems for ophthalmology, anesthesia, and electronic medical records. These advanced healthcare solutions have been successfully implemented at Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and other leading healthcare institutions across Taiwan, receiving widespread acclaim. ACE Biotek has been invited to exhibit its solutions at the 2024 Healthcare Expo Taiwan from December 5 to December 8. We warmly invite industry professionals to visit our booth and experience the technology firsthand. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the future of healthcare! The EP100 Ophthalmology Recording System (EaglePark100) can connect with ophthalmic examination equipment, allowing patient data and examination results to be directly displayed on tablet devices, eliminating the need for thermal paper printing and achieving structured data management and a paperless workflow. It supports real-time data transfer among multiple roles, including attending physicians, assistant doctors, nurses, and examination rooms, enhancing clinical efficiency. The user-friendly interface also enables physicians to hand-draw diagnostic illustrations. The Spark Surgical Anesthesia System digitally integrates data processing for pre-, intra-, and post-operative care across nursing and anesthesia departments, supporting medication management and surgical protocols. It achieves a "real-time and comprehensive collection of physiological monitor and anesthesia machine data." Leveraging medical AI and big data analysis, the system can seamlessly connect with hospital HIS, surgical, and billing systems, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy by recording real-time anesthesia events and medical interventions. Exhibition Highlights: 🏥 Spark Surgical Anesthesia System 📝 EP100 Ophthalmology Recording System (EaglePark100) 💡 DS Data Integration System Exhibition Information: 🌟Location: TaiNEX Hall 1, Booth J118 @ Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital ACE Biotek is seeking collaboration with hospitals and international system integrators (SIs). We welcome healthcare institutions and SI partners from around the world to visit and discuss potential technical and business partnerships. 👉🏻 Booth Tour spots are limited and will be arranged based on availability, so please register early: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSci4DL2BZeePk-xAcF-wSOk6284zsjLEA7pzCdBC3InGQqfPA/viewform Contact: Jenny Lin (Marketing Assistant Manager) jenny_lin@acebiotek.com +886-3-5500909#3407/ +886-922168765 About ACE Biotek Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown for more than 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. Originally, ACE Group formed ACE Solution as its first foray to focus on wireless communication, networking hardware, and customized system integration projects. Driven by President Steve’s vision to improve healthcare quality, he built the ACE Biotek building from the ground up and officially founded ACE Biotek in 2018. ACE Biotek integrates the past 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. In order to achieve the early diagnosis of diseases, we have developed smart medical solutions regarding imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology so far. Long term, ACE Biotek will expand globally to serve as a platform to cultivate talents and support tech companies to transform into Medtech. Contact ACE Biotek Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. Address: No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park) Phone: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com Website: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
台灣新竹,2024年11月07日 – 筑波醫電引領我國智慧醫院發展,專注於眼科與麻醉數位化整合系統及電子病歷系統的開發。相關智慧醫療方案已成功應用於新光醫院及多家國內具代表性的醫療機構,廣受好評。筑波醫電受邀參加2024年12月5日至12月8日台灣醫療科技展,將於現場展示方案,誠摯邀請各界人士蒞臨體驗與指教。 看得健100眼科數位紀錄系統 (EP100) 可串接眼科檢查儀器,讓病患資料與檢查數據直接顯示於平板裝置,無需列印感熱紙,實現數據結構化與無紙化管理。此外支持多角色協作如:主治醫師、協作醫師、護理師與檢查室之間的即時資料傳輸,提升看診效率。人性化界面可輔助醫師手繪診斷。 Spark手術麻醉系統則數位化整合護理部與麻醉部在手術前、中、後資料處理,並支援藥物管理與手術模式,實現「即時且完整收集生理監視器與麻醉機資料」。結合醫療AI大數據分析,可靈活對接醫院的HIS、手術系統及批價系統,提升作業效率與準確性,即時記錄麻醉事件與醫護處置。 展出亮點: 🏥 Spark手術麻醉系統 📝 EP100眼科數位紀錄系統 (看得健100) 💡 DS數據上傳整合系統 展覽資訊: 🌟地點:台北南港展覽館一館,攤位:J118 @新光醫院 尋找合作醫院、國際醫療系統整合商 (SI) 合作夥伴,誠邀國內外醫療院所、SI商蒞臨參觀。歡迎各界夥伴蒞臨,討論技術及商業合作 👉🏻 Booth Tour名額有限,將依實際狀況安排,請及早報名:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSci4DL2BZeePk-xAcF-wSOk6284zsjLEA7pzCdBC3InGQqfPA/viewform Contact: Jenny Lin (Marketing Assistant Manager) jenny_lin@acebiotek.com +886-3-5500909#3407/ +886-922168765 關於筑波醫電ACE Biotek 筑波醫電大樓是董事長許深福先生驅動內心的寄望及理念,依據建築設計師、施工團隊及同仁們很科學的作品。是筑波人多年來文化、創意技術的展現,是筑波全體同仁長久對生醫產業接軌國際平台的堅持。筑波科技集團以豐富的無線通訊軟硬體整合經驗、結合半導體晶片、醫學影像演算法、雲端技術、人工智慧、臨床醫師專業、法規驗證與專利技術綜效,著力於人們早期病變篩檢系統的精準醫療設備產品研發與生產。期望不但可以減少病患及家人的遺憾,並開拓台灣本土精密無創微創醫檢設備能量且推廣於國際,更建立台灣從3C到三醫(醫才、醫技、醫材)的產業鏈轉型平台與人才的培育之目標。 連絡筑波醫電 筑波醫電股份有限公司Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd. 地址:30261新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 (新竹生醫園區) 電話: +886-3-5500909 E-mail: service@acebiotek.com 網站: https://www.acebiotek.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/30620922/admin/
A12 藝術空間
ophthalmology digital record system
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