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JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Focused on financial inclusion through digital credit innovation, leading Indonesian fintech company JULO has launched an innovative KliKilat feature - which means Flash Click in English - that provides a speedy and convenient transaction experience with just one click. This feature is available for a whole set of transactions including bank transfers, utility bills payments, phone credit top-ups, e-commerce payments, train ticket bookings, and tuition fee payments in the JULO app. Flash Click (KliKilat) Feature on JULO Provides Convenient Repeat Transactions With Just One Click Providing financial access is an ongoing challenge in Indonesia with an underbanked population of 47 million. JULO, a pioneer in Indonesia's consumer lending space since 2016 has launched multiple innovations to drive financial inclusion. The Flash Click - KliKilat feature enables JULO customers nationwide to perform repeat transactions seamlessly from the app home page by utilizing stored credentials without having to input complicated information, amounts or tenures. This new convenience has been rolled out with an even greater focus on data security. "For seamless, convenient, and secure Flash Click transactions, we have put strong authentication measures in place and have added layers of convenience which allow customers to perform repeat transactions while adjusting their transaction amount," said Manoj Awasthi, Chief Technology Officer of JULO. Ujang, a JULO user from the Sukabumi area says, "I have been using JULO for 2 years, mainly for my child's education needs. I can use the credit limit to buy new shoes and books. There are a lot of needs that can be easily covered with JULO". Herwin, another JULO user who works as an entrepreneur said, "JULO has been supporting me since the pandemic, when my business wasn't doing well. Now, I can use JULO to quickly top-up my e-wallet and grow my business on e-commerce platforms," "Our aim is to make the JULO app an integral part of our customer's daily lives. With this new Flash Click - Klikilat feature, customers can carry out repeat transactions quickly, easily and securely, making digital credit truly convenient," said Nimish Dwivedi, Chief Business Officer of JULO. Established in Indonesia since 2016, JULO has been focused on financial empowerment through continuous product innovation to promote accessible and comprehensive digital credit access. About JULO JULO is a leading fintech company that is revolutionizing access to financial products for millions of emerging consumers in Indonesia. The company is one of the first to develop a digital data-driven credit underwriting and risk assessment platform to process consumer credit applications and determine their creditworthiness using its mobile app. Founded in 2016, JULO has expanded nationwide. JULO is based in Jakarta and is backed by leading investors including Credit Saison, Skystar Capital, Saratoga Investama, East Ventures, Quona Capital, Central Capital Ventura, MDI Ventures, Gobi Partners and others. JULO has been officially licensed as the provider under OJK circulation No KEP-16/D.05/2020 on 19 May 2020. JULO has been downloaded more than 10 million times and has facilitated credit access to more than 1 million of customers. JULO has won several awards namely; Winner of Indonesia Fintech Festival (2016), Winner of UN Fintech Challenge (2018), and Winner of Inclusive Fintech 50 (2019). For more information, visit https://www.julo.co.id
這項最新一輪融資鞏固了公司作為行動產業數位化先驅公司的地位,並且為進一步成長與創新奠定基礎 以色列特拉維夫和加州帕羅奧圖2023年6月28日 /美通社/ -- NoTraffic,領導性的行動平台,今天宣布成功完成由 M&G Investments 帶領的 5000 萬美元 B 輪融資,參與者包含 VNV Global 及 UMC Capital 以及現有投資者 Grove Ventures、Vektor Partners、Next Gear Ventures、North First Ventures、Meitav Investment House、Alchimia Investmentshttp://www.umccapital.com/en 以及 TMG。 新一輪融資讓 NoTraffic 能夠加速其成長動力,增加生產、研發及銷售進入新的全球市場,包含日本、意大利、德國與英國。 NoTraffic 的核心基礎設施市場目前正經歷著巨大的順勢成長和迄今為止最成功的時期,而這是部分地歸功於 1.2 兆美元的美國基礎設施法案。除此之外,一些結構性因素繼續驅動行動領域對數位化轉型的需求,其中最重要的是減少交通死亡、舒緩每年成長 12% 的道路雍塞以及減少 CO2 道路排放的迫切需要,這些占美國總數的 29%。 NoTraffic 藉由其有效、實用且經濟的解決方案來良好地支持這種數位化轉型。 自 1914 年以來,交通管理幾乎沒有變化,大多數交通信號仍然按照預先設定的計時方案來運作。 藉由在現有基礎設施上進行改造的無縫可佈署解決方案,NoTraffic 提供首創的人工智慧平台與軟體定義的 SaaS 平台相結合,讓交通部 (DOT) 及其他利益相關者能夠以即時方式管理交通。 作為滿足所有行動需要的單站式商店,並且減少對有限相互操作性的昂貴的傳統垂直解決方案的相互依賴度,NoTraffic 提供了前所未有的第一個行動市場,能夠存取多種服務來增強安全性、數據分析、效率、偵測等等。 同時,透過利用部署在信號交叉路口、衝突點或複雜道路上的智慧型感測器網路,該平台讓交通當局及基礎設施營運商能夠完全地控制並優先處理各式交通運輸的交通流量 — 包含汽車、自行車、公共汽車、行人等等。 NoTraffic 運用邊緣計算技術,開創了無與倫比的軟體定義基礎架構,推動本地及雲端層級兩處的即時決策訂定。 「NoTraffic 準備將交通管理提升到其遺留基礎設施邊界之外。就如同行動電話擾亂了他們的固定業務般,Apple 的 AppStore 打開了通往大量新應用程式、商業模式與收入池的大門。 NoTraffic 的 SaaS 平台的設計目的是要在類似地創建獨特的見解及功能,能夠靈活地提供給利益相關者而無須更改基礎架構,」NoTraffic 的聯合創始人兼首席執行官 Tal Kreisler 說。 「這項融資是我們革新今日的交通管理方式並且啟動下一代高級行動服務以協助讓我們的基礎設施更佳地適應於自動駕駛汽車的崛起的使命又向前邁進一步。」 NoTraffic 快速地將任何信號交叉路口轉變為雲端連接且動態的網路,它能夠瞭解任何給定區域的完整交通圖以瞬時地回應於所有的道路使用者。 該系統將 NoTraffic 專有的智慧型邊緣感測器所產生的數據與聯網且自主性車輛 (V2X) 數據以及其他的數據來源融合且共享,藉以即時地管理交通流量。 這項技術讓道路使用者和交通基礎設施之間的通信成為一個轉折點,而且有機會成為下一代行動性崛起的一個基本里程碑。 M&G Investments 的 Carl Vine 表示:「NoTraffic 正在解決長期存在的城市問題,並同時採取關鍵步驟來為聯網自動駕駛車時代做準備。」 「NoTraffic 明顯的價值主張獲得其強大的商業模式與清晰的未來願景的支持。 我們相信該公司能夠擴展其尖端技術解決方案,藉以在這個令人激奮且重要的領域中佔據重要份額。 以此進行,NoTraffic 將能讓我們的城市環境更清潔、更安全、更有效率,」來自 M&G Investments 的 Catalyst 團隊的 Praveg Patil 補充說。 NoTraffic 與合作夥伴和經銷商網路合作來支援地方與州交通部門提供一個有效率且可負擔的平台,而該平台能夠與現有的基礎設施無縫整合。 它目前佈署在北美地區的許多地方,包含加州、德州、賓州、科羅拉多州、喬治亞州等地,每天為數百萬司機提供服務。 公司的創新技術在 2022 年獲評為 TIME100 最具影響力公司。 關於 NoTraffic NoTraffic,世界領先的行動平台開發商,其使命是數位化交通運輸骨幹並且簡化下一代交通行動性。 該公司的端到端、即插即用的自主性交通管理平台運用人工智慧和邊緣計算將信號化的城市交叉路口重新配置為一個完全自動化且雲端連接的樞紐。 安裝作業不到 2 小時,平台即可對所有的道路使用者進行分類,包含 – 私人車輛、大眾運輸、緊急服務、行人等等 – 並且據此即時地回應交通狀況,減少出行時間和排放,提升安全性。 NoTraffic 位列於《時代》雜誌最具影響力的 100 家公司榜單內,深受北美主要州的信任,同時與 AT&T 和 Rogers Communications 等主要通信巨擘構成策略性合作夥伴關係。 該公司是由 Tal Kreisler、Uriel Katz 和 Or Sela 於 2017 年創立。 若欲瞭解更多關於 NoTraffic 的資訊,請前往:https://www.notraffic.tech 關於 M&G Investments M&G Investments 從包括其 Catalyst 策略在內的基金中進行這項投資。 Catalyst 是一項全球性的靈活策略,投資於為因應世界上一些最大的環境和社會挑戰具有創新解決方案的公司。" M&G Investments 是 M&G plc 的一部分,M&G plc 是一家儲蓄與投資公司,管理超過 4250 億美元的資產 (截至 2023 年 3 月 31 日)。 M&G plc 在英國、歐洲、美洲及亞洲擁有客戶,包括個人儲蓄戶和投資者、人壽保險保單持有人和養老金計劃成員。關於進一步資訊,請前往: https://global.mandg.com/ Media ContactMike KatznelsonHeadline Mediamike.katznelson@headline.media IL: +972 58 428 8810US: +1 914 373 7841
香港2023年6月28日 /美通社/ -- 香港權威財經媒體《香港經濟日報》於6月26日舉辦了首屆「香港經濟日報企業大獎 HKET Excellence Awards 2023 」頒獎典禮,香港特區行政長官李家超出席典禮並與獲獎企業代表合影留念。長橋證券(Longbridge 長橋)憑藉卓越的科技創新實力榮獲「傑出金融科技證券商」大獎,贏得專業評審團的一致認可。 「香港經濟日報企業大獎 HKET Excellence Awards 2023 」旨在表揚過去一年在各行業中擁有出色表現、對香港及大灣區經濟或社會發展帶來貢獻和卓越成就的企業。評審團由各個領域包括政府部門、行業協會、傳媒機構及教育界別等的專業人士組成,對入圍企業進行嚴格評估和篩選。 圖為長橋證券(香港)總裁曾冠杰上台領取「傑出金融科技證券商」大獎。 長橋證券(香港)總裁曾冠杰於頒獎典禮後訪問中表示:「感謝經濟日報對長橋證券科技實力的認可,作為一家科技型互聯網券商,長橋證券會投入更多資源在金融科技創新上,通過科技賦能金融,讓更多投資者獲得領先的投資體驗,並真正享受港美股交易『 終生免佣』的平台承諾。我們希望未來能為本地投資者提供更加豐富的全球投資機遇和服務。」 長橋證券始終力求為本地投資者提供更好用的港美股投資應用程式和更優惠的「終生免佣」費率,先後榮獲香港交易所(HKEX)頒發「創新信息商」、香港投資推廣署(InvestHK)優質企業引入案例等榮譽,以及本地知名機構頒發的「創新港美股投資應用程序」大獎。長橋證券 App「Longbridge」數度打入香港 App Store 理財榜 Top 20,受到眾多香港投資者的認可與喜愛。 作為領先的金融科技券商,長橋構建了許多獨家特色功能體驗,如「Live Trading」,投資者可以邊「睇盤」,邊看其他投資者的觀點、最新資訊等,然後直接在圖表中找到更好的投資時機並直接下單。此外,「全景」和「供應鏈圖譜」等特色功能,也因爲能直接幫助投資者發現更多真實可信的投資機會而備受歡迎。今年,「AI + 金融」成為行業關注的焦點,長橋證券亦是香港第一個面向投資者推出「財經智能助理 PortAI」的券商,提供金融投資相關的問答、總結能力,為投資者帶來全新的財經資訊閱讀體驗。 憑藉科技創新帶來的效率提升,長橋證券敢於為客戶提供真正的港美股「終生免佣」,同時推出低門檻免費獲取全美實時行情、更具靈活性的購買力、更優惠的孖展利息等優惠政策。此外,長橋亦提供多元化的投資機會,在港美股市場中提供包含股票、美股期權、場內衍生工具、ETF、REITs、基金等超過 32,000 種可交易的金融產品,為用戶帶來豐富的全球投資機遇和優質服務。 關於長橋證券 Longbridge 長橋是來自新加坡的新一代社交型券商,由來自新加坡、香港的資深金融管理者,以及來自阿里巴巴、字節跳動等全球 Top 科技企業的技術專家所創立。截至目前,長橋證券經紀業務於全球四地包括香港、美國、新加坡及新西蘭已獲批逾 20 張金融合規牌照或資質,自主研發相關專利國際授權量超百件。長橋證券致力於通過金融科技的創新應用,為每一位投資者打造更好用的港美股投資工具,助力每一個人都能以更低門檻、更低費率獲得更加豐富的全球投資體驗。長橋證券(香港)有限公司為香港證監會認可的持牌法團(中央編號:BPX066),持有第 1、4、9 類牌照。
A unique blend of modern lifestyle and luxurious comfort, this three-row SUV makes every ride a fun-packed journey with versatile seating options, V2L capability, advanced technologies, and more. SEOUL, South Korea, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- From the very first sketch to the moment the first model rolls off the production line, the new Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. Kia's engineers and designers are passionate in their belief that the interior of a vehicle must be so much more than simply fit for purpose to transport occupants safely and efficiently from A to B. The cabin of a vehicle is, after all, where the driver and passengers spend their time and engage most closely with a vehicle. That's why Kia's design philosophy Opposites United is dedicated to the creation of exceptional interiors to transcend conventional thinking and inspire customers. That means providing premium comfort, wellbeing, and technology for all occupants, not just the driver, to elevate the in-vehicle user experience to new levels. And nowhere is this approach more elegantly and effectively expressed than inside the brand's new flagship EV9 electric SUV. The EV9's unique mix of advanced assets and exceptional dimensions has created a vehicle with a truly family-friendly character that empowers the large SUV to transform every journey, whether it's a short drive to the shops or a week-long vacation road trip, into an enjoyable and engaging experience. Space innovation takes travelling to a new dimension The EV9's generous dimensions, remarkable spaciousness, sophisticated design, and high-quality trim enhance the sense of wellbeing of all occupants. 'Luxe living room on wheels' concept delivers quantum leap in seating configurations Equipped with premium quality lounge-style seats, the EV9 opens up new levels of comfort, versatility and flexibility. Work and play wherever the road takes you With its exceptional spaciousness and stowage capacity, the EV9 is designed to enable families to take lots of equipment with them wherever they travel. It also enables them to power whatever gear they bring. Alive with technology to enhance every journey The EV9 provides an ultra-modern, zero-emission, yet thoroughly enjoyable driving experience by placing emphasis on comfort, wellbeing, and experience of occupants in all three rows. To read the full article, visit the Kia Global Media Center at www.kianewscenter.com The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families. The Kia EV9 electric SUV has been created to deliver new standards of space, practicality, flexibility, comfort, and technology to meet the needs of millennial families.
Reports reveal insights into the world's leading journals - more than 9,000 quality journals from more than 3,000 publishers receive a Journal Impact Factor for the first time LONDON, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a global leader in connecting people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their world, today released the 2023 update to its annual Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR)™. This annual release identifies more than 21,500 high-quality academic journals from across 250+ scientific and research disciplines. Only journals that have met the rigorous quality standards for inclusion in the Web of Science™ index are selected, to ensure that users can confidently rely on the information and data provided to foster and support collective community goals to adhere to research integrity norms. For nearly half a century, the information released in the annual Journal Citation Reports has been trusted by the global academic community as a reliable resource for identifying leading journals in their fields. It provides clarity of key citation impact trends, powered by a range of indicators, descriptive data and compelling visualizations, enabling meaningful comparisons and insights. The annual reports incorporate a variety of metrics, including the widely recognized Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF)™ and the Journal Citation Indicator. Clarivate advocates that journal editors and the wider scholarly community make use of the broad contextual information provided alongside the Journal Impact Factor to present a comprehensive view of a journal's influence. This year for the first time, all Web of Science Core Collection™ journals that passed the rigorous Web of Science quality criteria and were accepted before January 1, 2023, were eligible to receive a Journal Impact Factor. By expanding the JIF to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI), more than 9,000 journals from more than 3,000 publishers now have a JIF for the first time. This indicator helps the scholarly community more easily identify trustworthy, high-quality journals that have been selected by the Web of Science editorial team. Selection is only granted to journals that have met the 24 rigorous quality criteria applied on evaluation. Just 15% of journals evaluated by an in-house editorial team pass this high-quality bar. Furthermore, the JCR 2023 release presents the JIF with one decimal place, rather than three. This move to one decimal place introduces more ties, which will encourage users to consider additional indicators and descriptive data when comparing journals. The Journal Citation Indicator – a normalized journal-level metric – is emphasized for easy interpretation and cross-disciplinary comparison. Dr. Nandita Quaderi, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President of the Web of Science, Clarivate, said: "As part of our ongoing commitment to providing transformative intelligence and trusted content, all quality journals in the Web of Science Core Collection are now eligible for a Journal Impact Factor. The JIF was introduced in 1975 as a measure of scholarly impact and was restricted to journals in the sciences and social sciences. As fraudulent behavior has intensified in scholarly publishing, there is an increasing need for markers of trustworthiness. In this year's JCR release we expand the JIF from only the most impactful science and social science journals to journals across all disciplines that have passed our rigorous quality evaluation. This means the JIF is now a reliable indicator of trustworthiness, as well as a measure of scholarly impact, at the journal level." Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President for Research & Analytics, Academia & Government at Clarivate added: "Research integrity is crucial for ensuring the credibility, reliability and trustworthiness of the scientific and scholarly record. It is of paramount importance to us at Clarivate that our data in the Web of Science citation index and the JCR metrics derived from it are accurate and reliable for the purposes of research discovery and assessment. This year we have taken significant additional steps to foster research integrity in the Web of Science as we seek to uphold the highest ethical standards and proactively contribute to the maintenance of public trust in scientific and scholarly research." Key highlights from the 2022 data include: More than 21,500 high-quality journals from 254 research categories and 112 countries are identified and receive a JIF. This includes: 13,668 science journals 7,123 social science journals 3,248 arts & humanities journals More than 5,600 journals publish all their content as open access 9,136 journals receive a Journal Impact Factor for the first time The JCR is based on 2022 data compiled from the Web of Science Core Collection, the leading collection of quality journals, books and conference proceedings in the world's largest publisher-neutral global citation database. Publications are evaluated by a global team of in-house editors at Clarivate using rigorous selection criteria. The data from selected content are then carefully curated to ensure accuracy in the JCR metrics, together with a wide body of descriptive data. These insights enable researchers, publishers, editors, librarians and funders to explore the key drivers of a journal's value for diverse audiences. Clarivate is proud of its commitment to deliver unbiased, publisher-neutral information, which does not promote or endorse any specific publishers. This enables confident decision-making for a wide group of stakeholders including publishers, academic institutions, funders and researchers. Each journal profile in the JCR provides a rich array of journal intelligence metrics, allowing users to filter and rank journals by category. These metrics include: The Journal Citation Indicator, which represents the average category-normalized citation impact for papers published in the prior three-year period The Immediacy Index, which measures how frequently the journal's content is cited within the same year as publication Cited half-life, which is the median age, in years, of items in the journal that were cited during the JCR year The Journal Impact Factor, which scales the citations received to recent content by a measure of the size of the journal's scholarly output In addition, the Journal Citation Reports include descriptive data such as availability of open access content, top contributing institutions and regions To explore all available data, metrics and analysis visit the Journal Citation Reports. For further insights into this year's release, please refer to our series of blogs. The changes to the 2023 release apply from this year forward; no changes will be made to data from previous years. About ClarivateClarivate is a leading global information services provider. We connect people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their perspective, their work and our world. Our subscription and technology-based solutions are coupled with deep domain expertise and cover the areas of Academia & Government, Life Sciences & Healthcare and Intellectual Property. For more information, please visit clarivate.com Media contact:Rachel Scheer, External Communications Director, Academia & Governmentnewsroom@clarivate.com
AUM Asset Management Ltd. is awarded Best Investment Management Company Malta, Most Innovative Investment Solutions Provider Malta and Most Sustainable Fund Manager Malta Winners of the International Business Magazine Awards are selected based on a panel of research analysts and industry experts AUM Asset Management Ltd.'s core focus on ESG investing is highlighted by the three awards SLIEMA, Malta, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- AUM Asset Management Ltd. ("AUM"), an independent investment management company that offers investment and fund solutions, asset management and advisory services within an ESG ("environment, sustainability and governance") framework to institutional investors and family offices around the world, today announced that it received three 2023 awards from International Business Magazine for its investment and asset management solutions and environmentally sustainable approach to investing. The 2023 awards AUM Asset Management Ltd. received are: Best Investment Management Company Malta Most Innovative Investment Solutions Provider Malta Most Sustainable Fund Manager Malta AUM Asset Management was founded in 2015 by Jean-François de Clermont-Tonnerre and is domiciled in Malta. The firm provides traditional, alternative and real-asset investment solutions to global institutional, family office and high-net-worth investors, employing a diversified investment approach that incorporates a variety of investment strategies, markets, geographies and asset classes into a flexible and nimble investment framework. Investments included in AUM's portfolios are determined by their potential return profile and specific ESG factors. AUM incorporates sustainability as a core factor in all of its investments. International Business Magazine is a global publication founded in 2018 and based in the United Arab Emirates that provides timely news and data regarding finance, business and technological innovation to investors, C-suite executives, key finance industry stakeholders, policymakers and government officials. The Annual International Business Magazine Awards recognise and celebrate best-in-class achievements among those who have distinguished themselves in the global business and finance communities and award recipients are chosen by a panel of industry research analysts and experts. "We are grateful to International Business Magazine for recognising our team's achievements in our core business areas—investment management, fund solutions and ESG investing. Our goal as a firm has always been to deliver innovative investment solutions that directly support our clients' investment and sustainability goals," said Jean-François de Clermont-Tonnerre, AUM's founder. "The independent and global structure of our firm allows us the flexibility to be opportunistic in our investing approach and employ alternative and real asset investment strategies that deliver consistent returns over time, yet with a central focus on ESG factors that will also bring about positive change in the world." "Our clients believe it is important to incorporate ESG and SDG factors into their investments and recognise the power they hold to support these principles by choosing investment managers that employ thoughtful investment practices," said AUM's Chief Executive Officer, Roberta Bonavia. "At AUM, these principles are central to our investment mandate and are the lens we apply to each stage of our investment process and approach. Our investments reflect deeply held ESG and UN SDG doctrines, while building our clients' wealth over time. We are honoured to receive these three awards from International Business Magazine and look forward to continuing to deliver on our promise to our investors of doing well while doing good in the world." ABOUT AUM ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD. AUM Asset Management Ltd. is an independent investment management company based in Malta that provides investment and fund solutions, asset management and advisory services to institutional investor and family office clients around the world. The firm seeks consistent growth of clients' wealth using a thoughtful, ESG-centric approach to investing that has a positive impact on the environment and society. AUM Asset Management's investment strategies include: global macro, merger-arbitrage, quantitative, fundamental, technical and real assets. The firm seeks to identify the most high-value traditional, alternative and real-asset investment opportunities around the world and combines a top-down, macro approach with bottom-up company analysis to deliver best idea investment opportunities based on their risk-return profiles and ESG characteristics.To learn more: www.aum-am.com Media Queries:Catherine Polisi JonesChief Marketing Officercjones@polisijones.com Investor Queries:Roberta BonaviaAUM Asset Management CEO+356 (2713) 9851rrb@aum-am.com
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